MTL - Ci Jinzhi-Chapter 125 volunteers take the bait

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  Chapter 125 The Wisher Takes the Bait

   For several days in a row, He Qingxiao did not come to Qingsong Bookstore again, so that Liu Zhou felt a little uncomfortable.

   "Shopkeeper, why don't you think Mr. He didn't come?"

   "Who knows." Shopkeeper Hu stroked his beard calmly.

   "Shopkeeper, why aren't you curious?"

   Shopkeeper Hu shook his head: "Not curious."

  Liu Zhou picked up a rag and wiped the counter.

   Forget it, there is no common language with the shopkeeper.

   "Is Miss Kou there?" A boy's voice came from the door of the bookstore.

   Shopkeeper Hu and Liu Zhou looked at each other and couldn't help but meet each other's eyes.

   Trouble is coming, this is Mr. Dai who came to forcefully buy the unreleased part of "Painted Skin" that day with King Qing.

  Dai Ze, the eldest son of Uncle Guchang, Shopkeeper Hu and Liu Zhou were all deeply impressed. Shi Shi even quietly moved to the door leading to the backyard from the study hall, ready to report to Xinyou at any time.

   Dai Ze walked in front, followed by two servants, looked around the study hall, and then his eyes fell on Shopkeeper Hu: "Where's your boss?"

   Shopkeeper Hu hurriedly stood up, bowed his waist slightly and replied: "Our boss is not here, what books do you want to buy, my lord?"

   Shopkeeper Hu took a coincidence when he said this. Xin You didn't go out in the East Courtyard today, and only looked at the purpose of Mr. Dai and then acted accordingly.

   "Not here? Then when will she come back?" Daize sat down on the chair by the counter unceremoniously and asked with a frown.

  He finally healed the injury on his buttocks, and he was able to come to find Miss Kou, but she wasn't here?

   Shopkeeper Hu smiled more politely: "Is there something you want to do with our master?"

   When the boss will come back, doesn't it depend on what you want to do?

   "Of course there is something to do." Dai Ze glanced at the shopkeeper Hu with a haughty look on his face, "Why, I have something to report to you? Send someone to find your boss."

   Shopkeeper Hu knew that this was something he couldn't afford to offend, so he said, "Your Majesty, please move to the reception room."

   "No need, I'll just wait here." Dai Ze looked at shopkeeper Hu with a displeased expression, "You can just call me son, otherwise it will be too eye-catching for people who come in to buy books."

   Shopkeeper Hu shook his beard.

  Who claimed to be the real son just now?

  Besides, Liu Zhou pouted quietly, thinking that you really don’t have to be so low-key, after all, the whole capital knows that you were locked up by Jin Linwei at the gate of your house, and many people even saw your ass.

   "Then just wait a moment." Shopkeeper Hu gave Shitou a wink, "Go and find the owner, don't make Mr. Dai wait too long."

  Shitou nodded, instead of going through the back door, he ran out of the bookstore.

   Shopkeeper Hu was very pleased with Shi Shi's ingenuity.

  Xin You was writing the book at the exciting point, because Shi Shi’s report was interrupted. Originally, this kind of interruption was the most annoying, but when he heard that it was Dai Ze, the eldest son of Guchang Bo, he was in a good mood.

  She has been waiting for Dai Ze, the eldest son of Gu Chang Bo, for a long time.

  This kind of dandy who caused a catastrophe came back out of the arena, how could he not resist her, who was a participant in the accident at that time.

  Xin You no longer goes out these days. On the one hand, she has to write a book, and on the other hand, she waits for the fish to take the bait. If there is anything beyond expectation, it is that this son's **** healed too slowly.

  Xin You cleaned her hands, changed her clothes again, went from the east courtyard to the street, and then walked into the bookstore.

   "Master—" Seeing Xin You come in, shopkeeper Hu and Liu Zhou greeted in unison.

  Daize looked towards the door of the bookstore, and the anxiety of waiting for others was replaced by excitement.

   "Mr. Dai." Xin You walked up to her and blessed her body.

  Daize stood up, with a warm smile on his face: "Miss Kou, I brought you a present."

   "Gift?" Xin You was taken aback.

   Shopkeeper Hu and Liu Zhou exchanged glances silently.

  As expected of Mr. Dai, the little piggie who relieved drowning, he even gave gifts to people with the posture of smashing the bookstore.

   Dai Ze hooked his lips and smiled: "Yes, I wanted to come a long time ago, but it has been inconvenient."

   "Young Master Dai is polite."

   "I'm not being polite. If Ms. Kou hadn't been there that day, I would have been in big trouble. I really appreciate Ms. Kou, and Ms. Kou don't refuse." Dai Ze glanced at the servant who came with him.

  The two servants immediately put the box they were carrying on the counter.

  The two boxes were not very big, and as the boy opened the lid, the contents inside were revealed: gold ingots were neatly arranged in one box, and pearls were piled up in the other box.

   Shopkeeper Hu was still calm after seeing the strong wind and waves, but Liu Zhou couldn't help but gasped.

  Gold ingots, gold!

   This son of Guchangbo is really a big deal.

  Looking at Dai Ze again, the boy even felt that he was much more handsome than before.

  Dai Ze waited expectantly for Xin You's reaction, but saw that the other party's expression didn't change much.

   "Miss Kou doesn't like it?"

  Xin You smiled: "Mr. Dai was joking, who wouldn't like gold, silver and jewelry. But this thank you gift is too expensive, I can't accept it."

   Shopkeeper Hu nodded secretly.

  The owner is doing the right thing. The property of the son of Gu Changbo cannot be accepted, otherwise who knows what troubles will be caused.

  Although Liu Zhou felt that it was a pity, he also had the same idea as shopkeeper Hu.

   Dai Ze frowned: "If you like it, you can accept it. Miss Kou won't accept it, is it because you look down on me?"

   "How dare you look down on Mr. Dai. It's just that Mr. Dai gave such an expensive gift, can the elders in the family know?"

  Dai Ze suddenly blushed: "These are all my pocket money, and I can control them. Ms. Kou treats me as a child, and I have to report every little thing to my elders?"

  Xin You blinked: "Mr. Dai misunderstood. It's just that I have little experience and have never received such an expensive gift. If I don't ask clearly, if Mr. Dai's family comes to the door in the future, I will lose face."

   Dai Ze became even more angry: "It's impossible for such a thing to happen, Miss Kou thinks I'm someone!"

  Give a gift to a girl, if the family still comes to ask for it, will he still have face?

   "That's good." Xin You nodded at Shopkeeper Hu, "Shopkeeper, take it."

   "Accept, accept?" Shopkeeper Hu asked uncertainly.

  So many pearls and gold ingots, is it really okay?

   "Well, take it."

  Once Xin You affirmed it, Shopkeeper Hu quickly covered the box.

  Daize smiled: "That's right."

  Miss Kou is really not a coy person, and she has lived up to his value.

   "Cough, Miss Kou, take a step to speak."

  Xin You led Dai Ze into the reception room, leaving two young servants at the door of the reception room, as well as the old shopkeeper and the waiter at the counter guarding the box with a dazed and vigilant expression.

  Poured a cup of tea and handed it to Dai Ze, Xin You asked politely, "What does Mr. Dai want to tell me?"

   Dai Ze leaned forward, and asked the doubts he had been holding back in his heart these days: "Miss Kou, how did you save that little girl at that time?"

  Xin You said calmly: "There was nothing at the time, it was an instinctive reaction."

   "No, no, no." Dai Ze shook his head again and again, "I don't think it's a coincidence."

   Xin You couldn't help raising his eyebrows at these words: "Why did Mr. Dai say that?"

  (end of this chapter)