MTL - Crazy Leveling System-Chapter 2924 Unity

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Under the arrangement of Yi Tianyun, the recovery speed of the people has been greatly improved. As long as they stay in this main city, they will be able to recover their injuries continuously.

This is a big joy for them. Whether it is fighting or recovering from injury, it has a very good effect. Continue to do this, not afraid of any strong enemy!

They don't ask for how high they are now, they just want to be able to reach a low ranking and then turn over completely. In general, being able to reach the top 20 is already a turnaround.

Of course, if you get the first, it is not to turn over, but to take off. Under such harsh conditions, you can still get the first, and must be the enchanting among the enchanting.

Now they pray that the battle will not break out so quickly, they are still recovering. I hope that after a few years of recovery, even a dozen years of war, their injuries will really recover completely.

As for now, there are still a lot of serious differences. Even at this speed of recovery, it still takes a dozen years to fully recover. It is conceivable that their injuries are multiple. It is no wonder that there is no way to fight.

However, imagination is always beautiful, and reality is so cruel.

It wasn't long before I came in. When I recovered a small amount of injury, it started to shake outside. Everyone flew to the wall, glanced outside, and found that there were countless monsters outside, and began to rush to this side.

Everyone’s face changed, and it’s only how long it’s just been ready. It’s ushered in this battle, and they simply can’t let them have a little relief.

"The lowest are the monsters of the Star Emperor level, and the monsters of the Extreme Star Emperor level are many..."

Yi Tianyun blinks, this battle is against the monster. Under the impact of so many monsters, then you can hold the core!

"Keep the core!" Yi Tianyun has no special instructions, they are enchanting geniuses, not idiots, for which there is no need for too many orders.

Excessive orders will only make them disgusted with resentment. Moreover, if they are not ordered, they may even be better than giving them instructions.


These extremely star emperors have been on the wall, attacking with bare hands and emptying the monsters in the distance. The blood is foggy and falls on the ground, dyeing a large piece of land.

In this state, they are standing on the wall and everything can be sustained. If it wasn’t for Yi Tianyun’s big battle, they couldn’t hold it for too long.

It’s different now, and it’s a perfect battle for them to recover their injuries and consumption.

Under the guardianship of a few people, these monsters did not really break the city wall. At most, they collided one or two times and were immediately blasted by them. Even if there are no weapons, relying on your own fists, you can still blow everything!

Yi Tianyun glanced at them, and it was really correct for them to assist a defending city. It is really difficult to hold on to rely on his words. The main thing is that you can't use the treasures you bring, or you can quickly call out a lot of gods at the level of the superstars to help him fight against the monsters.

If you can use the treasure at will, then he does not need anyone to help, and he is enough to deal with it.

After the battle lasted for a long time, finally no monsters came. At this time, the city wall has been a thousand holes, but fortunately, it has not been broken, but outside is a corpse, and the bodies of too many monsters are piled up outside.

Not only the main city they are guarding, but even some other main cities in the distance, they also piled up the bodies of many monsters.

Yi Tianyun also saw that a main city was defeated and was broken. Numerous monsters poured in, and finally the city was completely leveled, including the core.

At the moment when the core was taken away, the city collapsed and became a ruin, representing their exit.

"It’s not easy to keep it..." Yi Tianyun glanced at the teammates around him. They gasped and almost couldn’t resist.

Originally their injuries have not recovered, and it is quite difficult to stick to it. At the end of this, they were lying down on the ground and breathing back.

With the help of the gods, it is good to let them recover, and they can continue to recover.

In any case, I finally held the main city.

"Congratulations to you for the first offensive, after three days of rest, ushered in a second offensive!" The murmurous voice above them was introduced into their minds.

After everyone listened, it was inevitable. The war is not over, but it is still far away! How is it possible to end so easily? Just the road to sacrifice, it is not so simple to end, let alone this ancient corpse.

For this reason, everyone has long been eccentric, and quickly slowed down, then got up and meditated to recover the injury. Then, from the bodies of the monsters, some insiders were dug up to recover their injuries. In addition to Nedan, there are some flesh and blood, which are good recovery items.

At this time, they can only do this. No recovery of the remedy can only be restored by the body of the monster. Even if there is not much effect, they can only be used, otherwise they have no medicine at all.

Yi Tianyun watched as they continually swallowed the bodies of the monsters and frowned slightly. Although there was no problem in doing so, the effect was too low.

"For three days, the time given is really short enough..."

Yi Tianyun reached out and grasped the empty body, which was to **** the bodies of these monsters, and then waved them, and the moon **** inflammation was released, wrapped around these bodies, and then began to refine quickly.

After a while, it turned into a blood red remedy that looks like a red jewel!

"You put these blood beasts under the blood, compared to the corpse of the demon corpse, it is much better." Yi Tianyun waved his hand, and many medicinal drugs ejected and fell in their hands.

"This, this is still a low-grade remedy..."

They were all shocked, I did not expect Yi Tianyun to refine Dan! They are enchanting themselves, but they are limited to cultivation. For alchemy and engraving, there is not much attainment.

In other words, it is much worse than Yi Tianyun. The two are not on one level at all.

However, some people are constantly in the alchemy, and will also distribute the drug to other teammates. Compared with Yi Tianyun, it is a little worse, but in three days, even if it is Yi Tianyun, there is no way to refine many medicinal herbs.

For this reason, it is possible to refine the Dan, and now all the firepower is fully opened, and it is constantly refining. How many can be refining, then how much to refine.

At this time, they have an unprecedented desire for survival in this team, and they have a strong sense of war!

Yi Tianyun is very satisfied with this, but it is even more emotional. When it comes to danger, it will unite. So many strong people are from different forces, but now they can unite.

Wouldn’t it be a hassle to unite to deal with the upper bounds?

However, this is what he wants more, only here. Outside, the three forces are not allowed, how can they join hands? If it is really a joint effort, it is estimated that it is also against the Emperor Lu, but not the upper bound.