MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 81 Murakami without blood

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After exchanging information, Conan and Guan Dounan split up and went to investigate separately.

On Conan's side, because his semi-substitute ability can strengthen the physical ability and intuition of the people around him, Guan Dounan asked him to follow the Mumu police department and the others to protect Mr. Tsuji Hiroki, who may be the next victim.

As for Guan Dounan, relying on his own "face", he went to the restaurant where Conan and the others went to eat to investigate more information and restore who the suspects who might have heard the secret of Kogoro Mouri at that time were.

In addition, he also entrusted Dr. Akasa and Kei Kamdai to help investigate the information related to Murakami, and try to find the precise location where he was buried. After all, it has now been determined that the substitute messenger committed the crime, so it is time for the Nth lesson to appear.

By the way, I can also explain to them that this avatar's fighting power is not ordinary, and ask them to send a avatar with real fighting power like Kakyoin to come to support.

"Is Murakami-jo buried here?"

Huajingyuan Dianming, Guan Dounan, and several commissioners who came to support the Nth class gathered in a mountain near Tokyo, watching Guan Dounan holding a compass in his hand, walking a few steps to the left and right, and then looked up at the sky for a while. For a while, I touched the tree next to it, and finally stopped under a tree.

There was a lot of weeds growing under this tree, and it looked no different from the area next to it. If you just take a closer look, you can vaguely find that there is a little more withered grass here than next to it.

Since the time line of this world is chaotic and random, if you dig a hole yesterday, the grass on it may be blown by the spring breeze and wither and grow again the next day. It may take a lot of effort to investigate from this aspect, and the low detection rate in this world is also affected by this factor.

"This is it, the trace of our lost 'Murakami'." Guan Dounan tapped the ground under the tree with his toes, and nodded to his companions around him. A few class N's commissioners were also unambiguous. They couldn't see the stand-ins. When the team leader explained the task, he said that everything was arranged by this guy who looked like the hero of an idol drama.


The shovel shoveled through the ground, and the soil, along with the turf, flew out. Guan Dounan and Huajingyuan watched from the sidelines, looking forward to a good harvest.

"No matter how many times you watch it, your stand-in ability is really amazing. With just a little clue, you can peel off the cocoon and find the lost thing, just like a detective." Hua Jingyuan stood beside him and said with emotion, he was able I saw Guan Dounan's stand-in ability when it was activated, but this kind of intelligence department ability is really rare, especially since this Huajingyuan has not seen Hermit Purple.

"It's not so much a detective as a divination, or a fortune-telling." Guan Dounan weighed the compass in his hand with some self-deprecation. He originally wanted to use this thing to pretend to be a wave of metaphysics detectives and become famous and make money, but later Never had the opportunity to practice.

"No matter what it is, it looks really useful." Huajingyuan didn't care about it, "I have also read the information on Murakami, but based on that information, I can confirm that he has been killed and fallen here. , that really only you can do."

The Nth class shot, the efficiency is definitely one of the best in the ordinary intelligence field. Guan Dounan will ask for a report at noon, and that night they gave a very detailed information on Mr. Murakami.

Gu Jing

Mr. Murakami joined an underground casino before graduating from high school, and won the appreciation of a certain boss with a thousand skills. But later, because of a gambling game he controlled, a full five people were indirectly killed. In that year, the Metropolitan Police Department dispatched a lot of human, material and financial resources to arrest him and others.

Later, during the interrogation in the police station, Murakami took the excuse of going to the toilet and used a sharp wire hidden on his body to hold the concubine Eri, who happened to be delivering meals to Kogoro Mouri. During the confrontation, Kogoro Mori shot directly, but he did not hit Murakami directly, but the bullet he shot scratched Concubine Eri's leg, and he was re-arrested under Murakami's astonishment.

According to the gossip, Fei Yingri separated from Kogoro Mouri because of this accidental injury incident, and she ran away while Kogoro was using the toilet... Of course, this kind of information is useless.

In short, after reading Murakami's information from the beginning to the end, Guan Dounan called Xiao Hei again, and this time he focused the problem on "where Murakami is at this time" and found this place.

"Ah, this..."

While Guan Dounan was chatting with Huajingyuan, the commissioner in charge of the excavation really made a discovery. A few people threw their shovels aside, used all kinds of messy tools, and finally dug out a corpse that was covered in mud and was already somewhat rotting.


The appearance of this corpse made everyone present couldn't help but take a breath, contributing to global warming. But at the same time, a cold sweat broke out on their backs, which neutralized the heat.

Although Murakami's body has been somewhat decomposed due to the relationship of time, it can still be seen as roughly flesh and blood...or rather, only flesh and blood.

His corpse was wrinkled and looked more like a mummy than a mummy, but it wasn't the kind that didn't contain any moisture. There is still a moist feeling on the skin. It's not so much a mummy, it's better to say...

This is a corpse that has been drained of It looks like it has been attacked by a vampire.

"This is... a vampire? Are there any vampires in this world?" Hua Jingyuan was a little surprised and wanted to discuss it with Guan Dounan, but found that he was lost in thought at this time.

vampire? Probably exists. But it's not that kind of ordinary vampire, and it's hard to say what kind of vampire will become in a world where the Man of the Pillar does not exist.

But Guan Dounan vaguely felt that the cause of Murakami's death might not be because of vampires, but because of the blood-colored clown stand-in he had encountered before.

He was stabbed by the arrow of the crossbow, and after the blood flowed out, the playing card J absorbed a little blood that flowed out and condensed into a pale red playing card J warrior, but it was scattered after being beaten.

Thinking of it this way, will the dark red clown stand-in absorb a lot of blood, condense into a solid entity, and have super-powerful warriors?

"...Take it back first, and perform an autopsy to see if we can find any useful clues." Guan Dounan finally decided. After all, after the autopsy, he can get a detailed autopsy report, which is equivalent to obtaining A large amount of known intelligence, the ability to launch can also get clearer results.