MTL - Ci Jinzhi-Chapter 81 Su Su

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  Chapter 81 Su Su

  Only Xin You and Zhou Mu are left in the east room.

  Xin You caressed the warm teacup, waiting patiently for Mother Zhou to speak.

  Mother Zhou stared at the girl in front of her.

  Obviously about the same age as her daughter, but so calm and calm. In the future, without the protection of her as a mother, can Yue'er be as good as Miss Kou?

  Thinking of this question, Zhou's mother's heart seemed to be stabbed, and it hurt sharply.

   After an unknown amount of time, Mother Zhou's weak voice sounded: "My surname is Miao, and my name is Susu."

  She didn't directly say the reason for the dispute with her husband. Instead, she mentioned her own name, and then looked at Xinyou expectantly.

  Xin You somehow understood Mother Zhou's, no, Miao Susu's expectation, and said with a smile, "Auntie's name is really nice."

  Miao Susu smiled: "Yes, the name sounds really nice. Have Miss Kou heard the rumors about being the queen?"

  Xin You's heart tightened, and she shook her head: "I haven't heard of it."

Miao Susu smiled wryly: "That's right, it's been so many years, people gradually no one dares to talk about it, you children naturally don't hear much of it. The empress of the dynasty was named Xin, and the name 'Susu' was given to me by Empress Xin. of."

  Xin You was shocked: "Auntie's name was given by the queen?"

   Miao Susu nodded, lost in memory.

"That was twenty years ago. I was still a little maid. People in the palace were panicked, fearing that the chaos would invade the capital. That day still came. When the palace gate was about to be broken, the emperor ordered the harem to be killed. The empresses in brocade clothes fell to the ground one by one, court ladies like me fled everywhere, and people were hacked and killed at any time, those who knew and those who didn’t..."

As the narration continued, Miao Susu's face became paler and paler: "When I was about to be overtaken, I saw a group of soldiers and horses, and there were female soldiers inside, and I survived like this. I only found out later that the soldiers who attacked the imperial city One of the horses is Empress Xin's soldier..."

Miao Susu smiled: "That's when I realized that women can do this too. Not long after the establishment of the new dynasty, Empress Xin asked the new emperor to let us out of the palace and reward us Money to live and live. When I was about to leave the palace, I somehow had the courage to beg Empress Xin to give me a name. I thought, I’m going to leave the palace and start a new life, so I should have a new name.”

   Speaking of this, she slightly opened her eyes wide, as if the woman like a goddess was still in front of her eyes.

"Empress Xin looked at me and said, I'm so busy. If Qing Chuandan is like this, I'll call you Susu. I left the palace because the new dynasty promulgated many policies that are tolerant to women. Although I don't have parents, I can do it by myself." I had a good life. Later, after people agreed, I married Zhou Tong..."

   When Miao Susu talked about her marriage with Zhou Tong, Xin You listened silently.

"At the beginning of the year, Zhou Tong stayed in the capital as an errand. He wrote a letter and asked me to bring Yue'er to Beijing for a reunion. I am so happy to be back in the capital. Unexpectedly, Yue'er broke her leg on the way to Beijing. Calling Tian Tian Ying, I met an enthusiastic person. I always thought she looked familiar, but when I continued on my way, I suddenly thought that this enthusiastic person looked like Empress Xin. When I met Zhou Tong, I told him..."

Regret and anger piled up on Miao Susu's pale face: "I've been thinking about whether that enthusiastic person is Queen Xin, and I've asked Zhou Tong many times, until one time when he came back from drinking, I urged him to ask Shangfeng when he was chatting before going to bed. , he suddenly lost his temper, saying that Empress Xin is dead, let me stop asking endless questions, ahem—"

Miao Susu coughed a few times, and her eyes were red: "He said that the Queen Xin who had always hated leaving without saying goodbye, thought that Queen Xin had hurt the dignity of the emperor, so when she got news about Queen Xin, she sent someone to investigate and confirm her identity. Then kill him on the spot..."

  Xin You clenched her fists hard and said calmly, "Since Zhou Tong has no other choice, why are you and your wife arguing again?"

   "Because I found out that I seemed to be cheated by him."

   "Tricked?" Xin You was startled.

Miao Susu's eyes became even more angry: "I accidentally found a stack of banknotes and a letter in the study room. The letter affirmed the information he provided. Although I didn't say it clearly, I knew it must be about Empress Xin. I have doubts. If it is true as he said, he just reported the situation to the higher authorities, and everything later was the meaning of the higher authorities. Why should he pay him so much money for a small hundred households? Although I am just an ordinary woman, But I also know that this is unreasonable…”

  When Xin You heard this, a person suddenly flashed in his mind.

  The man is often dressed in red, reading quietly in front of the bookshelf at dusk.

   Could it be that Zhou Tong reported the news of his mother to someone else?

  Why did He Qingxiao go to Wanyang at that time?

   Did she hate the wrong person?

Miao Susu coughed twice again, with a miserable smile on the corner of her mouth: "Because of the money and the letter, I couldn't help but confront him. I asked him if he was lying all the time, and didn't take Empress Xin's information at all. The news was reported, but it was sold to someone who wanted to harm Empress Xin. He became angry and strangled my neck frantically. When I realized it, the dagger had already pierced his abdomen. After that, Miss Kou knew about it."

  Xin You trembled slightly, and asked, "Then did he say, who did he pass the news on to?"

  The room was quiet for a long time, Miao Susu asked: "Why is Miss Kou so interested in this?"

  Xin You stared at her calmly: "Auntie regretted the death of Empress Xin, and the original loving couple ended up like this. Don't you want the real mastermind behind the scenes to get retribution?"

   Miao Susu bit her lips: "I naturally think so. I just don't understand why Miss Kou is like this. Is Miss Kou really just curious? have an unknown relationship with Empress Xin?"

  Xin You was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "I do have some relationship with Empress Xin, but I can't say it."

Miao Susu stared at Xin You, and smiled with difficulty: "Miss Kou said that, but I feel relieved. When Zhou Tong attacked me, he said that Empress Xin was stupid and gave up the queen's position. There are many people who want her to die. He sold the news to Uncle Gu Chang for a large sum of money, not for the sake of our mother and daughter's food and clothing in the future..."

  She remembered, and just hearing this, she exploded with astonishing strength in desperation and stabbed the disgusting man to death.

   "Uncle Guchang—" Xin You muttered these three words.

  Miao Susu answered: "He is Concubine Shu's elder brother, and the uncle of Second Prince Qingwang."

  The previous career as a court lady made her subconsciously pay attention to these big figures that ordinary people would not pay attention to when encountering various things.

   "Miss Kou, I want to ask you one thing."

   "Auntie, tell me."

   "I'm afraid my body can't hold it anymore. Yue'er is not as smart and strong as Miss Kou. She has no father and will soon have no mother. I want to ask Miss Kou to take care of her in the future."

  (end of this chapter)