MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 246 I am me (6700 words)

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Chapter 246 of the Scarlet Arrival Text Volume I am the wrath of my Heiyuan monarch, causing the city to form a substantial trembling.

I don't know if it's because of anger or panic.

At this moment, he looked at the ghost ship Noah, almost torn his face, forcibly stuffed a few ants into his black abyss, feeling unbelievable.

Between the totem and the high-level forces, either the well water does not violate the river water, or a vague alliance attitude is formed to jointly fight against the Foundation and the wandering church that has been trying to conquer them again, and the ghost ship Noah was originally a special existence, it is indeed It has not formed an alliance with other totems, but it has always been very smart, and will never take the initiative to provoke other totems and set up unnecessary enemies for itself...

But at this moment, it really irritated itself, and it was difficult for oneself to understand.

What kind of favorable conditions did the White Ghost Knights give it to make it willing to intervene in such a complicated event? But now it's too late to think about it.

When he saw that the White Ghost Knights had assembled, he didn't have the most basic respect for himself, and clamored to come and strangle his neck.

Seeing the scarlet eye in the sky staring at him, there is no room for compromise.

When he saw the headless knight he sent out, he was instantly torn into pieces by a frenzied, crazy scarlet force.

This is a development that the master of Heiyuan cannot accept.

Feeling the strong approach of the other party, the Heiyuan monarch reintroduced the image of an old scavenger in an empty building, surrounded by a pile of discarded documents collected by it.

When he raised his hand, he tore the black rope tied to the garbage heap.

In an instant, all the waste paper was blown away by the strong wind at the same time, and flew into the air like scattered snowflakes.

As the abandoned documents swayed and scattered, dead people with their heads down appeared beside him, with the breath of death and scarlet wounds on their bodies.

He shouted angrily:

These dead men whispered under the pressure of his will, and the voices were fine and dark.

Under their whispers, a Wei Wei appeared in front of the Lord of Heiyuan. He was wearing a black jacket, holding a black short spear in his right hand and a silver long spear in his left hand. Changing, sometimes his body is covered with scarlet lines, sometimes his pupils shrink like a demon, and different hands are spread out on his body, and he holds various strange weapons.

There is a red sickle, a sharp scalpel, a blood-red spear, a multi-barrel revolver, and even a phantom, holding a long rubber object.

Each phantom represents a past.

Wei Wei seen in the eyes of those who had been killed by him, and the fear emanating from him.

Heiyuan is the place where things buried by death return.

The monarch of Heiyuan is the one who guards these dead things and has their power.

The more people who experience death, the closer to the black abyss.

In the face of this scarlet **** who was still in an ignorant state, the Heiyuan monarch did not look down on him, but made adequate preparations.

Usually it stays in the black abyss and collects the dead that appear in the entire sea city. This is the sacrifice offered by the entire sea city to it, which ensures that its accumulation is not weaker than other totems.

However, it is not only limited to Haicheng, it has also been intentionally collecting other useful things.

Just like when he learned from the mouth of the black goat that Wei Wei had followed the White Ghost Knights to find him, it had already dived deep into the bottom forbidden place in the black abyss.

It used its own authority to find out the dead people or secrets related to Wei Wei.

Of course, even it had to admit that it didn't even find it all.

The reason is also very simple...

Who the **** would have thought that so many people died under this guy?

I thought that the whole cart was enough to pull everything back.

It turned out that the entire truck could not fit.

Is this guy the new **** chosen by Scarlet, or a special professional executioner?

Another reason is that the people who pay attention to him are not only himself, but also other totems or high-level existences, and things related to him have been divided up early.

Heiyuan monarch knows that what he has collected is not complete, but it is enough.

The things he collected and the clues the black goat gave him were enough for him to analyze all the secrets of this new scarlet god.

His experience, his character, his ability, and even his clear growth path.

Seeing the countless dead people projected in front of him, constantly interweaving and changing images, the Heiyuan monarch saw the rapid and frightening changes in him. At the same time, I also noticed that this person who is constantly changing, the only thing that has not changed is the smile on his face.

Everyone who was killed by him still remembers the gentle and polite smile on this man's face when he killed himself.

Heiyuan monarch cursed angrily, and at the same time once again conducted an in-depth analysis of the secrets that these dead people would have.

That's right...

From the beginning of revenge, this person awakened the power of the scarlet, arrived at the Foundation training camp, was extracted from the power of the scarlet, and made the scarlet series of weapons.

When he left training camp, his scarlet strength should be very weak.

However, through the promotion of demon power, the occasional slaughter, and some key events involving the intervention of the Rose Sect, he has re-strengthened the scarlet power in his body, which is stronger than before.

In this state, the scarlet divinity grew within him.

Today, he is in a state of fusion and combination of human nature and divinity, and according to the logic of things, divinity will inevitably continue to grow, and human nature will become weak.

Until the next step, humanity must sacrifice itself to ensure the integrity of the divine.

The overall logic is very clear, even if there are some missing links in the middle, the Heiyuan monarch has obtained a conjecture that can be verified after analyzing the previous battles of Wei Wei.

Then why did the separation just fail?

Why has his divinity not become stable yet, but he can already make his own knight?

The monarch of Heiyuan could not forget the scarlet knights who were all over the place when he encircled and sealed the previous scarlet, which made him feel panic.

There was a serious loss of control in one link, so I failed to separate the scarlet humanity and divinity, and it took the opportunity to lock myself in reverse...

He has clearly realized the crux of the problem, but the Heiyuan monarch can only sigh heavily.

He also knew that his only hope of winning was to take advantage of Scarlet's not yet grown, and to cover his past, to find his growth chain, and to master his logic.

It failed now, but it succeeded in realizing that there was a key point.

As long as this key point is found, everything is still in the plan.

He made a decision resolutely when Heiyuan was almost violently demolished by those guys, and the pressure almost came to him.

He turned around, and there were pieces of viscous black liquid around him, gushing out under his feet, and flowing to the dead people he found out of the garbage can.

This kind of mucus made the bodies of these dead people begin to fuse and coexist, and their bodies gradually became taller and bloated, and finally turned into a monster with a height of hundreds of meters and countless faces growing on their bodies.


Behind the monster suddenly spread a pair of black wings

The dense face on his body opened his eyes at the same time, and there was only the shadow of Wei Wei in his eyes.

The monarch of Heiyuan looked at his masterpiece, and his eyes became fierce.

The more people who have experienced killings, the more closely tied to death, and the Heiyuan monarch can use the power of death to weave these dead people who have been tied to you together to form a single target for you. , there is only the **** monster that will avenge you. The more people you kill, the stronger the monster is, and it climbs out of hell, vowing to take you to where it lives too.

The monarch of Heiyuan looked at him and used half of it by himself.

The monster created by the power of the black abyss, said coldly.

At the same time, Wei Wei strode to the other end of Heiyuan, quickly approaching the monarch of Heiyuan who was locked by the scarlet eye, and was worried in his heart.

worried about his escape.

But he did not expect that the Heiyuan monarch did not escape, but stayed on the building in the middle of the city.

This surprised him a bit:

However, before the idea came to fruition, he saw the building suddenly burst, and countless fragments of mud and gravel splashed around, and a monster with black wings spread out appeared.

With the breath of death all over its body, it soared up, spread out its huge wings, and flew towards Wei Wei.

There was a sense of familiarity from this completely unfamiliar monster that Wei Wei had never had before, which also made the whole person slightly startled and looked at it.

The head pendant was not in a coma at all this time, and immediately shouted:

Wei Wei couldn't help but answer:

Why is my vengeful angel so big? "

The head pendant was choked, and after a while, he said:

Wei Wei reluctantly accepted and explained to himself:

The head pendant is almost powerless to complain:

While complaining, it also looked forward to it, this time it did a good job, right?

Didn't play dead, and immediately contributed his knowledge...

But before this idea came to an end, I suddenly saw that the ghost lady greeted the angel of vengeance with a sound.

Wei Wei looked at the ghost lady's shadow with a satisfied smile on his face.

The head pendant was suffocated for a while, and cursed bitterly in his heart:

She was blessed with scarlet power, and her power was obviously improved to a higher level. A ghost lady with a mysterious temperament, tearing up the few headless knights was a breeze, but when she faced revenge At the time of the angel, she did not expect that the body of the vengeful angel passed directly through her, and the black death wings covered the sky and slammed towards Wei Wei's head.

The countless faces on his body stared at Wei Wei at the same time, and cursed with malice.

Angel of vengeance, only for slayers.

You pay your own debts, and no one else can replace them. At the moment when the black wings covered him, Wei Wei raised his head, his eyes seemed to penetrate the body of the vengeful angel and the surrounding buildings, and looked at the monarch of Heiyuan.

He understood the thoughts of Heiyuan monarch's last fight, but there was only a smile on his face.

This kind of smile made Lord Heiyuan's scalp tingle, because he had seen this kind of smile too many times in the memories of countless dead people.

In this smile, Wei Wei retracted his gaze and looked at the Angel of Vengeance.

The body of the Angel of Vengeance has reached the top of his head, with countless faces and eyes staring at him.

Wei Wei looked at these countless pairs of eyes, and his body contrasted like an ant looking at an elephant.

Wei Wei understood the source of the familiarity, because he had seen every face on the body of this vengeful angel, and every face had ended his sins with his own hands.

In these faces, he can even see the life sacrifice bar, the Black Goat family, the life altar of the Rose Sect, the fighting nun of the Seventh Priest of the Wandering Church, and so on.

They all crawled out of hell, merged into terrifying monsters, and took revenge on themselves.

This made Wei Wei unable to help but smile, and the smile was particularly gentle:

The thought made him tremble with excitement.

What could be more enjoyable than killing a nasty guy?

That is to kill him twice!

He still didn't have the slightest idea to stop, but suddenly pulled out the black pistol, and the bloodshot in the tiger's mouth wriggled and wrapped the entire gun body.

The ferocious shape appeared under the bloodshot cover, and the black muzzle was aimed at the huge angel of revenge.

The revengeful faces suddenly became stiff, and there was helplessness in his eyes.

The muzzle of the gun exploded with blood, penetrating the body of the vengeful angel, and even pointed at the dark sky, as if it would shatter the entire black abyss.

At the same time, the assembled White Ghost Knights were marching towards the deepest building in the world of Heiyuan from the square surrounded by Captain Ouyang, facing the mighty wave of dead people.

They know that the former team member who was sacrificed is now there.

The monarch of Heiyuan is naturally there too.

However, just now, it was obvious that there were a large number of dead people with a terrifying sense of oppression, but now they have disappeared a lot. Their strength has risen because of the gathering of the team.

Now, Pian clearly felt that the pressure in front of him was reducing, so the speed of charging forward was getting faster and faster.

Even, there is a kind of ease and surprise enough to walk sideways in the black abyss.

It was not until the huge angel of vengeance appeared that they turned their heads in surprise and understood why it was so easy.

The monarch of Heiyuan concentrated nearly half or even more than half of the power in Heiyuan and released it towards Wei Wei, which greatly reduced the pressure they faced.

It even made them hesitate:

Captain Ouyang was also a little stunned, and immediately said firmly:

All the players could not help but glanced at him sideways.

Sister Lky was even more dissatisfied, glaring at him and said:

Captain Ouyang suddenly didn't know what to say...

At the same time in Haicheng, a mysterious monitoring agency, the person who had been looking at the starry sky turned his head, and only then could people find that both of his eyes were milky white.

The person who has always liked to look at the stars is actually just a blind man.

But what he said was more accurate than anyone with eyes:

Faced with his words, the others didn't know how to answer. First, because of their positions, the young man in front of them was no higher.

The second is because they don't have the ability to spy on Heiyuan from reality, and they can't even understand the progress inside.

However, listening to the faintly dissatisfied words of the young man with white pupils, someone could not help but say:

The man with white pupils, or in other words, the white bat, did not deny the idea of ​​owning this piece. After a while, he nodded lightly.

The eyes of the people around him have become a little weird. What kind of lunatic are the golden first-year students who came out of this training camp?

The white bat was silent for a long time before slowly nodding and said softly:

The Heiyuan monarch obviously miscalculated. The monster it created by consuming half of Heiyuan's power did not threaten Wei Wei, but collapsed and dismembered under the scarlet firepower.

But revisiting the time when he killed these monsters, Wei Wei's mouth showed a clear expression instead.

A pure intuition in his heart made him understand the intention of the monarch of Heiyuan. This monster, or totem, actually knew that these angels of vengeance would not pose a threat to him. The feeling when I killed them, after all, when I killed them, I was still very weak, with abundant human emotions and scarlet divinity, and I had not really woken up.

Awakening the memory of oneself as a human being can make oneself aware of the terrifying divinity.

There may be many heirs of demon power, all yearning for stronger power, but the one who gets this power has to be himself.

No one wants to grow up step by step. Suddenly, his consciousness disappeared, and the power of the devil occupied his body and appeared in reality instead of himself.

You are already a Scarlet Knight. Once you are promoted to a higher level, will you disappear completely at this time?

Wei Wei suddenly opened his eyes, and red bloodshots covered the surface of the eyeballs, as if there were scorching blood-colored rays of light shooting out from his eyes.

The angel of vengeance in front of him let out a shrill howl and melted in the blood-colored light.

At the same time, the scarlet vertical eyes in the air seemed to dim in the blood in his eyes.

The entire Heiyuan suddenly centered on Wei Wei, quickly collapsed and collapsed, and countless bloodshots, like dazzling roses, swept away quickly and bloomed.

In the dilapidated building, the monarch Heiyuan looked at the dazzling blood light and suddenly froze.

It didn't dodge, but like a real old scavenger, staggered back, and almost fell to the ground in fright.

The squirming bloodshot ran through the entire city, pierced the building in front of him, and then entangled in the air, condensing, Wei Wei's figure was redrawn by the bloodshot, but at this time, there was no smile on his face, not even a trace of belonging. With the expression of a normal person, he just stared at the monarch Heiyuan, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the old scavenger by the neck, and raised it high.

His indifferent inquiries have a disdain for the high-ranking people facing the lower-ranking people, and the jokes that make fun of everyone.

The monarch of Heiyuan was mentioned in the air. At this moment, facing Wei Wei at close range, he finally realized what the problem was.

But in Wei Wei's hands, he was even powerless to resist. He was just hit by this absurd truth, like a weak ant, unable to even struggle, just muttering to himself.

Wei Wei looked at Lord Heiyuan indifferently, put his finger to his mouth, and made a light gesture, the expression of a living person gradually appeared on his face.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said in a low voice: