MTL - Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant (A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World)-Chapter 2394 Now i decide to kill you all

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  The black hole collapsed and the monster fell from mid-air, but it rolled on the ground, still holding the metal cabin tightly.

  At the same time, an elf appeared on the altar, holding the wizard's staff, pointing diagonally at the monster, and said coldly: "Didn't you understand me?"

  The noble temperament, the aura of watching the world, all show her identity.


   "Your Majesty the Queen!"

  The elves instantly boiled, staring frantically at the queen in a gorgeous dress standing on the altar.

  Her Majesty the Queen, who has been in retreat for several months, finally appeared at the moment when the **** baby was taken.

   "Your Majesty." Sally also looked at the queen in surprise.

  "Mother..." Irina, who was about to take action, stopped, but she frowned when she looked at the queen.

  "Only your words, I’m afraid I’m not qualified." The monster Jie Jie smiled, suddenly opened a door on his chest, swallowed the metal cabin containing the baby girl, and then opened his mouth to spit out two **** of flame towards the queen.

  "Be careful with the queen, its magic has spatial attributes!" Irina reminded her loudly.

  As soon as the voice fell, the fireball that the monster had just exhaled disappeared in an instant. The next second it appeared on the altar, one after the other, just separating the queen in the middle, and then exploded.


   A cloud of mushrooms rose, and the violent explosion sounded deafening. The elves standing in the front row of the square were overturned, and many people were injured.

   "What a powerful magic attack!"

  The eyelids of the strong elves on the scene jumped wildly. The power of these two seemingly ordinary magic **** is no less than the full blow of the great magician.

   "Your Majesty the Queen, she..."

  The elves looked worriedly at the direction of the altar. With such a powerful magic attack, and also so sudden and confusing, Her Majesty did not know if she could survive it.

  The flame dissipated, and the white jade altar was unharmed.

  On the same place, there was no Queen.

   "This is my forest of wind, what qualifications do you have to run wild!" The elf queen stepped out of the void, holding the mage staff above her head, coldly said: "Holy light, annihilation!"

  A golden holy light shone from the blue gem on the top of the wizard's rod, and instantly passed through the space, passing through the monster's heart.

  A through hole a few meters wide appeared on the monster’s chest, transparent at both ends.

   "It's interesting." Looking down at his chest, he made a piercing laughter, and suddenly he slapped his chest, erasing the cavity, and at the same time, black ripples appeared outside the body, spreading in all directions.

   "The attack is invalid?" The queen frowned, the wound on the monster's chest had healed, and his aura had not even weakened.

  As soon as she was distracted, black ripples had enveloped her.

  She wanted to retreat, but the space magic was activated, but it was as if she was trapped in a quagmire, and she couldn't step into the void.

   "Domain? Really troublesome guy." The queen frowned.

   "I want to run now, it's late." The monster smiled, the huge mouth in the middle opened, and a huge fireball began to condense.

   "The stars, fall!"

  A cold voice sounded.

  A starry sky suddenly appeared above the monster's head.

  Among the dots of stars, dozens of stars fell, turned into meteors, and suddenly appeared above the domain, smashing toward the monster.

   "It's the high priest!"

  The elves who had been hundreds of meters behind looked at the starry sky, and their originally worried faces were suddenly covered with joy.

  Void prohibition is not easy to lift internally, but it can be broken more easily from the outside.

   Dozens of meteorites fell, huge energy fluctuations destroyed the monster's forbidden air domain, and went straight towards the monster.

   "Holy Light, sweep away all the dirt!"

  At the same time, Irina, standing on the viewing platform, raised the wizard staff in her hand.

  A holy light shot out, and instantly penetrated the middle head of the monster.

  Although the monster tilted its head, half of its head was directly shaved off by the Holy Light.

  It’s just that the shaved head did not burst, but showed a metallic luster.

   "It's really interesting." The monster's right head suddenly turned to Irina, grinning.

  As soon as the voice fell, his six arms suddenly waved, like huge beats, which were directly patted at the meteorites wrapped in flames.


  The huge meteorite was shot directly by his huge palm into a sky full of fireworks.

  Boom, boom!

  In a blink of an eye, dozens of meteorites were shot flying by him. A few of them fell among the elves, smashing and wounding many elves, but the monster was unscathed.

  "Organize the tribe to evacuate here." Irina and Sally transmitted the voice, looking at the monster with solemn eyes.

   "Okay." Sally nodded and walked away quickly. This level of battle is no longer something she can participate in. Her first task is to reduce the casualties of her tribe as much as possible.

  Helena appeared on the altar, holding the water scene ball, and looked at the monster with a solemn expression.

  This guy is too powerful.

  It has not yet revealed its full strength, and it has already brought tremendous pressure to them.

  A casual blow is the power of a tenth-level full blow, which directly hits the attacks of Irina and the queen, but cannot cause substantial damage to it.

  The horrible body of flying meteorites casually, the magical power that makes people daunting, it is really a headache.

  What kind of monster is this? devil? It doesn't seem to be the same. But when did such a weird race appear on the Nolan continent?

  However, this guy has taken away the **** baby, so he must not let him go.

"The three of you guys are not bad, but if you want to keep me, it's still far away." The monster shook his head, staring at the three of them with three heads, his eyes became indifferent and said: "I am leaving now, if you are Stop me, then I will kill those ants."

  It points to the elves who are retreating in panic.

"What do you think you are, threaten my people in front of me, and climb for me!" The queen's mage rod suddenly hit the ground as she thought of it, and a beam of light suddenly lit up in the wind forest. The sky meets.

  A golden formation fell from the sky like an inverted bowl, buckling the monster, the queen, and Helena inside.

  "Do you think this can shut me down?" The monster sneered, his body suddenly accelerated, and hit the nearest light wall.


   There was a muffled sound, the light wall did not move, and the monster's face was a little deformed against the light wall.

be quiet……

   "It doesn't matter, as long as you kill the two of you, I don't believe it can continue to trap me." The monster turned to look at the queen and Helena, grinning with sharp teeth.

  In the next instant, it appeared in front of Helena, and the six giant hands were like flies, all closed towards her and took pictures.

  The power of horror makes the space appear distorted.

   "Fighting to turn the stars."

  Helena read silently.

  Six palms fell, and there was even a spatial crack in the center.

  But when the monster opened his hand, there was only a pile of stone chips in his palm.

  It looked up and Helena appeared in the starry sky above.

  There is one star missing.

   "I will blow up all your stars, I see you can run there!" The monster took out a black long stick that was more than 100 meters long from nowhere, and swept towards the starry sky above its head.

  The stars in the sky are like lamps of different sizes, annihilated in the monster's iron rod.

  Helena walked between the stars, avoiding the monster's attack, looking a little embarrassed.

  The queen's light magic is brilliant and colorful, but it did not cause much substantial damage when it fell on the monster.

  Irina glanced at Helena, who was forced to the corner, hesitated a little, and flew into the formation with the magic wand.

   "Smash your dog's head!"

  Irina appeared above the monster's head, the top of the wizard staff in her hand was shining with golden light, suddenly thinking that his half-cut head was smashed down.


  Magic erupted at close range, and the remaining half of the monster's head was instantly exploded into scum.

   "Damn woman!"

  The monster let out a grumpy roar, and grabbed it with both hands.

  Irina tapped her feet, flexibly avoiding the monster's giant hand, and slid behind him. The top of the wizard's rod suddenly pierced towards its back.

  Previously, it swallowed the god-baby around this position, and she wanted to rescue the god-baby first.


  The wizard's rod pierced the monster's body, but it seemed to be stuck on a metal wall.

  Irina only felt that her hand was a little numb, but she couldn't penetrate it.

   "What kind of monster is this?!" Irina was a little shocked.

  At the moment she lost her mind, a big hand caught off guard from the side and back.

  Although she stretched out the wizard staff in time to block her body, she was still shot and flew out with a palm, and fell to the ground a hundred meters away, slamming a deep hole.

   "Irina!" The queen's face changed slightly.

   "Mother Queen, I'm fine." Irina stood up with one hand on the ground, blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, "This guy's body is very hard, harder than his head."

   Tenth-level powerhouses of the elves have joined the warband one after another at this moment.

  However, their magical attacks fell on the monster, just like itching, except for limited restrictions on his actions, it could not cause substantial damage to it at all.

   McGonagall, who sent Amy and the others to a safe position, turned around and just saw the previous scene of Irina fighting.

  At the same time, looking at the monster, he was also a little surprised.

  This monster is indeed very powerful, but also very weird.

  Accurately speaking, it does not seem to be made of flesh and blood.

  Neither the previous attack by the queen piercing its chest nor the head that was blown out in the middle of him, did not see any blood or liquid similar to blood.

  On the contrary, the head that was slowly repairing was glowing with silver-black metallic luster, and McGonagall even saw some exposed parts.

  This...seems to be a mecha?

   is not a devil, nor is it like a creature native to the Nolan Continent, high-precision machinery, powerful strength...

   McGonagall took out the communicator and sent a message to Xi.

  Then fix a shadow stone on a side tree, facing the direction of the formation.

   "Amy, you have to protect everyone, I'm going to help your mother." McGonagall gently touched Amy's head, and quietly left.

  The people in the restaurant who were nervously caring about the battle did not notice McGonagall who was leaving.

  Except for Shiryl, who had been paying attention to McGonagall in distraction, Shiryl, who was watching when he would make a move, discovered McGonagall's departure for the first time.

  For some reason, she, who was originally nervous, suddenly felt a lot relaxed.

  Alex, that godlike man, is finally going to make a move?

  "What should I do, Princess Irina seems to be unable to fight them. Are we going to help?" Yabeimia asked worriedly.

   "Tenth-level attacks are not very effective for it, and we have no meaning in participating in the battle." Elizabeth shook her head, looked at the monster and thought for a while, still pressing an ice crystal in her hand.


  Xi, who was writing a diary, received a message from McGonagall. The message was short, but she got up from her chair all at once.

   "Mecha monsters appear in the Forest of Wind, suspected to be from the dungeon, and their strength exceeds level ten! Come on!"

   "Which guy came here, it's not worrying!" Xi walked quickly towards the driver's cab, the spaceship broke through the air, and flew towards the wind forest.

  With McGonagall’s strength, if he judges that it is beyond the tenth level, she does not know whether she can handle it, and may need to apply for support from the dungeon.


  Irina smashed one of the monster’s heads, slowing his movements, but not much.

  Raindrops of magic fell on him, except for the debris that exploded on the ground, it couldn't hurt its body at all.

  And what makes the elves more terrifying is its speed. Even if space magic is restricted in the formation, its six spider legs that are tens of meters long still provide it with terrifying speed and flexibility.


  A magician was swept by one of the monster's legs, as if he was hit by a heavy truck, and flew out of the formation. His waist collapsed and he vomited blood into a coma.

  In a blink of an eye, the six tenth-level elves who participated in the battle were each destroyed, all wounded and exited the formation, and one was directly crushed into meat sauce.

  On the field, only Irina, the queen, and Helena were left.

   "Now, it's you." The monster turned his head to look at Helena standing in the void, and jumped up with a grinning grin. The iron rod swept toward the last star, with one hand thinking about Helena grabbing it.

   "Black hole, annihilate!"

  Helena raised the crystal ball in her hand and sang loudly.

  A black light lit up from the crystal ball, and then collapsed and annihilated instantly.

  The space began to be distorted, as if a terrifying suction appeared, and even the surrounding light appeared distorted.

  The star above Helena was swept away by the iron rod, but the hand that grabbed her was instantly swallowed by the black hole.

   For the first time, the monster's face was ridiculed and panic, his body suddenly twisted and fell downward.

  The hand that had reached into the black hole before was actually swallowed directly, and even a piece of the body was swallowed, and the metal and parts fell outside, but it was soon enveloped by the black mist.

  The black hole appeared in an instant and then annihilated. Without the blessing of the starry sky domain, Helena fell from the sky with a pale face, was caught by the queen, and retreated to the edge of the formation.

   "Very good, now I decide to kill you all." The monster said indifferently, dozens of holes appeared in its body, and a barrel of a gun was exposed.