MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 3080 Taoist device?

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"Don't make trouble, you are already the elders 'realm, and you have narrow eyes to be influenced by the concepts of' aliens 'and' earth people '? From ancient to modern times, the reincarnation of heaven and earth has changed. According to the current' aliens and earth, "People 'concept, maybe your ancestor is an alien." Su Shi shielded the fairy.

And their Tianhe Su family, the place of origin is ‘Tianhe Mystery’, and Tianhe ’s Mystery is on the earth.

As for 'Su's ancestor', it is not the origin of Tianhe Su's.

"When the ontology proves the Tao of Heaven, go and investigate the genealogies." The corpse secretly said.

At this time, Su Shi shielding the fairy and said again: "Don't take it anymore, come out, stand on the Rainbow Bridge, I will cross you to Su Shi's ancestor."

"Back to Fairy, I'm already standing on the Rainbow Bridge for a long time." The self-dead corporal grieved.

Su blocked the fairy: "..."

Her avatar carefully sensed, and finally felt an extremely weak presence on the Rainbow Bridge.

If it weren't for her 'Rainbow Bridge' position, she would ignore the other person in a flash.

What is this stealth method? So overbearing?

"Stand firm." Su Shi shielded the fairy and coughed slightly, a little awkwardly.

My corpse nodded and stood firmly on the Rainbow Bridge.

The next moment, the Rainbow Bridge was closed, and the bright light disappeared from the ancestral hall of the Su clan.

The figures of the corpse bully and Su's shield fairy were also gone.

After a while ...

Several elder members of the Tianhe Su family entered the shrine.

The elders of the Su family glanced around the ancestral hall and saw that the spiritual position in the ancestral hall was not disturbed. After finishing the arrangement, they nodded slightly and exited the ancestral hall.

"Little Sixteen has disappeared."

"However, after Xiaoli's breath dissipated just now, Rainbow Bridge seems to have paused for a while, are you waiting for another person?" The careful member of the Su family wondered.

"If the ancestor is waiting for someone, that person must have the status and strength of being" waited "by the ancestors. So ..."

"It's Dasong!"

Members of Tianhe Su's can easily guess the truth.

It is related to Su Shiliu, and it can be regarded by Su Shi's ancestors. It must be the most popular figure in the world.

"Big Song boss escorted Xiaoliu to the Su clan? Uh ..." This would not allow others to think less!

"Sure enough, in the future, when the digital fairy of the Tianhe Su family goes out, we must guard against the surname of Song. Even old-fashioned elders such as Dasong Song cannot relax their vigilance!"

"Even a veteran elder, you can't relax your defense because the other party is an elder."

Su Shi knotted his ancestor: "..."

The ancestor felt that even if he told the clan that Ba Song was not an ‘old-fashioned elder’, no one would believe it.

People are always willing to believe what they have seen and heard with their own eyes, but sometimes these things are not the truth.



the other side.

My corpse sat on the Rainbow Bridge, shuttled the endless starry sky in a short time, and arrived at the other star field!

"This is a means of space, but it is not an ordinary space door. What is the principle?" Asked the ego corpse.

If this method is used in combat, it is almost unfavorable, and it has an advantage over a simple 'space gate'.

"Bao Song Daoyou has a good vision, and you can immediately see the extraordinaryness of this Rainbow Bridge technology." Su's shield fairy smiled slightly, and then she began to explain the principle of the "Rainbow Bridge Technology" to Song Shuhang.

Because of Su Shiliu ’s reason, the Rainbow Bridge ’s “civilian technology” belongs to the scope of technology that she can share.

Su's shielding of the fairy may have been a reason for not talking to others for a long time. After the explanation of the "Rainbow Bridge Technology" at the beginning, various professional terms have continued to emerge.

Even the smartest bully among the three corpses, listening, his head began to ache.

Can't understand, can't understand.

He can only forcibly remember the content of Su Shi's shielding fairy in his mind, pass it back to the ontology, and then let the ontology calculate, absorb, and digest through the ‘celestial accounting function’.

"It's almost such a principle." After the shielding fairy of Su Shi finished speaking, he was still exhausted, adding softly: "If there is something I don't understand, you can always ask me."

"Thank you Fairy, I need to think about it first." My corpse replied with a loud voice, smiling.

"Yes, you need to think about digestion and understanding first." Su Shi's incarnation of the fairy began to lead the way.

"By the fairy, what about Alice?" Asked the corpse.

After getting off the Rainbow Bridge, he looked around, but did not see the figure of Su Shili, who was one step ahead of him.

"My other incarnation has already taken Alibaba to contact the" Fifth Heavenly Relics "first ... After Alibaba's contact is complete, I will take you there." Su Shi shielded the fairy and said: "Follow me closely, and go forward to the exclusion zone of Su Zuzuxing, where there is a means of imprisonment."

She was worried about Ba Song's incarnation. Once she lost her, she would never find each other again.

My corpse nodded and followed the fairy.

At the other end of the Rainbow Bridge, after entering the restricted area, the corpse found that the scene in front of it had changed dramatically.

When not in the restricted area, this star field looks like ordinary starry sky.

But that was just a layer of cover.

Within the restricted area, there is a space of **** power.

These blood-colored forces have both sides of yin and yang, which are full of vitality and the breath of death everywhere.

Even more frightening is the 'law' power hidden in this blood-colored power.

That seems to be the power of ‘reincarnation’.

Separated from the outside world, it becomes a world of ‘small reincarnation’.

"Wait, this plane, is it the Underworld?" Asked the ego's corpse.

"Bao Song Daoyou guessed right, this is indeed the location of the underworld. But to be precise, it is in a position of the" plane plane wall ". It is the junction of the underworld and another small world plane." Su's shielding fairy explained Dao: "Sue's ancestor is in that small plane world. In addition, Su's" Tianhe Mystery "on the earth is also connected to Su's ancestor, the passage I built."

"Is Su's ancestor a special place to host members of Tianhe Su?"

He actually didn't want to go too far into the secrets of others.

If you know too much, you can easily be killed.

But Su shielded the fairy and exposed these secrets directly to him, he knew at a glance.

"Yes, members of the Tianhe Su family can enter the reincarnation land of the ancestral star if they wish." Su's shield fairy said: "The foundation of the reincarnation of the Su family ancestor is based on the relics of the fifth heaven. "

"In addition to the power of reincarnation, Tao Qi has the power of reincarnation, and also has the ability to see through time,‘ seeing ’different powers. What Alibaba wants to contact is it.