MTL - City Lady-Killer-Chapter 1230 Shen Huiyi wants to die

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Shen Huiyi pulled the color robe worn by the body, from the slender waist to the soft, curvy buttocks. From the restaurant to the stairs, it was only a few steps away. She could feel that Tianlong’s eyes were moving up and down in her shadow. She tried to balance her body so that the pace was more steady and slow. At the same time, the hips are twisted more and more.

Tianlong also got up and left the table. Facing the little boy in the morning, her **** and light-looking nightgown, the looming temptation to him was more than enough. She knew that his eyes must be fixed on her tiny buttocks. The thin, fluttering nightgown is more fascinating than the naked body. Even if she doesn't look back at him, she can still feel that he is leaning back behind her.

"Auntie Hui, you wait a minute."

He said later that she stopped her footsteps. At that time, her forefoot was on the upper step, and her hind legs were still stretched straight on the next level. The front of her robe was opened. A white snowy thigh was exposed.

He reached out and took a piece of bread in her nightgown. At the moment he probed, her heart passed a dangerous signal, and she instinctively evaded his hand. At the same time, I felt a very strange impulse surrounding her.

Behind her neck, the tiny hairs were all erected. Both eyes saw a fuzzy, dark hand sneaking into her vision unconsciously.

When she twisted her waist, she made a slight sigh of weight, and opened her robe hem when she took the breadcrumbs. Her exposure was unfolding in front of his eyes. .

Tianlong’s eyes were almost sloppy and she looked straight into the thigh and the wind side penetrated her tall, low-lying **** place. When the two of them met, she was shocked by a deep, clear gaze. This is not caused by the explicit bones, but rather the gaze of pure love that is in his eyes.

He stood for a moment, reached out and touched it with a sigh of relief, and felt nothing but felt her dodge.

Her clumsy dodge stirred the steady airflow, almost crazy, he stirred her waist, he went half a step forward, reached out and grabbed her hand, her hand was shrinking, he It was tight and screwed.

She seemed to "snap" for a moment, and then her back was attached to his chest. He screwed her arm hard, and she could only lean on the whole upper body against him. He likes the game of shyness, and she likes the rhythm of hiding.

Tianlong is endless, no one can break free. His other hand crossed her head and pulled her face over. His mouth found her mouth, almost fiercely biting, "Don't!"

Shen Huiyi shouted in her heart, but she said nothing in her mouth and never struggled. Just use the lips to use the tongue to cater to the turbulent torrent that he hit her.

Their lips are close to sucking, and Shen Huiyi's tongue is entangled, even if she clenches his chest with his fist, but can't escape from her arms. They twisted and screamed and exaggerated and rolled.

Their four feet moved back and forth on the wooden floor to make a reverberation of the impact. Shen Huiyi's hair spread out, and the black algae rushed forward. It seemed to be a real melee, her arms intertwined with his arms, her legs intertwined with his legs, her neck intertwined with his neck, and then a tense and long-lasting wrestling, first he overwhelmed her, then It was she who overpowered him, and then she overpowered him, and then he overwhelmed her, never won, and never had a result.

Everyone has to hurt each other, and each other has to hurt each other. It doesn't hurt to be addicted.

If it hurts, it will send out the heartbreaking scream, and the scream is so stinging the eardrum that it is scary.

Sensitive people will find that the reason why this scream is so horrible is that it contains a strange joy. They are getting more and more out of control, they are irrational, they are teasing each other, they are provoking each other and going to sensitive places on their bodies. The body and the body are intertwined and violently rubbed like a fanatical caress. And they are moving at the same time, and they are looking for a place where they can lie down.

The two bodies did not separate and smashed the door of his room. Tianlong slammed her waist and threw it on his large bed. She fell heavily. The mattress was full of elasticity and seemed to greet it. Under her body.

Shen Huiyi came into contact with the warm mattress, and suddenly she was weak. She stared at him with a sigh of relief, and her eyes were full of grievances.

That is the taste of the marrow, it is the desire to stop, Tianlong swooped over, explored the hand, grabbed the upper end of her thigh, and then ran moist and ran up.

His hand stopped at the edge, and he pulled his index finger and gently slid down. Shen Huiyi pulled out a slap and tightened his mad hand. She stunned, her legs were tight, but she complained that he was pulling him with his eyes. When he was a little bit, his nostrils became thicker and the breath went faster.

Tianlong violently made a force, and she also slammed it. He seems to be unable to lean his head on her abdomen. When she lowered her head, she kissed gently at her. And his hand was stiff on it, the more he kissed the lower, the slap of her slap in his hand and opened it loose, and moved away little by little.

He used his tongue across the place where Shen Huiyi was licking, making her itchy and full of strength. Being able to feel his lips scorning the hair that came out of her, she believed that her part was completely soaked, and it was still rushing out. Still let him pull down, she swayed to help him, he took her narrow black and put it under the nose and sniffed the country.

Shen Huiyi held her breath, and something like a ghost seemed to reach out and caress her. Slowly, very familiar, like an imaginary man’s fingertips, slipping into the sexual nerves that stirred her. .

His messy jeans showed that the zipper in front of him didn't pull. From the soft cloth, there was a pile of bulging and firm arcs. She wanted to immediately touch her hand there, even her lips seemed to go straight up. Kiss it.

Tianlong took out the thing and shook it in front of her. She saw that his stuff was strong and the head was thick and bright, and it was as smooth as a painted floor. Its root veins are clearly visible, coiled on the top, and the crease of the skin that has expanded appears to have disappeared. The steel is hard like a stick, the surrounding is thick, the light is strong and strong, and the black, purely impurity-free, curls all the way. Go up and climb up.

Seeing her eyes staring at the head of his thing for a moment, he placed it on the place where her bulge was like a hoe, and the smooth head had a slap in the light, reminding her of the water. The seal came out, but at about the same time, she corrected the wrong judgment.

Seals are cute and fun, but this is definitely not the case. It should be a shark or a cobra king, squatting ready to attack or hunted, laughing and deadly.

Suddenly, Shen Huiyi did not know whether to be afraid of it or welcome it. When he stepped forward, she quickly stopped to stop.

"Dragon, you are slower."

Shen Huiyi couldn't stop shouting, even though her inside was already full of moist and slippery, or let the pain of a full of swells scream.

Tianlong did not add mercy, and kept going.

Immediately, the pain suddenly turned into indulging, Shen Huiyi widened his eyes, half-loved and looked at him with half hate, white and not glaring with the sunshine of the **** to stimulate her. He poked hard. For a moment, the pleasure of **** is so overwhelming, I can almost feel the sweet smell in the air, and a strange and mysterious impulse, constantly shaking.

When Denon entered her body, it was a violent wind and a sudden violent, but the gentle breeze of the spring breeze, and he constantly wandered around her body and thighs with her hands and lips at this moment. . Young and skilled big boys are veterans of love, flirting is time-consuming, and understanding the sexually sensitive areas of women.

Shen Huiyi led the whole solution to guide him. When she made up her buttocks to meet his rhythm, he galloped the thing back. It made her feel a distorted joy, and her mouth began to scream and scream, and her hips bounced on the mattress. He also showed the kind of mature man's freedom.

She knows that this young man is the perfect object in bed. He has both superb pleasing women's skills and younger and stronger physical strength, far more exciting than her husband Zoran brings her. And he has a handsome, sun-filled face than her husband, tall, bronze pillars, a strong man's body, as well as tight-fitting muscles and oily smooth skin and a beautiful **** body. Her fantasies can produce more and greater satisfaction.

Tianlong's tight buttocks slammed against his toes, and the muscles tightened. And a torrent of her body is boiling. There is even a feeling of being swallowed up. In the face of his clumsy and inferior performance, her face showed an unsatisfied anxiety.

Shen Huiyi's petals were flooded by him, and the swelling was amazing, and the little pedicel was wiped and smothered by its thick head. The uncomfortable feeling weakened the pleasure of pleasure, but even so, she still flicked and greeted and opened her thighs. Her fluid was as boiling as the rapids in the body, and when the thrill surged and swallowed her, she refused to be ashamed and screamed softly.

"Dragon, you lie down, let me come."

Shen Huiyi broke him and climbed up. She squatted in bed and pulled him down to let him lie down. Her soft hands grasped his wet and dripping things, and felt heavy and full. She ran across him on his back and placed stiff, red things in her white, full ditch.

When she leaned forward, picked up the high, and then reached for the back, opening the passage for his thing, Tianlong had been able to hold back a heavy gasp. Shen Huiyi carefully and calmly spread her petals with her fingers, so that the thing could be pushed forward smoothly. His things spurted forward like a spear, and squeezed it into the warmth that the man dreamed of. In the middle of the cave.

When his head pierced her woman's mysterious garden, she cried in her heart, and finally she conquered the handsome boy of the sun. She swayed up and down, twisting the waist and twisting it to break. When she sank, she closed her eyes and carefully experienced the hardness and depth of his stuff at this time, as if its head was thicker and larger in its interior, and it was infinitely deep. It feels like there has never been a man who has penetrated this way.

Tianlong continued to squeeze with his head, and the thing that wrapped her tightly around him was like a warm and humid nest, holding a naughty and lovely animal. She doesn't want to move, she doesn't want him to move. She only wanted to be there, sitting across and letting her accept the aggression in the depths of her fiery heat. It seems that I can't stand the loneliness. He is going to top it up. That thing is so strong that it seems to lift her whole person.

Shen Huiyi calmed down like a skilled jockey in appeasing a mad pony. But she couldn't comfort him, even if she groaned, and the things that kept him from beginning to end continued to violently slam inside her.

She twisted the pelvis and shook it, and she grasped the direction of happiness. The thing stood firm in her unyielding. It makes her mixed with a feeling of surprise, the hard-eyed joy mixed with the fullness of ecstasy, she makes herself happily twisted, her mouth spit out a series of uncontrollable happiness, it seems to be Sending a stupid thank-you to the intruder, even his weapon is still slowly moving in his body.

Her wet inside became weak and twitching in madness, and she couldn't stop her body from moving, as if she could not stop breathing. Her is even more intense and hot, enjoying the joy he gave her, soaring. Just as she touched her wet, sticky, small pedicle, she enjoyed the friction of his big head.

Suddenly, her body was stagnant. Shen Huiyi’s cheering cockroach spit out half of it, and suddenly stopped, and the long breath caught in Dantian, and she couldn’t pick it up anymore. Just like seeing the ghost, she screamed and the flustered chest experienced more. For the rushing ups and downs.

Su Nianci was standing in front of her eyes. She did not know that she had drilled out from there. She saw that her face was cold and frosty, emitting the sadness and anger that the woman who was fooled had.

She screamed: "Hui Yi, how can you do this in the daytime?"

At that time, Shen Huiyi's appearance was extremely sloppy, and the body wrapped in the light pajamas twisted and flicked, and lived and thundered, lifelike, and Su Nianci's horrified chin explained this. She stupidly opened her mouth and wanted to yell loudly, but she did not dare to make a sound.

Su Nianci’s eyes straightened, and she was a straight-eyed eye that suddenly emerged. She used these straight eyes to turn a blind eye to her violent wet belly, but did not dare to look at her eyes. She rushed to the bed and slammed her from the dragon's body. It was not only the mother's embarrassment, but also the woman's jealousy.

Shen Huiyi fell on the bed, and there was a cool breeze when they separated. She subconsciously pulled off the hem of her pajamas and wiped out the wetness. Su Nianci’s thumb has touched her nose. She knows that Su Nianci is jealous. She knows that Su Nianci is awkward and knows that Su Nianci regrets. At this moment, she knows that Su Nianci has always loved Tianlong.

"Hui Yi, he is still a child."

Su Nianci said to the tip of her nose.

"Mind, I did what you asked me to do, and it was something you didn't dare to do."

Shen Huiyi said.

Su Nianci looked at her and showed her big thighs to her disdain. The sun was bursting with blue blood vessels and she was really angry. She went forward and slammed the bed of the bed to the ground, and what the bed cover was caught with, and her mouth screamed in a whisper.

Shen Huiyi saw Su Nianci like an angry lion for the first time. She had to go out now. She was cheeky and said calmly: "You are loving, you are in love, I am, we are each other, who is Don't laugh at anyone."

"You still say this shameless words."

Su Nianci slammed into Shen Huiyi, Shen Huiyi came to her like a female lion. She raised her head and raised her head, but did not take it down. After dropping his arm, a female lion turned into a water dog.

Tianlong quickly jumped out of bed. He grabbed the angry little girl Su Nianci. He said, "Mom, I am already an adult, you should leave me alone."

"You have no conscience."

Su Nianci said, hangs his chin in disappointment. She turned her back and sat on the edge of the bed, gasping for a big mouth, sweat on her forehead, and her chest violently together. The violent violent anger exhausted her strength, and her shoulders shivered and seemed to weep sadly. She looked like a hen who had fallen into the water and lost her soul.

There was a terrible silence in the room, and Shen Huiyi’s appearance was extremely embarrassing. She wanted to find it, but found that she was pressed in Su Nianci’s. She glanced at the dragon and he looked up at her. His expression was as dead as he was, but there was no change, and there was no shock to this sudden change.

"Longer, you go out, we have something to say."

Suddenly, Su Nianci opened his mouth. Tianlong seemed reluctant. When he wore his trousers, he was still worried about Shen Huiyi, as if to say something.

When Tianlong left, he still used his eyes to aim at her naked jade feet.

Shen Huiyi bowed his head and thought of giving him a smile. He smiled very fast, very short and fleeting, but he had already gone out. She nodded to see him after she nodded, and her eyes were not enough, and she fell into the previous embarrassment.

"How come you suddenly came back?"

Shen Huiyi asked, try to put the sound softly.

Su Nianci said with a loud voice: "Hey, you blame me for coming back, stir up your good deeds."

"Minding your kindness, you should be clear about your own thoughts. I haven’t counted you yet, but you still have to let people know."

Shen Huiyi knows that there is a subtle knot between Su Nianci and Tianlong. Either Tianlong has a mother-in-law for Su Nianci, or a mother who has a love story for Tianlong, or both. Anyway, her generosity is angry. Unexpected results.

Su Nianci broke a smile: "Hui Yi, I still don't know you. Like you, how can the man suffer?"

Speaking, I pressed the smashed out and threw it into Shen Huiyi’s face.

"Your son is bloody, can he stop what he wants to do?"

Shen Huiyi said with anger, she put it on her face.

Su Nianci did not say anything. At this time, it showed a terrible calm. It seems that everything is logical. Her calm and murderous, but can not find the root cause. Only the face blew the grave of the grave, as if the night ghost knocked on the door, and the eyes were full of suffocation.

"Ming Ci, as a friend, I will give you a piece of advice, don't worry about it. Your husband can't do it, as long as you are good to him, he still loves you."

Shen Huiyi flew to her, her hands clasped her shoulders and swayed wildly. But only two times, Su Nianci himself collapsed. She opened her limbs on the bed, Shen Huiyi did not help her, and it was her turn to sit next to Su Nianci.

"Hui Yi, the man is really old."

"Don't you have a small one?"

Shen Huiyi said with a smile.

Su Nianci turned her face to Shen Huiyi and then twisted her on her lap. She said, "You know that I just like Dragon in my heart. I am his little mother after all! You ate."

"I just try to help you. In fact, Longer is a lovely man. You should take good care of yourself. You said that after all, you are his little mother. The other meaning of this is that you are just his little mother. However, you should understand the meaning of the whole. Well, I am so kind, my holiday is coming soon, I have to go back to the provincial capital."

Shen Huiyi said.

Su Nianci immediately got up, she said: "Hui Yi, you really have to go?"

"Of course, I also have a home. I am kind, thank you for the warmth of these two days, and your husband, and of course Longer."

Shen Huiyi said sincerely.

"You have to go, Longer know?"

Su Nianci asked.

Shen Huiyi shook her head and said, "I was invited by you, of course, to say goodbye to you."

Su Nianci was very affectionate on Shen Huiyi's shoulder. She said, "No, I will tell him, tell him that you are leaving. Huiyi, you will go, Longer will be sad, I can see."

"Lecture, I don't want to marry your home. You should arrange more in the future than I do. I believe that you will live a good life."

After that, Shen Huiyi pulled Su Nianci's hand off her shoulder, and she had a feeling of relief.

Just out of the door of the room, I found that Tianlong was sitting on the ground at the door. He looked sad and pitiful. The ridiculous thing was that he was naked, and the thing was like a frozen eggplant.

Tianlong asked: "Aunt Hui Hui, do you really want to go home?"


Shen Huiyi said that he smiled at him.

Tianlong said: "Aunt Hui Hui, I will miss you."

Shortly after lunch, the midday sun wiped the irregular glow of the tall trees. It is a very harmonious green with the low bushes and the grass on the ground. It is harmonious and enjoyable.

Liang Rukang transferred a business car, and the driver was filling the baggage attentively. When she came, Shen Huiyi only took a suitcase, but now she is full of rewards. Liang Rukang told the driver to put his hand on the price, and Su Nianci looked at the watch from time to time. Shen Huiyi said: "It is still early."

"No, it’s not a traffic jam on the road."

Su Nianci said.

There is only one hour away from Yancheng Airport, but Su Nianci is always urging. Shen Huiyi’s departure makes her feel relieved.