MTL - Cultivating From Obtaining Experience-Chapter 15 world record in martial arts

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  Chapter 15 World Records in the Dojo

  When practicing boxing in ancient times, they also practice lifting stone locks, which is a way to exercise strength.

  Wang An walked to the barbell used for strength training, and he wanted to test his own strength.

  When he lifted the 80 kg barbell with both hands, he didn't feel too much force.

  So he added another 20 kilograms to get to 100 kilograms. This time he lifted it up smoothly and didn't feel much effort.

  Continue to increase, 120 kg, he was caught again, this time a little more difficult.

   Li Xinzhu, who heard the voice, came to the side, and saw that Wang An didn't speak after lifting the dumbbell, and just watched quietly from the side.

  140 kg, 150 kg, 160 kg, as the weight of the barbell continues to increase, Wang An feels more and more strenuous, but he has not yet reached the limit.

   Li Xinzhu's eyes are getting bigger and bigger.

  The weight was finally increased to 175 kg by Wang An,

  He took a deep breath, grasped the barbell tightly with both hands, one, two, three, up,

   Push your legs **** the ground, straighten your arms, and tense your back like a bow.

  Because of exertion, blue veins appeared on his face, and he lifted the barbell again.

   After persisting for a few seconds, it fell to the ground, and with a bang, the floor shook.

   Patter, sweat dripped from his forehead and landed on the wooden floor.

   "Phew, almost reaching the limit." Wang An let out a long breath.

   Li Xinzhu on the side was stunned, his mouth opened so wide that he could stuff an egg into it.

  He walked aside, counted the weight of the barbells one by one, took out the calculator on his mobile phone, and added them three times.

   "175 kg, that's right." He looked at the number on the phone.

  He raised his head and looked at Wang An, from head to foot, and from foot to head.

   "175 kilograms, I am also a literate person, and I just want to say one thing at this time, hold the grass!"

   "Do you know the meaning of this number?"

   "I don't know, what's the matter?" Wang An moved his arms and swayed his waist. It was the "Xiong Huang" in Wu Qin Xi.

   "If I remember correctly, the weightlifting **** record in the 81 kg class is 175 kg, a world record."

   "Oh, really, you mean I tied the world record just now?" Wang An smiled.

  The expression is very calm, but the heart is shocked. This is not a city record, or a provincial record. He can even tie the world record with a tentative grasp, and he feels that he still has a little bit of energy left.

   "How can my strength be so great?!" Shocked but puzzled.

   "I haven't seen you doing strength training on weekdays. How can you have such great strength?" Li Xinzhu was also very puzzled.

   Everyone is 1.8 meters tall, and they all practice kung fu. You are not as handsome as me, and you are not as big as I am. How can you have such great strength.

   "Well, maybe it's because I eat beef every day? Eating beef increases strength." Wang An said after pondering for a moment.

   "What's the reason for this? According to what you said, those professional weightlifters don't need to exercise. They just need to eat beef every day. Is there any other unique secret?" Li Xinzhu was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

   "Well, I remembered." Wang An stroked his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands.

   "What?" Li Xinzhu asked hastily.

   "I do 300 push-ups and 300 squats every night. Although I am not bald, I have indeed become stronger." Wang An said seriously.

   Li Hsin-chu's expression suddenly changed after hearing this.

   "I also do push-ups and squats every day, and this kind of strength can't be built with this kind of exercise."

   "Maybe your practice time is wrong, or your posture is not standard enough. If you don't believe me, you can try again." Wang An smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then walked away.

   Li Xinzhu looked at the barbell on the ground.

   "One hundred and seventy-five kilograms, maybe I can lift it." He stretched his arms and waist, bent down and grabbed the barbell, exercising.

  One two three, up.

  The legs kicked off the ground, the arms tensed, and the blood vessels on the neck and forehead bulged out.

  The barbell on the ground moved and then stopped moving.

  Li Xinzhu tried several times, but finally gave up.

   "Damn, I really think too much!"

   "Could it be Tai Chi? I haven't heard that practicing Tai Chi can strengthen strength. Could it be that it's really because of the push-ups and squats, or should I try it from today?"

   Li Xinzhu turned his head and looked at Wang An who was practicing boxing beside him, lost in thought.

   "Hiss, you are practicing Tai Chi in the Xingyiquan martial arts gym, who are you looking down on?"

  After practicing boxing for a while, Wang An went to the side to rest. During this period, he was also thinking about his own strength.

  Based on the feeling of his exercise in the recent period, he thinks that the big reason is because he practiced "Five Animal Shows".

  Since practicing Wu Qin Xi, my appetite has obviously increased, and my strength has also increased significantly.

   "Could it be possible that after practicing Wu Qin Xi, you can still develop the strength of a tiger?" Wang An thought.

   "In the future, I will practice Wu Qinxi to see if my strength will increase!"

  As time went by, Wang An became more and more familiar with Taijiquan.

  However, the experience of Taijiquan is increasing more and more slowly. Seeing that the experience bar has come to an end, he doesn't know when he will be able to enter the next stage.

   "Perhaps I should ask Chen Xifeng for advice."

  He feels that he is stuck in a place now, and he only needs to take such a light step and he will step over it, just like a layer of window paper will be broken with a light poke.

  So he made an appointment for Chen Xifeng's Tai Chi class. That's right, if you want to listen to President Chen's class, you need to make an appointment, at least one week in advance.

   "What's so good about Tai Chi, you can't forget it so much?" After hearing the news, Li Xinzhu's expression was a little helpless.

   "Your talent is so good, if you are willing to concentrate on practicing Xingyi, you will definitely be able to advance quickly, and maybe you will become a Xingyi master."

   "Practicing Tai Chi cured some of my diseases." Wang An said with a smile.

   "Well, Taijiquan is unique in strengthening the body. In fact, practicing Xingyiquan can also strengthen the body."

   "I know, I've tried it too, I heard that the scenery of Qingyang Mountain is pretty good, do you want to go and see it together?"

   "No, no, if it is not a last resort, I will not go to that place." Li Xinzhu hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head after hearing this.

   "You seem to be very repulsed there, why? It's just a mountain."

   "That's Chen Xifeng's private territory." Li Xinzhu said after thinking for a moment.

   "Private territory, what do you mean, he contracted that mountain?"

   "Yes, he contracted that mountain." Li Xinzhu nodded.

   "Hiss, you really have money."

   "It's okay for you to go, but don't expect to learn anything with 1,500 yuan. If you want to ask him for advice, it is estimated that you will start with tens of thousands, and he may not even talk to you."

  (end of this chapter)