MTL - Cult of the Sacred Runes-Chapter 45 I am not satisfied

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In stark contrast to the joys and enthusiasm of the Ye family, Du Yuanming, Zhou Wu and Dong He’s faces are more and more pale, and their hearts are full of sorrow and unwillingness.

Du Yuanming looked at Ye Zhengqing and others with grievances. He did not expect to be able to suddenly turn over. Du Jia and Ye Jia are already immortal, Ye Jia does not remove, he sleeps hard! However, there is the shelter of Yi Master, he has no way to shoot Ye Family!

Ye Jia's younger generation woke up. Only Ye Zhong was still in a coma. Ye Jia did not think too much. He thought that Ye was seriously injured, and he would have nothing to rest.

Ye Wei is fine, Master Yi is relieved, but when Master Yi looks at the only leaf that is still in a coma, his brows are slightly wrinkled, his eyes are faintly golden, and he is staring at Ye Zhong. The line of sight seems to be able to penetrate the body of the leaf.

Master Yi looked straight at the leaf and looked dignified.

"This child's talent is still very good, but unfortunately..." Silence for a long time, Yi master sighed, looking at Ye Zhong, slightly shook his head and shook his head.

When Ye Wei woke up, the first name was Ye Zhong. Master Yi can naturally see that Ye Zhong’s position in Ye Wei’s heart is very high. If he can cure the leaf weight, he will naturally shoot.

However, the serious injury of Ye is too heavy, and the sea has been broken. Unless you can get the rumored "Soul of Heaven", Ye Zhong will always be in a coma!

And even if you get the celestial grass, you can only awaken the leaf weight at the most, so that the leaves can recognize the possibility of the sea completely recovering, I am afraid that even if it is not.


Ye Wei heard the soft sigh of Master Yi, the heart suddenly trembled, eagerly said: "Easy Master, Ye Zhongtang, what happened to him?" Ye Wei nervously looked at Master Yi, holding his fist.

"What's wrong with Ye?"

Ye Zhengqing, Ye Hai and other Yejia people heard the sighs of Master Yi, and they all became nervous. Ye Zhong is the strongest of the Yejia youth generation. At the age of 22, he is already a five-star warrior. It is hopeful that it will become a strong condensed element, and even more than Grandpa Ye Zhengqing is not impossible.

Ye heavy shoulders the future of Ye Jia, how can he have something? How can an accident occur?

"The child's knowledge is broken... I'm afraid it's hard to wake up again in this life..." Master Yi looked at everyone who was nervous, slightly indulged, or truthfully said.

"I know the sea... Broken? The knowledge of Ye Zhong is broken..."

The low words of Master Yi, as if a blue sky, lingered in the minds of the people, Ye Zhengqing, Ye Hai and others, the body trembled a little, a squat under the feet, almost fell.

I know the sea is broken... The strongest of the Yejia youth generation, actually, is this so abolished?

"Is the sea broken?"

"I can't wake up in my life?" Master Yi's words continued to reverberate in Ye Wei's mind. Ye Wei stood so sullenly, his expression was sluggish, and the whole person seemed silly.

Ye Zhongtang dragged the broken body and forced the white tiger to kill the supernatural powers, forcing the hard-resisting General Zhou Wu, all to protect me!

The apology in the heart made Ye Wei’s heart feel like a knife, and he could not breathe.

"Is there any other way?" Ye Wei held his fist tightly and looked up. He looked at Master Yi with a gaze. "If you can save Ye Zhongtang, even if it is a fire in the mountains, I must do it." !"

Looking at Ye Wei's firm expression, Yi master silent for a moment, said: "There is no way, unless you can find a 'Tianzhicao', I can use my magical powers to restore his knowledge of the sea, but the soul of the grass is very Rare and precious, not necessarily found, I will do my best!"

"Thank you Master!" Ye Weigong respectfully bowed his body and did not know if the master could find the soul of the sky. If he could not find it, he would also find a way to find out the soul of the grass!

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on Ye Zhong's body, Du Yuanming, Dong He, and Zhou Wu were not good at secret, and quietly prepared to take people away.

"Is this ready to go?" Master Yi snorted, his eyes glanced at Du Yuanming.

"Easy Master..." Du Yuanming suddenly scalp numb, Ye Zhong has been abolished, if Yi master wants to do it, whether it is Du Jia or Zhou Wu, Dong He can not resist the anger of Master Yi!

"My Du family and Ye family do have some contradictions, but since Master Yi has come forward, we no longer dare to find Ye Jia's troubles. I don't know who is not guilty. I also ask Yi Master to open one side!" Du Yuanming whispered, he said Although it is a family leader, but facing the master of Yi, he is also a war.

When he heard Du Yuanming’s words, Ye Wei’s eyes were round and sullen, and Du Yuanming was angered. Du Yuanming injured so many people in Ye’s family and made Ye’s knowledge of the sea broken. Is this just the case? He only hates that he does not have enough strength now. One day, one day, he will revenge!

Seeing Ye Weiwang’s gaze to Du Yuanming and others, Master Yi thought, and today he will help Ye Wei to breathe a sigh of relief!

Ye Wei is the only disciple who can pass on his clothes and even be blue. Whether it is the powerful soul perception, the mastery of the gods knowledge, or the incomparable degree of the gods in the legend, Ye Wei has an irreplaceable position in the masters of Yi.

Master Yi’s right hand moved, and there was a sacred pattern in the void, which quickly circulated, and a majestic spirit like a tidal wave surged out.

"Shentong-Daluo Chiba palm!" Master Yi's gaze suddenly became cold and incomparable.

Feeling the undulations of the gods in the void, whether it is Du Yuanming or Zhou Wu, Dong He, all face changes, scared to tremble, Mo Fei Yi master really killing?

"Easy Master is forgiving!"

"Please Master Yi Yi's mercy!" Du Yuanming and others quickly pleaded for mercy.

The voice did not fall, and innumerable golden palm shadows rushed toward Du Yuanming.

Du Yuanming looked a glimpse, and looked at Zhou Wu and Dong He, and now they can't sit still!

"Shentong-Tianxuan bodyguard!" Du Yuanming completed the writing of the gods in an instant, and a stock of vitality quickly converges toward his body, forming a sturdy battle armor.

"Shentong-Zhouyuan Shield Wall!" Zhou Wu also sighed, like a giant lion roaring in the sky, taking a step on his left foot, "squeaky", the ground violently trembled, and the lines of the gods flowed in his palm. In a moment, a thick Shield Wall was formed in front of him.

"Shentong - Hanbing Lingling!" Dong He also sighed softly, and the fat on his body kept shaking. The enthusiasm of the cold ice quickly gathered around him, forming a giant scorpion and loading Dong He into it. The ice, which is several inches thick, shines with dazzling luster in the sun.

Two conglomerates, seven stars, and a strong five-star conglomerate, while exerting a defensive magical power!

Their status can't compete with Master Yi, and they don't dare to join forces to attack Master Yi. But if you use your self-protection, no one will say anything!

"Hey!" Yi master snorted heavily, palms and heavy shadows, unrelentingly bombarded in Du Yuanming's Tian Xuan body, Zhou Wu's vitality shield wall and Dong He's cold ice.


After touching the golden palm of Yi master, Du Yuanming's Tian Xuan body was quickly cracked, and Zhou Wu's vitality shield wall was also rapidly disintegrated. As for the ice and ice, the golden palm print just fell on it, and the whole ice lingering smashed. It was broken.

Dong He smashed his palms and flew out. He fell heavily on the ground and vomited blood.

As for Du Yuanming and Zhou Wu, they were not much better. The golden palm prints were on them, leaving a sunken palm print on them, and blood flowed down their mouths. Their meridians are disordered, and the pain of the heart is simply unbearable.

The pain they put on the Ye family is now also on their own.

Even if the three of them teamed up, they were definitely not the opponents of Master Yi, which made them almost desperate, and the strength of Master Yi is too strong! The threat of death is approaching, which makes them full of fear.

Master Yi looked coldly at Du Yuanming, Zhou Wu and Dong He, step by step.

"Du family seems to have no need to exist!" Master Yi said faintly, his voice is like a sharp ice edge.

Upon hearing the words of Master Yi, Du Yuanming’s pupils contracted sharply and his face changed.

All the people in Du's family were all gray and pale, and their hearts were filled with despair. The strong seven-star star was played like a dog in front of Master Yi, not to mention these people.

At this time, on the stage, the mysterious teenager listened with horror. He was only the assistant of Lu Feng to help the boxing. He thought that he had no need to shoot at all. Who thought that Ye’s family suddenly had a leaf weight, which made him have to On the court, I thought that this contest would win in all likelihood, and the situation turned steep. Ye Home invited Mr. Yi.

"Easy Master, I am not a Du family, but a Ningcheng Lu family, but also invited Master Yi to show mercy!" The boy quickly stalked the master Yi.

Master Yi’s eyes glanced at the boy coldly. The talent of Lu’s young boy was not bad. It was much higher than Ye Zhong’s, but compared with Ye Wei, it was a waste residue!

"The descendants of Ningcheng Lu's family, dare to scatter here!" Master Yi snorted, and a long sleeve waved, and a strong wind hit.

Lv surnamed suddenly felt a vast expanse of energy, he could not show his magical powers, and quickly lifted his arm block, but "bar 嗒", "bar 嗒" two sounds, his hands and bones instantly break, the whole person Just like a broken kite, the kite flew out. The bang slammed into the far wall of the courtyard, and the bricks and stones flew. The whole person fell weakly and vomited blood.

Like the military name of the Lv surname, in the face of Master Yi, it is like an ant.

Lv surnamed the teenager did not expect that Master Yi would not put his Ningcheng Lu family in his eyes at all. He took this note and his bones seemed to be broken. He quickly lie on the ground and pretend to die, hoping to get away with it.

Seeing this scene, the various family members on the scenes looked at each other and showed their awkward look. It’s terrible that Master Yi is angry. Fortunately, it is not them who offend Ye Family, otherwise they will have to finish the egg. Everyone looks at the Ye family with a chill, and they must not provoke the Ye family in the future!

The hearts of the Ye family are equally shocked. They hold their fists tightly. The power of Master Yi has left an indelible impression on their hearts. When can they have such a strong person? Who will dare to deceive them Ye Jia?

Master Yi took a step forward, and the entire Ye Family’s military field suddenly whipped up the wind, and the dust was blown into the sky, covering the sky, like the end of the day.

Master Yi, who must be angry, is like a **** of death from hell.

"Master Yi, I don't accept it!" Du Yuanming quickly slammed the ground and shouted. If he didn't talk, he would have no chance to say it again.

~~ Yesterday was a reader named Su Han who obtained the physical signature of Jiuxing Tianchen. Please continue to pay attention to the snail prestige public account "snails"