MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 58 [ABO] Omega Attack 1

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in a special ward.

Jun also lay on his back on the bed, beside him lying on his stomach, who had not woken up all night.

Jun also fiddled with the hair of the people next to him, his pale and thin fingers contrasted sharply with the sentinel's healthy wheat complexion.

His body seemed to be cursed, no matter whether he insisted on exercise, customized diet or some other biotechnological means, he could not be conditioned to the level of a normal person.

Sometimes Jun also wonders if there is a consciousness higher than this world, which stipulates that his physique can only be so scum.

Or maybe it was because of his low quest scores that the system deducted his basic attributes?

Thinking of the useless system, Jun also raised his hand and scratched it in the air, and a system panel that only he could see appeared.

The entire panel was the same as before he came to this world, there was no change, and even the newly released [Mall] icon was still empty.

I really don't know what to do with this system.

Jun also waved his hand, and the panel floating in the air shattered and disappeared.

At this time, the terminal of Hughes' wrist lit up, and Jun also reached out and pressed it, once again turning off the alarm before it made any noise.

Jun also recalled the numbers that just appeared on the terminal, and was a little dazed.

At eight o'clock sharp, he hadn't coughed for four hours, and Gu Qiuwang didn't even want to cough now.

In the past few days, his health has suddenly deteriorated. In order to take care of him, Xiao Luke has been guarding him all night. He often wakes up by the sound of his cough as soon as he closes his eyes...

It's been four full hours, and now this situation is very wrong.

Jun also faintly felt that he was about to leave this world.


Looking at the sleeping sentry beside him, Jun Ye suddenly felt very reluctant.

In the past world, he and his partner both had gray hair and left one after another, but this time...

Jun also lightly poked Xiao Lonely's chest muscles that were fuller and stronger than when they first met, and felt that it would not be a problem for the other party to bounce around for decades.

Sad and worried...

Jun Ye buried his head in the familiar chest and listened to the powerful heartbeat. The voice that used to soothe him, now made him even more restless.

A pair of hands rubbed eagerly on the sentinel, wanting to get closer and want to leave something behind.

The drowsiness came unexpectedly, and Jun also gave a hand and completely lost consciousness.

The entire space seemed to stagnate for a moment, and then, the sentinel on the bed opened his eyes.

Some confused eyes fell on the guide on the chest for a moment, and then, as if feeling something, the sentinel followed the guide's hand under the quilt and touched his tailbone.

A series of related memories came one after another, and the sentinel's face, which had always been expressionless, suddenly became colorful.


consciousness space.

Jun also used his incorporeal "hand" to poked at the system panel, which had not yet responded.

No ratings, no next mission world, just the same as when he just saw it in the ward.

This **** system... won't it collapse completely?

Just thinking about it, I saw the system panel change for a while, and the values ​​of each item were refreshed.

World LA3 [Task Rating D-]

You are also used to it.

I even thought: The reason why Xue Shen takes 100 points every time is because the test paper only has 100 points, and the reason why he grades D- every time is because the lowest possible grade is D-.

Laughing at himself like this, Jun also found two lines of **** words written in the middle of the system panel.

[Warning: Due to the extremely low rating of the host several missions, they will be forcibly put into the [Novice Training Camp], and you have five minutes to read the training camp tutorial. 】

Jun also: "..."

Looking down, Jun also saw something similar to a document attachment, and clicked it silently.

—[You] are an empty and lonely old Omega widow.

Just the first sentence made you stunned.

This script...

Needless to say, what is "Omega", it must be the same type of thing as "female", "mermaid" and "guide", just this adjective...

"Empty", "Lonely" and "Old Widow"...

The system is really getting interesting... um.

—[You] have been married three times in your life.

For the first time, when you were 20 years old, Xingwang matched you to the head of the largest family of the main star. On the night of the wedding, the head of the house is assassinated, and you receive his entire estate as his widow.

The second time, when you were 25 years old, you fell in love with your gardener. He's a humorous young Alpha, and you're a sweet, unmarked Omega, and you quickly fall in love. He confesses to you that he is the boss of the first star thief group in the alliance, you are surprised, but you don't care about his identity, and you are willing to travel around the world with him. You eloped with him, and you held a grand wedding on the main ship of the Star Thief Group. On the night of the wedding, the Star Thief leader was assassinated, and you obtained his fleet as his widow.

The third time, when you were 30 years old, you fell in love with the butler who has been by your side and dedicated to you silently. You held a secret wedding. On the night of the wedding, the housekeeper was assassinated, and you gained his assassin power as his widow.


After reading the first page, Jun also fell into a strange silence.

- There are so many words in the world, I can't find one that can describe my mood at this time.

Click on the next page silently, which is also the last page.

—[You] are 35 years old.

You are also excited.

Another five-year plan, who will die this time?

-[You] injected. Tube after tube of inhibitor, the physiological fever is getting more and more fierce year by year, and you long for an Alpha to completely mark you.

Finally, you once again met an Alpha who made your heart flutter. He is a student of the Mecha Academy under your name. He is good-looking, thin and fleshy in clothes, flexible in skills, and strong alpha pheromones that make your legs soft.

Best of all...he's too poor to pay for school, and you're going him.

[The following will be used as the final assessment content of the training camp, please feel free to play. ]

Jun also: "..."

Just thinking about whether the system wants him to follow the usual nursing plot after this, or to marry first and then kill him according to the previous routine, Jun also felt dark and fell into a drowsiness.



The sound of some kind of electronic instrument in the ear kept ringing mechanically, and Jun also reluctantly opened his eyes and found himself trapped in a light pink world.

Light pink lamps, light pink hollow bed tents, and light pink pillows and quilts.

This should be a room that only appears in fairy tales.

Jun also sat up from the ridiculously soft bed, the familiar system screen appeared in front of him at the same time, and the task release box in the middle was saying: [Please check your personal terminal. 】

Should it be said that it is a novice tutorial? It's so detailed.

I complained in my heart, but in action, I quickly opened the terminal of my wrist. He also wanted to see what the system's scoring was based on, and every time he got a terrible score, although Jun Ye didn't say it, he still had some ideas.

The terminal is beeping all the time because there is an email with a red top, looking for a sense of existence, and it seems to be very important.

Jun also clicked his finger and opened the email.

[Dear Mr. Jun Ye, you have reached the legal marriage age of Alliance Omega at breakfast today. For the continuation of mankind, please have a blind date with the following 2333 Alphas as soon as possible and choose a spouse.

1. Fei Xiu (92.3% match), [picture], 24 years old, the head of the main star Fei family...



4. #! …


Jun also: "..."

What is 2333-bit Alpha, you have all garbled characters from the second one! Mandatory consumption...

Worthy of being produced by the garbage system, bad reviews.

His eyes fell on the first person on the blind date list again, and the familiar naming method made Jun a little moved. Look at the photos again, uh... He looks pretty decent, within the acceptable range.

Then... go on a blind date.

Send invitations with one click.

There was no reply from the other side, but the system panel floating in the air made a "ding--" first, and two new lines appeared.

[Send a blind date invitation to [Fei Xiu], the completion of the task +1 point (1%)]

[Trigger task: ask the host to choose clothes from the closet to match for a blind date feast, theme [Sweet Omega]]

Jun Ye: "...Are you in a hurry, the other party hasn't agreed yet..."

Before the words were finished, there was another beep, and the invitation page that had not yet exited had already begun to float red rose petals.

Needless to say, the other side must agree.

[Fei Xiu: At nine o’clock tonight, do you have time? 】

Jun Ye: "..." Even the message has been sent, so are you in such a hurry to get rid of the order?

For some reason, Jun also felt a little subtle, and accidentally replied "yes".

God knows if the original body has any other schedule.

[Fei Xiu: See you at the Sagittarius restaurant at nine o’clock tonight. [address]】

[Fei Xiu: Do you need me to pick you up? 】

Jun also clicked on the address link to locate it, and found that it was more than 2,000 meters away from his current location.

At such a distance, he is not a squeamish little girl, and Jun also directly replied.


[Reject [Fixiu], task completion rate -1 point (0%)]

Jun also: "..."

what is this? Hide deductions? Can't refuse the task object? Then he...

When the young master was making a noise, he pressed his paw back. When Colonel Gu was making a noise, he patted his tail. When the little lonely refused to make a noise, he jumped up...

Isn't that how the points are deducted?

Jun is also wondering if he needs to pick up one now, will the completion degree be added back again.

Before you could put it into practice, the avatar belonging to Fei Xiu on the terminal screen had already dimmed.

Well, regret medicine does not exist.



Eight forty in the evening.

In front of the Sagittarius restaurant, the gentleman in a delicate pink and white dress also stepped off the aircraft.

He doesn't need to go out of his way to match clothes, everything in the wardrobe is so... princess style.

Although it is not mentioned in the script, the family conditions of this body are first-class even if it is not top-notch. Otherwise, it is impossible to make the bedroom like a princess room in a fairy tale, let alone a private driver.

After saying hello to the driver, Jun was not used to walking towards the restaurant with a small bag. On the other side of the aircraft that had just stopped, there was also a young handsome man in black.

It was just a back figure, but it made Jun Ye's heart jump, and he subconsciously looked at the small map that he had ignored for a long time. The location of that person was a pink dot representing the task object.

He is [Fixiu] right...

Really, the same pink dots, the same pattern's name, it's really easy to think about it.

Jun also twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled, and saw a man in a white dress walking out of the aircraft, and the two men in a couple's clothes were talking and laughing as they walked into the restaurant.

Jun also: "..."

It's really not fair.

Suddenly I don't want each world to encounter the same person or some kind of connection.

He carried the memories and feelings of every world to and fro, and when he met that person, he had to pour out his feelings carefully, but that person only used his own enjoyment, it was really unfair...

The system panel suddenly appeared again, and Jun also thought that he had done something about the progress of the game mission, but found that it was a personal introduction.

[[Fei Lian] (the cousin of the task object [Fei Xiu]), Alpha, 23 years old, married. 】

Jun was also taken aback and asked in his heart, "Can you know what I think?"

The system did not respond, and the panels floating in the air gradually disappeared, revealing the backs of the two Alphas in front of them that were drifting away.

Jun also temporarily suppressed the doubts and quickened his pace to follow.

I have to say that the setting given by the system really made him feel more comfortable.

Jun also walked to a place about five meters behind Fei Xiu and the two, and accidentally overheard their conversation.

Feilian: "Brother, whose Omega is your blind date this time? Isn't she pretty?"

Fei Xiu: "The only son of the Jun family, I haven't seen each other for many years. I remember him as a pink and tender little Omega. You know, I don't like those delicate Omegas, so I might as well marry a Beta for peace of mind."

Jun also looked at his clothes and fell silent.

Why did he suffer this crime?

What a [Sweet Omega] theme…

What's the use of the system I want you to pit teammates for? !

However, Jun is still skeptical of Fei Xiu's words.

Don't like cutesy? His body in the previous world was the incarnation of a delicate and delicate body, and he still had a task object to take care of him in every possible way.

The task object of your little novice training camp is quite mouth.

Fei Xiu felt a chill behind him for some reason, so he quickened his pace and reminded his cousin, "Although you are very good at 'handling' this kind of blind date, you have to be careful. This blind date is a transition, right? There is still cooperation between the family and the Jun family, and the relationship cannot be strained."

Feilian smiled proudly: "Don't worry, I didn't know how to get rid of a blind date for the sake of my daughter-in-law? I'm a professional."

Jun also: "..."

Ha ha.