MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 48 deal with

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It can be said that Shan Bei was ups and downs this night. He was both excited and bored. He woke up early in the morning and forced himself to fall asleep after waking up. When he finally got up, he was late and dizzy. heavy. When I came out of the room, the room was already filled with a strong aroma of breakfast, which whetted my appetite. Shan Bei coughed slightly and walked towards the dining room, just when Mu Qing came out with two bowls of red bean porridge.

"I'm still going to call you. Why are you coughing again? Are you uncomfortable?"

"...It's okay, it smells so good."

"Well, today I cooked your favorite red bean porridge and homemade custard buns."

"No wonder it smells so good." Shan Bei didn't know what to say, and went back and forth with one sentence after another.

But looking back at Mu Qing, it seemed that everything was going on as usual without any impact. In other words, Muqing was in YY Danbei last night, but in fact Muqing can live well without Danbei, and it shouldn't have any impact with her or without her. Thinking about it, Shan Bei was really angry, why did he have to suffer inexplicably there, and bully her for not having a relationship? !

The two ate breakfast quietly, and Mu Qing would look at Dan Bei occasionally, as if confirming something. Shan Bei experienced the embarrassment and surprise last night, and after the secret annoyance just now, her emotions turned into a kind of indifference. Since Mu Qing likes her so much, she can't run away.

"What's the matter?" Shan Bei asked when Mu Qing cast his gaze again.

"It's okay." Mu Qing lowered his head to drink the porridge, and stopped looking up.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Shan Bei stopped his chopsticks, waiting for Mu Qing's "heartfelt words".

"...Is there not?" Mu Qing thought about it seriously, it seems that there is not.

The little buds that had sprouted in Shan Bei's heart were also pinched. The small fire in his heart suddenly turned into a big fire, Shan Bei stared at his bowl, ate slowly, and couldn't help sneering in his heart. She was confused by Mu Qing, but the instigator was still so out of touch. Didn't she say she looks like a cat? Then she has to repay Muqing well, she will not make Muqing feel better.

On the way to the company, Shan Bei and Mu Qing were chatting at first, after all these few days together, both of them treat each other as friends, chatting is naturally necessary every day. Just halfway through the chat, Shan Bei asked abruptly: "By the way, why did you knock on my door last night?"


Mu Qing's courage was so instigated last night that he ran to knock on the door without thinking of a way. When she almost ran into Shanbei's room, she was scared back to her original shape by her cough. When I got back to the room, I didn't feel anything at first, but the more I thought about it, the more wrong it became. What if Dan Bei asked himself tomorrow?

The next day, Mu Qing carefully observed Shan Bei's expression, and found that everything was as usual, but Shan Bei abruptly asked if there was anything she wanted to tell her, which made her feel guilty, and quickly denied it. It was not until on the road that Shan Bei didn't ask about what happened last night, that Mu Qing was relieved. Who knows, just as she was relieved, Shan Bei suddenly asked her.

"Oh, I... I just want to ask if you want to have supper."

"Didn't you say that actors should keep in shape, so they can't eat late at night? Besides, my current job is so easy, there is no need to eat, right?"

"That's true, but when the filming of the TV series starts, you'll have to be busy. There are several scenes in other places, and you won't be able to be in City A by then." Mu Qing changed the subject.

Mu Qing's words were full of reluctance, which made Shan Bei feel a little satisfied.

"When I come back, you will definitely see me skinny like a bolt of lightning."


"I'm used to eating what you cook, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat the outside." Shan Bei's tone gradually dropped, as if he could foresee the scene at that time, revealing a trace of grievance.

"That... will Fu Jieti accompany you then?"

"Yes, she is my manager and assistant."

"Won't she burn?"

"She made it so unpalatable." Shan Bei slightly turned his head to look at Mu Qing, but Mu Qing wouldn't notice it from her angle. She found that the face that had been paying attention to the unchanged road conditions showed a slight smile after hearing her words, and bit her lips with her teeth as if to suppress the smile.

Shan Bei raised her eyebrows, she seemed to have gotten a strange method.

"But it's good to have her by my side, otherwise I'd be so lonely." Coupled with Shan Bei's melancholy tone, Mu Qing was quite upset to hear it. As expected, Shan Bei caught sight of Mu Qing's lip line straightened.

"Can you go over together? If you go over, Tizi doesn't have to go over." Shan Bei once again saw Mu Qing's awkward smile suppressed.

Hehe, let's see where you are going!

Mu Qing always thought that what happened last night was a turning point. Unexpectedly, the two of them had just arrived at the company, and Shan Bei asked her again: "By the way, what are you going to do last night? Do you really want to ask me to have supper? It's not like you can do that." Is there anything you are embarrassed to say?"

"How could it be? It's really nothing. Did it disturb your sleep?"

"That's not true, it's just..." Before Shan Bei finished speaking, he was cut off by a delicate voice.

"Isn't this the famous Shanbei? You can't be found by the paparazzi recently. I didn't expect to meet me today. You are so lucky!" At the corner, Wu Nana walked out gracefully, walking towards Shanbei, her mouth full of tears. nonstop.

"You don't need to be so polite." Shan Bei replied, with an air of brazenness.

Wu Nana was taken aback. Shan Bei never responded to her provocations in the past, but now she not only responded, but also said such words with thorns, which really made people angry. But her first lady in the entertainment industry is not for nothing, she still has a smile on her mouth, but she is holding her carry-on bag tightly in her hand, and continues to pretend to say: "Hehe, I also borrowed this from you." As for Dongfeng, the game 'Xianfeixian' is so popular now, I am really thankful for being the heroine of a TV series." He said thank you, but told Shan Bei that no matter how much you contributed, it was just making her wedding dress .

Shan Bei didn't look at Wu Nana, but at Mu Qing.

"Where did Miss Wu get the news? Don't make a mistake and make a big joke." Mu Qing stood beside Shan Bei and said.

"Miss Mu, when it comes to this, I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, how could the game be so popular. If the game can't be so popular, how can I be the protagonist of a TV series?" Wu Nana answered irrelevantly.

"Sister Nana got the news first-hand. How could she be wrong? Now who in the entertainment industry would be so blind to our sister Nana." Wu Nana's assistant shouted from the side, as if Wu Nana had gained power It also rose up.

Shan Bei continued to look at Mu Qing, closing her mouth tightly like a clam shell.

"If Ms. Wu can really get the heroine, congratulations! It's good to have more momentum."

"Of course, Sister Nana's temperament fits the game very well, unlike some people who look pure on the outside, but are full of rotten cotton inside." Dare to be so arrogant, really owe a lesson.

"Ms. Wu's assistant is so eloquent, which is impressive. I don't know if the outside reporters are very interested when they see it?" Mu Qing glanced at Shan Bei and found that she was still looking at him. Like a little rabbit, you need to be protected by yourself, and you have indeed fulfilled your promise five years ago to protect her and hold her!

"We understand Miss Mu's feelings. After all, the things you tailor-made for Shanbei were given away. I would be angry if it were me. However, I would like to persuade Miss Mu that no matter how good you are to her, she will be the same. Where's the white-eyed wolf." After finishing speaking, Wu Nana walked away, and the little assistant laughed wildly beside her.

Mu Qing looked at Shan Bei with some concern. Although she had made arrangements and just now deliberately encouraged Wu Nana, that brainless woman, to do some things to create momentum, but she didn't know if Shan Bei would misunderstand it.

"Are you okay? Trust me, I'll take care of it."

"Ah? What's the matter?"

"About Wu Nana."

"What does her business have to do with me?" Shan Bei was puzzled. She was all focused on Mu Qing just now. Apart from responding to Wu Nana at the beginning, she was thinking about how to "deal with" Mu Qing and let her She couldn't imagine it, who let her hang herself.

"You're not listening?"

"What she said is all nonsense, it's a waste of time to listen to it, why bother." After finishing speaking, Shan Bei pulled Mu Qing and walked inside.

At the corner, Wu Nana's face was turning green with anger! She saw that there was no response from Dan Bei, maybe she was sad, and deliberately said that she wanted to leave and then turned back halfway, anyway, there would be no creatures like paparazzi here, so what was she afraid of. Originally, he wanted to hear Mu Qing comforting Shan Bei, Shan Bei was sad or something, but he didn't expect that Shan Bei not only didn't listen, but also disdained him so much. But she was eavesdropping, and she couldn't openly go out and question her!

"Let Young Master Jiang arrange a campaign for me, I won't believe it!" Wu Nana said to the little assistant, with raging anger in her eyes!

The work is over quickly. Once you get started, it can be done in minutes. Li Yi is more and more satisfied with Shan Bei. It is really rare for an actor to have this kind of patience.

"Xiao Dan, it doesn't matter if you can't get the characters in the game TV series. I have good characters here. Let's have a good talk in two days and let them mess around." Li Yi said.

"Director Li..." Shan Bei was about to speak, but was cut off by Mu Qing.

"Director Li, are you robbing me? I was expecting you to direct this TV show, but I didn't expect you to rob me first." Mu Qing half-truthfully said.

"That Wu Nana will play the role, I will definitely not participate, we agreed before." Li Yi's temper is also super strange, even if Wu Nana is not pleasing to the eye, it also caused many audiences to scold him. The audience thinks that such a good actor, even the director can't see it, it must be because of the failure of the unspoken rules. Who knows the actual situation.

"Director Li, why did you come here to hear the news? There is no official announcement, and nothing can be counted." Mu Qing said firmly.

"Girl Mu, what are you doing again?"

"I didn't do anything." Mu Qing said innocently.

Shan Bei looked at Mu Qing, there is something wrong! Li Yi seems to know Muqing quite well!