MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 281 Promoted in Hymn of Hell

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"Xiao Chi won?"

"No, he lost."


When Scarlet saw that Miss Lily had reaped her own happiness, with a long-lost smile on her face, an old head of the priesthood stood beside the long table representing power and sanctity in the Holy Church. opened his eyes.

His facial muscles twitched, and his expression was extremely angry: "This **** fool!"

"He has long thought of the most critical part of sanctioning Scarlet, but he didn't discuss it with us at all, but went to challenge Scarlet alone in exchange for the chance to become the Archbishop!"

"Damn it, if he had revealed his purpose from the beginning, things wouldn't have turned out like this!"


Someone next to him opened his eyes eagerly: "If he had said it a long time ago, would we have won?"

"No, but I won't allow him to do that!"

The person who spoke before had a contorted expression and growled angrily: "Because if you do this, once you win, you can rest easy, but once you lose, Scarlet will find its most important direction."

"Our spear of truth will become his most powerful weapon!"


Facing his anger, the people around the long table fell silent.

The Wandering Church, or the Holy Church, is undoubtedly powerful, but everyone is aware of its own problems, that is, the Church has never been monolithic, but has its own way.

The foundation has already become bloated and made many mistakes because of some differences in the concepts of the three mentors. The reason why the Wandering Church has not been able to launch a counterattack against the Foundation until now is because the Wandering Church's own The problem is worse than the Foundation.

They, the head of the priesthood and the leader of the believers, originally believed in different gods, obeyed different teachings, and had never been loyal to different objects and ideas.

Therefore, everyone is hiding their secrets and calculating their own interests.

The emergence of such a situation will make everyone feel angry, but besides being angry, they also understand that it can be said that such a thing is preordained.

So far, apart from complaining, all I can do is remedy...

The head of a priesthood who had been silent all this time suddenly raised his head: "Now is not the time to quarrel."

"We were driven out of the wilderness, and countless believers and churches were abandoned. Now, the sacred domain is our final foundation."

"Everyone, it's not time to cultivate your own strength in secret."


Although he didn't explicitly state his proposal, everyone present understood it.

Now, it's time for everyone to gather their strength and fight Scarlet together, otherwise, the final foundation will be destroyed and everything will become vain.

"Scarlet's success against the Spear of Truth, although unexpected, is not a big deal."

"We've known for a long time that scarlets, which are being renewed from generation to generation, are less likely to be killed by old methods."

"However, Scarlet's strategy was originally wrong. It is a stupid idea for him to come here alone to destroy the sacred domain!"


With a dull voice, a man in a black robe stood up.

As he got up, the black robe fell off, and gradually disappeared in the process of falling off, revealing the dark armor on his body. Under the black helmet, two gloomy eyes shot out light, and he shouted in a deep voice:

"On behalf of the God of War, I will face Scarlet head-on, but the responsibility of protecting the believers in the sacred realm is left to everyone present."


"The head of the Fourth Mission..."

Everyone was silent. As the head of the fourth priesthood of the war demon, he was recognized as the most powerful individual.

It's just that, because of the power of the war demon, too many holy churches need to be used

The resources have caused the demons of war to be put on hold all the time, but now is obviously not the time to put it on hold.

"Very well, it is indeed time for us to go all out."

Now that the matter has come to this point, the other people present can only nod silently, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

The Holy Church has never been united, but, more ridiculously, they will really be united for a moment.

That is when facing the Scarlet Demon.

However, just as everyone sighed in low voices, each of them had decided which totem to summon and what demonic taboo to use to drive Scarlet back, the atmosphere changed from being depressed at the beginning to a little bit more elevated.

They suddenly heard the movement outside, and their expressions froze instantly.

There are strands of spiritual breath, like falling raindrops slowly falling from the sky, and the slightest coolness penetrates into the hall of the God of Samurai.

Everyone present, including the war demon, trembled at the same time:



Before that, no one thought that Scarlet would be so disrespectful of martial arts.

You are a majestic big devil, you came to the sacred realm, and you didn't rush directly towards the holy church without baring your teeth...

What is that thing you put in the sky?


In the sky, the Hymn of Hell is falling towards the sacred realm.

That dark, vaguely human-shaped thing, but without any sense of beauty or technology, was peeling off its black shell bit by bit as it fell.

These black substances covering the surface, every time they peeled off, turned into invisible spiritual threads, floating in mid-air, the surrounding air seemed to be cut and stitched by some strange thread, gradually becoming distorted and weird, and **** Hymn's bloated side has been cut off, and it is getting closer to the shape of a human being. Even under the black shell, it reveals a white, even sacred complexion. The facial features began to be exposed to everyone bit by bit.

At this moment, all the residents in the entire sacred domain felt the fall of this thing, and subconsciously looked up.

And inside or outside the sacred domain, all the people who have some kind of logical connection with the sacred domain also felt her fall, raised their heads blankly, and looked at that exquisite face.

"Green Goblin, Blue-headed Ghost, Red Angel, Black Death..."

At this moment, Wei Wei was also looking at the hymn to **** dropped by the ghost lady, and gradually discovered the wonder of its essence, his expression became expectant and surprised.

"Most of the weapons produced by the Pioneer Laboratory are based on technology. Unexpectedly, at this level, they have another essence..."


While he was thinking about these questions, Hymn of Hell had fallen to a height of ten meters from the ground, and the black shell had been completely peeled off at this moment.

Then, the Hymn of Hell, which was falling rapidly, suddenly stopped unreasonably and floated in the air.

With this holy and beautiful image as the center, the surrounding space is stitched together by strands of invisible threads, or in other words, the spiritual world of people who have seen it in the sacred domain is stitched together.

At this moment, there was no danger in Hymn of Hell, only a piece of pure tranquility.

"No, close your eyes!"

In the hall of the Holy Church, someone was suddenly frightened and shouted loudly.

He tried to use his own voice to remind all the believers in the sacred realm that he could indeed make his will spread rapidly in the spiritual realm.

Only this time, he was half a step too late, and the moment his will spread out, he was already cut by an invisible thread.

Not only Wei Wei does not know the specific release data of the special weapons at the fifth level of the foundation, but the Wandering Church obviously does not know either.

It's just that the expressions of the people in the Holy Church were frozen, astonished and frightened.

On Wei Wei's face, a smile was gradually blooming, as if he saw a child with a super-large cannon stick.

He gasped softly and whispered to himself, "Curse!"




When Wei Wei said the name of Hymn to Hell, the still white human-shaped saint floating in mid-air suddenly emitted the first wave.

This fluctuation spreads to the surroundings, but it is not based on common sense of physics, but along some kind of surreal logic.

For example, if someone sees this white human-shaped saint, then the fluctuation will swing into his spiritual world, and after that, it will not pass through his brain and swing to the person behind him, but will be based on his heart. Here, some logic in his fate swayed to other places, layer by layer, round by round, filling the spiritual world of the people in the sacred domain, and passing into the slaves through their spiritual world. , heresy, and the spirit world of witches locked in cages waiting to be burned.

Obviously, in the transmission logic of the hymn to hell, the sacred domain is not limited to the few cities that can be seen and affected.

The sacred realm includes these cities, as well as the believers in the cities, as well as the miserable bottom who support these believers and cannot decide their own destiny.

In the exhaustion of despair, they heard the beautiful, looming singing voice, looked up and saw the holy shadow, and even saw the holy believers under those shadows with dull and terrified expressions.

So in a desperate heart, I couldn't help thinking: "What are those high-ranking big shots doing?

"They're scared..."

"They live in such a nice house and directly enjoy God's gift, why are they afraid?"


"Is this because, in essence, they are the same people as us?"

"If they are all the same, why are they so happy and we are so miserable?"

"Why do unfortunate people have to be condescendingly accused by happy people?"


It is impossible not to feel dissatisfied, even the most desperate person will feel a little bit of dissatisfaction in his heart when he is bullied.

Sometimes, this trace of dissatisfaction is the most precious thing.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the sacred realm who are known as the happiest people of God, and there are hundreds of times more people, or even more than a hundred times, supporting them.

The dissatisfaction of these people usually has no way to vent, because God stands beside those happy people.

But now, they suddenly saw an opportunity.



"So this is the Hymn of Hell!"

Looking at the smooth image, Wei Wei trembled with excitement, and even felt a little moved.

"The Hymn to Hell is essentially non-aggressive, because it is just a way of connecting, like a mirror, reflecting another dimension."

"Its true power depends on the releaser."

"The will of the releaser can destroy the locked area through this invisible force field."


It's just that, at a critical moment, the Hymn to Hell was released by the Phantom Lady, but the Phantom Lady has a broken will, so the decision rests with Wei Wei.

But Wei Wei didn't exercise his will, but suddenly laughed and raised his hand.

He gave this will to those who were suppressed by the sacred realm and could not raise their heads forever.

The slaves and people at the bottom of the sacred realm may never have the chance to look up at the sky in their entire lives, but the only time they looked at the sky this time, they saw that holy shadow.

It was also the only time that they felt a red shadow appearing around them.

The shadow whispered in their ears

, with a gentle voice, telling them that they can boldly express everything they think in their hearts.

Then, finally someone showed anger on his face.



The second time the ripples began to spread outward, and when the spread reached the extreme end, they bounced back, and so on.

It's just that in this process, some resentment has already been added. These resentments have turned into tangible power and hit hard into the minds of the most core holy people.


Repeating the cycle again and again, the power of this resentment becomes heavier and heavier.

Following the logic of nothingness but real existence, these grievances found their master, a man who occupies a high position in the city and always has a righteous and firm expression. His eyes suddenly became hollow, and there were traces of cracks. I have always felt that I am a very righteous person, because I am loyal to the gods and love my children and family. A man of noble birth like myself would even get out of a comfortable car on a rainy night and risk dirty leather shoes to rescue Next a kitten shivering in a tree.

How can there be someone nobler and kinder than yourself?

But at this moment, he saw innocent souls appearing one after another. They were disheveled, their eyes were red, and they rushed towards him viciously.

He suddenly felt endless panic, fell to the ground, and cried loudly.

The same cries came and went, the ground was full of people kneeling, and the entire city began to be covered by an invisible curse.

If ten people can exchange their despair and hard work for the happiness and joy of one person, then what will happen when the despair and hard work of these ten people are exchanged at a certain moment and concentrated on this one person?

That's scary.

It is a horror that this person has never experienced, or even imagined.

It was as if at the beginning there was only a faintly visible and strange singing voice in my ears, but I couldn’t find it when I searched carefully, but suddenly I found that the singing voice was getting louder and louder, and I could hear it clearly without looking for it. Come, I saw the demons crawling out of hell, saw the trembling smiles on their faces, and saw countless demon apostles appearing in all directions, singing happily, praising this beautiful pure land, Began to be polluted and devoured by demons.

Their spirits began to collapse, and this collapse affected the tall buildings and roads, and affected the entire sacred domain.

Like fine china, it is being destroyed by brutal force.



"Scarlet will always be a demon, a demon that will destroy everything!"

"Open your eyes and see what you did..."

When the entire sacred domain fell into hell-like panic, there was endless anger ringing out in the Holy Church.

They also tried their best to stop all of this. Some people were desperately rushing towards the holy shadow in mid-air, and some people were summoning totems and trying to snipe Scarlet. When they sang coldly and crazily, they found that they were facing a wave of **** that swept across the sky. Even the totems they sent felt unprecedentedly small in front of this amount. Run away from this real hell.

"A demon?"

And amidst the angry cursing and endless panic, Wei Wei turned around easily, with a sincere smile on his face: "I may indeed be a demon."

"But look, they're laughing..."


When he said this, he looked through the well-dressed but panicked crowd, and looked at the lower-level, disheveled crowd who were about to be deprived of their identity.

There, many people had smiles on their faces for the first time.

The singing in **** is louder and more beautiful, endless innocent souls wander in

between cities.

Taking this as the background, Wei Wei felt a real joy, as if something that bothered him was broken, and he stepped up a step.

Scarlet seventh person.

In the midst of endless demons, in a world where the eyes of countless desperate men intersect, he rises to symbolism.

He had walked through the corners of various cities in the sacred domain before, leaving countless **** footprints, but now, all these footprints have begun to pave the way for him to move towards a higher status.


"In history, the first supernatural being promoted to the seventh position as a human appeared."

"Using the ritual he made himself."

In a certain mysterious space, someone recorded it with a quill pen, and when he said these words, he was even a little moved.

"But did you make a mistake..."

A puzzled voice also sounded: "He has indeed been promoted to the seventh person, but he is not human in essence..."

The recorder just laughed: "It's too early to talk about this issue!"



"it's time."

On the second city defense line, Ye Feifei didn't know why she suddenly changed from a heartache just now to a relaxed and relieved expression. She didn't quite understand why her mood experienced such a change.

But following the butler by the door, as if he heard something, the door leading to the deepest study in the manor was opened.

Whether it was Ye's father, Ye's mother, cousin, or even the younger brother, they all stood up nervously, but the housekeeper signaled that only Ye Feifei could go in alone.

"Are you going to meet the most mysterious patriarch in the family?"

Ye Feifei was also a little nervous, and because of the inexplicable change in mood, he didn't want to enter this study.

It's just that, already here, she has no other choice. She can only force herself to suppress her mood, get up slowly, and walk into the study with small steps.

Behind him, Father Ye's eyes suddenly became worried and regretful.

"Clan... Clan grandfather?"

The moment he entered the Ye Feifei saw the mysterious old man. It is said that he has lived to be one hundred and sixty years old, which is an astonishingly long life.

It's just that, unlike the fairy-like bones in my imagination, the person lying on the big bed in the study is actually a bloated, even deformed old man, or a monster.

It has a large volume, but this volume is indeed composed of layers of skin and folds.

It can barely see a human figure, so it can only lie on the bed. Under the skin wrinkles like peony flowers, there are organs that seem to be eyes, and cast a gratifying and kind gaze towards Ye Feifei:


"The most powerful demonic forbidden container in history!"

"My granddaughter!"

"We put all the experiments..."

"The prophesied time has come, the rose is about to bloom, and you, are you ready to accept your fate?"

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