MTL - Ci Jinzhi-Chapter 86 report

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  Chapter 86 Reporting

   Shopkeeper Hu almost galloped to the printing shop, and then galloped back.

  No way, the guests are too big, the atmosphere is too tense, if you don't act fast, the bookstore will be in big trouble!

   "Boss, here comes the book."

   "For His Royal Highness King Qing, Mr. He, and—" Xin You looked at the boy in blue and paused.

  The boy in blue raised his chin: "My surname is Dai."

   "There is also Mr. Dai, each of them takes a copy."

   Shopkeeper Hu responded, and was about to approach King Qing when he was stopped by the guards around him.

   "Bring it here." King Qing said lazily.

  The guard who prevented shopkeeper Hu took the book, tore off the girdle to check it, and then offered it to King Qing with both hands.

  Girdles are only available for newly-launched books. Most of them are story books. Use a slightly harder paper strip to circle the book horizontally. Only when you tear it off can you see the contents of the book. This is mainly to prevent some people from rubbing their hands on the book, otherwise books such as storybooks that have no repeated reading value will be read again, and who will pay for it.

  The movement of the guard pulling the girdle made Xin You couldn't help but look at He Qingxiao, and a guess arose in his heart: Could it be because of the existence of the girdle that Mr. He didn't read the stories in the storybook, and only read the travel notes?

  He Qingxiao silently took the book and put it in his arms.

  Daize looked through it directly, as if no one was there.

   "Hey, it turned out to be an evil ghost!" Seeing the suspense left in the previous book, Dai Ze slapped his thigh.

  Everyone in the study hall looked at him in unison.

  In this situation, there is actually someone who actually reads a book.

   "Isn't Lord Hou busy?" Seeing that He Qingxiao had no intention of leaving, King Qing asked with a smile.

   "Not busy today."

   "It seems that Beizhen Fusi is very relaxed under the leadership of Lord Hou."

   "Thank you His Highness King Qing for your compliment."

  King Qing stood up abruptly, with displeasure on his face: "Father has placed high hopes on Lord Hou by letting Lord Hou take charge of Beizhen Fusi. Lord Hou should not disappoint Emperor Father."

  He Qingxiao still had a gentle look on his face: "Thank you for your reminder, Your Highness King Qing."

   "Cousin, let's go." King Qing flicked his sleeves, strode towards the door for a few steps, stood still, and looked back at Xin You, "I don't know what your boss calls you yet?"

   "The surname of a civilian woman is Kou."

   "This bookstore is not bad, maybe I will disturb Miss Kou often in the future."

  Xin You raised her lips and smiled: "His Royal Highness can come here often, and the small shop is full of splendor."

   King Qing took a deep look at the smiling girl, strode to the door, but found that Dai Ze didn't follow.


   Dai Ze, who was buried in his book, raised his head in a daze.

   King Qing's mouth twitched: "Are you going to stay?"

   "Ah, no." Daize quickly stood up, stuffed the book into his arms and ran over.

  The two walked out of the bookstore, King Qing turned his head and asked, "What is the origin of Miss Kou?"

   This stopped Dai Ze from asking: "I rarely come here, I don't know."

  It's too close to the Imperial College, bad luck!

   Dai Ze didn't dare to neglect the prince's cousin, he glanced at someone he knew.

   "Meng Fei—" Dai Ze waved a phoenix-eyed boy among the several boys rushing this way.

  Meng Fei saw that it was Dai Ze who frowned slightly, and then saw Prince Qing beside Dai Ze, secretly said bad luck, and had no choice but to walk over.

  The other three people who came out with him were also the sons of officials. Some of them had met King Qing, and some of them had no chance to meet. Those who recognized King Qing dared not turn a blind eye.

   "I have met His Highness King Qing." Meng Fei saluted King Qing in a respectful manner.

  The other three followed closely and saluted.

   King Qing's eyes only fell on Meng Fei: "Xiao Wang remembers that you are the grandson of Meng Jijiu."

   These words made Daize roll his eyes silently.

   This is why he doesn't like Meng Fei. The biggest leader of the Imperial College that he hated so much was Meng Fei's grandfather!

  At first, he avoided Meng Fei when he saw him, but it was not until he heard that Meng Fei was often beaten by Meng Jijiu because of his ignorance, that he took a liking to this boy.

   "Meng Fei, have you been to Qingsong Bookstore?"

   Meng Fei looked at Daize: "I've been there, what's the matter?"

  Qingsong Bookstore is so close to Guozijian, no one will believe that they have never been there.

   "Today, my cousin and I went there, and found that the owner of Qingsong Bookstore is actually a girl. What is the origin of this girl, to open such a big bookstore at such a young age?"

  As soon as these words came out, the two classmates who were walking with Meng Fei couldn't help looking at one of them.

  Duan Yunlang's expression was stiff, and he was momentarily stunned.

  Why did King Qing pay attention to his cousin?

   Not good, could it be because of the beauty of my cousin and want to rob the girl?

   Meng Fei coughed, drawing everyone's attention.

"I do know something about this. The owner of Qingsong Bookstore is Kou, the niece of Duan Shaoqing in Taipusi, because she lost her parents and lives in her grandfather's house. It is said that Miss Kou's grandfather opened a bookstore when she was alive. Miss Kou grew up and wanted to Inheriting the behest of my grandfather, I bought Qingsong Bookstore..."

  The reason why Xin You opened the bookstore was spread by the Shaoqing Mansion, otherwise the orphan girl who went to her grandfather's house moved out, and the Shaoqing Mansion couldn't afford to lose this person.

   "It turns out that Miss Kou is also from a noble family." Dai Ze looked at King Qing with surprise on his face.

  If the family background is not bad, if the cousin likes it, he can be accepted into the palace.

  The cousins ​​often come and go, King Qing didn't understand what his cousin was thinking, so he immediately gave him a warning look, and said indifferently: "Since my cousin has met a friend, you can chat."

  Meng Fei twitched the corner of his mouth patiently.

  He had nothing to talk to Dazzle about.

  Daize obviously thought the same way: "I just want to say a few words, cousin, let's go."

   On the way back, Dai Ze laughed and said, "Cousin, go to the bookstore and ask me to come with you."

  King Qing glanced at him: "Don't think about what you have."

   "Cousin isn't interested in Miss Kou?" Dai Ze was stunned, "Didn't you say that Miss Kou looks familiar?"

  When he met a beautiful young lady and wanted to chat, he often said similar things.

   "Think I'm you, and you'll get upset when you see a well-born girl? Don't you see that the relationship between that Kou girl and Changlehou is unusual?"

   Dai Ze curled his lips: "What is Changlehou, he is not worthy to carry shoes for cousin! If cousin is interested, how dare he compete with cousin?"

  King Qing was too lazy to talk nonsense with his flirtatious cousin: "Hurry up and go back."

   And after seeing King Qing and the others, Duan Yunlang panicked: "You guys go first, I'll go to the bookstore and have a few words with my cousin."

   The three of Meng Fei understood the feelings of their classmates very well.

"go Go."

  Duan Yunlang rushed into the bookstore: "Cousin, it's not good—"

  The following words came to an abrupt end after seeing He Qingxiao.

  Xin You walked over: "Cousin, what happened?"

Duan Yunlang looked at He Qingxiao, lowered his voice, and said, "When my classmates and I went shopping, we met King Qing and Dai Ze from Guchangbo's mansion. They kept asking about your situation. Cousin, I think they're trying to trick you! "

  He Qingxiao looked over silently.

  Although the voice is small, he can hear it.

  (end of this chapter)