MTL - City Exchange Life Club-Chapter 361 : The threat of extraterrestrial demons

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After Zhao Yan stole the account, he returned to the wedding house prepared by the fifth family as the fifth Renge.

It was found that the friends of Hu Wu Renge's friends had not dispersed, and they were drinking lively at this time.

"The fifth brother is back."

"The fifth brother had a private meeting with a beautiful woman before marriage. Are the three princesses really beautiful?"

"The fifth brother seems to be in good spirits!"

Seeing Zhao Yan, everyone said hello.

Zhao Yan smiled reservedly: "It is rumored that the third princess is against my marriage, but I only knew what a rumor is when I saw it today. The third princess is still very satisfied with me, and she explained it to me specially."

He satisfied Yao, and Yao satisfied him.

"So that's the case, then we can congratulate the fifth brother. If the princess is favored, wouldn't it be fun after marriage?" One person showed an ambiguous expression.

Everyone showed a smile that men knew.

Zhao Yan laughed: "Happy and happy, I toast all brothers and share the joy."

After the banquet was over, everyone said goodbye and left.

"Damn the wicked rich second generation."

Looking at all kinds of delicious mountain delicacies on the table, the dragon liver and phoenix marrow hadn't been touched, Zhao Yan scolded.

It is shameful to waste food.

So he turned into a cook and started cooking.

"Sir, the master has summoned me." While Zhao Yan was feasting, a servant came to report.

Of course, it is impossible for him to come alone for the marriage event, and the patriarch of the fifth family also came.

That is, Fifth Renge's father.

Zhao Yan put down the tableware and chopsticks: "Put this away."

After he finished speaking, he went to the main hall to meet his cheap old man.

When he came to the main hall, Zhao Yan saw a middle-aged man in a black robe sitting on a chair sipping tea.

The surface of the fairy tea is shrouded in mist, and the floating mist sometimes turns into a dragon and phoenix and sometimes a crane and unicorn.

"Father, look for me." Zhao Yan said.

Seeing that I pretended to be your son and stole your daughter-in-law's face, I called my father willingly.

But being Zhao Yan's father didn't end well.

As we all know, he hit his father!

His father was still singing behind bars in prison.

Fifth Wei was stunned. In the past, Fifth Renge had to bow first. Why is it so sloppy today, maybe it was because he was getting married and was too excited.

"Renge, your wedding is imminent, there are some things to explain to your father." Fifth Wei put down the teacup.

Zhao Yan respectfully said: "Dad, you say."

"The family has paid a great price for marrying the Kunpeng family this time. I heard that the third princess did not agree with the marriage, so the marriage life may not be satisfactory, but in any case, you must not offend her." Fifth Wei tone Seriously warned.

Just marry Yao and go home to make offerings.

Zhao Yan smiled slightly: "Father, you don't have to worry about it. I have met the third princess just now. Unlike the rumors, the third princess said that she was very satisfied with me after meeting me."

Can you be dissatisfied, I've reached my stomach in one step.

"Oh?" Fifth Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed again: "That's good, your grandfather and the others have all left Kunpengxing, the current Kunpengxing's strongest is Jinxian, and the Kunpeng family has the most Jinxian. The wife who has passed the door is also about to break through the Xuanxian, and only marrying them can make our family more stable."

The fifth family can become one of the most powerful clans in Kunpeng Star, because the ancestors gave birth to an immortal.

But there are some faults in the middle. Although there is an Immortal Venerable, there are not many Immortal Kings and Golden Immortals.

Therefore, the status of the fifth family is not so stable when the Immortal King and Immortal Venerable leave.

Therefore, it is necessary to marry the Kunpeng family.

"Father, where did grandfather and the others go and what did they do?" Zhao Yan asked curiously.

Fifth Wei pondered for a moment, and then sighed: "Forget it, you are going to get married, and you will also be the head of the family from now on. There are some things I should tell you."

Zhao Yan sat upright in an instant. He was really curious about what the strong men of Kunpengxing were doing.

Whenever there is an Immortal King in Kunpeng Star.

It was not his turn, Zhao Yan, to be so presumptuous.

"My son, do you know the extraterrestrial demons?" Fifth Wei asked slowly.

Zhao Yan nodded: "I heard one or two."

That's all too well known. Isn't the little white dragon just bewitched by the extraterritorial demons and caused the dragons to rebel against the sky.

And now there is a royal descendant of the Tianmo clan who was suppressed by him in King Yu Dingli.

When he exchanged with Liu Dai, he was caught in Huang Xiaotian, but he was suppressed in Yu Wangding and ignored.

Almost forgot about him.

Fifth Wei said: "The extraterritorial demons do not actually belong to any of the three thousand worlds. They call their world the demon world. They are the cancer of the heavens and the world. Create confusion."

"Because only the people are struggling, and the world is constantly plagued by disasters, negative emotions will be born. All the evil, anger, greed, resentment, and violence in the world are the excellent nutrients for the demons. They don't need to cultivate, they just need to constantly absorb negative emotions. be strong.”

"They are the source of infection. Wherever there are extraterrestrial demons, there will be chaos."

"Sage Kunpeng and the others went to war with the extraterrestrial demons?" Zhao Yan seemed to understand something.

Fifth Wei nodded: "Yes, the extraterritorial demons are the common enemy of all the worlds. Tens of thousands of years ago, the extraterritorial demons invaded the Jiuxiao Realm and started a war."

"So in order to resist the extraterritorial demons, the three worlds joined forces to build the Great Wall outside the territory to prevent the demons from entering, and agreed that each big world would take turns to guard the extraterritorial Great Wall. Now it's my turn, Kunpengxing."

"But there are 3,000 Immortal Emperors in the 3,000 Great World, can't they destroy the Demon Clan?" Zhao Yan asked in confusion.

After all, since the Demon Realm does not belong to one of the Three Thousand Realms, it means that the Heavenly Demons have no Immortal Emperor. If so, why can the Heavenly Demons still harm the heavens and the world?

Fifth Wei shook his head: "The birth of demons comes from all kinds of evil in the world, they will never be destroyed, they will continue to be born, unless the world is really clear, but it is impossible, so we can only stop them, there is no way Destroy them."

After speaking, he paused, and then subconsciously lowered his voice: "And according to your grandfather, there seems to be traces of the Immortal Emperor behind the Demon Clan."

Someone among the Three Thousand Immortal Emperors colluded with the Heavenly Demons?

"Thank you father for letting me know." Zhao Yan said.

Fifth Wei smiled: "Okay, these have nothing to do with you and me, you should prepare for the marriage."

The sky fell down and there was a child tall on top of it.

They don't even have the qualifications to bear it.

It's not something they should think about.

"Yes, father, that son is leaving." Zhao Yan got up and bowed slightly, then turned and left.

After returning to the room, Zhao Yan visited for the first time the emperor of the Tianmo clan suppressed by King Yu Dingzhong.

"Senior, let me go out, senior, I am willing to follow suit for senior, and I will never regret it!"

The demon prayed with emotion and sincerity.

"I ask you, since you are a descendant of the royal family of the Demon Clan, you must know a lot of secrets. There are Immortal Emperors in the Three Thousand Realms behind your Demon Clan?" Zhao Yan asked calmly, not because of the demons. There are any fluctuations in prayer, the devil is deceitful and changeable, and it is the most unbelievable creature in this world.

Tianmo replied: "Senior, you are looking down on me. There are thousands of children of the royal family of the Demon Race, and the youngest is just the inconspicuous one inside. How do you know this?"

"Then it's useless to say that you are useless, why am I keeping you?" Zhao Yan was murderous.

Tianmo hurriedly roared in panic: "It's useful, it's useful! I remembered that there are Immortal Emperors, Immortal Venerables, Immortal Kings behind the Tianmo Clan, but I don't know their identities, I really don't know this."

"What else? Don't want to say it? You are not honest." Zhao Yan's tone was not very friendly.

The demon begged bitterly: "I really don't know anything, I might be able to remember it if I think about it."

"Then think about it slowly, and I'll see you when you remember." Zhao Yan's consciousness exited Yu Wangding, anyway, this guy can't escape, so he is not in a hurry, he can always make him spit it out. of.

"Senior! Senior wait!"

The demon hurriedly roared in panic, but Zhao Yan had already ignored him.

After all, he is the one who has the initiative.

How could it be possible to follow the rhythm of the devil.


Three days later, the entire Kunpeng Island was lit up with lanterns.

There was a cheerful atmosphere everywhere.

Zhao Yan rode a unicorn with a red flower on his shoulders, walking at the front of the reception team, behind a gorgeous car, Yao sat in red makeup, the wind blew the corner of his hijab, revealing his delicate face.

"I saw it! I saw it! I saw the face of the third princess, it's a whole country and a city!"

"The three princesses and the fifth son are a match made in heaven!"

"Congratulations to the fifth son..."

The crowd of onlookers sent their blessings.

Zhao Yan smiled and waved to everyone.

With the status of Fifth Renge, it is not bad to compensate Yao for a wedding in an upright manner.

What followed was a rigid process.

In the evening, Zhao Yan pushed open the door of the new house.

Then she saw Yao in a red dress sitting on the edge of the bed, and the wide red robe could not hide her bumpy figure. Today, she was wearing a pair of red embroidered shoes for the first time, and her feet were like golden lotuses.

Zhao Yan lifted her hijab, and under the phoenix crown was a fair and delicate face, looking at Zhao Yan with shyness and joy: "Am I so good-looking?"

"Beautiful." Zhao Yan squatted down, stretched out his hand to take off her shoes, and then got down to business.

Although it has been done many times.

But it felt different for him tonight.

Yao's feet shrank away from him, and said in a coquettish voice, "Turn your face back, or else you'll always feel that someone else is doing something with me, and I feel disgusted in my heart."

"What the lady said is." Zhao Yan changed his face back to his own, then took off her shoes, and found that she was wearing a pair of red stockings, which was too exciting.

Yao raised the corner of her mouth: "Do you like it?"

This is something she specially prepared for Zhao Yan.

She's all red from the inside out tonight.

"Let me try the quality of these stockings."

Then there was the sound of the fabric being torn in the room, the red candle flickered, and the two figures overlapped...

[Author's digression]: Ask for a silver ticket! Ask for a silver ticket!