MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 134 visit

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  Chapter 134 Visit

  Not far from [Qizhen Mountain] and [Extraordinary Beast Garden], there is a new 500-acre field hired by Mo Jun.

  This place was originally a wasteland. Although the land is not considered barren, it is not particularly suitable for planting and reclaiming fields. The quality of the initial five hundred acres of new fields was not even considered "good land".

  But after Mo Jun sprinkled a large amount of [weathered powder], the five hundred acres of new land became a rare top-quality fertile field in the world at an extremely fast speed.

   Then Mr. Mo designated 300 acres of it as [farm garden], which will be mainly used for planting and researching new varieties of grains in the future.

  One hundred acres is designated as [vegetable garden], which is used to improve vegetable varieties, and to provide enough vegetables at all times for the people of Mofu to eat.

  One hundred acres is designated as [Orchard], which is used to plant and improve new varieties of fruits, and to supply Mofu's own enjoyment.

  Using 'weathered powder' as fertilizer and irrigated with 'growth spiritual liquid', the grains, vegetables, and fruits are all extremely high-quality crops, which are extremely rare even in later generations.

  So these vegetables and fruits grown in the backyard of the Mo Mansion will basically not be sold outside, at most they will give some of them to others for banquets.

  【Qizhen Mountain】, 【Extraordinary Beast Garden】, 【Farm Garden】, 【Vegetable Garden】, 【Orchard】.

  These five areas basically occupy the middle and back of the entire backyard of Mo Mansion, and the area in front is a huge lake dug by hand.

  Mr. Mo named it [Jingxin Lake].

   There is an isolated island in the middle of the lake, and there is an elegant gazebo on the island. There are three people in the pavilion, one is sitting and the other two are standing.

   "Lord Mo, please **** concubine's 'boiled cabbage'."

   "Come, Brother Mo Jun, try the 'Dongpo Meat' I specially made for you."

  In the gazebo, Mo Jun was wearing a single robe, sitting casually by the lake, with a fishing rod in front of him.

   On the opposite side of him is a moon girl wearing an apron with a dignified and 'virtuous' temperament. And the two eyes are smiling like crescent moons, but the few wisps of black soot on the face make it look quite funny.

  On the desktop in front of you.

  At this time, there was a bowl of soup with a layer of chicken oil floating on it. The faint fishy smell had already floated into the nasal cavity without even smelling it.

   and a piece of 'Dongpo Meat' whose skin was burnt to charcoal, but there were a few tough pig hairs on it.

  Looking at the 'delicious food' prepared by the two 'chefs' all morning, the corners of Mo Jun's eyes twitched slightly.

   Next second.

  I saw Mr. Mo cough quietly, and said lightly: "Miss Yuenu, Linger, do you know?"

  The second daughter was taken aback when she heard the words, and said subconsciously, "Know what?"

  Mr. Mo looked at the two seriously, and said slowly: "It seems that your realm is still not enough! You know, high-end chefs often only need to use the simplest cooking methods to make extremely delicious dishes."

"Although the dishes you two are making now seem to be of a high level, they are actually just the level of the dishes. Even if a certain dish tastes better, it can only mean that the recipe of this dish is more advanced. .”

   "If the two of you really want to win or lose in cooking, you must cook the same dish at the same time, and it must be the simplest dish, so as to reflect your true skills."

  Hearing Mo Jun's words, Yue Nu and Jian Ling'er faintly felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, they found that Mo Jun seemed to be right.

  Although their study of cooking skills is not too deep, both women are from famous families, so they are very aware of the importance of the word "basic".

  Thousands of roads lead to the same goal.

  When any skill reaches its peak, the final competition is not high-end technology, but often these seemingly insignificant basic skills.

   "Then what shall we cook?"

   "Let's have an egg fried rice! Only by using the simplest dishes can you see your mastery of your cooking skills."

   Jun Mo flickered with an unusually serious expression, and finally flicked the second daughter away.

  Stay until the two leave the backyard.

  Mr. Mo went limp all of a sudden, looked at the two dishes in front of him, sighed, and said, "What a crime! Why did you remember to learn how to cook when you were so good?"

at this time.

  Accompanied by the fall of a few black feathers, Hei Yu's figure slowly appeared in the pavilion. Although Hei Yu didn't say anything, it's not difficult to see from his eyes full of admiration at the moment that he admires Mr. Mo.

  After all, in the situation just now, if it were Hei Yu himself, he would definitely not be as calm as Mo Jun.

   "Heiyu, why did Yuenu and Linger suddenly become obsessed with cooking during this time?"

  Jun Mo has never figured out this matter until now. When Yue Nu was the only one obsessed with cooking, Jun Mo could still understand that it was Yue Nu's self-esteem as a woman.

   After all, after following her for such a long time, Yue Nu has gradually changed a lot from that 'Moon God', and she has gradually become more 'human'.

  However, when Jian Linger left the [Sword Forging Room], she was inexplicably obsessed with cooking just like Yuenv.

   This made Mo Jun a little incomprehensible.

  Hei Yu thought for a while, and said: "Maybe they really want to make a dish that satisfies adults!"


  Hei Yu's words instantly made Mo Jun speechless.

  Afterwards, Mo Jun turned his head to look at Hei Yu and said, "Since when did you become so good at talking?"

   Speechless for a while.

  Mr. Mo just remembered something, and continued: "By the way, what is the reason you came to see me?"

   Heiyu heard this, and said respectfully: "My lord, we have a distinguished guest."

  Mr. Mo was startled, and asked in surprise, "Your honored guest?"


   After a while.

  Mr. Mo changed into a formal attire and walked to the lobby of the main courtyard.

  There were three people sitting on the side seats in the lobby, waiting quietly under the service of servants from the Mo House.

  When Mo Jun arrives.

  The three stood up immediately and spoke one after another.

   "Meng Ling of the Mo family, pay homage to Lord Shengping."

   "Nongjia Tianguang, I pay my respects to Mr. Shengping."

   "Confucian Fu Nian, pay homage to Lord Shengping."

  Mr. Mo strode into the lobby, saw the three people saluting, and quickly said: "Please hurry up, the three of you. The three of you are all famous heroes in the world. Now that you are visiting the Mo Mansion, Mr. Mo is really disappointed."

   "Mr. Shengping, you are being polite. I am the one who came uninvited this time and disturbed Mr. Shengping. Please don't be offended by Mr. Shengping." The six-fingered black man clasped his fists and saluted.

   "Hahaha... What is Mr. Meng talking about? As a Mohist tycoon, your Excellency has an outstanding status in the world. It is an honor for Mr. Mo to be able to visit Mofu."

  Mr. Mo smiled, greeted each other with the three of them, and after some politeness, he sat on the main seat, stretched out his hand and said, "All three of you, please sit down!"

   "Thank you, Mr. Shengping."

  The three saluted politely, and then took their seats.

  After everyone sat down, Mo Jun said gently: "You guys have come from afar, what advice do you have?"

Just after Mo Jun finished speaking, Tian Guang stood up first, cupped his fists and said, "Tian Guang's visit today is to obtain "new grains". You see, for the sake of the same origin of the seven kingdoms in the Central Plains, you will not hesitate to teach and save the common people in the world from suffering."


  (end of this chapter)