MTL - Congratulations, Empress-~ 271 winds from the clouds, Qian Kun first exposed

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Mrs. Leng Mei did not deny the reason for the good deeds. She only said: "The purpose of my trip is to get back to Qiankun Yu."

The topic finally wraps around the moon silver hook, and the old lady sees that she can't persuade the three people, and the sly look is supported by the prostitute.

Penglai Island was scattered into the rivers and lakes, and many people were persecuted by rivers and lakes. The two fists were hard to beat, and the uniformed people also had it. But the good and the wise and the people are in Brahma, what kind of powerful characters can catch the two to disfig ?

"New hatred and old hate, even if it is on you!" Shan looked at the flowers with horror.

The flowers burst into laughter and screamed, sweeping everyone, eyebrows, and facial features, "New hatred and old hate? Then I will count it today, and I will not forget the things that forced me to fall off the cliff." I also remember the account of the poisoned man who was poisoned by him. Since it is necessary, it must be clear!"

"Now I am changing my mind," she laughed slyly. "Not only the silver hook, but also your life!"

Lili tied the moon silver to the belt, and she looked back at Yu Yan, "Why?"

Yan Yu raised his hand, chasing the wind and put a long sword on his hands. He put his hands together and pulled out the sword. The golden mans suddenly appeared bright, and the long sword exposed in front of everyone was blood red!

"This sword is called Yan Xiaojian. I have been in the palace, but I don't want to go with you all the way. It is even more dangerous than my prince. Now I have to take it out." Under the fascinating face, it is a clear kill!

The flower horror stood shoulder to shoulder with him, the double swords were light and airy, the sword sounds crisp and sparkling, and the sharp voice was enough to make people heard clearly in the place: Yan Xiaojian, actually a hundred-year sword!

One pair, one pair of swords, let the other five people change their faces!

However, the horror and the stunned Yan did not give them a chance to breathe. The two swords set out two blood walls and went straight to the five people!

The five people hide on both sides and avoid the sharp edge of the sword of the hundred years. The land that has been established has been cut into two gullies, and the flying stones are splashed!

Seeing that the two people are unstoppable, the other three are also showing their weapons. Mrs. Leng Mei’s hands are long whip. The good cause and the tedious hand are also long swords. Ji Tianyi does not have to say that the snake sword is in hand, and Xiao Fan is bright. The one is a short dagger.

The people watching the battle have already withdrawn from the mountain, leaving only seven of them. The seven people formed a shadow, and each time they took a shot, they smashed the airflow like a wave, and spread out from the center. The trees and leaves on the mountainside were blown by the wind, and it seemed to be on the eve of the rainstorm!

The horror of the main attack and the omnipotence, after three dozens of dozens of tricks, the arrogant sword volleyed, the two lifted the sword to stop, the two swords were broken into two paragraphs.

Shanshan and Xiaozhao Jian broke the arm, and looked back to the two sides at a glance. Xiao Fanyin suddenly appeared, blocking the horror and using the short blade to confront the arrogant sword!

The flowers were horrified, but the men did not hesitate, but Xiao Fanyin was beaten by her and then she finally stabilized her foot. The two face to face, watching the appearance of his teeth, she could not help but lick her lips. "The dagger is good!"

At this time, Shan Yu and Fu Zhao attacked from behind her, and when she was shocked and backhanded, she was also chasing two people. Two pairs of two had a trick, Xiao Fanyin and Mrs. Leng Mei and Ji Tianyi also quickly Join the battle.

Mrs. Leng Mei’s whip is fierce, and her moves are surprising. Every time she fights against human defense, Ji Tianyi’s snake sword is not lost to the sword of the hundred years. It will be played with the softness of the road, and Xiao Fanyin’s dagger does not seem to prevail. However, in reality, the ruler has a short length and a long length. When he fights, he can make up for it, and he can also attack people!

In this way, the four sides saw and did not give each other, this game became a deadlock!

Yan Chih-an was nervously looking at the battle in front of him, but suddenly felt a move on his shoulders. He was happy, and he quickly helped him to hold his shoulder and said, "Would you wake up?"

Yan Chih-hsuan took a deep breath, but was painful by the wound in his chest. He opened his eyes and looked at his eyes and looked late and late, "Big Brother, Grandma..."

Mrs. Yan Chi’s wife burst into tears and nodded again and again. “When you wake up, you can wake up!”

When I was stunned, I saw the flowers and horror of fighting with people. I was pleasantly surprised: "Hey!"

Hey, he kept holding him: "You used to give her trouble, don't go over!"

And Yu Chih-Hui wanted to be tough, but could not support the body. He had to look at the flowers in amazement. For a moment, "Big Brother, I think of it."

He was late to help him stand up, and his gaze was twisted on the horror, frowning: "They are bullying!"

"Flower horror may not lose, you are waiting here."

"Hey!" Yan Chih-hyun shouted, laughing and waving.

Seeing that he woke up, he was so happy when he was shocked. He also took the time to nod his head and saw that Ji Tianyi was speechless. In such a situation, she dared to give up to others. !

Yan Chih-hsiang laughed and glared at the arm that was late, "Hey, she is laughing at me!"

He was late but didn't distract to see him. He just nodded and nodded. After a while, he felt that he was licking his hand and his strength was getting bigger and bigger. He looked back at the past, but he saw that the face was ruddy and the eyes were soaring. As if trying to suppress what!

"Hey!" 尉 珏骇 珏骇 ,, why is it a sign of returning light? !

"Hey!" Mrs. Yu late, holding the body that was swaying and screaming, panicked: "What happened to you?"

"Big brother..." Yu Chih-hsiang endured the pain of heartache and gritted his teeth: "I don't want to worry about my nephew, you... and grandma... hold me..."

"What is going on here?! What is going on here?!" The old lady was so flustered that she was so good, holding her hands on her cheeks and groping on his clothes, looking for herself. Know what it is!

"Hey!" Yan Chi stunned his hand and shook his veins, his body trembled, his eyes became blushing.

"澜儿...澜儿..." 尉 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥!