MTL - City Lady-Killer-Chapter 1206 Li Jing Aunt Saves Ai Lang

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Was shocked by this idea, she quickly pushed the dragon, said nervously, "Longer, I ... I did not intentionally, I am also to save your cousin Lin Lin. You do not scare me ..."

The anesthetic in Lin Minyi’s scorpion was quick and not slow. Tianlong looked straight at the two groups that Yang Lijing squeezed together on his chest. His fingers trembled and could be distorted.

Seeing that he began to restore his ability to move, Yang Lijing was only a little relieved. He thought that Huang Xiaorong called so many people to have a good time with the dragon, and he said that he was so eager. If it was delayed in her for a long time, I would have some disadvantages. Anyway, that root. Things look very spiritual and don't have to wait for anything.

Yang Lijing has always been a tempered person. Since she has decided her mind, her gaze is immediately moved to the flagpole of Tianlong. There was still traces of juice left by Cai Linlin. She reached out and grabbed it. It was a bit harder than usual, like a slippery iron stick, with a hard-boned mushroom.

Just drying it for a while, the surface of the Yang root was almost dry, and Khan Jinjin’s palm was still slightly stunned. She used her fingertips to open the petals between the stocks and explored it. The soft seams were explored. She didn't have a bit of water, she had to caress around her, while she lowered her body and put her long hair behind her ear, gathered a small sip, tightened her lips and let the mouth hang into a silver thread. , falling on the top of the purple.

The soft cherry lips followed, the tongue vomited slightly, and the whole head was swallowed in one bite. The pink cloves carefully spread the saliva on the stick and sucked it along the floating veins. Do your best.

When I came in to save Linlin, I listened to the whole live spring palace for half a while. At that time, Yang Lijing had already been squandered. After returning, I would not even tell Linlin to go out. I was afraid that I would be entangled in Tianlong. Solve the floating itching in my heart.

Now the mouth contains a thick meat dragon, the nose is full of familiar faint smell, her little belly, and began to have a faint feeling of faint beating, dexterous finger fiddling, and soon felt the saliva A slightly thicker and smoother honey slurry.

She reluctantly spit out the mouth, and used the tip of her tongue to click on the black scorpion. Her hands crossed the chest of the dragon and went up. The mouth still remembered: "Longer, this time... this time is not me. If you want to ride it, you can’t move it, but I have to.”

Just because she likes the feeling above, there have been two or three deaths, and she has to go up, and she was teased by her sister Yang Shimin. At this point, no one laughed at her, and she couldn't help but excuse herself.

Grinding twice on the head of the mushroom, she was completely prepared for slippery. She licked her lips and held the stick root in the backhand, only half of it. She knows that the little mouth below her mouth is full of mouthfuls, and it is not the main appetite of the big appetite. It’s really a real breath to sit down, it’s still not seen through it, so the former teacher of the car’s aftermath has passed. After a sore experience in her heart, she naturally won’t be stupid again.

Carefully grasped, Yang Lijing slowly sinks down, and if the peach blossoms slid down against the purple rose, the surrounding pleats will be more and more stretched, and the honey on the side will be squeezed. come out.

Cancan swallowed a head and went in, she quickly stopped, steady and soft, soft waist, shaking the spirit slightly lifted the hips, and then slightly fell, tender and smooth candied in front and back, smooth folder Suck up.

Her legs are extremely sensitive. Except for the machine, the red and tender at the outer end of the flower path is the most frustrating. At this time, the hips are all moving with their own happiness. In the itch, she can't control that Cai Linlin is still outside at the moment, and she will be squeaky when she is on the phone. "Oh...oh ah...good...well, happy... um! um..."

This kind of sliding for a while, the squeezing and squeezing of her inside and outside was so clear, but the heart began to protest again. The soft and crispy snails seemed to have a small insect worm walking east and west, itching Such as a hundred claws scratching the heart, but also into the bone marrow.

Knowing that it was already time, Yang Lijing sprinkled a small hand and forced the dragon to hold the body, clenching his teeth and kneeling, and sat down. The lower part of the honey tube was swelled by the stuffing, and the pressed part was then recessed, and the kiss was slipped. This comfortable under her body is like a crisp, long slamming her head and squinting her back.


After breathing three or four breaths, she recovered her strength from the sweet pleasure, twisted her waist and hips, and began to let the hot stick twitch in her tender cavity.

After dozens of up and down, left and right up and down, the hard object in the body suddenly trembled, followed by a burst of coolness, so alternating between hot and cold, she had not had time to react, and Tianlong’s hands were tightly stuck. Her waist is half-lifted with her upper body, and she rises from the bottom up.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Ah, ah..."

Yang Lijing grabbed the arm of Tianlong and slammed it in a row. The body was fixed in the same place, half suspended in the air, and could not sit down and escape. Only the poisonous dragon who had taken off the trap left and right in the body. Her straight savvy bones were so ruined, and the red soft beads on the top of the little ones were also eagerly convex.

Just now, she just sucked a bit of Lin’s sister’s girl Yuan Jing. At this moment, Tianlong’s uncontrollable mind is more focused on it. As soon as she notices that Yang Lijing suddenly tightens, she has reached a critical juncture, and she has to wrap it up and down. The roots of Shutai were incomparable, and immediately spread their hands and pressed the bed board, slamming the back to the bed and throwing her soft body up with the waist.

Yang Lijing was light, and she was covered with a soft and sour skin. She followed her body and sat back. She slammed into her, and her eyes were whitish.

"Hey...oh...oh yeah..."

So thrown back and forth, the strike, the straight top of her hair is scattered, the chest swings, the hips ripple, the honey splashes. After a short time, she listened to her slamming a whisper-like sputum, and the mellow double-stranded force tightened tightly inside, and even the inner muscles could see clearly twitching. And the roots of the roots, like the blushing orchids, the blooming tender nuclei are still being spurred by strong spurs, and the stalks are in and out, almost turning out the tender cavity.

"Oh ah -"

Happy crests came in and out, and Yang Lijing blew twice in an instant. The strands of the DCs were all slippery, and the halo was moist and attractive on the skin.

The strength of the body also followed the venting of the majority, she softly leaned back, high and round and sleek, hands on the side of the dragon's legs, tight little belly rushing, wet flowers, that still Still, going up, the flat belly was followed by a tremor, as if it had deepened, and it was inserted straight into the stomach.

Yang Lijing has always had good wine and no amount of money. The same is true of the fun of the middle. Even though she wants nothing, she is satisfied with the tired cat after the venting twice, leaving only the soft and slick of the mosquito.

Tianlong was just about to start. He slammed his back and the tiger's mouth pinched her spring peak. She sat on the waist and put a cherry in her mouth. Her legs were under her stock, 叼The whole body was screaming, holding her for a while.

Although Yang Lijing has been very satisfied, these few things still make her numb, and she has to vent it once, and she can’t help feeling flustered. Her heart's desires always come quickly and quickly. At this moment, although comfortable, it is not so fascinating, and the pull of the bursts, and even the strength is also taken away. She didn't taste the yelling and sorrowful feelings like Lin Lin. She thought about Huang Rongrong's embarrassment, and she was shocked when she was in a hurry. She quickly concentrated on feeling the reactions.

"Let him... let him absorb, recover and recover... still, can't let himself collapse."

In her mouth, she recited the need to pay attention, biting her teeth and enduring the fascinating tide of the hot and cold sun roots in the body, muttering in a distressed manner, "How, how so difficult..."

At this moment, Tianlong has completely handed over his instinct to the instinct. The tender and tender body in his arms is full of sweat and full of flavor. He sniffs greedily, and his tongue shines brightly on the whole group of milky hills. I buried my face in Yang Lijing and pressed it to her chest.

"Hey - um..."

Yang Lijing earned two times. After all, she still couldn't stand it. She smacked her mouth and hugged the back of Tianlong Khan, and she was happy again.

She was sober-minded, and the itchiness in her heart was actually less than half. Seeing that the hard-boned guy in the stock was still forgotten, he quickly pulled out the scorpion inserted in his head, biting his teeth and holding it in his hand. in.

I can see the twists and turns of the face of the dragon, and I can’t tell how sad it is. Seeing her heart is sour, she can’t bear to interrupt it.

However, the strength between the legs was really small for a while, and the whole body became very lazy and uncomfortable with the stick. I thought that it was so faint, her mind turned two turns, and she struggled to straighten out a long time. Qi, Shengsheng cried: "Fang Fang! Min Yi sister! You... you are coming in!"

Lin Minyi and Cai Fangfang were at the door at this time. Cai Fangfang was coming in early, but she was red-faced and dragged. When she heard Yang Lijing calling her in the room, she was still at a loss. Instead, Cai Fangfang smiled and pushed her to the door.

Huang Yurong carried some medicinal herbs to treat internal injuries, and also told them to bring them up. Although they did not make up for the Yinyuan, but the qi and body-building were better than nothing, Lin Minyi fell into a pinch and walked straight to the door. In front of Cai Linlin, she handed her lips.

Cai Linlin was fascinated by a scent of scent, and she looked at her eyes with a slight squint, carefully pressing it into her mouth and pressing it under her tongue.

Cai Fangfang looked thoughtfully at Cai Linlin's pale cheeks and whispered to herself, not knowing what to say.

Since Lin Minyi entered the room, only after walking into the screen with a hard scalp, he took the courage to look at the bed and saw that Yang Lijing’s body was naked and naked in the arms, sitting face to face, violently shaking With the four legs intertwined, you can clearly see a large trace of wetness.

"Min Sister... Change, change me... I, I don't become, Shu... Comfortable... I'm going to die!"

However, Lin Minyi came in for a while, and Yang Lijing blew it twice. She only felt that the group began to feel sore, and it was full of enthusiasm. Even the strength of raising her hand was almost gone, only the mouth was ah. I can’t help myself.

Although Lin Minyi was urged like this, she did not know how to replace Yang Lijing. She had to panic and untied the skirt. She removed the sweat towel and revealed the white and greasy plump. She took the furry step and moved to the bed and faded. Putting clothes and socks on one side, looking at Yang Lijing.