MTL - Crossing the Happy Daughter-Chapter 1585 days go by in a hurry

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   Chapter 1585 Days go by in a hurry

   When I was busy, time passed very quickly. One day, Zhan Xiao sent a letter. Yun Yi opened it and saw that it was a letter from the general who was entrusting the guard of Humen Pass to Ganzi Village and brought it back to the capital.

  The letter stated that the private school in Ganzi Village had been built, and the village also used the money to renovate the ancestral hall in the village, and bought 200 mu of land as village property, which will be used to support students and poor families in the future.

  The remaining Yinzi villagers were divided by one or two per head, and the remaining several hundred taels were used as funds for activities in the village in case of emergencies. Thank you again and again for the help of Prince Rui's mansion for their Ganzi village.

  What Yunyi didn't know was that after they left, the Xiao family found out that Prince Rui lived in Lizheng's house, and Princess Rui was frightened at first, and then regretfully beat his chest, why didn't he befriend Princess Rui.

   He was angry that Xiao Song's daughter-in-law Li Erni had taken the lead, so he began to visit Xiao Song's house frequently, trying to ease the relationship, but it was a pity that Xiao Song didn't give them a chance.

   The village despised the Xiao family and envied Li Erni as much. Now that Li Erni is living a good life, Xiao Song loves her so much that she is caught outside the house.

  Reluctant to let Li Erni suffer a little bit of grievance, saying that marrying a daughter-in-law is meant to be pampered, and envious of the big girl and the little daughter-in-law in the village.

  Li Erni is very popular in the village now. Everyone knows that Li Erni and Princess Rui are good friends, so no one wants to flatter her, but Li Erni is the same to everyone, not far or near.

   Xiao Jing, who was unhappy from the academy, returned to the village and heard that the couple living in Lizheng's house were Prince Rui and Princess Rui, and then locked himself in the room for three days without food and drink.

   He has been thinking about what Princess Rui said, "I think your character is not good enough, and I think you are not qualified to take the career path. Can you see that you are not happy?" He now knows that he is finished, really finished.

  Time flies, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the past five years, Longteng has built no less than 100 post stations on the official road from south to north, and most of them have been put into use.

  Yunyi also handed over the recipe for making cement to the imperial court, but because he set up a construction team, he also has a cement workshop.

  The construction teams in various places have been formed, and they have begun to officially accept orders for business, and the business is in full swing.

   Yunyi was reading a book in the pavilion today. Brother Bin brought his younger brothers and sisters over to say hello. Now the brothers and sisters have all split up the courtyard to live separately.

   Brother Bin, the three of them are already handsome boys, but at the age of ten, they are like twelve or three years old. All of them have grown taller. Now they are very calm, and Yun Yi is very reassured about them.

   Now, when Long Jingrui is free, he will take the three of them to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing to experience, and now they are all outstanding.

   Entering the pavilion, the brothers and sisters bowed and said, "I have seen the mother and concubine."

   Yun Yi said, "Why did you come here today?"

   Brother Bin said: "Mother, concubine, tomorrow is the 60th birthday of the old princess of Yu Wangfu. We took leave from the husband in advance and are going to go to the street to choose gifts."

   Yun Yi smiled and said, "If you have filial piety, then you should go early and return early. It's a bit hot today, so don't get sunburned."

   Brother Bin said: "Then the son will take his brother and sisters out of the house."

   Yunyi waved her hand and sent the children away. She is not worried about their safety now. The three little ones in the family are not good at martial arts, but they all like medicine.

   Now that he has read all the characters at a young age, he has read a lot of medical books, and follows Yunyi to fiddle with medicinal herbs all day long.

   got up and ate a few pieces of watermelon sent by the maids, and asked casually, "Where's the prince?"

  The newly arrived maid Rong Yu replied, "Princess Hui, Prince Yu has come over and is discussing matters in the study."

   Yun Yi said, "Send some chilled watermelons over there."

   Rong Yu replied, "Yes, the servant girl is going." After speaking, he turned around and left the pavilion.

   The previous maids were getting older, and Yun Yi, with their consent, chose the young and promising subordinates of Long Jingrui for them, and let them choose their match freely.

  Yunyi also gave a small courtyard and a generous dowry, so Xuejian has been a steward everywhere since they got married.

   Ask for a ticket~~~



   (end of this chapter)