MTL - Ci Jinzhi-Chapter 127 seek hexagram

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  Daize snatched the rein from the servant, got on the horse, and galloped away.

  The two young men didn't care to communicate, and hurriedly chased after them.

  The streets of the capital are never short of people coming and going, and when I saw a young man galloping towards him, the pedestrians were so frightened that they hurried to avoid it.

   "Who is riding the horse?" A patrolling official shouted at the people and horses running past, but took a mouthful of smoke and dust.

  The companion on the side stopped him: "Forget it, look at it, you may be from which family, don't ask for trouble."

  Dai Ze actually didn't think about it so much, but his mind was full of Xin You's words, and he couldn't wait to rush to Qingsong Bookstore.

   "Be careful!" The exclamation sounded.

  A little boy stood in the middle of the road, watching the rushing horse and forgot to react.

  Da Ze subconsciously tugged on the rein, but the horse's speed didn't slow down much. Fortunately, a figure rushed out and took the boy away in a matter of seconds.

  Amidst the screams, the galloping horse did not stop, but went forward.

  The little boy came back to his senses and burst into tears.

   Soon Xiaotong's mother rushed over, hugged Xiaotong and thanked He Qingxiao repeatedly.

   "Sister-in-law takes good care of the child." He Qingxiao said softly.

  The woman thanked her a thousand times and left with her baby in her arms.

  He Qingxiao frowned and looked in the direction where Dai Ze was leaving.

   "My lord, are you alright?" the subordinate asked.

   "The one who just passed by was Gu Changbo's son?" He Qingxiao's voice was low, and he didn't know whether to tell himself or confirm with his subordinates.

  The two Jinlin guards looked at each other, one hesitated to say it was, and the other didn't see clearly at all.

  That direction—Although the Qingsong Bookstore is there, it doesn't mean that the destination of Guchang Bo Shizi is there. He Qingxiao hesitated slightly, but decided to take a look.

   Guchangbo Mansion is not far from Qingsong Bookstore, Dai Ze arrived not long after, got off his horse and ran in.

  Suddenly a person rushed in, Liu Zhou and Shitou blocked him one step faster than their brains, and shopkeeper Hu subconsciously raised his abacus.

  Daize was stunned: "What are you doing?"

  He is just a little faster, why do you want to beat him violently? Is this how you should treat your customers?

  Treasurer Hu silently put down his abacus, Shi Shi quietly retreated to the side, and Liu Zhou had a smile on his face: "When I saw Mr. Dai, the villain didn't dare to be negligent at all. I didn't expect Shito to rush to meet the villain with Mr. Dai."

  The three people in the bookstore unanimously slandered: From the way you rushed in, you thought you were coming to rob, can you not be nervous?

   I had no choice but to accept a box of gold ingots.

   "Where's your boss?" Dai Ze didn't have the heart to talk about other things, his eyes searched around.

   "Our boss has returned to the backyard." Liu Zhou said respectfully.

   "Let your boss—no, please come here, just tell me that I have something to look for." Dai Ze thought of Xin You's prophecy, and spoke politely in front of Shopkeeper Hu and others.

  Liu Zhou and Shopkeeper Hu secretly exchanged shocked eyes.

  Is the owner a divine man who does not know the prophet? He even knew that Mr. Dai would come again today.

   Shopkeeper Hu returned to his senses first, and told Shitou: "Go and tell the owner that Mr. Dai is here."

   Stone answered, and trotted to the back.

  Dai Ze sat on the chair by the counter again, looking at the door leading to the back frequently, wishing to see Xin You immediately.

  The two servants finally came after them panting.

  Dai Ze was used to the two servants staying close to each other when he usually went out, so he didn't say anything.

  One of the servants endured it, but still mustered up the courage to remind: "My lord, do you want to wipe your face?"

  Daize froze for a moment, his expression changed drastically.

   Oops, bird poo is still on my face!

   "What are you still doing in a daze, wipe it clean for me!"

  Running all the way like this, only traces of air-dried bird feces remained. Shopkeeper Hu and Liu Zhou looked at Dai Ze's face after listening to the boy's words, but didn't see what it was.

  The boy wiped it with a handkerchief, and then wiped it again.

  Liu Zhou couldn't stand it any longer, and coughed: "Why don't the villains fetch a basin of water?"

   Waiting for Liu Zhou to bring a basin of water, Dai Ze wiped his face and cleaned his hands, just as Xin You also arrived.

   "Master Dai."

  Daize pushed away the boy who was blocking his view, and stood up abruptly.

   "Miss Kou!"

  His excited reaction was due to the fact that he rode away suddenly on horseback just now, and the two servants were mentally prepared, but the shopkeeper Hu and Liu Zhou were terrified.

  At first I thought someone was coming to rob, but I saw that Mr. Dai was relieved, but now it seems that it is too early to reassure. Could it be that Mr. Dai is here to rob?

  This guess made the old shopkeeper quietly touch the abacus again.

  As soon as Xin You saw Dai Ze's reaction, she understood what was going on, and calmly said: "Young Master Dai, go into the reception room and talk."

   Since she was a child, unless she never went out, whenever she met a lot of people, she would always "see" a few people who were going to be unlucky, but in most cases, she pretended not to see them. For example, today's matter of Dai Ze, if it wasn't for making him believe that she can read faces, she wouldn't mention a word.

   It's not that she is indifferent, but that if this ability is abused, she is afraid that she will pay the price in places she doesn't know.

  Perhaps, the price has already been paid.

  Xin You felt sad when she thought of her mother's death.

  How ironic, obviously she can see the unlucky things that will happen to a person in advance, but that time because she went out for too long, she didn't see anything.

  Xin You didn't dare to let herself be immersed in this regretful emotion, it would make her lose the courage to persevere.

  Facing the son of the enemy who was almost certain to have killed his mother and the others, she poured tea lightly and brought it to him.

   "Mr. Dai first drink a cup of tea to moisten his throat."

  Daize grabbed the teacup and gulped it down.

  The reason why he is so heroic is that on the one hand, he is really thirsty, and on the other hand, he is still subconsciously obedient under the impact of Xin You's words.

   "Master Dai is here again, is there something wrong?"

   "Miss Kou—" Dai Ze stretched out his hand to grab Xin You's wrist.

  Xin You silently withdrew her hand and looked at him calmly.

  Dai Ze took a chance and raised his hand stiffly to grab his hair, but his eyes were firmly glued to Xin You's face: "Miss Kou, what you said really happened!"

   "Mr. Dai refers to birds—"

   "Yes, yes, yes, I just got home, and as soon as I looked up, my bird—" Dai Ze suddenly realized that this matter was too embarrassing and disgusting, so he hurriedly shut up.

  Xin You raised her eyebrows.

   It seems to be a little bit different from what she "sees".

  In the picture she saw, the bird pulled **** on Dai Ze's head, and he kicked a little maid in anger.

   Judging from Dazzle's words, he raised his head. Well, look up...

  Xin You almost couldn't control the corners of her raised lips, and hurriedly took a sip of tea to cover it up.

   "Anyway, Miss Kou is right..." Dai Ze's eyes were burning, "Miss Kou, you really know how to read faces!"

   "Yes." Xin You said lightly.

   "You are stronger than Daoist Qingfeng!"

   "Master Qingfeng?"

   "Daoist Master Qingfeng is the master of Qingfeng Temple, and it is hard to ask him for a fortune..." Dai Ze was eloquent.

  Xin You's expression became more and more strange: "Mr. Dai said that there are so many, do you want me to set up a stall to make money?"

Dai Ze realized that he was off topic, and coughed lightly: "No, I want to ask Ms. Kou to show me why I am so unlucky recently. I was chased by wild boars for no reason before, and I got twenty big boards. I spent a lot of money to ask Taoist Master Qingfeng to give me a divination. Taoist Master Qingfeng said that I committed the Tai Sui this year, and he said a lot in the cloud, and Miss Kou didn't talk about the specific bad luck today..."

  Xin You listened silently, twitching the corners of her lips.

  If you want her to say it, it doesn't matter, this dandy's bad luck is clearly done by herself.

  Until now, I still feel that I was chased by a wild boar for no reason. If the wild boar who died tragically knew about it, he would definitely work hard to take revenge by reincarnating as a human being.

   "Miss Kou?"


   Dai Zebaba looked over: "So can you show me why I'm so unlucky during this time?"

   Because of death.

  Xin You answered silently in her heart, but her face showed a solemn look, staring intently at the person opposite.

  Dai Ze's heart trembled: "Miss Kou, tell me, I can hold on."

  The early bird gets the worm, and the update time will be at 6:10.