MTL - Cultivating From Obtaining Experience-Chapter 249 Is it to die?

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  The man just moved his fingers a few times and then there was no movement. After about ten minutes, his fingers moved a few more lightly.

   Well, after the faint sound, his arms slowly moved a few times, and then he put his hands on the ground and slowly got up.

  He raised his head and looked at him in front of him. His eyes were blood red and his expression was crazy. At this time, the wounds on his face and body had stopped bleeding. His body also lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The muscles on his body were trembling non-stop, he stretched out his fingers and penetrated into the bullet hole, pulled it a few times, and a bullet was actually pulled out by him, and fell to the ground with a clang.

  Ha, he let out a long breath of relief.

   Gulu Gulu, there was a rumbling sound in my stomach. He glanced at the few people whose heads had been shot by him, stood up and staggered towards the outside.

   Outside Yixiantian, there are two people waiting outside. Suddenly a figure rushed out from inside.

  As soon as they raised their guns, the man came in front of him, gathered his fists, punched one by one, and directly smashed his head, as easily as hammering a watermelon.

  The man then rushed outside. At this time, machine guns had been set up outside the entrance of the valley, and soldiers were guarding the outside. I was also afraid of any accidents in the valley.

  Beep beep, the alarm sounded, and the soldiers on duty looked into the valley, only to see a man covered in blood rushing out of it.

   "Stop!" The soldier shouted, but the man didn't stop for a moment and rushed over.

  Da da da, the bullets shot at that person, and the bullets hit him one after another. He made a sound of pain, like a wounded beast, but the pace of advancement did not stop.

   There was a bang, the bolt of the machine gun was pulled, and then the fire snake swallowed, and the large-caliber bullets tore his body into pieces in an instant, and he fell to the ground and turned into a pile of rotten flesh after the blood and flesh flew all over the place.

   "What's going on here?" Several soldiers came to the corpse with their guns in hand, "This, isn't this the death row prisoner?"

  The body of this person was quickly taken away, and the bodies of several people inside were also brought out. On the same day, that person's body was sent to a certain base for research and analysis.

  The next day, the results of this person's preliminary inspection and analysis came out.

   "It is certain that his body has undergone a certain mutation, especially his muscle tissue, which is more than twice as tough as a normal person. His bones have also undergone a certain mutation. His blood has undergone an evolution similar to Guo Tianbu's. It's just that this process was interrupted just at the beginning, which is a pity."

   "What a pity? He killed six of us! How could such a mutation happen in such a short time?"

   "I checked his file. Before he was imprisoned, this person was a professional fighter. He had received systematic training, and he was born with great strength and a good foundation, which is why he mutated so quickly."

   This is the second person who came out of that palace alive. It's a pity that I didn't live.

   "The palace behind the stone gate is likely to be able to produce some kind of mutation in the human body, but the premise is that the body is strong enough to support the stimulation inside the pillar palace.

  Guo Tianbu went in wearing ordinary clothes, and this person went in wearing protective clothing. It goes without saying that Guo Tianbu's body is strong, this person was also very strong before entering. "

   "Other than that?"

   "It also requires a strong will."

   "Does this person also have a tough will?"

   "Well, this will can be understood as a spiritual attribute. Anyone who can persist in systematic fighting training for several years will not be bad, and he has killed more than 20 people by himself. Although such a person is considered a vicious person in the eyes of ordinary people, in some respects, the spirit is also strong enough. The spiritual attribute of a pervert/pervert is powerful enough to go on an evil path."

   "That palace is like a catalyst?"

   "From the current situation, it does have this function, but this function has strong side effects."

  In the mountain village, above the mountains.

  Beng fist, with a click, the stake broke.

  Hiss, hoo, Li Xinzhu adjusted his breathing, he had already broken twenty wooden stakes, and the number of blows needed to break the wooden stakes became less and less.

  He is practicing boxing, and Wang An is also practicing kung fu.

  The monkey was circling him with a long gun in his hand, stabbing at him from time to time, the tip of the sharpened gun was very lethal under the monkey's use, but after touching Wang An's body, it was blocked by the skin of his body, and at the same time was shot away by the force he sent out.

  The monkey was a little tired after attacking for a while, so he stopped to rest for a while.

  Wang An raised his head and glanced at the sky. The clouds in the distance were rolling and dark clouds were gathering, and the wind in the mountains also cooled down.

   "It's going to rain." Wang Andao.

  The rain started to fall after more than 20 minutes. Li Xinzhu and the monkey hid from the rain in the cave. Wang An sat alone in the rain and let the rain fall on himself.

  The rain didn't start heavy, but it gradually became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a torrential rain.

   "What a heavy rain!" Li Xinzhu exclaimed.

  He looked at Wang An who was sitting in the rain. The rainwater fell on Wang An's body, and then bounced up continuously, and some rainwater was spread by an invisible barrier before it fell on him.

   "That's it, really angry?" Li Xinzhu said in surprise.

  Wang Anzai is urging the true qi according to the exercises in the golden bell jar. Several streams of true qi are separated from his body, suspended less than ten centimeters away from the body, and have been in contact with his body through acupuncture points, urging these thin true qi to circulate outside the body, forming a thin layer of true qi.

   This layer of true energy blocked part of the falling rain.

  When his true energy is sufficient and pure enough, he can form a complete protective barrier outside his body, like a golden bell body guard.

  [golden bell cover+1]

  [golden bell cover+1]

   It rained for a day, and it was still falling at night.

  Wang An held a notebook in his hand in his room, on which he recorded the "Yi Jin Jing".

  After practicing the golden bell jar today, he practiced the Yijinjing exercise for a while, and unexpectedly found that this exercise seems to have made some progress.

  Crack, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed outside, rumbling, and the air vibrated.

  Wang An could clearly feel the vibrations from the air outside while sitting in the room.

  Thunder, thunder, the sound of hundreds of miles, a thousand miles in an instant.

   Extremely fast!

   For a while, he was fascinated by the rain outside.

  His mind seemed to have drifted out into the rain, feeling the rain curtain between the sky and the earth, feeling the bursts of lightning and thunder.

  In Lei Hai's residence, Xu Qi made a pot of tea and chatted with him.

  Suddenly, Lei Hai's body trembled, as if his back was electrified, and then he froze.

   "What's wrong?" Seeing this, Xu Qi asked hastily.

   "It's okay, it's just that my body suddenly feels weird." Lei Hai said.

   "What's wrong, do you need to ask Mr. to come and have a look?"

   "No, I suddenly feel much more comfortable than before."

   "It's much more comfortable, what's going on?"

   "I don't know either, maybe the husband's treatment during this period has been effective." Lei Hai said with a smile.

   "It's good to be comfortable." Xu Qi was relieved after hearing this, and then picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

   "You have let go of your kung fu these years, why don't you take this opportunity to learn from your husband?" Lei Hai said.

   "It is a great honor for him to help you, so how can you ask him again?"

   "The opportunity is rare. After passing this village, there will be no such store."

   "Forget it." Xu Qi waved his hand.

  Lei Hai sighed slightly after hearing this. In his opinion, this is really a rare opportunity. If it were him, he would most likely seek Wang An to learn from him. Sometimes his friend just cares too much about others.

  The heavy rain did not stop all night, and the sky was still raining the next morning, but it was much smaller than yesterday.

  Wang An went out holding an umbrella, and walked towards the mountain alone.

  The wind blows and the rain sprinkles one after another,

  Wang An held an umbrella in one hand, and drew circles in mid-air with the other hand. Tai Chi Yunshou, circles appeared one by one in his hand. The scattered raindrops in the sky were broken by the circles, and the circles were expanding.


  Wang An suddenly stopped in his tracks, his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something. He raised his hand and drew another circle.

   "No, no."

  He stood there and kept drawing circles with one hand. After a while, he simply threw away the umbrella in his hand, and practiced Tai Chi Yunshou in the wind and rain. Rolling hands, one by one circle, one after another arc.

   In a daze, his hands seemed to have turned into two big fish, entangled with each other, swimming non-stop.

  Yin Yang Tai Chi,

   is a circle, this circle can not only relieve force, but also can accommodate and dissolve.

  Wang An even thought of a sentence in the "Tao Te Ching", Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things. Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and the spirit is full of peace.

  If someone looks this way nearby at this time, they will find that in midair, in the wind and rain, they can faintly see a pattern similar to Taiji, which is very vague.

  Strength, true energy, and mind are inside.

   Wind and rain, nature, outside.

  [Tai Chi +30].

  Wang An gained a lot from performing martial arts in the rain.

  Thinking about it, in some respects, Tai Chi and Yi Jin Jing actually have something in common.

   "Is it possible that these profound kung fu and boxing theory have been figured out to the extreme?"

  How did the ancient sages practice martial arts? Did they also explore the mysteries of martial arts in nature, looking for the slightest insight?

  Because man is in the world, he is a small world.

  He slowly raised his hand, slapped it out, and with a bang, a tree more than ten meters away shook for a while, splashed, and the accumulated water on the leaves immediately fell down.

  Empty Splitting Palm is not only unique to Vajra Zen Palm,

  In the land of Xiqiang, the air is dry and hot.

   "Are you crazy?!" Lu Ao looked at Guo Tianbu in surprise.

   "I'm not crazy, you should know, I'm sober now." Guo Tianbu's tone was very calm.

   "They won't agree."

   "I really want to meet him." Guo Tianbu looked out of the cave with misty eyes.


   "I just had this idea suddenly, maybe he can answer some doubts for me." Guo Tianbu said calmly.

  Lu Ao took a deep breath, he really didn't understand why Guo Tianbu suddenly had such an idea, he actually wanted to see Wang An, wanted to chat with him. This seemed crazy to him.

   "Are you going to fight him?"

   "No, I want to see what step he has reached in practice, and how should he go next?"

  Mutsu was silent for a while after hearing this.

   "I will tell the higher-ups what you think, wait for my reply, and don't act in a hurry."

   "Okay." Guo Tianbu smiled.

   After Mutsu left, he told the people above Guo Tianbu's thoughts.

   "What, is he crazy, what kind of communication, impossible, absolutely impossible! Doesn't he know how important he is now?"

   "You need to communicate with him well, stabilize his emotions, what needs does he have, and what doubts can our experts help answer? Think about his family and his children!"

  Mutsu frowned slightly after hearing this.

   "Our people can't answer his doubts."

   "You can't go there either, it's too dangerous!"

  In the dead of night, with a bonfire burning in the cave, Guo Tianbu sat alone beside the fire, looking at the sky outside in a trance.

   Two days later,

   "What, the man disappeared, why did he disappear? Aren't you guys staring at him 24 hours a day? Didn't he wear a locator?"

   "The locator is placed in the cave. It's easy for him to leave quietly with his current skills."

   "He went to find Wang An?"


   "Bastard! Immediately arrange to encircle him along the road. We must find a way to find him and prevent him from meeting Wang An."

   "I don't think it's a bad thing for them to meet." Mutsu said after a moment of silence.

   "Isn't it a bad thing? Will the dragon and the tiger have a good chat when they meet, and nine times out of ten they will fight! You take your people to follow his trail immediately."


  In the mountain village, Xu Qi hung up the phone and sat aside for a while.

   "What's the matter?" Lei Hai, who barely sat up, said softly when he saw his surprised look.

   "Guo Tianbu rushed over from Xiqiang to see Mr.

   "What, they agreed?!"

   "I didn't agree, he sneaked here by himself, and the Special Affairs Bureau is chasing and intercepting him along the way!"

   "Interesting, very interesting! What is he doing here?"

   "It is to ask the teacher for advice."

   "Ask me, isn't this sending you to death?"

   "Maybe it's just asking for advice in a literal sense? I have to communicate with my husband about this."

  Xu Qi went up the mountain and found Wang An who was practicing. He didn't step forward to disturb, but quietly waited aside.

   "Is there something wrong?" Wang An stopped and looked at him.

  Xu Qi immediately stepped forward and told him about Guo Tianbu.

   "Okay, I welcome him." Wang An said with a smile after hearing this.

  In his opinion, it is also a good thing to have someone to communicate with.

   "If they ask, I will tell them what my husband said." Xu Qi said.

  (end of this chapter)