MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 13

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She is an eavesdropper.

Yes, the pair of headphones she was wearing wasn't playing music at all, it was just a decoration to cover up.

Her interest is to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, and it just so happens that people in this class have more or less interesting rumors, so she should have a lot of information.

If possible, I would like to set her up as an information acquisition point in the school.

"Yeah... So Ji Lianbing likes that type of boy? Many boys are going to be disillusioned now."

The boy standing on the other side was named Luo Yingliang, with hair that looked like weeds, and a pair of glasses with thick lenses. He looked serious... But he was actually a voyeur.

When I originally heard this information, I thought he was a visual animal like those stinky men, but later I found out that he seemed to be just 'watching without being discovered', and he didn't have the self-awareness of voyeurism.

He should have also seen a lot of unusual things, but he just pretended not to know... The scheduled second intelligence acquisition point.

"I don't think I like it! It's impossible to confess so casually..."

"I said that I wanted him to be my boyfriend, was it serious?"


After hearing my words, Lan Hua was stunned again, mumbling like a broken puppet.

"How, how could it be? It's obvious that An Juncheng is such an ordinary guy, let alone a girlfriend, he doesn't even have ordinary friends... I'm in a daze during class... I always stay in the library... I still like to watch An otaku who loves novels and comics, likes to drink coffee, and only uses 0.7-type mechanical pencils... There are two younger sisters at home, and the relationship between siblings is average. My father is a surgeon and my mother is a funeral director... The only teacher who has a good relationship is Ms. Xiaozhen. Teacher He one likes him at all...there are still people...or could..."

Ouch, the words in your heart have leaked out, right?

The voice was very low, and the speed of speech was very fast, as if I had clicked on fast-forward playback, which caused me to not hear a part of it clearly.

It's some information about An Juncheng. The content is too detailed. I remember that Lan Hua should have no contact with An Juncheng, but Lan Hua has already mastered An Juncheng's personal information to such a degree...weird.

Could it be that this is Lan Hua's abnormality?

"Haha... Cheer up, Lan Hua. Didn't An Juncheng agree yet? You still have a chance."

Gao Yingnai must have heard this sentence completely, and she seems to already know the abnormality of Lan Hua. So he didn't show a frightened expression, just patted her on the back and smiled bitterly to comfort her.

Lan Hua recovered a little bit of energy, shook his head and clenched his fists and said, "Well... that's true, there is still a chance! I want to investigate his private life more deeply!"

Luo Yingliang pushed the spectacle frame beside him and muttered silently, "I think you should contact him first so that he can get to know you too..."

Hearing this suggestion, Lan Hua's cheeks flushed red, and he quickly waved his hand to reject it.

"No, no! As soon as he looked at me, I was so nervous that I couldn't speak!"

"I knew...hey, I can't even start this way..."

"Ah ha ha…"

Luo Yingliang seemed to have expected Lan Hua's reaction long ago, and sighed and shrugged, expressing helplessness.

Oh, so that's the case... Is Lan Hua a stalker?

Gao Yingnai smiled wryly and said to me: "In short, that's it, classmate Ji Lianbing. My Xiaohua also takes that wood as a target, and you will be opponents in the future."

"Who made him a target! I don't like him!"

Even at this time, he was denying it. Sure enough, Lan Hua didn't realize it yet? so cute~

"Hehe, I won't be merciful, okay?"

"It's not comparable at all. Just like Lan Hua, it doesn't even count as delivering food, only to be killed in seconds."

"What did you say!"

"No, I didn't say anything!"

Luo Yingliang hurriedly closed his mouth to prevent misfortune from coming out of his mouth.

"However, that wood is also strange. After being confessed by a beautiful girl like you, Lianbing, he ran away... Are you shy?"

"Yeah... I'm weird too."

Sure enough, it looks very strange in the eyes of others. After being confessed by me, he ran away? He was the first and probably the last.

Just like that, An Juncheng didn't return to the classroom until the break time was over. And I walked into the classroom behind the teacher, so I couldn't talk to him.

Quietly waited until the bell rang for the end of get out of class, then he suddenly stood up and followed the teacher out of the classroom.

Do you want to escape again?

Hmph, I won't let you escape easily this time!

I got up and left my seat and went to the door of the classroom. I saw An Juncheng walk to the end of the second floor, then turned left and entered the men's room. you want to play this set?

If you think that this can stop me, then you think too simple.

I followed An Juncheng's path and walked to the men's toilet in a leisurely manner, because I showed a very natural appearance, and no one noticed that I was going wrong.

The two boys who were excreting in front of the urinal all looked like they had seen a ghost when they saw me barging in. One of them even drenched his hands on the thigh of the boy next door.

So dirty, so small.

I didn't speak, just smiled at them, and walked directly to the door of the last toilet.

The other boys hurriedly left the toilet, whispering swear words in their mouths, it seemed they knew me.

Even in such a dirty place, I can still smell his 'smell'.

An Juncheng must be hiding in this compartment.

I knocked on the door of the compartment twice, and his voice came from inside.

"I'm sorry, I'll be out right away..."

This time, he must be right. I directly opened the door of the toilet cubicle, maybe because he didn't expect me to enter the men's toilet. The cubicles were not locked.

When he opened the door, he saw An Juncheng who had raised his trousers halfway. His big mouth seemed to be able to drop an egg.

"Oh? Are you in such a hurry? I'm about to take off my pants when I see it, it makes me both happy and shy..."

Oh, oh, this size is not too small...

An Juncheng, who only reacted at this time, hurriedly lifted his trousers, while tying his belt, he shouted at me, "This is the men's toilet!"

"I don't want to do such a thing either, but who told Juncheng that you don't care about others?"

At this time, I have to pretend to be wronged and make him feel pity and love, so that he will accommodate me.

But it seems that An Juncheng is not confused, he just said lightly, "How about we go out and talk?"

Is it taking into account my image? Really considerate.

But then it won't achieve the effect I want. Of course, the more people who know about me breaking into the men's toilet to talk to you, the better.

"No, it's fine to talk here? There's nobody there anyway, I don't care."

He rolled his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched. This kind of expression is called the expression of egg pain. When a man is depressed, does the **** really hurt? If it really hurts, men have a very hard life, just like our menstruation.

"I have something to say, please go out immediately, I also need convenience."

I ignored his indifferent attitude, took two steps forward and entered the toilet cubicle and locked the door so that no one would disturb us.

"Hmm... It doesn't matter, Juncheng, it's convenient for you. Anyway, it won't affect our conversation, right?"

"Please don't call me by my name. I'm not that familiar with you, right? Classmate Ji Lianbing."

His tone became a bit colder again, and his favorability toward me seemed to have decreased again. Does he not like girls like me? Well, it doesn't matter...

"Ah~ I'm really happy to remember my name~"

"So, what is your purpose? Why did you suddenly start pestering me?"


It seems that he thinks I have ulterior motives for approaching him, although that is indeed the case. Men who are too sharp are not likable, right? Classmate Jun Cheng.

"Of course it's because I like you, Juncheng."

An Juncheng raised his eyebrows and said, "How could you possibly like me?"

I curled my hair and replied, "You're not me, so how do you know that I don't like you?"


Seeing him go silent, I bent down and approached his face. At a very close distance, while drawing a circle on his chest, I said, "Actually, Juncheng, you are very happy, right? The beautiful girl confessed, no one will be unhappy, right?"

The breathing became a little faster. Sure enough, even if the mouth is not forgiving, the body is still following its instinct~

Haha, do you dislike the attributes of integrity? So arrogant~

An Juncheng adjusted his breathing, closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes became extremely serious.

The atmosphere has changed.

"No, on the contrary, I am not only not happy, but also a little troubled... Could you please let me go?"

"Let me"

Why did you let it go...? Not 'give up', but 'let go'?

"Any questions?"

"No... It's nothing. I was just thinking, Juncheng, why are you avoiding me? I just want to be friends with you. We don't have any friends, do we?"

I didn't directly say that I want him to be my boyfriend. It should be more effective to deal with An Juncheng by starting with a friend. As far as I know, he should really hope to have a friend who can talk to him.


"How dare you, if you have too much contact with you, it will cause some unnecessary trouble. Those boys who have a crush on you are likely to retaliate against me because of the jealous group. And we are not the same kind of people, you continue to be your star In the life of holding the moon, I will continue to be an unknown commoner, why should there be an intersection?"

This remark completely changed my view of him.

Ah, so that's what it is, An Juncheng is a person like this.

In the midst of anomalies, he is isolated from a piece of ordinary daily life that belongs to him. He has no dislike for himself who is content with the status quo, and will run away when he encounters danger. He instinctively avoids any possible danger or things that will affect his daily life.

The past and the future are all thrown away, and the only concern is the present, and living by just passing by... This is why, so far, An Juncheng has not been involved in any incidents.

Why hasn't it been discovered yet? The funniest person is obviously around.

He is the most precious [original stone]!

I want to bring him into my anomaly, I want to dye him my color...I want to see what he will do in the anomaly...I want to keep his body...

I want to 'kill' him in everyday life.

"...Hahaha, it's really interesting. You, as expected, are very interesting, An Juncheng."

At this moment, I burst out my truest emotions for the first time.

Did he find it? Found it?

Did you discover my overflowing emotions?


I really want

Kill you





An Juncheng!

I stretched out my palm and stroked his cheek as a mark.

"Anyway, I won't take back what I said, waiting for your reply? Jun Cheng... classmate."

I was hesitant about which person in the class to contact, but now I have made a decision.

An Juncheng, I want to make him my first collection.

The best collectibles.

hum~ hum hum~
