MTL - Conan: I Am Surrounded By Undercover-Chapter 520 Sooty Undercover File (Part 1)

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The two in the cell were silent at the same time.

Among them, Zhu Fu Jingguang was surprised, because Angstra said he would go for a week when he left, but he came back in two days.

Could it be because of him...they, they came back from the sea specially?

"Don't be sentimental." Apello seemed to see what he was thinking. "It was the Nidhogg that was shipwrecked and the voyage ended early."

After he finished speaking, he paused and continued in a sarcastic tone: "If you want to ask about casualties, I can tell you—except for the armed group that attacked the ship and a policeman, everyone else escaped safely."

"Dong dong."

Seeing that no one came to open the door, Angstra knocked twice, this time faster than the last time: "Apero?"

There are all-round surveillance cameras in the prison, so there is no glass window on the door to observe the interior, only a small window below for food delivery. He couldn't see inside for a while, so he could only knock on the door like this.

Apello put away the sarcasm on his face and went to open the door.

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked over together, and the door slowly opened, revealing Angstra's figure.

He was wearing a black sweater and slacks, the trousers were a little wet, and he had a pair of Martin boots on his feet. The pattern on the front of the clothes was a familiar cat, dog, wolf and arhat.

Looking at it from Zhu Fu Jingguang's point of view, Angstra, who was standing there in a knocking position, seemed to be protecting all the three cats, dogs and wolves in his arms.


Seeing that he was safe and sound, there was a place in Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart to relax, but he quickly tightened again.

Angstra walked into the room and handed the food box in his arms to Apello: "Is there a microwave here? I'm a little hungry and want to warm up this snack."

Apello took it: "Yes, I'll help you get it... Do you need something else to eat? You've just experienced a shipwreck, so you'd better drink some hot soup."

"Don't bother, the snacks are enough."

Apello nodded, took the food box and left, leaving the door without closing the door.

The footsteps faded away.

Zhufu Jingguang kept his eyes on Angstra until the third person left, and he finally looked at him.

There was no anger, no pain, no embarrassment or sadness in that face.

He just stood there silently watching him.

This made it impossible for the undercover police officer to say what he had thought.

"You... rushed over as soon as you landed?" he asked.

"No." Angstra shook his head. "The rescue ship docked in Ise Bay. I went back to Tokyo to settle Shirley, and then went home to feed my pets before I came here."

go home.

Zhufu Jingguang knew that the house he was talking about was the villa at 6-chome, Beikacho.

There is no one there now.

His gaze moved down and landed on Angstra's hand.

Angstra's hands have never been bandaged, which would affect the flexibility of his fingers. At this moment, his hands were tightly clasped, but he didn't seem to realize it himself, and he spoke in the same tone as usual.


The familiar call made Zhu Fu Jingguang look at that eye again.

Angstra looked at him calmly: "how are your eyes?"


The undercover police officer lowered his eyes. He saw the restraints on his feet and even the fine lines on the inner cotton cloth.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

If it was normal, he would say thank you; but in the current situation, he couldn't say anything.

Jing Baiye didn't close the door either. He walked to the desk and sat down, noticing the archives on the table.

This was the second time he had come to this room, and Spiatus had brought him here before he went to study abroad.

He asked him if he wanted to look at these things to learn about the organization's past, but Jing Baiye refused, so he only dictated part of it to him.

Scotland also came and stood behind him.

Jing Baiye didn't worry that he would sneak attack or hold him hostage, so he took out an archive. These archives have been placed for more than 20 years, and the corners of the old pages are stained with blood.

"Is this the training base in Tottori Prefecture?" Scotland asked suddenly.


Jing Baiye denied it, and at the same time spread out the archives in his hand.

- "If someone asks you about the past here, you can answer him directly. After all, this is..."

— "Organization's greatest evil."

The words of Spiatus eight years ago were still in his ears, and Jing Baiye said the real answer.

"This is the experimental base where a large number of human experiments have been organized in the past."

More than a decade ago, Fenrir, Belmod, Jerez, Friedman... they were all imprisoned here, tied to a cold test bed.

Jing Baiye looked down at the archives, a photo was pinned to the upper right corner, and the **** picture impacted his vision.

"It's also an interrogation room where undercover torturers and traitors are held."

The last time he went to the United States, Jing Baiye heard Fenrir talk about his whisky experience. The page he saw now happened to be the record of the organization's interrogation of whisky at that time.

What day of the month, what time and what time, what drugs were used, what torture tools were used, all were recorded one by one, and photos were taken.

The **** eyes, the palms with their nails peeled off one by one, the skin that bulged out after the bones were broken, the shoulders and back that were scalded by the soldering iron...

Fifteen pages total, that's fifteen days, three hundred and sixty hours.

Black and white records what the organization has done and what the whisky has said.

He didn't say anything.

By the last day, the organization had **** his brother and nephew and threw them in front of him—it's not uncommon for family members to be involved after undercover exposure.

Whiskey's older brother is just an ordinary person. Facing his long-lost younger brother, he has no joy at all, only the fear and hatred involved.

The organization began torturing his family in front of him, holding the boy in front of his own uncle's eyes, stabbing long thin steel needles into his fingernails, pounding slowly as they went deep.

"Speak! I beg you, speak!"

"Save us!"

In the face of his brother's pleas, Whiskey still said nothing.

He died with the intense hatred of his family for him.

These are all clearly recorded.

After Spiatus came to power, it began to be remodeled and turned into a half-academy and half-prison. Whether it is human experiments against human beings, or torture of undercover agents and traitors with torture, they have not continued.

But some sins don't go away with a superficial change.

They are always there, covered with bitter tears and stench of blood, never forgotten and wiped away, never washed white.

Unlike his predecessors, as the current leader, he doesn't respect torture - Gin's previous scar on Bourbon's forehead is the limit - he won't even speak a word to the undercover agents.

Jing Baiye lowered his head, and there was silence behind him, but he knew that Scotland was watching with him.

" I don't know how long it took, and Scotland spoke up: "This is the organization's torture record for undercover agents? "


Jing Baiye closed the file, the blood on it had dried up for many years, but he still felt that his fingers were sticky.

"But don't worry, the current boss doesn't like torturing people, he won't..."

"I know, Apello told me just now."

Scotland interrupted him.

Then Jing Baiye felt that he was looking at him.

"What about you, Angstra?" he said softly. "Will you treat me like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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