MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 285 city...

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   "Who doesn't know how to have sex? Meimei, just those two Wangzi steamed buns on your chest, can they cover donkey stuff?" Tingting's mouth curled up, with a look of disdain. Turning his head and winking at Long Gen, he moved lightly with lotus steps, twisted the water snake's waist, swayed the two breasts, and walked up to Long Gen, shaking the big fat spindle.

  Peach blossoms glowed in his eyes, his little hand slid down gently, slid across the lush grass, and touched the black donkey lightly, his little heart suddenly went numb, what a hot big guy!

"Handsome guy, let me serve you, he knows more, why don't you give it a try, I'll make you happy." Tingting blinked her peach blossom eyes, with long and curly eyelashes, the two eyeballs looked even more beautiful When she grows up, her bright eyes seem to seduce people's souls. Without making a sound, he grabbed two bird eggs!

   I was so shocked that I couldn't speak, the two eggs were so big, I couldn't hold them with one hand!

   "Hiss, this, is this still a man's thing? It's almost like a stallion!" Shocked in her heart, Tingting was even more eager to try the power of the big stick!

   Searching thousands of mountains and rivers, isn't it just a giant human whip? Now, donkey stuff is close at hand, there is no reason to miss it! Take off your arms and have to go!

   "Tingting, what are you talking about? Who is Wangzai Xiaomantou?" Meimei quit, dragging the two big tuo, shaking up and down, "If you are capable, let's take it off and compare?"

Long Gen was taken aback, darling, this pair of **** was stuffed in the cover, so I didn’t feel it, when the clothes were pulled, the waves were choppy, white waves rose up, each wave was higher than the other, and there were two small black dots stuck on the top, Stiff. Blinking and blinking with both eyes, it looks good.

   "Cut it, just take it off, who is afraid of whom?" Not to be outdone, Tingting threw away the mink coat, pulled the corset, and grabbed the two tuo, pulling and shaking.

  Bai. Tender. Tender several big Tuo put together, a high and low!

  Long Gen couldn't help but tighten his crotch, tsk tsk tsk, terrific, terrific! The rich women from the provincial capital are different, they are bold and have big tits, and they look like they weigh two or three catties.

"Grandmother! It's so big, I don't know if I can move it? Is it hard to walk? Don't walk, if you fall to the ground, it's a big joke." Long Gen Secretly cursing, rubbing his chin and wanting to smoke a cigarette to calm down.

   If you want to say that your crotch is one in a million, the two women have two large **** on their chests, which are rare in the world. They can knock people unconscious when they flick their tits.

"Tingting, how are you? Give up, you are still tender compared to my old lady!" Meimei showed a victorious attitude, "Don't forget, I still suggested you to drink papaya soup, otherwise ...."

  Meimei put her eyes on Heng Tingting's proud chest, and said with a sneer, "I'm afraid it's still an airport, and the cannons are very safe on it!"

   "You!! I..." Tingting stomped her feet anxiously, like an ant on a hot pot.

  Meimei's face softened, and she said again: "Tingting, let's stop arguing. The old rules are rock-paper-scissors, two wins out of three, whoever wins goes first, will it work?"

   "Success! It's up to you!" Tingting gritted her teeth and agreed.

   "Wait a minute!" At this moment, Long Gen had something to say!

  The two women turned their heads and looked at Long Gen with doubts on their faces.

  Long Gen stood up with the big guy upright. The **** stick stood upright in the middle of the crotch like a python raising its head, full of murderous looks! The round big head moved little by little, as if demonstrating against the two women.

   "What are you two doing? What are you arguing about? I haven't said a word yet. If you think about it every day, how shameful I am?" Long Gen raised his head, indescribably embarrassed!

  Grandma.Grandma., whether to divide the spoils, or to turn over the brand, if I don’t nod, no one will think about it!

   "Dragon...Xiaolong, what do you want?" Hearing Qin Hong's call just now, Meimei also said to Longgen. The expression is a little unnatural.

Although the two of us are both wives, they are also women with face, rich wives, wherever they look for a man, it's like catching a strong man, if they don't follow, they will throw money, bundles of money, and they will die again ! That's how Shuisheng was given to Japan by the two sisters! Now he is like a grandson, waving his hand and wagging his tail with a puppy.

   "It's fine every day, but I have two conditions." Xiaolong's roots were bulging, and he started a revolution. Looking at the two beautiful women, I couldn't help myself. I am eager to taste the taste of rich women in the provincial capital!

Tingting hurriedly said: "Tell me, we can't listen to you." As she spoke, she couldn't help twisting her legs, clamping her lower body, and it's okay not to look at the donkey thing. Like ants crawling, I can't get up.

   "Well, Shui Sheng has a bit of a grudge against me, this..." Long Gen slowly lit a cigarette and said decisively.

  Seeing that the two women are anxious, I feel extremely proud. Why, it means that the big stick is very attractive and can attract the women. I think it will be even better when I wake up later!

"What do you want, do you want our sisters to deal with him?" Tingting is an outspoken woman who couldn't move her legs when she saw the big guy, so she said immediately, "Don't worry, I will take care of this for you." Sure! What else is there, tell me quickly, I can't wait, the bottom is itchy..."

   "Huh..." Long Gen spit out a long circle of smoke, and said with a smirk: "The other one, um... I'm a little short of money..."

   "Hey, I thought it was a big deal, isn't it just money? Don't worry, take good care of our sisters, and the money is enough!" Meimei said first, afraid that Tingting would leave with a mouthful of millions.

  The **** stick looks mighty and majestic, full of murderous aura. You have to go into battle yourself to test the power, don't be a silver gun with a waxed tip, the kind that looks useless, and the kind that softens immediately when you get in, it will be a big loss.

   "Okay, you guys are welcome!" Hearing this, Long Gen suddenly regained his energy, and was about to go up with his gun. Grandpa Long has no strengths, he only has **** specialties, and he was born to make up for women's loopholes! Specializes in the treatment of sewer blockage, itching and other symptoms, tried and tested!

  The **** guy came towards her, Meimei was a little uncertain, the size was too scary, she wanted to touch it, take a couple of sips, and try the size.

"Don't worry, handsome guy, come, come, lie down, we sisters will take good care of you." Meimei blinked at Tingting, the two of them have competed in the same bed for many years, and they have a tacit understanding. It is clear to the heart.

  The two wives leaned up one left and one right, and pushed Long Gen onto the bed. The Fortune Hotel is not big, but the bed is big, a two-meter-wide bed, and the three of them climbed up without being crowded at all.

"Xiaolong, what posture do you like? Avalokitesvara sitting on a lotus, or an old man pushing a cart?" Tingting stretched out her small pale hands, scrubbing Longgen's broad chest, and giggled: "Oh, Xiaolong, your chest is so hairy, So sexy."

  How can Long Gen be the one who suffers? I thought, if you can touch me, can I not touch you? Tingting's plump triangles were wrapped in big hands, and the palms covered the small slits and kneaded, which was warm and moist.

   "Oh, Tingting, why is your sewer pipe leaking? It's so watery that you can row a boat. How about I plug the leak for you first?" As she said, she poked her finger at the small crack.

   Sao, a woman in the provincial capital, Long Gen didn't show mercy at all, scratched two pieces of black fungus with her fingernails, and "squeaked" and stuffed them inch by inch into the hole.

"Um...uh...Xiaolong, handsome guy, feel so comfortable...uh...water, water came out, oh..." Tingting Itching in my heart, I grabbed the two big lumps and rubbed them, moaning again and again, the big eyeballs blinked lightly, and a pink peach blossom appeared.

Long Gen has practiced the "Fairy Hand" for many years, almost every day, his technique is proficient and sharp, his fingers are unknowingly tired, digging and digging at the small cracks, like a drill, the vibration makes his whole body numb, lumps of sticky pulp The paste slipped out along the seam of the leg.

   "Oh... handsome guy, Xiaolong handsome... oh... cool, cool, so cool... ah..."

  Long Gen smirked and withdrew his hand. Shaking his hands, white foam and sticky paste splashed everywhere. Meimei looked at Tingting with a look of envy, lightly swung the willow waist, couldn't help clamping her legs, twisted up and down, squeezed and rubbed the two pieces of black fungus, hoping to be more comfortable.

   "Hey, feel comfortable." Long Gen smiled.

  Tingting nodded, blushing and said: "Comfortable, comfortable. Handsome guy, you, you can touch others again."

"I... touch me too, my **** are big... ummmm, the bottom is so itchy..." Meimei had one leg, a pair of pink panties, wrapped in a plump triangle. zone. There was a lot of wetness at the entrance of the hole!

  Long Gen couldn't help but click his tongue secretly, how hungry and thirsty are the women in the provincial capital? Haven't touched it yet, can it get wet like this?

   "Hey, the men in the provincial capital are all **** trash, right? My mother-in-law can't even get enough to feed! The heavy responsibility of saving women in the world can only fall on Grandpa Long!"

Long Gen blinked, and jokingly said: "It's not impossible to touch, that, that, use all your housekeeping skills, such as tits, oral sex, poisonous dragon, etc., use them one by one, let Grandpa Long Learn more."

   "Well, I'll come first!"

  Tingting didn't say a word, she held a **** stick, opened her small mouth, and wrapped the big snake's head in one mouthful, with a nimble tongue like a loach, licking and sucking around the brain! Suddenly a deep throat, the big stick against the throat, the tight package made the big stick numb for no reason.

"Ah~~~~~" Long Gen yelled comfortably, holding Tingting's little head and pressing it down, feeling the strange tight package, it is so wonderful, I never thought of it on the mother-in-law. So many holes to go in!

  Tingting inhaled for a while, and the **** snake showed no sign of wanting to spit, except that it became firmer. Meimei looked terrified and plucked up the courage to replace Tingting.

"Handsome Xiaolong, I'll use my **** to make you feel good, giggling..." Mei smiled and grabbed two big tits. The white **** were wrapped in black big sticks, soft and warm , clutching the two big tuo, "pattapatta" up and down, licking the pipe.

Long Gen couldn't help being stunned for a moment, he finally understood what is called 'breast intercourse', that is to use **** to **** a man, but it feels very good, the **** are soft and bouncy, snow white, wrapped in jet black and shiny The big stick, once up and down, is comfortable and tight.

   "Papa Papa...."

  Meimei is a little impatient, so she won't **** like this? The two sisters had been working one after the other for half an hour, and their faces were flushed with exhaustion. Others looked at themselves with a smile as if nothing had happened!

   "Get out of the way, I'll do it!" Tingting gritted her teeth cruelly and let Long Gen lay on the kang.

   Spread the two hairy thighs, facing the black chrysanthemum, stretched out her tongue suddenly, and licked the chrysanthemum!

  Long Gen stared, "Oh!"

   "Hiss, cool!" The fart. Eyes are numb, very comfortable, like sunbathing.

   "Grandma, these women have so many tricks!"