MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 66 Birthday

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"Min Yan, this can't be done."

Aware of Qiao Minyan's approach, Gong Zhuoliang, who was pressing on Qiao Yingze, turned his face to the side, and spread his hands and fingers against the little guy's big head, preventing him from crawling over.

"Hold, mother, hug, eat..."

Qiao Minyan continued to crawl with his head against Gong Zhuoliang's hand, and the baby's words were mixed with only a few words he knew, but he was still not annoyed at all, but he just kept crawling on it dishonestly.

"Stop bullying him."

Still being pressed firmly, Qiao Yingze struggled to get up, but the part that was close to each other was pushed by the other side, and he couldn't help but snorted and lost his strength.

"Xiang Gong, I'm already like this, you still only care about him, are you bullying me?"

Gong Zhuoliang pushed Qiao Minyan slightly to his back, because it was a soft couch, so he was not worried that the child would hurt, but the sudden change of position left the little guy at a loss, and he stretched out his arms and legs. After a long time, Jin turned over, then crawled and sat up again, looking at his unscrupulous father with tears in his eyes, his little mouth moved as if he was about to cry.

"What kind of vinegar did you eat with him? Min Yan is good, don't cry, don't cry..."

Qiao Yingze squeezed Gong Zhuoliang's chin in a funny way and shook it, then pushed him away and gathered up his clothes, picked up Qiao Minyan, who was about to start crying, and walked into the small hall next to him while patting and coaxing. He called Ye Er and asked her to carry the little guy to the next room to feed the nanny.

"Master, come here."

Gong Zhuoliang, who was pushed away, simply turned over and lay down on the couch, regardless of whether he was still untidy, leaning on the pillow with his clothes half open, and raising his chin to Qiao Yingze.


Qiao Yingze was amused by Gong Zhuoliang's uncle's appearance. He was about to shake his head, but after thinking that he had been holding back for a few days, he finally walked over and took off his shoes on the couch. Then, following Gong Zhuoliang's hinted gaze, he leaned over his face. On his crotch, slender fingers pulled away his belt.


Gong Zhuoliang raised his head comfortably, squinted his eyes and let out a long breath. His fingers stroked Qiao Yingze's neatly combed hair all the way down, lingering between the soft earlobes and delicate neck.

"You keep saying that you want a special gift from me for this year's birthday. Seeing that it will arrive in a few days, why don't you tell me what it is? What should I do if it's too late to prepare?"

He gathered his fingers and stroked the hard object that was no worse than himself. Qiao Yingze looked at Gong Zhuoliang's emotional and comfortable appearance with some fascination, so that he could fully feel Gong Zhuoliang's unsuspecting trust and dependence on him. .

"Don't worry, you can easily prepare this gift."

Still enjoying Qiao Yingze's service with his eyes closed, Gong Zhuoliang's mouth curled into an implicitly aggressive smile.

Speaking of which, Gong Zhuoliang really admired his perseverance, he really held back and didn't touch Qiao Yingze's back, and didn't even let him find out that he had an intention behind him... Gong Zhuoliang really expected Qiao Yingze to know the gift he wanted. What is the reaction.

"Is that so... um..."

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang being so mysterious, Qiao Yingze was very curious, but he held back and did not ask any more questions. He lowered his head and took care of the little Gong in his hand seriously, learning from Gong Zhuoliang's usual technical thinking. To make him more comfortable.

At the moment, the two of them stopped talking, it was just a comfortable enjoyment and a considerate service, but Gong Zhuoliang didn't dare to play too much, otherwise it would be himself who would be uncomfortable if he held it back, so he just had a little fun and then calmed down. It was released with a hum.

"Cough cough..."

Despite how many times he has done this for Gong Zhuoliang, Qiao Yingze still can't take it calmly. He immediately covered his mouth and swallowed it with a blushing face. He got up and tried to drink the water on the couch, but he was pulled by Gong Zhuoliang's arm. Leaning back on the couch, the eager kiss was already pressed down.

"Zhuzhuo, don't make trouble, let's eat first."

Feeling Gong Zhuoliang's hand reaching into his clothes again, Qiao Yingze hurriedly grabbed his wrist to stop him, panting lightly and trying to break free from under him.

"It's better to eat yours first, Xiang Gong obviously wants it too."

Gong Zhuoliang lay lazily on Qiao Yingze's body but couldn't get up. He deliberately straightened his waist to squeeze his already energetic parts, causing Qiao Yingze to tremble again. Zhuo Liang easily broke through the defense line and attacked the key point.

"Not now, Zhuo Zhuo, how's the evening?"

Qiao Yingze resisted the urge and stopped Gong Zhuoliang. When he did such a thing in broad daylight, no one could see that Gong Zhuoliang was "sick in bed", and he couldn't hide his face.

"Well... not good!"

Gong Zhuoliang looked down at Qiao Yingze with a shy look on his face. He knew that he couldn't stand these people because of his thin skin, but the more he was like this, the more Gong Zhuoliang wanted to bully him. After letting go of his hands in relief, he immediately kissed his lips with a smirk, and at the same time wrapped his arms around his waist and held his weakness...

After Qiao Yingze was released, Gong Zhuoliang snickered as he turned his back to him and lay awkwardly, took a few sips from the water glass on the couch, and then coaxed him to feed him a few sips while lying on top of Qiao Yingze. Only then did he cover him with a thin quilt with satisfaction, and went down to the ground and called Ruolan and the others to set dinner.

Besides them and Qiao Minyan, only Ruolan and Ye'er live here in their yard, and only Han Shu can come and go freely in their daughter-in-law. The other maids, whether they were close-knit maids or general servants, lived in the small courtyard next door, and were not allowed to come in and out without being summoned. Even Qiao Minyan's nanny lived in the courtyard only at night, and during the day she lived with other maids. The small courtyard was waiting, and only the children would be called in when they needed milk, but for safety's sake, Gong Zhuoliang was cautious and only walked around the room without applying any fat or powder.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX on February 12, the old lady chose an auspicious day for Qiao Yingze. Because Gong Zhuoliang's leg injury is not good for walking, it was only Shi Kang who accompanied Qiao Yingze to the East Mansion to receive the ceremony, while Gong Zhuoliang shared Pingxi. Read the manuscript together at home, and select manuscripts for the two main serialization positions vacated next month.

In fact, Qiao Yingze represents the important ceremony of coming of age at the age of 20. Gong Zhuoliang really wanted to change into men's clothes to watch the ceremony, but Qiao Yingze was afraid that the slow treatment of those relatives would make Gong Zhuoliang unhappy. After all, Gong Zhuoliang was only a family of merchants in name. The concubine who was expelled from the door, his relatives with eyes above the top would definitely not give him a good face, and Gong Zhuoliang really didn't need to take this anger in vain.

So Qiao Yingze hesitated for a while and still did not agree to go with Gong Zhuoliang. He only said that it was a boring etiquette of changing clothes three times, combing his hair three times and putting on a crown, and then having the teacher give him the words. With so many concerns, just listening to what he said was extremely boring, he gave up his mind and stayed at home honestly and waited for him to come back.

"Ping, Big Brother Shi was away on a business trip a few days ago. Are you okay with your stay in the mansion?"

Gong Zhuoliang looked at the draft, and saw Ping Xi's relaxed expression, and then thought about Shi Kang, who lived next door to him, and the smile on his face seemed a little malicious.

Because the West House is a garden-style building, the focus is on the scenery, so there are not many courtyards built. There are only three majors and nine small ones in total, while the other servants have built several houses in the inner and outer houses. Among them, three large courtyards are each adjoining a small courtyard. In addition to the one where Gong Zhuoliang’s husband lives and the one prepared for Qiao Yingxuan and his brothers, there is also a large courtyard, and the other six small courtyards. The courtyard is an adjacent guest courtyard with three east and west. Now the west courtyard is given to Qiao Ming and He Hanshu and his wife, and the east one is shared by Ping Xi and Shi Kang. Of course, that is just to hide people's eyes. In fact, Shi Kang's yard was half empty for nine out of ten days.

"Mrs. Xie is sympathetic, and she is very agreeable."

Hearing this, Ping Xi raised her eyes to look at Gong Zhuoliang, and returned him a slightly playful smile.

Ping Xi didn't know why he treated Gong Zhuoliang in such a different way. The indifference he had cultivated over the years, when he encountered his incongruity, it was always easy to break the merits, as if some troubles were left to him. On the body, it can become unworthy of mention, making people feel heavy even if they want to be heavy.

"How many times have I said it, don't call me adults and madams in private. Why don't you and Big Brother Shi just don't listen."

Gong Zhuoliang's stubbornness towards these two is nowhere to be seen, and I don't know why these two are so stubborn, but in his heart he regards you as a confidant and a good friend, yet he still has to be divided into upper, middle and lower ranks in terms of status. Unwilling to talk about equality.

And according to Gong Zhuoliang's knowledge, Pingxi had saved a lot of private property in the past, and the rest was enough for him and Shi Kangfeng to live their entire lives. It was even Pingxi who took the initiative to ask for the errand to help manage the family and the bookstore, took the monthly example of the steward, and expressed his attitude that he would 'sell himself' to them like Shi Kang.

Although Qiao Yingze had explained that Pingxi was a low-ranking member, and that this kind of attachment would be more beneficial and safer for his own future, Gong Zhuoliang would still feel a little awkward, but he was really worried about Pingxi's past, who looked like this. So in the end, that's the way to go.

"I think this one is better, what do you think?"

Ping Xi looked at Gong Zhuoliang with a faint smile, did not show any loyalty in this matter, but changed the subject without answering his words.

Ping Xi knew that Gong Zhuoliang and his husband wanted to set them free, but according to his current status, there was no hope for a serious future, and he was not willing to drag Shi Kang to be a **** and wait for death. They decided to stay with Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze, firstly to repay their kindness and friendship, and secondly to seek a future for themselves...

Ping Xi is very optimistic about Qiao Yingze's knowledge and Gong Zhuoliang's ability, and believes that the two of them will not be in the pool in the future. Therefore, in order to be able to get along closely in the long run, Pingxi rationally positioned himself and Shi Kang. In terms of friendship, they can regard Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze as confidants and relatives, but in terms of status, they must not go beyond this master-slave relationship, because Some trust and intimacy can only be established under the dependence of one party on the other, while the so-called equality and intersection are always two unstable individuals, and it is impossible to form a real bond system.

If you ask for something, you have to pay. This is a point that Ping Xi, who has struggled to survive in the palace for nearly ten years, deeply understands it.

"...Ping, okay, just use this one."

Gong Zhuoliang had already told Ping Xi many times, but he was always blocked by Ping Xi's 'name is not important, it's good to know what's on your mind', so I just complained habitually, and I changed the topic. Go to business.

In the afternoon, when Qiao Yingze came back from the Dongfu, he had already put on a rather luxurious and exquisite brocade robe, and his hair crown was also replaced by a golden crown inlaid with gems and beaded jade, which changed his usual image of a gentle and elegant cultivator. , looked very handsome and affectionate. Gong Zhuoliang stayed there for half a minute, and then he rushed over and dragged the person into the room... The next day, Qiao Yingze changed back to his usual blue shirt and plain crown when he went out to the public. In his closet, however, several sets of Chinese costumes and beauty crowns gradually appeared.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX because Gong Zhuoliang is somewhat famous now, so he has his own personal relationship, and his birthday can't be passed away in private with Qiao Yingze like in previous years, but he is also really impatient with those It was a social event, so on the grounds that the small house could not entertain foreign guests, I built a large yard in the restaurant, invited the theater troupe and set up a few tables of wine, and arranged for friends, subordinates, business partners, etc. Then he let them eat and drink happily, he just searched the table and poured the wine a few times and didn't care.

Gong Zhuoliang sat at the main table with Qiao Yingze and Qiao Yingxuan, accompanied by the young masters who had hunted and drank wine with them. Among them, there were many book fans of Yang Gong Zhuoliang and Mu Qiao Yingze, so everyone had a good meal. Enjoy, and Gong Zhuoliang, as the protagonist of today, is naturally drunk a lot, but Shi Kang, a master of stealing and changing pillars, 80% of the people who enter Gong Zhuoliang's mouth are water, so after the birthday party is over. , Gong Zhuoliang, who was lying on the ground drunk, came back to life again, happily and happily went home with Qiao Yingze to continue the two-person world.

"Ying Xuan's gift seems to be heavier..."

After returning to the house, Qiao Yingze asked Ruo Lan and the others to prepare hot water. When he returned to the house, he saw that Gong Zhuoliang had already taken off his coat and was sitting at the table looking at the gift list. Gong Zhuoliang's side.

The etiquette between relatives is a norm, which is a bit heavy for Qiao Yingze, not to mention Gong Zhuoliang is only his brother's in-law in name.

"Half of it is for my sister-in-law. I think it's a thank you gift from my younger brother and sister."

Gong Zhuoliang heard from Qiao Yingxuan in private that half of this gift came from his daughter-in-law's private house and was a thank-you gift for his sister-in-law.

"That's no wonder. Speaking of which, it's rare for a younger brother and sister to be so kind. Ying Xuan is a blessing."

Hearing that it was a gift from his younger brother and sister, Qiao Yingze nodded knowingly, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

This matter has to start from the day they came to announce the good news. Because of Gong Zhuoliang's remarks, Yang Yingmo hesitated for two days after returning, but chose to have a good talk with Qiao Yingxuan. The couple directed a play of a virtuous daughter-in-law. Yang Yingmo and the old lady and the lady first mentioned the matter of giving her husband a room, and the older generation praised her very much, and then Qiao Yingxuan refused the matter with a strong attitude. , which showed his determination to never accept a concubine, made the older generation feel emotional and gratified, and praised Qiao Yingxuan once again, and made the young couple more and more painful to the top of their hearts.

"Xiang Gong, what about my character as a wife?"

Seeing the unconcealed look of loss in Qiao Yingze's eyes, Gong Zhuoliang raised his chin with his fingers and squinted at him deliberately.

"Nature is the best, and the husband is the most fortunate person."

Qiao Yingze was amused by Gong Zhuoliang's appearance, and the sentimental feeling in his heart was instantly diluted... Now that he has a wife and children, such happiness is complete, why should he envy others?

"Well, alright... Xianggong, the hot water should be ready, let's go take a bath together."

Gong Zhuoliang squeezed Qiao Yingze's chin with satisfaction, and then withdrew his hand to arrange the gift list and send it out, but a letter fell out of the middle. Gong Zhuoliang remembered that he received Gong Zhuoxiang's letter yesterday. I just put it in the gift list and forgot to read it.

Thinking that he was in no hurry at this moment, Gong Zhuoliang put the letter on the table again, got up and chased Qiao Yingze to the bathroom... Finally, his good night came.