MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 306 No Face Project

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"This is the biggest problem with human nature!"

Looking at the unexpected changes in the scrap iron city, I don’t know how many people on the Foundation’s side were angry and helpless, roaring sharply, but also with a bit of disappointment and resentment: “Obviously before they set off, they already Knowing their responsibilities, they will always be shaken by some unnecessary factors. They clearly know that they are shouldering the burden of the direction of the world, but they want to regard the individual emotional illusion as more important than the whole world. What they are facing is scarlet, the world's biggest uncertain factor, but in their eyes, they insist on scarlet's false shell as their brother worth dying for..."

"What did he do for you?"

"How many times did the cooperation that killed the captain, and occasionally rescued you from a difficult situation?"

"Such a small matter can be easily done by any malicious person, but you are actually shaken by such a small favor..."


Such accusations made some people unable to understand, and they were full of disappointment: "The most ridiculous thing is, knowing that you have no strength to resist, you still have to bite the bullet and go forward..."

"With such factors full of ignorance and uncertainty, how can the human race get rid of the eternal predicament?"


In his disappointed tone, it was as if bright fireworks exploded in the sky above the scrap iron city.

The will of the Eleven Gods affected the entire world inside the spiritual barrier, causing the super cities to fall apart, and the huge plates lost their weight and suspended in the broken space. Faced with this unimaginable power However, the will of the Eleven Gods gathered this power as soon as they realized it, and squeezed it towards the location of the Scrap Iron City, vowing to erase everything.

Compared with the chaos and strangeness in other places, the residents of the scrap iron city didn't even know what happened at this time.

They were still dazed until the nightmare was approaching.

Captain Ouyang and Teng Snake's instructor played a key role at this moment.

One of them holds the most powerful demon taboo "world in a jar" bestowed by the church, and the other holds the foundation's most powerful extraordinary weapon. Both of them also belong to the most dangerous taboo category.

But these two weapons are of course impossible to resist the will of the Eleven Gods.

Even if it's just a subconscious reaction just after the arrival, the power is being severely dispersed, and it's not something they can resist.

But, after all, they still greeted them.

Over the scrap iron city, a huge circular arc with almost perfect proportions appeared on the surface in an instant, but one side was pure white and pure spiritual power, and the other half was black power burning with magma flames. Squeezing from the right to the middle, it happened to cover the scrap iron city inside. After the obliteration will of the eleven gods descended on the scrap iron city, there were layers of ripples immediately, which flowed indefinitely.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

It was obvious that the power in the sky above the scrap iron city was quickly pushed to the limit. Both Teng Snake instructor and Captain Ouyang had distorted expressions, and blood was almost oozing from their eye sockets.

But they insisted on holding on, unable to let this power come down.

Calculated according to common sense, probably the limit they can support is only a few seconds.

But sometimes, these few seconds are enough.



"The eleven gods have come, hurry up and lead them to the kingdom of heaven..."

The first one that couldn't hold back was the Wandering Church, or in other words, it should be called the Kingdom of Heaven.

The sacred realm where the Wandering Church is located has been destroyed by Wei Wei before. Since then, the Wandering Church has restrained its strength as much as possible, and returned to the kingdom of heaven with its remnant forces. In the mind of the Wandering Church, the kingdom of heaven It is a magical place full of happiness and holiness, the ultimate pursuit of every believer, the supreme place to put your tired body and soul, and a place full of divinity


But until then, Tian Guo revealed his true side.

"My fellow believers, it's time to show our allegiance to God and save our God..."

Regardless of whether they were willing or not, the elders sent out their invitations to the most devout believers in the world.

As a result, countless believers began to pray and dedicate themselves, with the sole purpose of asking the **** to come down and ask the **** to return to his throne.

The kingdom of heaven is a huge altar.

All the remaining believers need to pray to their gods, sacrifice everything they have, and ask the gods to return to the kingdom of heaven, which belongs to their gods.

This plan is the Gods Salvation Plan.

Under the oppression of the Foundation, the Wandering Church has indeed been at a disadvantage all the time, especially after Scarlet destroyed the sacred domain, which made the Wandering Church almost lose all the capital to fight against the Foundation, but the Wandering Church still did not give up. They just guarded the last altar, and prepared all the time to let the **** return to the throne, and then bless the faithful believers...

Although in all calculations, the Wandering Church has no advantage, but they at least have a little bit.

They believe that the gods will come.

This is the case today, the eleven gods have come, just because they were forcibly pulled into reality, so their power is chaotic, their cores are entangled, and along with the chaos in the spiritual barrier, the gods have fallen into a short period of confusion. The strength of their joint efforts failed to erase the scarlet in the first place, but it was the reason why Teng Snake instructor and Captain Ouyang temporarily resisted it.

However, the Wandering Church can invite God back through the Kingdom of Heaven Project.

This can help one's **** break away from that chaos, condense the core and complete will, and remain invincible.

Of course, which **** is the first to condense his will and pull it out first, this is likely to determine the position of this **** in reality in the future.

And this point depends on the number of believers in oneself.



"Those stupid and crazy guys, when will they realize that..."

One of the three founders of the foundation felt the launch of the Heavenly Kingdom Plan and was furious about it, but he also lamented that iron could not be made into steel:

"A **** who needs to be saved by you is no longer a god..."


That's right, they don't pay attention to the plans of the Wandering Church at all. Although they have known for a long time that those people will definitely not give up in the end and will definitely do something, but before the foundation is fully prepared, any of their plans will be impossible. It is impossible to form too much effect, and at this time, even if they completely sacrificed themselves, it is impossible for any god's will to break away from the chaotic cage of today's spiritual barriers.

This kind of "salvation" will, on the contrary, tear the will of the Eleven Gods apart and help the implementation of the Foundation's plan.

However, I have to admit that it did have a little impact.

Because of the launch of the Kingdom of Heaven Project, the foundation had to start its own plan ahead of schedule.

Originally, the steps of the Wandering Church and the Foundation were consistent. Both parties wanted to kill Scarlet, and both were happy to watch the Eleven Gods get rid of Scarlet.

But Teng Snake instructor and Captain Ouyang held back the wrath of the Eleven Gods, and Scarlet couldn't get rid of it immediately. At this time, both of them could have continued to watch and wait a little longer.

It only takes a few seconds for Scarlet to be permanently resolved.

However, the Wandering Church didn't want to wait any longer. They launched the Heavenly Kingdom Project, and the Foundation couldn't wait any longer. In order to preserve their advantage, they could only launch their plan one step faster.



"Since Scarlet doesn't want to make a choice, let him shut up forever!"

Accompanied by an angry shout, the Foundation still

Like a huge and detailed machine, it suddenly roared and made a series of instructions:

"The Faceless Man Project, start executing!"



Following the release of the order, soon, there was a melodious and heavy bell ringing through the spiritual barrier.

Now it is in extreme chaos, inside the three-dao city defense line full of all kinds of unreasonable elements, and in countless cities, there are bells that lift people's spirits at the same time, as if they swayed into the bottom of the heart.

The bells come from the Church of the Faceless Man.

After the foundation expelled the Church of the Twelve Gods, it built a spiritual barrier. Among the spiritual barriers, the only thing related to faith is the Church of the Faceless Man. A city, and some large cities even have two, three, or even more. When unified, the number of Churches of the Faceless Man has reached a terrifying number...

The sound of the bell adds to the film.

Along with the sound of the bell, strange sights appeared in the skies above the chaotic cities.

They were all wearing black cloaks, they looked like human figures, but they didn't have any projections on their faces. They appeared in various cities one after another.

A sacred but vague voice began to sound from around them. This voice penetrated the spiritual world of ordinary people, got endless amplification, and spread to a wider area.

The power of the chaotic organization of the eleven gods began to be invisible squeezed by the praise of the faceless man.

With their high status and anger, they could hardly endure such humiliation, and subconsciously wanted to annihilate the other party, but it was only then that they suddenly realized something was wrong.

Between the entire spiritual barrier, as the projections of faceless men appeared one by one, countless huge magic circles began to appear. These magic circles, with small cities as runes and super big cities as their cores, appeared in the spiritual world. In all directions of the barrier, there is an invisible chain structure between each other, and as a whole, all the magic circles are combined to form a huge magic circle that no one has dared to imagine.

The Eleven Gods were trapped in the magic circle, and they felt that there was a force that threatened him.

"how can that be?"

Even the supreme will of the eleven gods suddenly felt surprised.

In their understanding, the biggest threat in reality is scarlet, there has never been a second possibility, and it is impossible.

But this time, they suddenly discovered that the biggest threat they faced was not Scarlet.

It turned out to be: Faceless Man.



"Even I want to give a compliment, the Foundation is really amazing..."

In the endless chaos, Father An looked up into the sky, and saw the densely packed statues of faceless men with terrifying power.

He seemed a little moved: "I have seen the weakness of the Foundation, I have also seen their darkness, and I have even complained about their stupidity, but when I saw their final arrangement, I still couldn't help but want to I would like to express my admiration to these people, they really dare. What is even more difficult to imagine is that they started preparing such a terrifying plan thirty years ago, starting from the establishment of the Church of the Faceless Man... ..."

"What exactly is that?"

Even the will in the red book felt horrified: "That is a brand new power that even I am afraid of..."

"They want to complete the final mission of Project Rose."

Father An said in a low voice, "They are helping the world to formulate a perfect model of order."

"First sit back and watch the disaster turn the spiritual barrier into a huge summoning circle, forcibly tear the eleven gods down from the world, and then push the boat along the way, taking advantage of the instability of the core of the eleven gods, using the entire spiritual barrier as a framework to create the twelve gods The magic circle, then, uses the respective powers of the twelve gods to restrain and balance each other, and finally traps the twelve gods in the spiritual barrier, allowing them to make parts of huge machines with peace of mind


"Faceless God, hey..."

"That's not a **** at all, it's just a mirror image."

"The foundation never regarded the twelve gods as gods, nor did they regard them as demons. They simply regarded them as power, and as long as it is power, there is room for it to be used."

"Once their plan is formed, they will have the control of the entire world in their hands. They can draw every life at will, control wars in every place, and share the knowledge of everyone in the entire world. They can even Controlling a person's life and death, controlling luck, changing the truth, the whole present, ... can therefore be controlled in their hands, and become a player that can be played at will..."



The book with the red cover couldn't help shouting: "How could this be a perfect model?"

"In a sense, it's really perfect."

Father An sighed: "You can control the strength of any kind of demon power at and you will have the ability to deal with this situation. How can this not be considered perfect?"

"Stop them..."

Red Book yelled angrily: "Throw me out, I'll stop them."

"It's useless."

Father An said: "They have been preparing for too long, and they have calculated too deeply. Now, neither you nor I have the qualifications to stop this crazy plan of the Foundation..."

The red book's voice began to tremble: " this the final answer?"

"Do not......"

But Father An shook his head, and said in a low voice, "At least the Foundation has miscalculated a little bit."

"In their plan, Scarlet was supposed to be dead when the Faceless Man project started..."

"But now, he's still there!"