MTL - Ci Jinzhi-Chapter 152 Who are you

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  With a loud bang, the door was smashed open.

  Xin You couldn't see the outside scene where Xinyou was hiding, so he could only infer from the sound that many people walked in.

  Those people rushed to the main room first, walked through the east and west rooms plus the main room with lanterns, and then came to the wing room.

   A familiar voice sounded: "It should not be here, let's go."

  Xin You's eyes flickered.

  It's Mr. He.

  Xin You was inexplicably relieved when he found out that He Qingxiao was leading the team.

   Every time I confronted him, it was not smooth, I got used to it.

  Hearing the footsteps fading away, Xin You breathed a sigh of relief, her clenched palms were wet with sweat.

  The courtyard door was smashed open, and Xin You had no plans to sleep peacefully. Enduring the hunger and cold, she waited patiently for an hour, walked out of her hiding place, and walked out with light steps.

  The door was wide open, and there was no need to climb over the wall. Xin You gathered her cloak and walked into the endless night.

  As for the gate of the courtyard, in order to prevent someone who is interested in discovering the clues, keep it as it is, and send someone to lock it in the daytime.

  It was already late at night, the noise brought by Jin Linwei earlier had dissipated, and the surroundings were silent.

   Xin You didn't take two steps and suddenly felt something was wrong. The hand holding the dagger stretched out from the cloak and stabbed the person who was approaching.

  After a short fight, a low voice rang in my ear: "It's me."

  Xin You paused and looked at the person who was very close.

  In the darkness, she couldn't see the man's face clearly, but her voice was all too familiar.

   "Master He?"

"follow me."

  The cold wrist was immediately held by a big hand, and Xin You soon discovered that the place He Qingxiao took her to was the private house she had just walked out of.

  The sound of closing the door sounded, and Xin You put one hand on the wrist he had held, watched him put the latch on the door without saying a word, and walked towards her.

  The night is too dark, even if he is close at hand, his face is still blurred.

  Xin You's eyelashes trembled, and she said softly, "Master He, come in and talk."

   Without waiting for the other party to answer, she walked into the house, fumbled and lit the lamp based on her familiarity with the furnishings in the house.

  The light instantly filled the small room, and the man's eyebrows and eyes finally became clear.

  He was wearing a black narrow-sleeved jacket with dark red stripes, which was crisp and chilly.

  Xin You was wearing an ink-colored cloak, with her white face hidden in the hood, very confused.

  Not to mention that it was pitch black outside just now, even with stars and moonlight, she shouldn't be instantly recognizable with this outfit.

   And He Qingxiao looked at the girl who was completely hidden in the black cloak, and her heart was settled.

  The moment she appeared, he was sure it was her, and when he saw her face clearly at this moment, he had a sense of reality.

  Xin You pulled down the hood and spoke first: "Is Mr. He following me?"

  She knew in her heart that it was likely that she was unlucky and happened to bump into it. She asked this question to confirm this guess.

   Sure enough, He Qingxiao shook his head slightly: "Miss Kou misunderstood, tonight is business."

   As he spoke, his clear eyes fixed his gaze.

  Xin You had an inexplicable feeling that the secret had been seen through, so she couldn't help but clenched her fists tightly, and asked doubts in her heart: "How did Mr. He know it was me?"

  After asking this question, there was a moment of silence.

  There was a howling wind outside, and He Qingxiao said, "When I came in for inspection, I saw the vanity mirror in this room, and I suddenly felt that this might be where Miss Kou stayed."

   Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and said calmly: "It's an intuition."

Maybe it was the day when he noticed Miss Kou's empty earlobes, or maybe it was the "boy" who was aggressively trying to kill him earlier, when he saw the unfurnished dressing table in the simply furnished room, Suddenly there is this guess.

  Because of this guess, he didn't let his men continue the search, nor did he leave.

   As it turns out, his hunch was right.

   "Intuition?" Xin You murmured and repeated these two words, feeling very complicated.

  He had already noticed that she was approaching Guchangbo's mansion, and when he saw her dressed up tonight, he might be even more suspicious.

  The day of action was really not chosen well.

  Xin You sighed in her heart and didn't want to speak for a while.

  Next, I'm afraid it's hard to escape his cross-examination.

   "Where did Miss Kou go so late?"

  Xin You pursed her lips, and asked lightly: "Is this also within the scope of Mr. He's official investigation?"

  He Qingxiao was silent again.

   This time he was silent for a long time, so long that Xin You's legs were numb from standing, and even wrapped in a cloak, he couldn't resist the cold and penetrated into his bones.

  Finally, the man's deep voice sounded: "I wasn't here."

  Xin You's heart skipped a beat, with an ominous premonition.

   What does he mean by this?

  When he was vigilant, He Qingxiao took a step forward.

  Xin You took half a step back and confirmed that something was wrong with Mr. He he saw tonight.

  She moved her lips, thinking it was too late to say anything, why not say it tomorrow.

  The bookstore is a place she is familiar with and feels at ease, it doesn't seem to be passive everywhere in this smokeless room.

  She didn't doubt his character, but felt dangerous intuitively.

  She had a hunch that what the other party said next would make it difficult for her to cope.

  What did he find? know what?

  Under the dim light, the girl's eyes were cold and bright, and He Qingxiao could clearly see the resistance in her eyes.

  But this time, he can no longer pretend that he doesn't know anything.

  Some words, he must ask out.

   "Miss Kou."

  A man's voice sounded, I don't know if it was because of the different occasions or what, it sounded a little strange.

  Xin You calmed down, and said calmly: "Master He, please speak."

  She hasn't seen any scary scenes before, and she's afraid of him?

  A trace of bitterness grew in his heart.

   What she was afraid of was not him, but that the superficial peace was broken, and they became completely opposites.

   Sure enough, a heartbeat is the most irrational and inappropriate thing for her.

   "Miss Kou." He Qingxiao called out again.

  Xin You lowered her eyes, and her voice became weaker: "I'm listening."

  After a brief silence, He Qingxiao still asked: "Who are you?"

Who are you?

  A short question, like a bucket of ice water being poured on her head, made Xinyou freeze in place.

  Her heart sank straight down to the bottom of the deep cold pool.

  Does He Qingxiao know her identity?

   This was Xinyou's first reaction.

  No, she is clearly Kou Qingqing in people's eyes, even the people in the Shaoqing Mansion have never suspected that Kou Qingqing has changed, how does He Qingxiao know?

  Is he cheating on her?

  Xin You bit the tip of her tongue and forced herself to calm down.

   "Why does Mr. He ask such a strange question?"


  Xin You smiled, and the expression that was numb due to the cold under the pressure became lively: "Isn't it strange? It's not the first day Mr. He knows me. I'm the owner of Qingsong Bookstore and the cousin girl of Shaoqing Mansion, Kou Qingqing."

  He Qingxiao looked at the smiling girl and shook her head.

  Xin You's thoughts changed sharply, and a little puzzled expression appeared on her face.

  He Qingxiao stretched out his hand and landed on her cheek, and let it go without touching the frosty skin.

   "You are not Kou Qingqing."

  Xin You heard him whisper.