MTL - Creation Notebook-Chapter 152 Cui Xiao Allegiance [2 in 1]

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"carry on……"

With the previous two experiences, the third continued to explode.

"How do you feel power, so much smaller than before?" Shen Zhe frowned.

Each time, he used his maximum power to condense his vitality and match the absolute value. According to the truth, it should be more and more powerful. Who knows ... this time, the power is at least half smaller than before!

"Don't ... meet the definition of absolute value. The smaller the number, the larger the absolute value becomes, the bigger it becomes?"

Moved in my heart.

The sign of the absolute value is very strange. The smaller the number to the left of the number axis, the smaller the number, and the larger it becomes.

For example, ﹣200 is much smaller than ﹣1, but when the absolute value is added, the former becomes 200, and the latter is only 1 ... the two are large and small at a glance.

Shouldn't ...

Adding an absolute value of vitality burst also fits this truth!

The vitality that you cast yourself is explosive, the smaller the power, the greater the power after adding the absolute value ...

If this idea is right, then ... how ugly should he be without absolute value, so as to make it absolute, so handsome?

Shen Zhe suddenly felt a heartache.

"Is this the case? I'll know if you try Xiao Jiu'er next time. If she doesn't become more beautiful after adding the absolute value, guessing is right ..."

Stop thinking about it, come to the explosion center again, and absorb quickly.

Ten minutes later, he reached the pinnacle of Yipin Mage!

"carry on……"

With raised eyebrows, Shen Zhe looked like electricity.

When I was in Tiejiatang, I asked about Chen Lao specifically and wanted to break the soul with 9.99. There are two ways. First, in my mind, build a more difficult mathematical model. Second, compress enough mana to make it reach the limit , Once the mana breaks through, the soul will naturally progress with it!

The first one was too troublesome for him, so he naturally used the second one.

Polaris slowly rotates in the brain, the light shines down, and it quickly fuses with the elemental particles scattered in the air to form a mana.


I don't know how long, roaring again, Shen Zhe felt a tremor in her soul, a powerful force, burst out from the brain.

"Just a perfect product?"

Shen Zhe couldn't help it.

Although the soul power has only increased by 0.01, his feeling is like breaking through a realm, and this feeling is similar to the previous Seven Star Realm, breaking through to the finishing touch.

The soul is like a qualitative leap.

Not only that, the mana in the brain has become more dense and sticky. If it was just a simple mist, it is already similar to the cloud at this moment, and it can condense into rain at any time.

And if you reach this state, the mana can no longer be absorbed. In other words, if you want to continue to break through to the second-class magician, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

Nevertheless, Shen Zhe was already satisfied.

"After the explosion, not only the elemental particles are active, but the Aura is also active. Since the mana does not increase, then increase the Qi to repair it!"

Where the vitality has exploded, the elemental particles are active, and the aura is also active. Like the perception pool, Shen Zhe absorbs quickly.

The true energy in his body had not consumed much, and it took a long time to fill it up completely, and continued to absorb and transform. As the true energy became more and more solid, he repaired the same visible progress.

The beginning of true spirit!

Mid-term Reality!


I used a blast again, this time deliberately weakened the power, and the result was indeed many times more powerful than just now.

Continue to absorb.

An hour later, the explosion effect was over. His vigor and mana were the same.

Xiuwei has improved a lot, but ... the pencil in my head is consumed completely, and there is no one left.

"Looks like going out again to do good ..."

Shaking his head, Shen Zhe stood up.

Although he used four opportunities, he was able to improve Xiu to a big level so fast, he still made a lot of money.

This strength, combined with so many martial arts and techniques learned, coupled with the innate flesh, the second-class apex mage or true martial artist, it is not so easy to kill him!

Looking up at the sky, unconsciously, it was already late at night.

"Let's go back!"

Xiu made great progress, there is no need to stay here, Shen Zhe quickly rushed to the residence.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard, a subordinate greeted him.

"Master, Master Cui Xiao has been waiting for you all afternoon!"

"What is he waiting for me to do?"

Shen Zhe walked in doubt, and as soon as he came to the hall, he saw Cui Xiao sitting on a stool, struggling to stand up, and fell to the ground.

"You are ..." Shen Zhe frowned.

"From today on, Cui Xiao is willing to be the housekeeper of Master Shen Zhe. He is loyal. If he violates this oath, he will die by nature!" Cui Xiao raised his palm and said.

During the game yesterday, I saw the role of this person in the whole exchange meeting with my own eyes. After going back, I thought about it for a day and finally let go of my pride and restraint.

The world is born unfair. Since there are some people who are destined to never surpass them in their lives, it is better to follow them with peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, this decision changed so quickly, Shen Zhe hurried forward: "Get up!"

After chatting for a while, seeing this one in front of me, sincerely, there was no jealousy, Shen Zhe was relieved, and said, "Since I really do my housekeeping, Shen, I will never treat myself!"

"Yes!" Cui Xiao nodded.

"Go back to rest first, hurt, I will heal you tomorrow ..." Shen Zhe rubbed her brows.

There aren't any pencils now. It seems that we need to find a way to do good things tomorrow.

It's just ... how to do good things?

"Teach the iron martial arts' martial arts and techniques. Although they are grateful, they are more admired deep down ..."

From the beginning to the present, with the gratitude of others, he has condensed 11 pencils, and the rules and conditions formed have long been known.

Tie Jiawei and others did not gather pencils, not because they were not grateful, but because they were deep inside, respectful, and admired to occupy a dominant position.

"Actually ... I want to get the pencil as soon as possible, and let ... Runan Wang Xiaolin say,‘ Shen Zhe, you are a good person! ’”

Shen Zhe had a plan in mind.

Xiao Lin, under his treatment, relieved the pain, gratitude in the heart, and sincerely, there was no falsehood at all. The two previous meetings were too hasty and did not have the opportunity to speak. Maybe I would go to worship tomorrow, as long as he can speak These words, presumably, can be easily obtained.


When Shen Zhexin thought about it, a woman in a funeral suit walked aimlessly along the street.

Under the pale moonlight, it gives a strange and eerie feeling.

I didn't know how far, and my body turned and stopped.

In front of it is a huge mansion, four characters appearing in front of him ...

Runan Palace.

A little below her feet, she walked like a wind, and the woman jumped over the high wall and entered the mansion.

The body is hidden in the dark, there is no need to breathe, and there is no power fluctuation. The guards in the courtyard are unaware of it.

In the room.

Runan Wang Xiaolin, the symptoms of his body were resolved, repaired for thousands of days, in just a few days, his strength has reached the peak of the second grade.

Feeling that the mana was pulsing in his mind, he was planning to rest early, and his eyebrows suddenly frowned.


Figure flashed out of the room.

"Master Xiao Lin, I haven't seen you in a long time!" The woman's somber voice sounded as if it came from hell.

"Are you ... Lu Qing?"

Seeing the other person's appearance, Xiao Lin's scalp exploded and his body became cold: "Don't you ... died 30 years ago?"

In front of him, it was the genius of the Lu family, the four major families, 30 years ago, Lu Qing. He had a marriage contract with him at that time, and he withdrew for various reasons. Later, the girl was resentful and depressed.

He checked it himself, his heartbeat and breathing were cut off, and he saw the other person buried outside the city. Why did he come out? And ... ran to his yard?

The most important thing is that in the past 30 years, the other person's appearance has not changed at all, just like the appearance of memory.

"I'm not dead. I am afraid that Lord Xiao Lin has been afraid to be out of love these past few years, right?"

Lu Qing, wearing a funeral suit, hehe smiled, stepped forward, and the wind was roaring, weird and unspeakable.

Xiao Lin was speechless.

Outside, he is not only the invincible king of Runan, but also an accomplished talent.

There were no less than a thousand women who had had a relationship with or had feelings with him before his illness appeared.

There are Miss Family, ladies, and prostitutes in the blue house. The wind and the moon are boundless. As long as you like them, you can almost pursue them.

At that time, he and Lu Qing remarried because of the inexplicable relationship with his girlfriend.

If it is not this character, how can it be possible to catch a woman on the battlefield and "love at first sight"?

"Are you human or dead?"

Taking a step back, although Xiao Lin was shocked in her heart, she did not panic, her eyes narrowed, and her mana slowly gathered in her head.

These years, the North and South battles, I have seen many strange things. The person in front of me can move and speak, but he has no human flavor, very similar to the female corpse at the beginning ...

However, even the corpse is nothing, this is his mansion, the cultivation is to reach the peak of the second-class magic wizard, even if the other party wants to do anything, it is not afraid.

"I don't care what I am, I came to see you today, I just want to ask you something ..."

Lu Qing's voice sounded like a murmur, with a cold taste: "Who helped you to solve the corpse poison on you?"

"How do you know that I am a corpse poison? Who the **** are you?"

When his body became stiff, Xiao Lin narrowed his eyes.

For so many years, no doctor could solve his illness, and even the cause could not be found, which made him ten years worse than life. At this moment, the other side uttered ...

I am afraid it has a great deal to do with it.

"Sure enough, you know the corpse poison. It seems that the doctor who helped you detoxify is very effective ..."

His eyes were charming, and Lu Qing's figure shook a beautiful arc: "It doesn't matter who I am, just tell me who helped you to solve it! Otherwise ... I'm afraid that you Runan Palace will be destroyed!"

"A big tone, it depends on whether you have this strength!" With a soft hum, Xiao Lin waved his hand: "Come, take down this demon!"


With the words, a group of guards in black armor rushed around immediately.

For many years of battle, he has always been surrounded by a team of extremely powerful Shadow Guards to protect his safety.


After receiving the order, Hei Yingwei brushed forward, the long sword roared, and the sword air filled.

It turned out that they were all real martial artists who had reached the first-grade level.

Although not comparable to the top of the Iron Armor, the overall combat effectiveness is also terrible.


A slight smile, Lu Qing didn't answer, the figure shook.

Her movements are not fast, just the pinnacle of a true martial arts master, but she seems to be familiar with the movements of the Black Shadow Guard, and she can save herself every time.

Suddenly, when he came to the back of a guard, his nails suddenly became longer, and he pierced into the chest.

The blood was flowing, the guards had difficulty breathing, and he lay on the ground in the blink of an eye, bursting with anger, cutting off his breath.

Seeing the killing of his companions, everyone looked ugly, snarled, rushed over, and before he came, he saw Lu Qing grabbing his hand and grabbing the dead body from the ground, holding it in his arms. In the meantime, take out a paintbrush at the same time, keep doodle on the other side.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what it meant.

Even Xiao Lin frowned, wondering what Lu Qing was doing.

It's weird.

Under the moonlit night, pick up the dead person and give them makeup ...

The point is, you still kill people.

Everyone felt a chill, rising from the soles of their feet to the brows, wondering what the **** was going on.


The paintbrush stopped, the guard fell to the ground, and did not fall down. Instead, her closed eyes opened sharply, as if she had regained her life.


He rushed over to a companion, his sword in his hands with his anger, and howling like a blast.


The companion's scalp was numb, he dared not resist, and hurried back.

He was killed just now, he was right in front, and his heartbeat and pulse were gone. How could he suddenly move and attack him?

"Everyone be careful, it is a weird secret that can make the dead re-act, be careful ..."

Xiao Lin also felt that his scalp was exploding, and he screamed angrily. Regardless of his identity, the magic methods on his head converged.

"Hey, I will come again ..."

When he saw that he was going to take a shot, Lu Qing smiled lightly, his body flashed, and he rushed out of the crowd. The next moment, he had already come outside the courtyard.

"Where to escape!"

A golden bow and arrow appeared in the palm of his hand, Xiao Lin bowed and fired.


The long sword passed through Lu Qing's back, but she didn't stop at all, and no blood flowed out, as if she was not injured at all.


Disappeared in the night and disappeared.

The resurrected guard is still roaring and chasing everyone around, but the single tree is difficult to support, and soon they are caught and locked in place by iron chains.

"Royal ..."

Seeing his companions turned into this, many guards faced Tieqing one by one, and looked at the prince in front of him with doubt.

Use the paintbrush to draw a few strokes on the corpse, the corpse actually jumped up and fight with them ... no matter where I feel, it feels strange and chills.

"This matter is not allowed to spread, whoever wants to spread it, let alone kill it!"

With his fists clenched, Xiao Lin waved his hand.

"Yes!" Everyone knew the seriousness of the matter and did not dare to say more.

Xiao Lin came to the guard in two steps, stretched his hands on the pulse of the other side, and found that the heart did not beat long ago, but the vitality in his body was able to operate freely, erupting into the same combat power as usual.

"Spell barrier!"

When the spirit moved, the magic barrier was put on display, and the guard was imprisoned in it. After doing this, he turned his head and instructed the guard: "Go quietly and invite Dr. Shen Zhe to come. Don't let anyone know!"


The guard nodded and turned and disappeared into the night.

After half an hour, Shen Zhe came to the palace.

Just thinking about coming to the Runan King the next day, who knows that he would let himself come in the middle of the night.

"What happened?"

Knowing that the other party was so anxious, there must have been a big problem, Shen Zhe looked over in confusion.

"Shen Shen looks at this guard!" Xiao Lin pointed forward.

Shen Zhe looked suspiciously at the guard sealed by the spell, not far away, and frowned: "This person has no pulse, no heartbeat, how can he move?"

This one is so weird.

There is no life feature above and below the body, but like a living person, it is constantly struggling ... After being seen, the whole body is cold and unbelievable.

"Just now ..." Xiao Lin explained what happened just now.

Shen Zhe blinked, unbelievable.

The slain, with a brush, paint on his face for a while, and then resurrect it ... This is too weird!

Looking carefully at the resurrection guard's face, his face was heavily painted, and the bruising air on the dead body was completely covered, giving a new sense of vitality.

A few steps came in front of each other, a finger on the body, the anger in his body rushed towards its meridians.

In normal dead people, the meridians are occluded, and the Qi cannot enter the body. In front of me, the meridians are all open, even clearer than the living person. However, because of the impact of the Qi, many places have been worn out, like old sacks. Even if it works, it won't last long.

"These corpses, although capable of exerting their strength before birth, are completely broken because they cannot be repaired.

Shen Zhe froze.

These corpses are very strong, but they are only a one-time consumption item, people die, broken flesh and meridians cannot be replenished with vitality, and even if they can persist, they will completely dissipate.

"So pure and deadly ..."

The vitality in the other person's body is as strong as ink, and the reason why he can act is probably related to it.


After treating Xiao Lin, he knew that pure innocence or powerful star power was the biggest nemesis of this dead energy. Shen Zhe raised her eyebrows, and her innocence immediately poured into the other person's body.

Zizi Zizi!

The guard screamed, and a black smoke burst from his body. After a while, his body became rigid, lying on the ground again, becoming a corpse again, and unable to move again ~ ~ What happened? "

Xiao Lin hurriedly came over.

"The other party should have sealed the dead body of the corpse in a special way and then guided it in a special way to make it come alive."

Shen Zhe frowned, and said, "However, I don't know exactly why. I want to find out, I'm afraid to catch the Lu Qing you said ..."

"Okay, I'll send someone to look for it!" Xiao Lin nodded.

The other party has been killed in his house. In any case, we must find out what is going on and we must not appease the adulterer.


Shen Zhe was investigating the body of the guard, and Lu Qing, wearing a funeral suit, came to a graveyard outside the city, grabbed it gently, and the coffin floated up and got in.

After doing this, the soil was backfilled. From a distance, there was never any change.

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