MTL - Crowned with Pearls-Chapter 1312 One hundred and eleven · breaking the old and welcoming the new

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  Chapter 1312 One Hundred Eleven · The old welcomes the new

  The Wu family is not really as tough as it appears on the surface.

  Mr. Wu is getting old. After running around all day today, he has already been exhausted. He finally had dinner and had a moment of free time. Before he had time to make another pot of tea, the elders of the clan came to visit him one after another.

  The third master of the Wu family felt sorry for his old father. Seeing that he was so tired that he seemed to be unable to open his eyes, he was a little unhappy and wanted to go out to dismiss those clansmen.

But Mr. Wu smiled instead, and waved his hand at his son: "Forget it, let them in. After all, this is a big deal. If you don't give an explanation, people will be in a panic. I'm afraid they will have trouble sleeping and eating recently." .”

  The old man himself said so, and the third master of the Wu family had no choice but to agree in a low voice. After all, he listened to his father and went out to invite all uncles and brothers into the house.

  As soon as they entered the door, everyone asked the old man about it one after another.

  The elders of the clan are all mature and prudent, and they need to be more calm.

  The younger generation is very nervous, you talk about the deeds of Su Yao before.

   "This concubine is very resourceful. When she was in Yunnan, she overcame all difficulties to set up the weaving field. The weaving field was built for the girls of the Tu ethnic group."

   "I heard that the grandson dotes on her very much, and is willing to listen to her opinions on any major or minor matters."

  Everyone talked a lot.

  Mr. Wu closed his eyes and listened quietly for a while, then opened his eyes and coughed. Seeing that everyone was silent, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is it all finished?"

   Everyone fell silent.

"The decision to burn those girls to death was unanimously made by the clan." Mr. Wu first expressed his attitude, and glanced around: "What do you mean now? Seeing that the grandson concubine is here, he said so Stubborn, are you afraid?"

  Everyone was silent for a moment.

It was the old lady of the second room who said first: "It's not that we are afraid, it's just that in our current situation, it's difficult for people in the clan. Now it's not the same as it was back then. We used to be less afraid of the government, but in recent years, pirates have become more and more serious. It's getting more and more rampant, if we offend the government too much."

  The clan is of course very important, but I am afraid that the imperial court will suppress it too hard.

   In comparison, the balance of interests is necessary.

Mr. Wu raised his eyebrows, and before he could speak, the third room of the Wu family first refuted loudly: "It's too hard to offend?! What are we afraid of?! The Wu family has been established for so many years, and it hasn't changed the rules for anyone! You forget Have you learned the lesson in front of you? Are you really going to leave behind those scourges? Can you repeat the tragedy of the year?!"

  Everyone felt a little palpitation when they said this sentence.

  The unfamiliar white-eyed wolf colluded with pirates back then, cooperating internally and externally, which directly led to the extermination of the original patriarch's clan.

   It was really a painful lesson.

   Now that the third house of the Wu family said this, everyone who was still anxious at first immediately changed their minds.

Mr. Wu was smoking a hookah, and after puffing out white gas, he said unhurriedly: "Okay, why are you arguing? The rules for so many years can't be changed. As for the concubine, I don't believe it's for a group of women. We must kill all Wu Family Forts!"

  With the strong stance of the elders, the young people who had been a little loose did not dare to speak any more.

  The members of the third room of the Wu family withdrew arrogantly.

  After returning to his own house, the third old master saw a familiar face, and immediately changed into a smiling face to greet him: "Yo, why did you come here in person, Second Master?"

  Zhao Er was overwhelmed by the head of the Qin family, but he became a real master when he came to the third room of the Wu family.

   He put his hands behind his back in a sly manner and clicked his tongue: "You're back? What do you say over there?"

The three old masters are already great-grandfathers who are about to become great-grandfathers, but they still kept their posture low in Zhao Er's place. Hearing the words, he replied respectfully: "Don't worry, Er Master, everything has been settled. Just respect the rules, this is the rules, no matter how noble the grandson concubine is, can she still kill other people from Wujiabao?"

   While talking, the two had already wandered into the flower hall.

Zhao Er sat on the main seat as a matter of course, took a grape and threw it into his mouth, and bent the corner of his mouth casually: "Procrastinate, there can be no mistakes in this matter, as long as it is delayed until the day after tomorrow, it will become .”

  The third old man agreed and sat down, observed his words for a while, and asked Zhao Er with a smile: "By the way, second master, is this really possible?"

"What do you think?" Zhao Er raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "Could it be possible that I'm still playing with you? Just take care of things! Don't worry, I've already said hello to those people when you hang a white cloth in your house." , your family is innocent in the fall, so don't worry about the rest of the matter, anyway, after this matter is over, you will naturally be able to replace that stubborn old man and become the patriarch of the Wu Family Fort!"

  The third old man had an unconcealable smile on his face.

   Zhao Er was also very happy.

  He came out this trip, but he really got a lot of birds.

  Let's not talk about that old man Zhou Zhengshan, and Master Qin didn't take him seriously.

  He was at the end of it.

  Just wait another day and night, and the pirates come to Wujiabao, and everything will be over.

   At that time, he can go back to work with the princess.

  Master Qin will end badly sooner or later!

  He laughed for a while, and did not forget to ask the third old man: "Are you sure you have found out the address? The topographic map can't be wrong, right?"

   Don't capsize in the gutter.

The third old lady nodded hurriedly: "Don't worry, don't worry, how can this matter be called a problem? After all, our family is also a direct branch of the clan. Is it possible that we don't have the ability to do this? The place where the grandson concubine is placed, we have already done it. If you ask clearly, there will be nothing wrong."

  Zhao Er hummed: "Okay, then you can do whatever you want, I have to go out."

  The third old master hastily agreed.

  Zhao Er walked around the city, stopped deliberately when passing the ancestral house, and squinted his eyes when he looked at the ancestral house.

  Several soldiers were following him in ordinary clothes at this time. Seeing his appearance, they all advised him: "Don't worry, there will definitely be no mistakes in this matter."

  Zhao Er was looking forward to Su Yao's death soon.

   Just looking forward to it, then you have to wait, after all, you have to wait for Qin Dazhu and the others to arrange everything properly.

   But it’s okay, it’s coming soon anyway.

  He stared at the ancestral house and took a few soldiers to find flowers and ask Liu.

  It was late at night, but Su Yao still didn't sleep.

  Ms. Qin also didn't sleep, and she talked with Su Yao in Su Yao's room: "If the matter of the Wu family is true, then those girls really have no way to escape."

  (end of this chapter)

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