MTL - Creation Notebook-Chapter 17 Teacher, I want to change seats

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Back to the classroom, Ling Xueru looked at Shen Zhe's eyes again, and became even stranger.

In the classroom test, I took a three-point test. Instead of being physically punished by the teacher, I actually scolded the teacher and made him crazy ...

What the **** did this guy do to the teacher?

Jingle bells!

He thought about it in his head, the bell rang, and an old-fashioned middle-aged man came in.

Scholar Continent, the most noble profession, sorcerer!

It is their teacher of magic class, Yipin magician, teacher Geng Xing!

"Isn't this lesson Bai's class? Why is Teacher Geng here?"

听说 "I heard that Teacher Bai went to practice the answer on the teaching yesterday, but he hasn't returned yet!"

"Practice yields true knowledge. Yesterday's question and the answers to the teaching parameters were completely different from our calculations. The teaching parameters have the rules of operation on them. They can't go wrong. How can we get the correct solution without practice! "

Uh ...

Talking around.

节 This is Teacher Bai's lesson. She is absent and cannot be empty. Teacher Geng is here.

"be quiet!"

Put down the instructors, Teacher Geng Xing looked around for a week: "Class!"

"Sorcerer is the most noble profession on the mainland. I don't need to say more. You all understand that you can set rules, establish mantras, and formulate a regional order. Once determined as truth, teaching materials and dictionaries will change. Moreover, the technique is powerful and can be attacked remotely, hostile to others, invincible at the same level! Real martial artists, pharmacists, etc. are not opponents at all ... "

With Mr. Geng Xing's explanation, Shen Zhe knows more and more about magic wizards.

Same as the previous determination, the magic wizard, the magician in the novel, can cast spells, making the impossible possible.

However, unlike those recorded in previous novels, the spellcaster does not need to sing or possess magical powers. What is needed is to mobilize the learning force in the body, quickly combine the terrain, the environment, and the power of the enemy to construct Special equations.

The formula is correct, the technique can be perfectly performed, and a huge power bursts out.

In other words, the operation method is the equation and the calculation.

"It's no wonder that everyone has to learn. If you don't get a hundred points, it's waste ..."

Shen Zhe sighed.

The magic method is an equation one by one. When fighting, you need to solve it in the fastest way. If you make a mistake, you will endanger your life ... No wonder everyone learns hard.

Because of this, almost all students can get a hundred points. As for the ranking of grades, it is very simple ... The shorter the time, the higher.

At the same time, it depends on the answer.

In previous lives, under quality education, teachers were afraid of corporal punishment, only children, and parents were reluctant to do anything ... not learning, they were blamed at most, it was irrelevant, so they were not so concerned.

In this world, if you don't learn to die, if you make a mistake in solving the problem, you may be killed on the spot ... Under such pressure, even his scum, he will take classes seriously, not to mention others.

"The most important step to become a magician is to light up the Seven Stars, Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianxuan, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Shaking Light!"

"These stars can be viewed through meditation. The brighter they are, the thicker their accumulation will become, and the easier it will be to become a magician! Conversely, the darker, even if they are equally lit, the future achievements will be limited."

"According to the brightness, the stars are divided into five levels, from one to five. The fifth level, the hope of becoming a magician is not more than 10%. The fourth level, more than half. As long as you work hard, you can almost become a magician. And when it reaches second-class extreme, it can be called a genius. "

"Take our Yuanhai Kingdom as an example. In one hundred years of history, there are thirteen who have reached the second-class inferior rank. The weakest ones have become the second-class masters. The strong ones have reached the fifth-class realm and entered The central dynasty became a strong admired by everyone! "

"The star lit by Ling Xueru, the monitor of our class, has reached the second-class inferior level!"

After Teacher Geng Xing finished speaking, the following uproar again.

Everyone knows that Ling Xueru lights up seven stars. I did not expect that the stars in the body have reached the second-class quality!


"Okay, now let's meditate now. It's kingship to light up the seven stars as soon as possible ... Otherwise, if this semester is over and you still can't do it, you can only drop out of school and go home. You will be a lifetime!"

Teacher Geng Xing waved his hand.


Everyone nodded at the same time, each sitting in place, into meditation.

Seeing that the room was quiet for a while, Shen Zhe hesitated, and followed the method in the book with a high concentration of energy.

Meditation can broaden the brain, exercise often, and become more swift.

Since I was born again, I only know that the two stars in the body have gone out. What exactly is an acupuncture point and what is a point star? Until now, they are all in the dark, so just take a look now.

By the way, I also verified what level the stars in the front body had previously opened up.


When the meditation began, Shen Zhe's consciousness seemed to enter a novel world in an instant. It was dark all around and could not see anything. There were only two dim stars hanging obliquely in the air.

"These two stars correspond to two acupoints in the body, Tianshu and Tianxuan! To light up, you need to calculate their specific positions, find and gather the aura impact ..."

He will turn the star's method around in his mind.

Under normal circumstances, the seven stars are all invisible, and need to be calculated and found in the body. There is nothing wrong with it.

However, the predecessor has already lighted two. Although the stars are now extinguished, the position of the stars has been exposed. You just need to find a way to gather aura and relight it.

With the previous experience of physical training, communication between heaven and earth aura, familiarity with light cars, Shen Zhe's spirit moved, and the majestic aura descended from the sky to the front Tianshu acupoint.

Let's sizzle!

The tadpoles are nourished by aura, and the dim Tianshu acupoint emits faint fluorescence.


Shen Zhe's mouth twitched.

No wonder the predecessor learned scum. The brightness of this star, according to the teacher's calculations, is not as good as the fifth grade ...

The most important thing is that according to such a speed of practice, even if it is lit again and become a fifth-class star ... it will take at least one or two years!

One or two years light up a star ... there are a total of seven in the body, and the more difficult it is ...

I guess it can't be completed in this life.

Scum ... Sure enough, there is a reason!

Shen Zhe is full of resentment.

Although I really want to go back to inherit hundreds of millions of property and become truly wealthy children, but in the past few days, I have learned that if I do n’t become a practitioner such as a wizard, a true martial artist, there is almost no room in this world.

What's more, becoming a magician and a true martial artist will increase the life span and live longer.

Longevity is more attractive than rights and wealth.

Just ... he also wants to be a magician and become a master ... but his strength is not allowed!

It takes decades to light up the seven stars, and it is still the lowest fifth-class star. It is estimated that people will hang up before they become magicians ...

"Can you ... use a notebook to change my talent?"

I moved in my heart.

He is different from others. He is walking through the crowd and has golden fingers.

Although not as powerful as Tiandao Library, it is not too bad.

If you can change it, you can change your talent to the first-class, invincible world ... Test it at that time, it will be amazing, and you will easily step on your feet ...

Think about it all.

不过 "But ... the pencil runs out, how can I get this stuff out?"

Holding on to his chin, he fell into a tangle again.

The pencil in my mind disappeared after three uses. It should be regarded as a consumable. In this case, there must be a way to reunite.

"Cohesive pencil!"

"The pencil appears!"

"Fuck it, pencil!"

"Brother Pencil, my brother sincerely asks for help, and please show up ..."

Uh ...

I screamed in my mind and tried it hundreds of times. The laptop was still empty next to it, and there was nothing.

"Looks like it wasn't for nothing ..."

Shen Zhe is sad.

It's so boring, there isn't even a manual ... when would you try this experiment alone?

Notebooks appeared. UU reads because I came to this world. I wanted to study well for the first time, and activated something ... At this time, thinking about these again was useless.

"By the way, the word" good guy "was written on the pencil, and the first page of the notebook was written with the core values ​​of socialism. With such positive energy, shouldn't ... do good things before the pencil can appear?"

He thought about many possibilities, but failed, and suddenly a thought came up in his heart.

When the pencil first appeared, he took a closer look. There was the word "good man" on it, and the notebook was so positive, wouldn't ... good people and good things condense the pencil?

"Hmm! Try it ..."

I thought of this and turned to look at Wang Qing at the same table.

I just do something to him ...

Just ... what's the good thing?

The teacher who said the most in previous life was helping the grandmother to cross the road. When she was a child, she helped an old lady to walk seven or eight times on the road, which made the latter afraid to go out.

Why ... Fu Wangqing try to cross the road?

I ca n’t do it. The grandmother is not good to cross the road because of her inconvenience. Helping her is a good thing. Wang Qing has hands and feet. There is no problem. Crossing the road is definitely not suitable.

How about ... break his leg first?

It would be inconvenient to cross the road, and it would be a good thing to support the past!

When I thought of this, my eyes lighted up, and I looked at Wang Qing again, murderous.

Wang Qing, who was on the side, was meditating, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and then she saw a pair of bright eyes, staring at herself with excitement.

Pouting at the corner of his mouth, Wang Qing was cold.

This same table ... shouldn't make any more nerves ...

Teacher ,, I want to change my seat ...