MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-~ Let's talk about a side story later, let's play escape room

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"Is it here? 'This is a board game shop', the name is really straightforward."

Kudo Shinichi, who is already a college student, looked up at the store name on the sign and said.

"After all, Senior Guan is a person who sees Riddlers as his natural enemies. He especially hates making tricks and saying things poorly. It's natural to have such a store name. I just didn't expect that he would open a board game store."

Xiaolan followed Kudo Shinichi and nodded.

"Yeah, I thought he would continue to be an actor, or do fortune-telling."

"That's right, I didn't expect that like your mother, she quit the film and television circle at a young age and was admitted to Dongda University. Many of his fans are still regretting it."

"That is, they don't know that this board game store is opened by their favorite star, and if they can't get into Dongda University, otherwise we're afraid we won't be able to line up at all, let's go in, I haven't seen Senior Guan for a long time. already."

The two approached the board game shop. The hall was not very spacious, with only a front desk counter and several signs with entertainment items written on them. To play different games, they had to go to different rooms.

Behind the counter, wearing glasses, was concentrating on typing something on the computer, it was Guan Dounan, a former movie star, an unknown savior, and a stand-in for Xiao Hei.

"Welcome, I'll make tea for you when I finish writing this paragraph."

Anyway, they are all acquaintances, so there is no need to be too polite. After the flow of time resumed, Guan Dounan lived up to expectations, passed the college admissions exam, followed in the footsteps of his old sister and his parents who died early, and entered the East University campus and studied in the Department of Literature.

Now, the deadline for the homework paper is approaching, and he has no substitute for his old sister who specializes in procrastination, so naturally he can only hurry up.

"How is the business, senior? I think you can play a lot of projects here." Kudo Shinichi looked at the display card next to it, from chess and card games to board games to escape room script killing and other derivative projects are included in the Inside, it can be said to have everything.

"I don't stay in the store very often, but according to Zhibao, it's alright." Guan Dounan tapped the keyboard, making a series of crackling sounds, "At least those chess and card games that are played by multiple people, and the script that requires enough people to play. You can find all the people you can kill, and you don’t need us employees to go to the top every day to make up the numbers.”

Xiao Ai has nothing to do after restoring Miyano Shiho's identity. She doesn't want to study APTX4869 left by her parents, based on Karasuma Lianye's flesh and blood, but she also doesn't want to join a pharmaceutical company or something.

In the end, after going around in circles, he chose to stay in Guan Dounan, and became the store manager with the identity of a doctor of pharmacy from a well-known university in the United States.

It is said that many people come to play with the manager of Leng Meiren, but unfortunately they have not been able to wait for the lack of people in the store so that the manager can act as an NPC.

"Escape room and script killing, I really want to try it."

Kudo Shinichi flipped through the brochure at the front desk. This kind of entertainment project designed for reasoning enthusiasts especially attracted his attention. After all, the reasoning puzzles on the market often couldn't be completed under his hands. The avatar ability and the ingenious design of the secret room can make him a little interested.

"Really? Then I recommend this." Guan Dounan stretched out his left hand and clicked on a secret room project, "The background of this project is that you were kidnapped by a mysterious murderer, and you must solve thirty-two puzzles in a row to get out, because It's too difficult, and until now, few people have passed the customs."

"Oh? Then there are still people who can pass the customs?" Kudo Shinichi asked curiously.

"Well, for example, former FBI agent Akai Shuichi, former neon public security policeman Toru Amuro, Zhibao who helped me with the test first, and a certain Kansai black charcoal head who came out by cheating." Guan Dounan nodded and counted out Several people, all the names of acquaintances.

When he heard Hattori Heiji, Kudo Shinichi's mouth twitched involuntarily. Guan Dounan probably used his stand-in ability to create a lot of organs, and in the hands of Hattori Heiji of "Metaphysical Attack" and "God Pursuit of Demons", as long as he was based on Intuition can be broken in the past.

"How long did it take them?"

"If it goes well, an agency will take five minutes at most, and less than one minute at the shortest, so it will not exceed one hour." Guan Dounan hit the last period, looked up at Kudo Shinichi, and smiled, "If you want to, I will design one for you. How about the forty-minute limit?"

"Of course, Xiaolan needs to maintain her strength at the level of an ordinary person, otherwise I'm afraid you will be able to clear the customs in five minutes."

"I understand."

Seeing Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan nodding, Guan Dounan also stood up, led them to a small door at the back, and pointed to a notebook hanging beside him.

"This is the collection of opinions in this secret room. You can take a look. When necessary, this is also an important part of your game."

Kudo Shin nodded, he would not let go of any clues. Open that notebook, there is not much valuable content on it, most of them are that some people complain that it is too difficult to get out at all, and even directly ask "what is the password of the first room", it seems that they are planning to download come again.

Unfortunately, no one responded to him for the time being.

After reading, Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan stood still, and Guan Dounan waved his hand in front of them.

"Next, you need to cover your eyes and take you to the first level of the secret room."

He just waved his hands, and Kudo Shinichi and Maurilan suddenly felt dark in front of them, they couldn't see anything, and their ears couldn't hear any sound. Only their hands were still pulled together, and their touch allowed them to feel each other.

Guan Dounan led the two of them into the small door, turned around, and came to a small house. During this period, Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan could not feel the existence of their legs, nor could they identify the direction. If Guan Dounan hadn't led the way, they would have been lost in nothingness.

Generally speaking, it would be good to wear a blindfold in this situation, but considering that Kudo Shinichi might be able to back the board, Guan Dounan directly used his double power to disrupt his process of entering the secret room.

"Okay, here it is."

After the two people's vision, hearing and sense of direction were restored, they were already in a narrow prison-like room. One handcuffed Kudo Shinichi's right hand and Xiao Ran's left hand, and fixed them to the wall.

"The rules are very simple, solve the puzzle, find the murderer, and leave here. Besides, it's best not to use brute force to crack, after all, these things are quite troublesome to install." Guan Dounan shrugged and pointed to a rudimentary fan next to him. Wooden door, "For example, this door, although Xiao Lan can probably kick it open with one kick, please play the game at the level of an ordinary person."

"I see." Xiaolan's face was a little red, and she was always stressed over and over again, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

"If you can't get out, press this." Guan Dounan threw them a walkie-talkie, "Okay, I'll go upstairs to deal with the guests first, come on."

After finishing speaking, Guan Dounan closed the wooden door and left the secret room.

"Well, is the first thing to open the handcuffs on our hands? Since it is considered in the way of 'normal people', a key is used instead of a wire. Or, is there also a possibility that the handcuffs can be removed from the wrists? The possibility of going out..."

Seeing Kudo Shinichi's interest, Xiaolan had to accompany him to observe the surroundings and think of a way.

Playing games such as escape room together for two people can theoretically enhance their relationship. Although she and Kudo Shinichi have known each other for a long time since childhood, it was a while ago that they officially became boyfriend and girlfriend.

If only Dad could be as honest as Shinichi...Xiao Lan looked at her boyfriend who was excitedly reading the code she found on the wall, and her thoughts diverged.

Since Conan was picked up by his parents and returned to the United States, it seems that Kogoro Mouri finally realized his own problems after failing to handle cases by himself for many consecutive times, and began to consider changing careers.

But she couldn't hold herself back in front of Fei Yingli, so she insisted on going out to handle the case.

Obviously both of them love each other, but they have to be arrogant. In this case, senior Guan should be asked to teach them a good lesson...


A crisp sound sounded, and the handcuffs on Kudo Shinichi and Maurilan bounced off, and the two were freed. And it was less than two minutes before they entered the cabin.

"What, isn't it very easy." Kudo Shinichi's mouth curled into a smile, as if he saw Victory beckoning to him.

ten minutes later.

Kudo Shinichi squatted on the ground, trying to see through the gap of the wooden door again the secret signs made up of several oil paintings and several clocks with different hands on the corridor outside the door. On the ground, he had already written down a lot of formulas with small stones, and I don't know what it was used for.

"I said, Xinyi, otherwise, let's just push the door and go out." Xiaolan, who was sitting on the side, said.

"Didn't you say it? This kind of wooden door cannot be opened according to the standard of 'normal people', and there are a total of five cipher disks in this room, and it took four to unlock the mechanism inside, so the remaining one must be The code to open the door..."

Kudo Shinichi stood up and looked out through a hole above the door that seemed to have been punched out by someone. Looking out from the hole, it is still a code composed of several oil paintings and several clocks with different hands in the corridor.

He pressed the four-digit number on the dial next to the door, and after a "beep", there was no other change.

"No, I've tried adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing the clock for the year of the painting, the year it was sold, and the year it disappeared. Why isn't it right?" Kudo Shinichi frowned, and fine sweat began to form on his forehead. beads.

"Xinyi, could it be that there is no password in this room at all, did we use other methods to get out?" Xiaolan asked again.

"How could it be? When we first came in, there were still people asking questions on the opinion book at the door..." Kudo Shinichi stopped suddenly when he was halfway through.

He suddenly remembered the details of what Guan Dounan said to them before he came in.

"'This is also an important part of your game'."

"Moreover, there is only a notebook in the opinion book, but there is no matching pen. Even if you forget to put it on, there is another possibility to write when it is time to write..."

"That opinion book is also one of the twenty-three problems!"

"Wait, this way, I remember when Senior Guan left here..."

Kudo Shinichi tried to push the dilapidated wooden door with his hand, and there was a slight sound at the connection between the door and the door frame, and the position of the door lock.

He suddenly stretched out a hand from the hole above and groped outside the door. Suddenly, his hand came into contact with a cold metal product, and with just a flick, the wooden door opened in response.

"This..." Xiaolan was a little stunned, and Kudo Shinichi kept an awkward silence.

"Designing tricks outside of the game is really..."

Shinichi Kudo shook his head with a wry smile, and withdrew his hand, holding a latch on it—the most old-fashioned and common type of metal latch that can be pushed open with a single hand.

This wooden door does not have a password mechanism to open the door. It relies on such a simple physical lock. Even for those who don't think so much, this is not necessarily the "twenty-three puzzles" Guan Dounan said. "one of the.

The oil painting and clock outside should be the same as the cipher disk on the right, which is the puzzle of the next level-due to the angle problem, Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan did not see the cipher disk.

This is a mechanism specially designed for "smart people" who think too much and reason too much. Unsurprisingly, Kudo Shinichi really hit the mark.

"Senior Guan's move is really..."

"Who makes you think too much, sometimes, it's better to be simple and straightforward." Xiao Lan poked Kudo Shinichi's forehead jokingly.

Thirty minutes later.

"Oh? It only took forty-five minutes to come out. Yes, it's a new record."

Guan Dounan and Miyano Shiho were playing trick cards behind the counter in the hall, of course, the kind that did not rely on the power of a stand-in.

Therefore, Guan Dounan was stuck with a piece of paper on his face at this time, and when he turned his head, he seemed to be impermanent. And Miyano Shiho was also posted several times, and he could hardly see his face.

"Hehe, Senior Guan, your puzzle design is really disgusting..." Kudo Shinichi's mouth twitched slightly, "That opinion book, did you do it on purpose?"

"Hey, how can this be said to be intentional? I gave you clues to give you a better experience of reasoning and entertainment. Isn't that what people like you like most?"

"If it is a person who has no interest in reasoning, even if he has read the opinion book, he will not think much about it, and will only use the simplest and most direct way to clear the level. For them, the difficulty of this puzzle will also decrease. already."

Guan Dounan shook his head and said it as if it made sense.

This trick was actually learned when he was working in a board game shop before. Of course, they didn't do it intentionally at first.

At that time, their secret rooms did not charge guests' mobile phones, so guests could comment online, and one of them left a comment on the group-buying platform "What is the password for the first room".

As a result, a highly educated couple saw the comments and forced them to try the password in the first small room for two hours, and finally cracked it by brute force.

Before leaving, the couple also mentioned to Guan Dounan, if this comment is also part of the secret room, it is definitely a must. That's why he moved this design to the board game store he opened now, and added some misleading settings, which can be regarded as a little memory of the past.

"Since you've all come let's go to dinner, I'll treat you." Guan Dounan stood up and tore off the note from his face.

Today was originally a gathering of the two of them to get together and chat, so it was a coincidence that Kudo Shinichi went to play in the secret room.

"Well, wait for me to add another one to this."

Shin Kudo smiled, asked for a ballpoint pen, and wrote another line to the right under the comment on the comment book "What is the password for the first room".

"[The password is 1412.]"

After Kudo Shinichi finished writing, he suddenly tore off the lower right corner of the paper. In this way, the words left on the opinion book became a question and a half-sentence answer, but the 1412 in the answer was only torn by him. Have to leave half a vertical.

"That makes it 24 puzzles."

Kudo Shinichi smiled slightly. His operation was undoubtedly falsifying the "existence password", in order to harass the players behind him.

"You really..."