MTL - Code Farmer Comprehension-Chapter 851 entry into the tribe

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  Chapter 851 Entering the clan

   "Isn't it possible to come back at any time? Under such a premise, this is not a threatening wording." Zhang Deming rolled his eyes and said:

   "Besides, I am a Vine King anyway, and I have inspected the human race for thousands of years, so I should be strong and ask them to go and have a look, and come back if they are not satisfied. Is this considered a threat?

  This is a reasonable attitude!

  If this is considered a threat, then you leave it alone for a thousand years, and they are still honestly here as refugees, what are you? Persecution? You can play this two-way standard, it's really good! "

   "Can this be the same?" Shen Lingjun said furiously.

   "Tell me, it's different!" Zhang Deming said.

   "I did it for their own good, and I didn't want to force them to do anything, so I gave them freedom!" Shen Lingjun replied.

   "Emotions, you want them to stay here as refugees, don't care anymore, just treat them well. I want them to go and have a look, and come back at any time if they are not satisfied. Is it harming them, it means losing their freedom, and it means ordering and dominating?

  Ha, Lord Shenling, I still haven't noticed that you are so shameless! " Zhang Deming said with a little sarcasm.

  Shen Lingjun: ""

  You yelled for a long time, your face flushed, and Shen Lingjun didn't do anything to you. He knew that things were not as Zhang Deming said.

   But in the end, even he himself almost believed that what he did was wrong, and what Zhang Deming did was really good.

  The corners of Zhang Deming's mouth slightly raised, looking at the blushing Lord Shenling among the flowers, he said, "How? What's wrong with something? You point it out to me, let's make a theory!"

  Shen Lingjun: "..., I am so angry!"

   After saying that, the vine retracted and got into the arm directly, and never came out again.

  Zhang Deming looked at Shen Lingjun who hid in his arms and no longer showed his head, and pursed his mouth.

  'Small sample, Gu Liancai's thousand-year-old master, the Buddhist gang who wish to cultivate bald donkeys are not in vain.

  Don’t say that you are a Confucian student who learned from a group of ‘Zhihu Zheye’, but you are still the kind of ‘everyone’ who is very upright and upright in his studies.

   It's not me bragging, you kind of thing, even if you call an old guy from the academy, a certain one can fight with words without losing a bit!

   Otherwise, wouldn’t the classic speaking skills be learned from dogs! '

  With many thoughts in his heart, Zhang Deming looked at the other party who was hiding, but he didn't say anything to provoke him.

   It's the same sentence, he just doesn't like himself becoming like this, but he likes to associate with this kind of upright person, and he also admires it.

   I don’t like to take the initiative to take advantage of others, and I don’t want to take advantage of others too much. I just maintain my own strength and don’t even mind taking a small loss on purpose.

  Because for such a person, it is wise to get along like this. If you repay Qiong Yao, he will repay you more thoroughly.

  If you are greedy, people will not say anything, and you don’t even mind losing money. It is not impossible to repay grievances with virtue. But this relationship... most of it becomes formulaic.

  Because this kind of person is not stupid, but the standard in his heart, that standard is just very high. You may think that they may be stupid, but they live a high-level life.


  The Vine clan is not a strong group at all. The entire grass and tree clan, because of their ontology and childhood growth, it is difficult to have a strong personality.

  In addition, Zhang Deming is still their king at the moment, and he uttered such strong words, so after Zhang Deming left, they panicked for less than half an hour.

   I don’t know who started it, so I ran back to pack my things, and slowly came to my senses one by one, and ran home quickly one after another.

  Two quarters of an hour later, when Zhang Deming came back again, he saw such a big scene of refugees moving.

  They were already poorly dressed and tattered, but at this moment they were carrying all kinds of tatters with them, and they were just like refugees fleeing from famine.

   Judging by their looks, they all planned to move house, as if they were leaving like this, and they probably would never come back.

  Such a scene made Zhang Deming's face darken, he looked at Bai Teng and said, "The clan doesn't even have a storage bag?"

   "There are a few, but they are not big. Now this is the situation after it is full. You also know, Wang, that most of the storage utensils come from the human race that killed them, and the monster race rarely knows how to refine them.

  So the source is mostly from the middle-level area, and the monsters below contributed to it. And the territory outside our Teng clan..." Bai Teng saw that Zhang Deming's expression was not right, he was cautious and apprehensive, and did not continue.

   "Then I don't know how many to buy..." In the middle of speaking, Zhang Deming thought of the appearance of these refugees, and put away his words directly.

  Obviously, looking at how poor this group of people are, it should be impossible to choose what to buy.

  However, there is a fundamental difference between poor ghosts and poor ghosts. Some people are really poor and cannot get rich. Some people... are poor without knowing it while holding the gold bricks!

   After all, people can become local tyrants by selling their blood, okay?

   "Forget it, just be ashamed if you are ashamed, anyway, it's not embarrassing me..." At this point, Zhang Deming immediately stopped talking.

  Under the doubtful eyes of everyone, he pretended to be on the ground, drew a strange array, and then activated it.


  Amidst the flickering of the aura, there was a soft sound, accompanied by a silver-white space door, which was slowly pushed open.

  A group of refugee-like vines looked at the silver space door curiously.

   "Let's go, go and see if we can make you a new home." While speaking, Zhang Deming took the lead in stepping in.

  Seeing this, the curious monsters did not dare to delay, and followed immediately, as if walking slowly, as if they were really left behind by Zhang Deming.

  Hundreds of people, although they had families and families, but the portal was huge, so they all disappeared without a trace in just a moment, the portal was also quickly closed, and the array map in place slowly disappeared.

  Outside Yuteng Street, in the sky not far away, there are two people floating at this moment, an old man with a haggard complexion, and a young woman.

   "Why, just let them go without giving them away?" Chi Feiyu looked at the silent Hai Mubai and said.

   "What to give, if there is a place like Xiaoyuteng said, it would be better for them. After all, we grass and tree monsters are indeed more suitable for living in a peaceful world like the human race.

  If it weren't for the fact that the human race would almost always sign a race contract, it would be too late for the entire grass and tree race to become elves and be happy, and the meaning of this little jade vine over the years has already made it clear, hasn't it?

   But you, the high priest, they left so directly, and they didn't want to keep them for a while, anyway, you are also a member of the demon clan! "Hai Mubai said so.

  Chi Feiyu smiled, and said: "It's a human and a demon. Is there any difference in this catastrophe? After all, the two races of humans and monsters actually came from the same origin in ancient times.

   Besides, before Master Xuanniao returned, I, the High Priest, was just the High Priest of the Bird Clan. One by one, with a lot of thought. "

   "Yeah, don't talk about the monster clan, isn't it the same for our Teng clan? If Xiaoyuteng hadn't been chilled by the messy things back then, she wouldn't have gone to this step!" Hai Mubai sighed.

   Just like that, the two were silent for a long time, and then the flashes disappeared one after another. A dilapidated street was left behind, which looked a bit bleak and lonely, indicating that there was a vine clan living here.


   "Welcome everyone from the Vine Clan to our clan!" When Zhang Deming led a group of demons through the portal, he saw a group of welcoming teams waiting for a long time.

  Because the preparations had been made several months ago, and Zhang Deming had notified Zhang Zeli last night, the welcoming team was very grand, even Zhao Zhen and Tong Hou were specially invited here.

  Of course, even if they are not invited, the two should come. After all, there is such a rattan king as Shen Lingjun, who will be the future Liuhe guest minister, so we still have to give some face.

  Everyone was very enthusiastic, even if they found out that they looked like a group of refugees, no one lost their composure. Only the members of the Zhao family were a little dazed, thinking of their former self.

  When they came to the Zhang family, the situation was not much better, or even worse. It's a group of serious refugees fleeing.

  If it wasn’t for the luck to meet Zhang Deming and come to the Zhang family, let alone the developed Zhao family today, it is estimated that the family would have been completely wiped out.

   And those vine tribes, suddenly seeing such a big battle, were a little frightened, and shrank cowardly, even the white vines showed obvious timidity.

  This is also human nature, mainly because there is a big gap between them now and the guard of honor that welcomes them, and the scene is a bit grand.

  Zhang Deming didn't care about these things, it would be better this way, and it would be easier for them to integrate in the future. Quickly find a sense of belonging, and don't want to go back to the crappy streets of Wan Yao City.

   "I have met all of you!" Zhang Deming ignored the little monsters behind him, came to Tonghou and the others, and said politely.

   There are three leaders, apart from Tonghou and Zhao Zhen from Liuhe, there is also Zhang Zeli, who is now in power in the Zhang family.

   "I've seen the Vine King!" Tonghou and the three returned.

   "My ancestor is in retreat recently, it's a bit urgent, so he didn't come to greet him in person, please don't blame the king of rattan!" After seeing the ceremony, Zhang Zeli was the first to speak.

  Zhang Deming smiled and said, "No problem, it's not a big deal."

  Zhang Zeli heaved a sigh of relief. Facing the Liuhe overhaul, he was still a little nervous, mainly because he was afraid that it would fail and the Vine clan would not be left behind.

   Several people chatted for a while, Zhang Zeli saw that they were almost familiar, and immediately said: "The banquet has been prepared for a long time, since King Vine has come, why don't we go to the banquet first?

  To welcome the nobles, my Zhang family has made grand preparations for many days and held a carnival for the whole family! "

  Zhang Deming nodded, was led, and Tonghou and his party headed towards the clan.

   And those refugee-like vines were also led by the crowd and followed them.

  Under the warm welcome of the Zhang family, the cowardly Teng clan slowly relaxed a lot, especially since they were clearly like refugees, but they didn't feel disgust from the Zhang family's eyes, not even disgust.

   Yes, there are only countless curiosity, and a pair of big shiny eyes. Obviously, this family is really a little different from ordinary humans.

   At least they are different from the vine demons, each of them is very curious.

   This made the sensitive Vine tribe gradually relax a lot, and even as the banquet continued, some bolder and younger ones joined in, making the banquet a success and the guests enjoying themselves.


   A few months later, because the arrangements were made several months in advance, the Teng family integrated into the Zhang family faster than the original Zhao family.

  And what the Vine Clan didn't expect was that not only did they not get any slave contract, they also discriminated against them. Instead, in order to rob them, the Zhang family almost fought one by one.

  That’s right, I almost got into a fight, um, it’s not really a near miss, it’s just that I didn’t bleed.

  Especially those from the urban development department of Xiaotianjie, in order to get a member of the Vine tribe and accept their tasks, their enthusiasm and hospitality really flattered the Vine tribe, but at the same time they couldn't bear it.

  Creating relationships in private, giving various benefits, making promises publicly, fighting and robbing people face to face, all of them are full of tricks.

  In the past six months, the three views of the entire Vine clan have been shattered. Is this the fierce, cruel and evil human race that has been rumored in the Ten Thousand Monsters City?

  Ha, why didn't the Vine tribe come to be persecuted sooner?

   It’s not the Zhang family’s fault either, the main reason is that there are too few Teng clan members, and there are even fewer low-level ones who can attract them to accept city missions.

  Now, the development of all sectors of the Zhang family is nothing more than that, after all, most of them have not yet entered the right track.

  However, the urban planning of Xiaotianjie has been going on for decades, and the urbanization of a world has been completed in decades, and it is already a bit busy.

  Even if the construction team is very good, the greening and so on are a bit failing. Especially the juniors in urban management who wanted to make their jurisdiction into a place that everyone could live in.

  After all, the ancestors have revealed that Zhang Dao, the highest ancestor in the clan, has a tendency to let immortals and ordinary people live together. Under such a premise, which city that doesn't want to own itself can become the lucky one in the center?

  Because the vine family's farming plan has not yet come down, it is temporarily idle, so I don't know who started it, and the urban greening has already taken the lead.

   After all, wood belongs to monks, and they can only do ordinary gardening. It’s okay to fool mortals, but monks are not enough.

  The vine family can create elf gardening, making the whole greenery come alive, like a fairyland.

   Such a development obviously made the people in power above not expect it, but it didn't stop it. This is not bad until the Zhang family's land boundary is planned.

   Hang out with the tribe more, so that the Vine tribe can integrate in as soon as possible, isn't it.

  Several months have passed like this, and the Vine family has integrated into the Zhang family so miraculously and unexpectedly. Although Shen Lingjun didn't say anything, he no longer resisted in his heart, and even thanked him a little.

  At the same time, after several months of observation, Shen Lingjun, who was relieved, no longer paid attention to the Vine family, but fell into a deep self-sleep to speed up the recovery of the injury.

  (end of this chapter)