MTL - Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master-Chapter 42

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All of Ou Shaowen's good mood dissipated at this moment. He lowered his face and clenched his palms unconsciously, "Has your heart started to feel uncomfortable again recently? When are you going to have an operation? I can cooperate anytime."

Here it goes again, the silly boy starts again.

"I don't feel uncomfortable, I have never been able to go to such occasions." Ou Renjin casually perfunctory him, "As for the surgery, it will be arranged within three to five years."

"Okay." Ou Shaowen was slightly relieved, yes, he can stay outside for another five years, Ou Renjin was afraid of his pain, and wanted to delay the operation time a little longer, thinking this way, although there was still a little faintness in his heart. Jojo's worries, but the main note of the taste buds is sweet.

"I saw your pen-hold shots, you are so handsome!" Ou Renjin praised him, he seemed to have learned what kind of eyes to look at the camera most seductively, "It makes people want to hug you sweating The kind of handsome you kiss on the face."

Ou Shaowen pursed his lips, feeling that there was a villain in his mind jumping up for joy, but his tone was still calm, "That's because I was looking at you at the time, you said you would watch the show, I looked for it under the stage I didn’t find you after looking around, so I looked directly at the camera.”

Ou Renjin paused, "... the emotion you want to express, all the audience felt it together with me."

After all, his eyes were hailed by the audience as "you will definitely want to have **** with him if you can't hold on for ten seconds". Now he said carelessly that he was looking at him. Is it because he turned a corner to seduce him?

"By the way, your fans sent a lot of gifts to the company, saying they were for you."


"Well. Gifts, flowers, letters. Although the company has issued a statement saying that it will not accept gifts over 200 yuan, there are still many, many, filling up half of the storage room. When you come back, you can sit in it and slowly open it. It is enough You take it apart for days and nights."

"Really? Are you sure it's all for me? Why did they give me gifts? They don't know me?" Ou Shaowen was happy and confused. He still couldn't understand the so-called feelings of fans towards idols. This kind of unrequited love for no reason.

"Because you are likable enough, you don't know them, but they already know you."

In this dark corner of the stairs, Ou Shaowen chatted with Ou Renjin in a low voice for almost half an hour before hanging up the phone.

The empty heart was easily filled with a few words. When he secretly stuffed the phone under the pillow and fell asleep, he still felt extremely satisfied.

With the halo of being a natural idol who has just learned Wuwu for three months, enough camera support from the program team, and the special status of Ou Renjin's boyfriend, Ou Shaowen won the first place in the first ranking with an almost disjointed overwhelming number of votes.

Smooth sailing, of course.

After recording the show for so long with nervous nerves, before the second stage performance, the program team specially gave them time to let them go, and packed a whole hot pot restaurant for them to eat, drink and play, and put a small table for each table. After the camera, the director team also went to eat on the second floor, and everyone relaxed completely, and the noise became louder.

Song Yijiu was ranked nineteenth this time. If it wasn't for the fact that he followed Ou Shaowen for many shots and attracted the attention of a small group of cp fans, maybe he wouldn't be able to sit in this position, which would have been a very satisfactory ranking for him. He had a good temper cooking dishes for everyone there, and he quietly threw half a plate of beef into Ou Shaowen's bowl.

Ou Shaowen is not good at this kind of occasion where there are so many noisy people and everyone talks in a few words. He lowers his head and concentrates on eating. When he raises his head occasionally, his gaze wanders over countless heads, and he can only fall on the most conspicuous TV screen in the hall. superior.

At this moment, the daily evening news broadcast was playing on the TV, which was regarded as a boring background sound by more than 60 youths in full swing, and no one paid attention to it.

During the embarrassing gap between quickly disposing of the ingredients on the table and waiting for the food to be served, Ou Shaowen stared at the screen seriously for a while, and then his eyes slowly widened, his brows became more and more wrinkled, and his whole face revealed An incomprehensible and unacceptable panic.

"What's wrong?" His expression was a little weird, Song Yijiu turned his head to look at him in a panic, but didn't find any scary scenes. The dignified and elegant hostess on TV, broadcasting the failed experiments in the medical field of our country with a heavy front, is not much special news.

"At present, the researchers have not yet determined the reason for the sudden stop of the artificial heart. The patient's family members are in a stable mood and expressed their willingness to donate the patient's body for follow-up research. This is the third artificial heart transplant operation attempted by my country. The maintenance time of the artificial heart has been extended from twenty-three days to one year and five months. Perhaps, to find out the reason why the artificial heart suddenly short-circuits and stops beating, it is the great medical researchers who have extended the maintenance time of the artificial heart from one year to five months. The key to extending it to three years, five years, or even longer."

"Hey, you are taking this too seriously." Zhang Houyue raised her eyebrows looking at his indescribable expression, "Now that medicine is getting more and more developed, maybe one day, all the organs of a person's body can be transformed If it is made artificially, replace whichever is broken, and everyone can live a long life, how wonderful it is.”

Ou Shaowen was still in a daze, as if he had lost his soul.

After dinner, everyone got on the bus and prepared to go back to the dormitory. Song Yijiu saw him immersed in his own world, and frowned worriedly, "What are you thinking? You have been out of your mind since just now."

His thoughts seemed to have finally been pulled back from the chaos, and he turned his neck a little stiffly, his voice was rough and a little uncertain, "We... are we just doing the artificial heart transplant for the third time?"

Song Yijiu couldn't help laughing, "You've been thinking about this for a long time. You scared me to death, thinking what's wrong with you! The news said it must be so."

"However, I clearly remember that artificial heart technology has matured a long time ago." Although due to material limitations, even the artificial heart made of the most high-end biomaterials can only maintain its function for three to five years, but the second transplant replacement technology It has already matured, and those rich people who really can't make a successful match usually use this method to prolong their lives by six to ten years.

For heart disease patients, two transplants are their limit. Therefore, in the information he learned through the fragmentary conversations of the laboratory researchers, how to break through the limitations of materials and make them last longer has always been the research direction of related topics all over the world.

As for the laboratory, on the one hand, they are also conducting research on this, and on the other hand, they do not want to make breakthroughs in related research from the outside world. After all, for them who own the "Organ Petri Dish", one machine can maintain two A three-month heart simulator is enough for Ou Shaowen to grow another heart and sell it to rich people who are still flocking to the "organ trading" hidden in the dark because the artificial heart can't last long.

This, and this alone, he could not be mistaken.

He has helped the laboratory experiment countless times with "artificial hearts" bought from the outside world, with various styles and materials. He can be sure, at least... at least, in this technology, it is absolutely impossible to be so pale after only three experiments .

From the very beginning to the present, he has had many times when he found it strange and incomprehensible. When everyone he met seemed to prefer old-fashioned mobile phones, when the devices he had seen in the laboratory had never been seen outside the world. When the names of some medicines that he used to be very familiar with are rarely heard of, he will have vague thoughts flashing in his mind. However, he felt that there were too many strange things, and the world he had seen was so small that he naturally had an inexplicable awe of everything outside.

It's different because it's outside! A colorful world is definitely different from a pale laboratory.

Researchers are always swearing and boasting that some technologies in the laboratory can leave the outside world for several years. But how big the technology gap should be in a few years, he didn't have this concept, so he never seriously thought about it until—

He saw the news. It is the field he is most familiar with and the thing he is most convinced of, but his cognition has been broken.

Song Yijiu shrugged, "I don't understand such a high-end topic, but I guess you may have seen fake news. There are a lot of exaggerated fake news on the Internet, and news broadcasts are more credible."

Ou Shaowen shook his head with a strange expression.

After getting out of the car, Song Yijiu chatted with the person next to him, and when he turned around again, Ou Shaowen had disappeared.

"Why is he so weird today!" He tilted his head, gave a "tsk", and was about to go up and hold him back to question him carefully.

Ou Shaowen hid in the bathroom, took the mobile phone that Ou Renjin asked someone to secretly give him and never returned it, and used various keywords to search for news about the artificial heart over and over again. The more he read it, the greater the difference from his own cognition.

It was as if he had gone through a sweaty run, his heart beat faster, and a fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead. He took a deep breath, turned the back of the phone up, and pressed it against his lap.

But why? Why are there facts in this world that are completely different from his cognition?

Had his memory gone awry, or... was he in a strange, different world?

Ou Renjin once again ended a meeting with disagreements and a lengthy meeting that made people's mouth dry. After returning to the office and drinking half a cup of tea, he suddenly realized that Ou Shaowen hadn't called him for a long time.

The recording of the second stage evaluation just ended two days ago. Although there is still a long time before the official broadcast of this episode, the audience who enjoyed the performance on the spot has already repo'd all over the sky. According to them, Ou Shaowen chose dance for his positioning evaluation. It seems that they did not get the highest number of likes in the live dance group, and were won the first place by an outdated idol with many years of singing and dancing experience.

Before their performance, he felt that he might have trained very hard. After their performance, he felt that he might need time to recover from his first failure. But two days have passed, but still no call.

He clicked on the personal cut of the latest episode of Ou Shaowen's program cut by a fan to review it. The members of his group seemed to have gotten closer to him in just a few days, and they were all excitedly preparing to play tricks together. Look at Ou Shaowen's frightened and panicked look.

When he passed the dark corridor, the lights suddenly went out, and a group of people jumped out crying and howling. When the lights came on again, he trembled violently, but he didn't make a sound or retreat, he just stood there and stared at everyone in bewilderment.

Everyone roared with laughter, satisfied enough. Ou Shaowen stood where he was, and slowly revealed a faint smile.

Fresh as dewdrops on a spring morning.

Ou Renjin was silent for a while, shook his head, and gave a soft "tsk". Teenagers in their twenties are the time when friendship is most likely to form, okay, it seems that next time he can find the staff without making many twists and turns, and ask Ou Shaowen if he has been targeted and excluded.

He chuckled and closed the computer.

"Go to the airport." After getting in the car, Ou Renjin said a word to the driver and closed his eyes silently.


That... that, about the topic of Gagen, haha, let's not mention it, haha, haha...

In addition to fishing for half a month, I have sorted out the outline. The daily routine of scattered cookies is over, and I am going to start the plot.

What's more, wow, it costs 100 moonstones to modify the chapter now, and it will cost money to modify it for the third time, and it will crash. After that, if some bugs may not be caught, please be considerate .