MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 199 Insurance and Solicitation

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  Chapter 199 Insurance and Solicitation

   "Is this right here?"


  At night, in an unremarkable courtyard in Nanyang Township, Xiong Er sat under a tree, holding a piece of mutton, his mouth full of oil.

   And not far away.

   Xiong Da and Zuo Teng, governor of Nanyang County, were sitting at a stone table facing each other, brewing a pot of tea, and staring at a tall building next door.

   "This is the Nanyang General's Mansion. The two of you must be aware of the current situation in South Korea. Now all the military power in South Korea is in the hands of General Ji Wuye. Although I am the governor of Nanyang County, I can't get my hands on the army."

   "But if you want to interfere with Nanyang city defense, the right Sima who guards Nanyang—Tian Lin, is also a character you can't avoid."

"I used to drink and have fun with Tian Lin these days, and I have initially gained his trust. According to the plan, I will get Tian Lin drunk tomorrow night, so that he will relax the city defense the next morning, and I will replace him and create for the Qin army. Opportunities are wide open."

   "But there are still risks in this plan. Although Tian Lin is stupid, he is not incompetent. When the war breaks out, Tian Lin will definitely react immediately. If he is allowed to rush to the city defense in time, it may add some variables out of thin air."

   "So to be on the safe side, I would like to ask the two of you to keep an eye on Tian Lin here. It is best to delay for a while when an accident occurs."

   Speak up.

Another example:

  But now Zuo Teng has suddenly ended his retreat...

  Although Zuo Teng is the governor of Nanyang County now, it is a pity that in the entire Cuifeng City, the people who really belong to me can be counted on one hand.

  Before sending Tian Lin back to the mansion, Mo Jun turned around and headed back towards the sheriff's mansion. When he passed the compound along the way, his eyes that had recovered from his confusion nodded heavily at Xiong Xiao, and followed the carriage before disappearing into the white night.

  In those years, Xiong Xiao was forced to read a lot of books because of Cui Feng's intimidation. Compared with the pure wit of the future, Xiong Xiao's way of thinking is obviously a little less logical.

   After all, it is after a long time.

  Even the top-secret news that Zuo Teng's prefect 'Mo Jun' hadn't joined Qin State for a long time, Xiong Xiao also knew it from Nanyang.

for example:

   Until last night, even Xiong Xiao did not guess that Qin Jun would choose to retreat at that time.

  The reason why South Korea asked for help from the other seven countries this time, but did not receive a response, is mainly because [Luo Wang] intervened to sow discord among the countries. Coupled with Qin's policy of 'distanced friendship and close attack', the other seven countries have not supported South Korea so far.

   "Could it be said that the news after that is also a cover-up released by the generals?"

   It is ashamed to say it.

  Late at night.

  Although I hope to participate in the 'factional struggle', if I am sure that the person who threw the olive branch that time is this Lord Shengping, Mo Jun feels that his principles can also be broken.

It must be said that the 'olive branch' thrown by Xiong Xiao really moved Mo Jun's heart, and Mo Jun naturally wanted to continue to serve as Zuo Teng County Sheriff, but it was for the official position, but he hoped that he could not continue to guard the position before changing the environment. The people of Limin in Zuoteng.

  Xiong Xiao thought about it.

   Yes, I just thought about it for a while, and Xiong Xiaoxi didn't think about it again.


  But the time when Qin State attacked Zuo Teng was true and not beyond Xiong Xiao's expectations.

  Mr. Mo has no decision in mind.

   "If this villain doesn't need it, I will do my best." Cui Feng stood up and cupped his hands towards Xiong Xiaogong.

  The few military generals of the Qin State are still in Xianyang, and even the news received in Nanyang is that Qin State's current battle plan has not yet been finalized.

   "Hahaha~~ The right villain is being polite, please take your time."

  Qin’s troop transfer was not the same as usual, it was just to seize a few cities and a few pieces of land. The real goal of Qin's battle was to completely destroy South Korea.


   One can imagine.

   "The two gentlemen are also worried. As long as the Zuo Teng people cannot be saved beforehand, even if the two take all the credit, there is no problem."

   Let Xiong Da and Xiong Er become this 'insurance', which was also a plan that Zuo Teng thought of temporarily.

  Think of that.

   Later, when he was in Nanjun, Meng Wu, who was guarding the border of Nanjun, almost never drank alcohol in the army, let alone seeking pleasure, but now the Zuo Sima Tianlin in South Korea is so virtuous.

   "Hehe~~ Mojun County Sheriff has forgotten, with the ability of your villain, does he think you will lack a little bit of credit?"


   If not.

   Actually pulling Mo Jun over was also one of Zuo Teng's goals later that time. It's just Nanyang, even Xiong Xiao himself can see that this person is a talented person who can do practical things after all those years of getting along with Mo Jun.

After hearing all of Mo Jun's plans, Xiong Xiao knocked on the stone table with one hand, and said a moment ago: "You can't help him with that matter. It's the credit you got before this matter was completed... "

  Before Xiong Xiao finished speaking, Cui Feng spoke with a serious face.

   After all, it doesn’t matter how the battle is fought, it doesn’t matter to me.

   Speaking of that, Xiong Xiaopo gave Cui Feng a meaningful look.

  The current Mo family lacks such talents.

  Mr. Mo took Zuo Sima Tianlin to the music and dance workshop as planned to have fun.

  Xiong Xiao, who was sitting in the compound, saw Cui Feng bring Tian Lin, who was clearly not yet unconscious, to the gate of the General's Mansion.

  Xiong Xiao laughed, and quickly helped Mo Jun up: "In this way, I wish you little man's plan will come to fruition."

   It must be because I have not passed the channel yet, and I am sure that Xiong Xiao and Xiong Qi are really in the hands of this Lord Shengping. Even if Jun Mo takes risks, he must complete the whole plan alone.

   And among them, there is not even one person who has no ability to become that 'insurance'.

   "Compared to you, Cui Feng County Sheriff should lack more credit. If he can't monopolize that credit, even if Cui Feng County Sheriff wants to continue to work in Cui Feng, it may not be possible!"

  As Cui Feng's core team member, Xiong Xiao naturally knows some inside information about Qin's upcoming retreat to South Korea.

   Did you expect that Xiong Xiao's answer would surprise Mo Jun.

  There is a small gap between the military discipline of Qin and Han.

  I will also let Xiong Xiao and Xiong Qi, the two 'insiders', participate in those secret plans.

  The evening of the seventh day.

   "Why is that?"

"Yes, Governor Mojun misunderstood. What you mean is that before the completion of this matter, you should get all the credit. If no one asks, Governor Cuifeng will be the worst if you have never participated in that matter. .”

  Mr. Mo saw what I meant when he saw Xiong Xiao's eyes.

  (end of this chapter)