MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 847 shut up!

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The first reaction is to turn on the body's toxin isolation mechanism.

The second reaction is to turn on the gas purifier in the study.

The third reaction is "Kant, this bastard, has lost something."

When the war puppet splits the durian shell with a long sword, the fire element injected into it begins to ferment vigorously.

It is rumored that Jin Shengtan had a last word before his execution, saying that durians tasted like stewed feces when heated in a microwave oven. Of course, this is an out-and-out rumor.

In fact, heating it for a short and careful and restrained time can actually increase the flavor and taste of durian, but if it is heated for too long, it will also exude an astonishing hellish smell. Although it is far less exaggerated than stewed shit, it is also very Top taste.

The emperor frowned and took a few steps closer. He saw that after the thorny and hard shell was broken, the golden-yellow pulp exposed in it was now exuding a faint heat, and some parts were slightly scorched.

When he smelled that smell, the Supreme Being of the Empire once suspected that Kant had sent some terrible substances that could not be described in detail, but after a closer sniff, it didn't seem to be the case.

Between the golden pulp emitting the misty water vapor, the mysterious aroma that made him a little surprised and curious before wafted faintly... He saw the envelope embedded in the pulp, which should be Kant's reply.

Controlling the war puppet gently lifted the letter, and threw three top-level purification techniques on it. The Supreme then let the war puppet unfold the letter, and he stood at a distance and read it carefully.

...that word is strange.

It is horizontal and vertical, and it is too straight, and it is still the most basic imperial capitalization... This reminds him of his five-year-old son's copybook.

There is only one paragraph written above, which is summed up as "Trust me, your dog has offended me, and I will speak ill of him to frame him", which is also like the poor grammar and tricks that a five-year-old child can use.

Although he knew that this was Kant's framing, but seeing "he might launch a sneak attack on you", the emperor still subconsciously looked around, his heart was slightly stunned, and then he began to carefully consider whether there was anything suspicious about Beimond recently. If you really want to betray, who will you fall for.

But then he realized that this was Kant's conspiracy.

No matter if this guy is doing it crookedly or deliberately, this clumsy planting has indeed hit the king's soft underbelly, suspicious, selfish, mean, and sensitive. These are the inevitable characteristics of a hero.

He scolded: "Dog thing!"

I read the letter over and over again, but there is no other news.

The emperor said suddenly: "Then what!?"

Damn, I personally wrote such a long letter and made such a sincere suggestion. You only sent a **** and a shit-like reply?

Just then, there was a voice outside, it was Bemond.

"His Majesty."

Through the communication channel, the intelligence chief said: "The minister asked for an audience, and I have something important to report."

After a while, Belmond heard a voice: "Come in and talk."

The king's sharp blade respectfully and gently pushed open the door, and an inexplicable aura blew on his face. Beimond was startled, but only saw the master sitting on the seat, dressed in casual clothes, with a calm expression, except for Nothing seemed to happen except for the fruit that had been cut in half and a letter on the table.

He immediately pinpointed that the source of the mysterious aura was the fruit on the table, and immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty: "It was your servant who was oversighted, please punish me severely for my fault."

The emperor smiled lightly: "Kant, this frivolous and boring kid, dare not use any conspiracy against me, so I have to use this kind of frivolous and boring means, thinking I can scare me, I really underestimate me. It's just a kind of Does he think I'll make a fuss about fruit that smells bad after heating?"

Belmond was expressionless, bowed his head and said, "His Majesty is a wise king, loved by his subjects and revered by foreigners. The wars, confrontations and games you have experienced are far beyond Kant's imagination. In the end, he is nothing but a god. It’s just a favored upstart, his pattern is far inferior to His Majesty, this is what this minister has seen with his own eyes, the so-called Aurora Dragon is just a mean and tricky person with no grace or power…”

Hearing this, the emperor laughed.

He knew from the time he could remember that the world was made up of lies, interests and desires, that everyone who was close to him wanted something, and everyone who was hostile to him wanted something.

After ascending the throne, this situation intensified, virtuous and docile concubines, filial and wise sons and daughters, loyal and reliable ministers... Everyone is acting, everyone is lying, everyone is trying to please him in exchange for what they want s things. Those compliments and praises were just picking up good words, and those reports and suggestions were just following his will.

But seeing it through doesn't mean disgust.

The concubines are noble and dignified in front of the ladies and servants. The princes and princesses have excellent skills and high status outside. The important officials and dignitaries are even more powerful and powerful, but in front of others, they are like gods and nobles. They have to show a flattering smile in front of themselves.

very interesting.

Every day, I see these poor people with different thoughts, greed and lust, trying to please and flatter them in front of me, watching their disgust, fear, greed and even killing under their docile appearance, watching them clearly have thousands of hearts in their hearts. Thoughts have no choice but to be as docile as a dog.

very interesting.

Watching these dogs wagging their tails and gnashing their teeth in the dark, watching them build up their anger, but just shake the bones in their hands, and they can't help drooling, flattering, and looking at them The pitiful appearance of disgusting one's own destiny but succumbing to the instinct of desire... This made the emperor very, very happy, or rather, it was his rare pleasure.

Only by holding the ropes of the dogs, using their bones to make them suppress their nature and dance gracefully, watching their ridiculous appearances, who are full of ugliness, have their own thoughts, but think they have deceived the emperor... Only in this way can the emperor feel that he is The emperor, the emperor felt that he was truly alive.

He said, "Beymond, I can hear the dissatisfaction in your words. It seems that Kant did not treat you very politely. You were wronged in Chaosheng Manor?"

Beimond said blankly: "This is nothing, the judgment and remarks of the minister do not have any personal emotional factors, but only provide insignificant judgments and opinions for His Majesty."

Ah, even Belmond.

He usually looks taciturn and sluggish, but when necessary, he will flatter very hard. "If a person who seems to be silent and upright and has no desires or desires sings praises to the emperor, he must be sincerely respectful." This point It's this dog's flattering principle...he thinks I don't know.

I just don't say it.

So, in order to confirm that he was the emperor, the emperor pulled the dog leash.

"I guess you have a conflict with Kant." The emperor smiled, "Otherwise Kant would not have written this sentence."

With that said, he pointed lightly, and Kant's handwritten letter flew in front of Beimond.

When Beimond saw it, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat, and a look of panic appeared on his numb face.

He lost his voice: "Your Majesty, I didn't see it... I really didn't see it! Also, and..."

The panic was also mixed with hatred, fear and unease, because Kant's framing method was clumsy, but it was vicious, saying that "the eldest prince is the seed of Belmond", saying that Belmond would attack the emperor...

"What are you worried about, Sir Belmond?"

The emperor smiled and said: "You were just saying that I was a wise monarch and was loved by my subjects. Don't the subjects who love me include you? If they were, why do you think I would be punished for this lame and clumsy letter. Doubt you? Doubt the confidants who have been with me for decades?"

Hearing this, Beimond almost fell to the ground, his voice trembling and crying.

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency..."

The emperor laughed loudly and waved his hand: "Get up, get up, someone saw me and said I was humiliating the minister... Okay, I won't tease you, I know that you are loyal, Kant is a bastard."

Only then did Beimond get up and burst into tears: "Qin, Qin Guogong is absolutely unreasonable!"

Ah, still acting.

There was a smile in the emperor's eyes, but he scrutinized coldly in his heart.

But he was still satisfied.

Often pulling the dog leash and strangling the dog's neck, from their fear, grievance and pleasing gestures, the emperor will be sure that he is the emperor and that he is indeed alive and powerful.

Everyone is like this, everyone wants to get it from me, everyone is a dog.

He looked at Bemond, who was both scared and grateful, his eyes drooping slightly.

The thorn in Kant's sentence still gave him an instinctive doubt.

What a dog thing.

The emperor thought like this, his eyes swept over the durian on the table, and said lightly: "This fruit was given to me by Kant. I accidentally scared you today, so I will reward you with a taste."

The dog's response made him very satisfied, and Beimond said without hesitation, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The king's shadow blade stepped forward, carefully took out a piece of pulp, ignoring the strong breath, put it into the mouth without blinking, chewed it carefully, and then swallowed it.

His eyes changed slightly.

The emperor's eyes were calm and he asked casually, "How does it taste?"

"...It's very sweet." Belmond's expression was a little blank. "The texture is soft and glutinous, like a fudge cream cake."

"..." The emperor looked suspicious, "Is it really so delicious?"

"At least according to the taste of the minister..." Belmond assured, "It's delicious."

The emperor stared at the durian and hesitated for three seconds.

As the supreme emperor of the empire, his territory is extremely vast, plains, hills, mountains, forests, valley bottoms, rainforests, deserts... all kinds of landforms, all kinds of products, and even special products of other countries, overseas treasures, with the identity of the emperor, financial resources And power, what can't you do?

Such a thing has indeed never been seen.

And it was sent by Kant.

The point is from Kant.


He looked away and changed the subject: "You said you have an audience?"


Belmond also remembered the reason for the interview again, and stepped back respectfully: "Dragon, a giant dragon arrived in the airspace near the imperial capital, and was stopped by the Griffin Knights and the Heavenly Domain Law Guard. He said he was here to deliver a courier."

The emperor raised his eyebrows and said, "Express delivery?"

"It is said that Kant purchased the transportation business of the Dragon Clan Defense. Please ask the dragon to send you something." Belmond said in a low voice, "After all, we do not allow people from the West Goethe Company to enter the imperial capital."

Over the past few months, Sigoethe has been recruiting, expanding its territory, and establishing a sales network, but who would dare to let those Goethes into the city? As we all know, Kant's phase skills are unparalleled and unparalleled, and his teleportation ability is very evil. Let Goethe open a shop in the city, and it will be a teleportation door for explosives in minutes.

Although I know that this is mostly useless, I always seek some psychological comfort.

The emperor thought for a while and sighed: "What did you give?"

"Space beacon." Belmond's expression was a little unnatural, "a chance to meet His Majesty face to face."

The Supreme's brows furrowed, and he immediately asked, "Did the dragon not tell the Griffin Knights and the Heavenly Guard about his origin and Kant's employment of him?"

Belmond replied: "That's not true, I just asked to see His Majesty, and also call me by name."

The emperor nodded: "It's sensible... not right!"

He immediately woke up, some gritted his teeth, and some were angry and funny: "After all, the Griffin Knights and the Heavenly Domain Guards have seen it, and they say they want to see me, it will still attract the attention of people who are interested, if they want to track down, maybe they will Find more 'clues', this **** is still taking advantage of me... Being sneaky is more eye-catching and convincing than upright!"

"Then refuse..."

"Bring the things here." The emperor let out a breath slowly, "I should have seen him a year ago... Anyway, I also want to meet this young man who has changed a lot of things."

"If you insist... allow me and the inner guards to defend you with our lives."

"No need." The Supreme Being of the Empire said calmly, "I believe in Kant, and I have confidence in myself... We may quarrel and argue, but we will never kill each other. Kant cannot bear the consequences, and I will never be afraid of one. Naive, superficial, boring kid, it's going to be a man-to-man conversation."

Belmond stood where he was, hesitating to speak.

The emperor was dissatisfied: "What? I didn't say..."

"Your Majesty." Shadow Blade lowered his eyebrows and said pleasingly to his eyes, "The dragon wants money... Said that express delivery is paid on delivery, and it is very expensive."


The meeting place was still the emperor's study, and Belmond led the most elite inner guards to guard outside. The imperial court was carefully martial law and blocked. People didn't know what happened, but waited with bated breath.

In the room, the emperor watched the small purple prism floating in front of him.

The splendid door of light rotates open, cutting out the overlap, constructing the door to another world.

The co-lord of the human world blinked, adapting to the dazzling brilliance, and what unfolded in front of him was the most bizarre scene—a gate of the void that swirled and scattered, like a hanging painting. Inside is a colorful world, colorful but quiet.

Between the mountains and the water, he saw Kant.

And Kant also saw the emperor.

Old and young, suspicious and suspicious, scrutiny and scrutiny, emperor and people.

Lord of the Empire.

The Dragon of Aurora.

They have never met before, but their fate is entangled because of it.

A year ago, the emperor's ruthless decision tore up a covenant in fact changed the fate of many people. Throughout the ages, the fate of individuals has been washed away by the torrent of the times, but this time is different because it has been changed. The fate of not only the Goethe, but also a wandering foreign visitor, his fate was rewritten that night, which in turn affected the huge empire.

Originally, we could have met a year ago.

If so, then things might be different.

With such a sigh and trance, the two most powerful men in the world are staring at each other in the two worlds across the splendid convoluted space portal.

...wearing mythical rune-enchanted armor.

The emperor's side has opened up the indoor defense mechanism that has been enhanced and strengthened for hundreds of years in the room, and fully wears the personal protective equipment that is usually only used for personal expeditions.

On the other hand, Kant is habitually stacking the triple armor of enchantment, holy light and phase - although he is in the world of white mist at the moment, he can't relax his vigilance because of this.

When the two saw each other, they were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Kant snorted: "It's ridiculous to see how timid you are as a mouse."

The emperor said coldly: "The emperor must not let personal recklessness take precedence over the country and its subjects, but it's you who dresses like this when visiting me, obviously you have a ghost in your heart."

"It's ridiculous, how can I call a ghost when I dress so formally?" Kant pointed to the flashing elements in the study, "You obviously have bad intentions for making the living room like this."

"I did this to protect your safety. After all, you have a vengeance everywhere. If someone comes to assassinate you while you are talking, won't I take the blame?"

"I dress like this to help you block the knife when necessary. After all, you have done so many bad things when you gave birth to a son. If you suddenly suffer retribution during the conversation, wouldn't it be hard for me to get rid of the suspicion and make a lot of murders? "

The Supreme snorted: "The tongue is like a reed... Dressing like this is a great disrespect to the elders. I ask you, will you dress like this when you go to see that softie Reknos?"

Kant said proudly: "Yeah, what's wrong?"


The emperor was choked for a moment, and said angrily: "Okay, come over."

"Hey, why should I come over? Can't you come over?" Kant hooked his hand, "Come here!"

Although I am very curious about where Kant is now, after all, it doesn't look like the scenery on the far port side... But no matter how big the emperor's heart is, he will not take half a step.

"You hired a dragon to send the space beacon, and it was you who came to visit. How can you let me go?" The emperor refused to show weakness, "Be polite, boy."

"Hey, I don't know who wrote a letter to ask this or that. If it wasn't for his sincerity, I wouldn't be too lazy to go here." Kant shook out a few pictures. Stationery, "Come, come, let me read to you and see who this lonely middle-aged man with rich emotions is..."

"-shut up!"

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