MTL - Code Farmer Comprehension-Chapter 954 drag

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  Chapter 954 Drag

  Although his cultivation base has not been promoted again, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. Especially the twelfth level of Dao Fruit, Zhang Deming clearly felt that every move he made was the manifestation of the movement of Dao.

   "It's no wonder that Jian Chen and the others couldn't beat five against one. With such a gap, it would be strange to be able to beat them. If it wasn't for Wisdom being seriously injured and extremely disabled, let alone winning, even the previous loss to both sides is delusional!"

   Perceived his own strength, Zhang Deming had various realizations in his mind, and felt that the current self could beat the previous ten!

   After initially figuring out his situation, Zhang Deming stopped delaying. Now I don't know how long it has passed, and the outside situation is still uncertain, so I don't have time for him to digest it carefully.

   After all, if you want to fully digest the current harvest, it is estimated that you have to calculate it in units of years.


  Hongmeng World.

  Since the great battle between the two great sages and falling into a slumber of inheritance, the desperate beings of the primordial world have new hope in their hearts.

  Countless people believe that as long as they persevere until the Holy Lord wakes up, the disaster can be completely ended, and the holy lands and blessed places also propagate this way.

  In such an atmosphere, all sentient beings persisted.

  In the first six months, the situation was still under control. But one day after half a year, as the broken stars belonging to Jinshan Temple among the twelve stars were completely broken and dissipated, the situation began to turn one-sided.

   Holes began to appear in the world-protecting array, and the power of wisdom began to erode the entire primordial realm. Countless people not only have to face the threat of evil species, but also need to face spiritual erosion all the time, they may go crazy at any time, and then deform into evil.

   As time goes by, the stars continue to decrease one by one, and this erosion becomes more and more serious.

  After one year, there are only six stars left, and all living beings have become lingering, and countless people are desperate, collapsed, and helpless.

  Of course, human beings are strong, even so, they are still struggling.

   With the sect that came to the door at four or nine times as the core, try to preserve every strength as much as possible, waiting for the counterattack.

  As the number of stars decreased, the killing light beams in the sky gradually became thinner, and the brood began to occasionally emerge from the secret realm, rampaging through the primordial world, bringing more destruction.

   Fortunately, with the rescue of Liuhe and Qixing overhaul, and the deterrent beams of the remaining large array in the sky, the situation can barely be stalemate.

   What really made the high-ranking monks feel desperate was the high-level battle that had been stalemate for a year outside the big formation.


  The majestic starry sky and the broken Zhoutian time are outside the big formation.

  The originally clear starry sky is now mixed, with space cracks everywhere, and all kinds of powers and remnants of the magical meridian domain are all over the starry sky.

  In the center of this chaotic situation, eight people, divided into six forces, besieged a person, or resisted a creature.

  Among the eight people, apart from the Holy Master of Qianyu, the Holy Master of Lingshan, and the Holy Master of Yuling who are the real gossip overhauls and serious Bagua masters, there is also the Pope of the Holy See who is fully open, with a halo on his head, who is reluctant to gossip.

  In addition to these four acquaintances, Chi Feiyu, the great patriarch of the monster clan, also joined the battle circle because of his lips and teeth.

  The remaining three people are three old men. They use a special combination method to integrate the power of the three people, barely counting as parallel-level gossip power.

  They are none other than the three elders of Tianji who originally presided over the overall situation of Hongmeng's disaster relief and were in command.

  As the commander-in-chief, all three of them had to come here to fight, which shows how severe the situation is.

   Everyone didn't know how long they had been fighting. The eight of them were in very bad condition, and they were on the verge of extinction.

  Especially the three holy masters, Qianyu's entire right hand and half of his chest disappeared, and there were disgusting tentacles wriggling around the wound, trying to devour him.

  Old Daoist Yu Ling was not much better. There was a big hole in his abdomen, which was almost amputated in the middle. Mucus continued to flow out of the wound, and there was a soft noise of corrosion, and the blue smoke continued.

  The old monk was even more frightening, half of his head was gone, but the wound was covered with countless eyes instead of brain water or flesh and blood, which was terrifying and treacherous.

  If they were ordinary people, or if their cultivation base was even a little lower, in the state of the three of them, they would have died or become deformed long ago.

  Although the three of them are still gritting their teeth and persevering, they will perish sooner or later. If it wasn't so serious, even the three elders of Tianji would not have called up to fight together.

  At this moment, among the eight people who were seriously injured, they restrained the target in a tacit understanding, not seeking meritorious deeds, but delaying.

  The target of the eight people was a starry sky behemoth, an extremely huge spider, which seemed to be one-tenth the size of Hongmeng Star.

  The spider is completely black, with mucus all over its body, and all kinds of eyes. On the huge spider's legs, instead of ferocious leg hair, there are countless wriggling tentacles.

  In the huge abdomen, among the mucus flowing, it seems that there are countless biological bodies and souls struggling, sinking, shouting, and roaring.

   While attacking the broken light curtain of the world-protecting formation, it carried the attacks of the crowd, striking out with lightning from time to time, trying to kill eight people.

   After fighting for a long time, the eight of them had obviously learned lessons. They cooperated tacitly, were extremely careful, and kept seeing each other.

  But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the situation is constantly tilting. If this continues, within half a year, the eight people will definitely fail completely.

  By then, it would be difficult for the eight of them to die together.

   Probably also understood this point, so the spider pushed forward in an orderly manner, and the eight people also gritted their teeth and persisted.

  On this day, in the battle circle, the besieged spider suddenly paused, and then seemed to perceive something wrong, and the whole atmosphere suddenly became violent.

  Give up on attacking the world-protecting formation, and all the attacking power is directed at the Holy Lord of Lingshan who is missing half of his head. The darkness was raging, and the tentacles covered the sky, drowning it in an instant. As if to swallow the Holy Lord of Lingshan in one gulp.

"Be careful!"

  'The book of orders said: Li Daitao is stiff! '

  ‘The Lord said: Holy blessing! '

  ‘Demon Power: Golden Crow Huahong! '

  At this moment, the faces of Qianyu, Chi Feiyu, and the Pope changed slightly, and they all shot together. Three lightning flashes of strong spiritual light hit the Holy Lord of Lingshan, and the Holy Lord of Lingshan trembled.

   Immediately afterwards, his whole body was entangled by countless tentacles and swallowed by endless darkness, but the giant spider did not feel the joy of succeeding.

  In the other direction, a rainbow light flashed out, and the holy master of Lingshan emerged with a sacred light all over his body.

  Seeing this, everyone quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Looks like it's time to take a risk!" At this moment, a cold voice appeared for the first time in the spider's body.

  The eight people froze when they heard the words.

   Turning his head to look, he found that as the attack dissipated, countless jet-black runes gathered on the top of the giant spider's head, and a beautiful figure slowly condensed out.

  She is completely integrated with the fuzzy rune composition when she was fighting in Tianyu before. After these years, not only has she not become worse like Qianyu and others, but her condition has become surprisingly good.

   Now the cohesion of the human body has been completely completed, and the actual shape has been restored. And with that giant spider under her body, it was obvious that she had reaped a lot in the past few years.

   It can be seen that both sides are stalling for time!

  Everyone also met for the first time, the body of the ancient **** who has been in chaos for several epochs.

  Cold and beautiful face, slightly gorgeous and bewitching, an impeccable face, seems to be a masterpiece of heaven and earth, her whole person, seems to be the embodiment of femininity.

   Not too coquettish, not completely holy, charming but not demonic, but exudes a fatal attraction.

  If she hadn't been standing on that treacherous spider at the moment, her appearance and temperament would have perfectly matched everyone's imagination of the legendary goddess.

   Everyone looked at this scene, their faces became serious.

  'This is a showdown, do you want to solve us in one go? '

  Qian Yu looked at the Goddess of Wisdom who suddenly appeared, and his heart skipped a beat. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the woman on the opposite side raised her hand and tapped.


   "What kind of means is this?"

"how is this possible!"


  A moment ago, the eight people who were still fine were all standing in place at this moment, unable to move for a moment, their bodies seemed to be bound by countless silk threads and imprisoned in the air.

  The faces of the eight people changed drastically, and their spiritual power surged, and they began to struggle violently.


  Following the struggle of the eight people, just showing the wisdom of their stature, their breath suddenly fluctuated, and they coughed.

   "She's seriously injured, she's going to fight! Otherwise, I don't know if there will be rescue or not, and death is definitely not far away!" Seeing this, Chi Feiyu said directly.

   "But wait until Patriarch Zhang wakes up, I will be more confident..." The Holy Master of Yuling frowned, as if hesitating.

   "Oh, let's fight, it seems that we won't be able to wait." Qian Yu also sighed.

  Chi Feiyu said with a ruthless expression: "It should have been like this a long time ago. Although this monster looks like it is going to destroy the primordial realm, it is only targeting creatures, not the primordial realm itself.

   Moreover, leaving Tianyu alone, he insisted on competing for the primordial, and even spent a year in tacit understanding with us. Whether the purpose is just to recover, or something else, anyway, the other party definitely has scruples, that's for sure.

   Rather than being worn out like this, looking forward to that slim hope, it is better to fight. In the worst case, everything will be burnt, and the Primordial Star will be blown up, maybe it will have a miraculous effect! "

  While speaking, her whole body began to glow red, her breath began to boil, and the surrounding space was shaking.

   Obviously, she used explosive methods.

  The other seven people didn't stop their movements. Almost at the same time as Chi Feiyu, they chose to explode and began to struggle violently.

  Wisdom, whose breath was already unstable, fluctuated a little bit more strongly, and the silk thread that trapped the eight people also began to shake.

   "Hmph, dying with needles!"

  Zhizhi let out a cold snort, and suddenly disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the Holy Lord of Lingshan Mountain.

  At this moment, facing the great terror of death, the holy master of Lingshan's whole body surged, and a golden round wheel emerged from the back of his head. Seeing that he was about to break free.

   Wisdom's expression moved slightly.

  The other seven people suddenly felt that their shackles disappeared, and the silk thread divided into eight parts reunited into one strand, completely imprisoning the Holy Lord of Lingshan, preventing him from moving.

   Everyone panicked, and there was no time to rescue them.

  (end of this chapter)