MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 841 mound

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The remnants of the fire were burning, the smell of charred meat was twisted in the air, the ground in the trenches was muddy with blood and blisters, and Sergeant Marcus Finn had a piece of broken flesh on his face, and he lay in the ravine, His eyes looked at the sky of Wei Xi, and his body was covered with a layer of soil that was neither thick nor thin.

From a distance, it looks like a new tomb.

Before the black came, the great lad from Omdurman, north of the council, thought excitedly.

-Let's teach Kant a lesson!

He was recruited a few months ago, received secret training, and prepared for war. He knew that his opponent was Far Harbor, the evil regime led by Kant, the Aurora, and the boys were elated.

Because it means victory, it means military exploits, it means reward and glory.

war? War is not terrible.

Because he is a soldier of the Austrian Law Council.

Poems and plays speak of the cruelty of war, of wicked lords and emperors who took poor men into battle, their families endured with whips and starvation, of the man who was forced into the army and turned into a knight's charge It's **** mud, but that's a story that happens in a backward kingdom, and Marcus Finn has great confidence in that, because he's from the Arcanist Council, he's from a great and prosperous country.

The magic machine operated by Longlong has entered the workshop, and the family can even afford a cheap magic crystal lamp. Although the crystal stone needs to be saved a little, it is already very good. The delicious lamb meat is only one silver coin per pound. , can eat once every three days, tea and fruits brought from the southern islands are placed on the table, the young brother has pocket money for the first time, and life is so satisfying.

And he became an honorable soldier, and the future is so bright.

And war? War is a roar and charge of courage and blood. With the support of the masters, you will fight bravely. The enemy will be invincible under the fire and frost, while your own side will bravely advance with the support of auxiliary spells. After victory, there will be rewards. After becoming an officer, there are benefits, and war is nothing more than that.

With blood and loyalty, fight the enemy bravely, gain honor, and go home with reward and merit.

As for whether the enemy is a rebellious island country in the south, aboriginal people in the east who refuse to yield, or even the Aurora people from the north, for him, there is no difference at all.

- Saying that this Kant is from Aurora, but he is with Goethe, I really don't understand.

The army marched under the order of the great speaker and arrived at the battlefield. Instead of preparing for the battle and waiting for the charge, they dug trenches and built underground facilities on the spot. With his new weapon on his back and a shovel on his back, Marcus was digging dirt and erecting wooden posts under the command of the captain, something he had never done before, which made him feel very strange.

When eating, I also heard my colleagues say mysteriously and disturbingly, and I heard that Kant knew a spell called "Forbidden Spell".

As for what the "forbidden spell" is, he doesn't know, it might be some powerful magic, but it doesn't matter, the Arcane Council has the most powerful spell in the world, which is not surprising.

He heard that Kant had defeated the elves, and he was familiar with this. It is said that the legendary handsome Aurora Whiteface conquered the elves queen, which led the queen to order the retreat and evacuate Goethe.

The related peach-colored rumors constituted his entire impression of Kant the Aurora.

At night, at rest, he gathered with his comrades, without a tent, and slept in a dug trench, with a tarpaulin over his head. He crushed the lice that had crawled over and threw them into a ball into the fire, making a soft peeling sound, and bursting out with a little burnt aroma like fried rice.

Andrea said, you can try this, the louse tastes good when roasted, and Marcus reverted to the white eye—the louse as food, which may exist in the memory of the grandfathers, but has nothing to do with the glorious council army, he As a soldier, you eat beef, stew, and fluffy bread.

Everyone gathered around the fire to drink sweet tea, cheer and sing indulgently. The hard work of the day did not discourage the great boys. The war had just begun, and the short soldiers had not yet met. They had inexhaustible energy and courage.

Someone was shouting.

"Let's teach Kant a lesson!"

Whistles and lame singing came one after another. According to the mobilization of the Grand Chancellor, they were to punish the fighters who unilaterally launched wars and attacked the Tower of All-Seeing. As for victory... no one doubted it.

Excited carnivals and shouts were released, until the officers came to urge sleep, the night was extremely quiet, and in the uncomfortable trenches, the soldiers fell asleep until the sky was lit up.

A scream like a demon sounded brutally from the night sky above.

Awakens everyone from their last sweet dreams.

They saw a huge fireball suddenly explode from the sky not far away, foreign objects like hail blasted the ground, and a swift storm swept the ground, sweeping down a few guys who climbed up the edge of the trench, and thunderous roars were everywhere. , the dark sky was torn apart by blazing flames, and beams of light refracted the sky.

He heard a clear roar from the wind: "Enemy attack—"

The soldiers living in the trenches ran around in a mess, some woke up from their sleep, some were dazed by the sound of explosions one after another, and many brave men jumped out of the trenches with their weapons and looked around to see where the enemy was coming from, but soon, many Organs fell from the sky and landed on people's bodies and faces.

It's the nose, it's half a face, it's a broken finger, it's a thigh that explodes in the middle.

A panicked scream followed.

A large piece of the appeasement halo fell down, and it was the officer who ripped open the spiritual calming scroll, and it was the mages who were on urgent duty and began to stabilize their morale.

At the same time, the dwarf instructor with the team moved with short legs, but walked fast in the narrow trench, shouting: "Don't mess! Go to the safe house to escape! Act fast!"

Marcus ran with his teammates in a swarm, the dark night, the explosions one after another, as if the night sky lit by endless lightning, and the screams from all directions, he did not dare to think about the source of moisture and stickiness spreading on his right shoulder. For what... maybe a **** eyeball.

The sky... is descending the organ.

He only saw the rapid rays of light illuminating the sky, and the sharp elemental arrows were shot densely. As a former shield guard who once defended the arcane position, he knew that the interception magic device was working.

One after another blazing fireballs exploded violently in the sky.

In the battles, the powerful mages manipulated these reliable magic tools, neutralized and intercepted the large-scale spells from the enemy, and intercepted the enchanted heavy crossbow from the bombardment.

He is convinced that this time, the powerful mages can still protect them.

The ground beneath my feet was shaking violently.

There was even a scorching wind blowing in the trenches.

Marcus stumbled along with his teammates.

He looked up in horror several times, watching the meteor-like flames cut through the sky and roared to the ground, followed by terrifying vibrations and earth-shattering loud noises, as if the end was coming, and everything was burning.

The young sergeant was suddenly terrified... terrified.

Death is so close, all the good things in life are behind, I stand at the forefront of my destiny, and there is only the unknown of fear, maybe the abyss of death, maybe the survival in desperation.

But whether in life or death, the glory and courage of being a soldier have been killed, and he may never forget the hellish experience today... Only fear and anger will last forever.

He finally knew that the war, not the victory of honor, is the blood of the dead.

Suddenly, he seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, as if a volcano was erupting from near, the world became very far away, the sound of wind and thunder filled his ears, countless gold stars appeared in front of his eyes, black and white in his vision. Overlapping, the comrades in front screamed in pain and fell down, only Marcus staggered a few steps and stood on the side wall.

Vaguely, he saw the dwarf instructor lying on the ground.

"Get down! Get down!"

The sound was intermittent, as far as it was close.

"Take your arm..."

The dwarf was shouting in horror.

"Put it under the chest..."

Marcus didn't move, his thoughts had been taken away, he blinked his eyes with difficulty, feeling something stuck on his face in the fiery gale, hot, fluid and fragrant.

Chi Chi is silly, ignorant and ignorant, showing a blank smile.

He suddenly sounded in his hometown of mutton for one silver coin and one pound, which can be eaten every three days, life has been good, doing a decent job, fighting for justice, confronting evil, there is hope for the future, as long as you fight, as long as Victory, as long as you win again and again, you can get more...

But why is this so?

- The next moment, the demon's wild laughter descended from the top of his head.

His confused and stupid face suddenly lit up, and his vision was filled with intense light.

A fire cloud shaped like a mushroom rose up not far away, and it was right in front of you.

He stared in admiration, the gorgeous fire tree and silver flowers flew from his eyes, he saw the fire shining like the sun, and the smoke and dust soaring like a surging wave, all the fear, confusion, retreat and despair quickly disappeared, all the thoughts and nostalgia. , deep love and reluctance are frozen here, life and soul are filled with the magnificence in front of him, and Marcus Finn feels the warmth that fills his body and illuminates everything.

Let the scythe of death whizz by.

Invisible air waves swept through the trenches, blowing all the way, rolled up his body like a rag doll, and smashed it against the corner wall not far away. The heavy hammer slammed a blow, and the body named Marcus Finn fell to the ground weakly, and the half-collapsed mud wall rustled down, and the clods fell on him like rain.

The soldier stared at the sky, the torrent of flames across the dark night sky reflected in his pupils.

After a long, long time, the night faded, and a faint light appeared in the east.

The flames that have not been extinguished are burning everywhere, and there is no fog in this land in the morning, only the twisted smoke and the smell of death, transpiring.

With blood flowing and moist soil, the "corpse" that fell on the ground gradually moved.

People stood up eerily, crawled numbly, groped for **** biscuits and jerky from the broken corpse a few steps away, mechanically sent them into the mouth, chewed instinctively, and frightened mice ran from the inside of the corpse's clothes. He came out and ran along the inner wall of the ditch, splashing a little water in a puddle.

Hearing the sound of water, people turned their heads instinctively, used hands and feet together, climbed to the side of the puddle, bombarded with bombs, the ground shook, exploded and ripped apart, rained in a small area, and the water gathered in the trenches, but it was soaked with broken corpses and tumbling. The blood, which the man turned a blind eye to, leaned down greedily, biting and sucking with his parched lips.

A voice above his head shouted: "Hey! Don't drink!"

People turned around in a daze, seeing more and more people appearing, and more and more people getting up, being supported, held, carried, and held.

"Your Excellency the Great Speaker..." An officer came running in small steps, gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice, "Causes and losses..."

"I know, don't worry, the reinforcements will return soon, your army will be replenished, we have a chance for revenge, and you can make up for everything you lost in Nar."

The grand speaker patted the shoulders of his subordinates: "In addition, the death notice is temporarily suppressed, do not send it back, clean up the battlefield as quickly as possible, and calm the soldiers' emotions, I will count on you."

Sending away the loyal subordinates, the grand speaker's face quickly turned cold.

"It's not good."

He stared at the position with cold eyes, and said to Faersson, who was beside him: "Although there is a deceleration force field, which greatly reduces the attack speed of Kant's weapons and enables us to intercept them more easily, if he attacks with an overwhelming force If the number wins, there will still be a large number of weapons breaking through the defense and killing my soldiers, we need more efficient defensive weapons... In addition, there are better defense measures."

"Especially the impact of the blast and the air element... There must be a better defense plan."

"Our soldiers are inexperienced, and it is difficult to convey orders quickly. It is said that Kant has an instant messaging magic device in his hand, which can be accurate to convey orders to every soldier..."

Phoebus snorted coldly: "What a weak and shameful failure."

Griffin's eyes slammed, and then his eyes fell, suppressing his anger.

He said indifferently: "If Kant can win and defeat you and me like a sword, the observers of various countries will see it and report to the country, then after this war, no country in the world will dare to resist him."

The God of the Star Palace showed a sinister look and said coldly, "I understand."

How to evaluate this so-called god? Arrogant, arrogant, contempt for the world, indifferent to everything, but on the topic of Kant, it is easy to be persuaded and lost.

Really good use.

The name "Kant" is like a button, as long as you press it, it will make him change his mind immediately. Anything that can attack Kant, he will actively promote and support, as long as anything can hinder Kant's purpose and action, He will not hesitate to assist.

Griffin sneered in his heart, but stopped talking to him, turned and returned to the underground bunker dug deep in the trenches. Observers from various countries were coming out one after another, and their faces could not hide their shock and anxiety.

"It is my responsibility to put everyone in danger."

Griffin's robe was lightly swayed, his expression was calm, and he smiled and said, "But it's still good news... Although facing such an offensive, our soldiers suffered little casualties - the deceleration force field greatly reduced the threat of Kant's alchemy weapons, making him The vast majority of the offensive was intercepted and blocked by the volley of point-defense magic guides."

"Although some of the attacks passed through the defense net and attacked the position, most of the magic devices were preserved, and the soldiers hid in the bunkers ahead of time and avoided casualties. Facts have proved that the earth is indeed the perfect armor, and Kant's gigantic attack has proved his incompetence and cowardice - attacking at night, with no results, nothing more than that."

When he said this, he laughed and said: "The so-called Dragon of Aurora has only launched a long-range attack and then died. I thought he would take the opportunity to lead the army to raid the position... He is also clever! Knowing that we must be ready to fight. , ready to fight back at any time, so simply don't come, so as not to humiliate yourself!"

Hearing this laughter, the observers laughed along with them.

But after all, the people who were dispatched were the first-class men in the military of the various countries. Although they didn't speak, their eyes were turning, and each one was more meaningful.

- What a joke.

- I thought it was strange at first. When they said that they wanted to punish Kant and mobilize the army, their tactics and purpose were only to enter the territory of Goethe, and then start to dig trenches for defense. When they said that "I don't expect to enter the far port", I planned to defend from the beginning. How can the war be won?

Griffin seemed unaware and continued: "But everyone, in all fairness, there were casualties last night... But you and I both know that military progress is summed up from bloodshed and sacrifice, and the casualties last night proved that , the design of the trenches and the concept of the soldiers still need to be improved, including the tactics…”

The position was engulfed in busy repairs, rescues, cleanups and treatments, and against this backdrop, the speaker, Griffin Williams, spoke eloquently.

He pointed to the half of the ditch that had been bombed, pointed to the blood and water pools accumulated in the ditch, and talked about the importance of strengthening the structure and drainage treatment, as well as the safe house to prevent heavy bombardment.

The well-dressed and well-mannered professional officers listened to His Excellency the Great Speaker, their eyes followed the direction of the Great Speaker's fingers, looking at the physical proofs one by one, and nodded thoughtfully.

The attack launched by Kant last night shocked them. Actual combat is the best teacher. They began to believe in the importance of fortifications such as trenches, and their concepts changed quietly.

Just listening to the confident explanation and plan of the Grand Speaker, these bystanders unconsciously raised doubts and haze in their hearts - you learned from last night's attack and used the casualties of soldiers as an experience for improvement, what about Kant? What will he gain from this obvious advantage or even a small victory?

They have no idea what direction this war will take, they can only wait.

It's just that when these high-class gentlemen carefully summed up and pointed out the country after the incident, their eyes occasionally glanced at a place where half of the trench had collapsed, but they swept away as if nothing had happened.

There was still fire light nearby, and a disgusting air wafted faintly. The ground soaked in blood was muddy and disgusting, mixed with minced meat and excrement. There was a dead man lying there, his eyes were like dead fish looking at the sky, his face was like a dead fish. There was still a piece of shredded flesh from an unknown poor creature, and it was piled with filthy mud.

From here, it looks like a ridiculous mound.