MTL - Ci Jinzhi-Chapter 115 witnessed

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  Guzi's answer caused He Qingxiao's eyes to change, but his tone was still gentle: "Speak slowly."

  He Qingxiao's peace soothed the little beggar's violent ups and downs.

"Brother Ergou is not very bright here, and he sleeps at the base of the wall at night." Gu Zi pointed to his head, "That night, Grandpa suddenly trembled all over. I was frightened and ran to Brother Ergou for help. I didn't expect to see a The person walked to the bottom of the wall and stopped at Brother Ergou..."

The memory made the little beggar frightened: "I was very curious, so I hid quietly, and saw that man covered Ergouge's mouth and nose with something, and dragged Ergouge away after a while... I, I was so scared, so scared..."

   The little beggar, tormented by guilt and fear, cried.

  After that night, he thought about it many times. If he had had the courage to yell at that time, Brother Ergou might have woken up in time and would not have been dragged away.

  But he didn't dare at the time, he was afraid that he and his grandfather would be in danger if he didn't wake up Brother Ergou.

  The little beggar dared not raise his head, for fear of seeing the contemptuous expression of the other party.

  Not only did he not dare to shout at the time, but he also dared not tell others afterwards, let alone report it to the authorities.

  A big hand landed on the shoulder, and patted lightly: "Guzi, did you see the murderer? Can you tell me about it?"

   Guzi suddenly diverted his attention, and said without recalling: "The man is tall, wearing a long gown, and he doesn't look young anymore, but because the light is not very good, his face is not very clear..."

  In the past few days, he couldn't help recalling repeatedly. Not only did he not forget the appearance of that person, but it became clearer and clearer.

   "If you saw that person again, would you recognize him?"

   "Yes!" Gu Zi blurted out.

  Although the face was a bit blurred due to the light, he was sure that he would be able to recognize it as long as he saw it again.

  He Qingxiao asked the last question: "What clothes did Ergou wear at that time?"

   "Brother Ergou?" When asked about the person he sees every day, Guzi thought hard before answering, "It's the same as usual, because it's too dirty and tattered to see what color it is."

  He Qingxiao took Guzi back to the bridge hole.

  The beggar who ran to buy pastries came back and was devouring his food. When he saw the two of them coming over, his mouth was swollen and he almost choked.

   Gu Zi couldn't help swallowing.

  He Qingxiao ordered his subordinates to take good care of Guzi's grandparents, and went to Qingsong Bookstore alone.

  In the reception room connected to the study hall, He Qingxiao found that besides the tea set, there were two more boxes of candied nuts.

   "Master He, is there any progress in the case?" Xin You pushed the food box containing nuts in the direction of He Qingxiao.

  He Qingxiao hesitated between eating a few pine nuts for Miss Kou's face and talking about the business, but decided to talk about the business first.

   "A witness has been found."

  Xin You's eyes lit up: "What did the witnesses say?"

  In the past two days, rumors that the shopkeeper of the opposite bookstore was arrested and sent to prison gradually spread. Xinyou was not surprised by Yaxin Bookstore's behavior of spreading rumors. Shopping malls are like battlefields, some people open and close with dignity, and some people are dirty and unscrupulous.

   But for the real murderer, she didn't hear that the wind is rain, and she believed that it was the person from the bookstore opposite.

He Qingxiao relayed Guzi's words and took a sip of tea: "The witness said that Ergou was wearing normal clothes at the time, and when Ergou's body was found outside the gate of the Imperial College, the reason why he was identified as a student of the Imperial College was because of his body. Wearing a long gown that students often wear. That is to say, the murderer took away the sleeping Ergou that night, specially bathed him and changed his clothes."

   "The murderer's purpose for doing this—" Xin You picked up a pine nut to play with, and her brain was spinning rapidly, "Is it to make people think that the scholar was gouged out by the evil spirit, and Qingsong Bookstore was involved?"

   "This possibility is relatively high. So Ms. Kou think about it carefully, who has Qingsong Bookstore offended?"

   "Recently, the business of Qingsong Bookstore is booming, and there must be a lot of people who are jealous. If you want to say that the most affected one is undoubtedly the opposite Yaxin Bookstore."

"The murderer seen by the witnesses is taller, which doesn't match the shopkeeper of Yaxin Bookstore. If Ms. Kou can't think of someone special, I'll call together the people from Yaxin Bookstore first, so that the witnesses can identify them one by one. "

  He Qingxiao was talking, when Liu Zhou's voice came from outside the door: "Boss, the boss of Yaxin Bookstore wants to see you."

  Xin You raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and said to He Qingxiao: "Sir, Master He, I'll go out and have a look."

  In the study hall, a handsome young man was looking towards the door of the reception room, while shopkeeper Hu silently rolled his eyes.

   Seeing Xin You come out, the young man smiled: "Miss Kou, my surname is Wu, and I am the owner of Yaxin Bookstore. Today I am here to make an apology to Miss Kou."

  Xin You stared fixedly at the young man, but her mind was completely seized by the terrifying picture that appeared in front of her eyes.

  Beside a well in a yard, a young man was lying on the ground. A man stabbed a knife into his heart, stirring crazily.

  Blood splashed out and splashed on the man's face. The man was chanting, his eyes were scarlet.

Since childhood, Xinyou has seen countless scenes. Most of the people who appeared in the pictures just encountered a little bad luck, or fell, or touched, which can be compared with the **** and terrifying scene in front of them. Not many.

   Shopkeeper Hu saw that Xin You was in a daze, and hurriedly reminded: "Master—"

   This kid is much uglier than Mr. He, why does the boss give him so many eyes!

  Xin You calmed down, and what appeared in front of her was no longer a person lying on the ground like a salted fish, but a young man with a polite smile on his face and a bit of self-satisfaction in his eyes.

   "Wu Dong's house."

  The young man cupped his hands: "I just learned that the shopkeeper of our bookstore did such a thing. I am really ashamed. I hope Miss Kou can forgive me."

   As he spoke, he took out a small box from his sleeve and handed it over: "This is my apology, please accept it, Miss Kou."

  Xin You reached out to take it, stuffed it into Shopkeeper Hu's hand, and smiled at the young man: "I accept it, I forgive you."

  The young man was prepared for the other party to sternly reject him or even scold him angrily, but he was suddenly confused by Xin You's actions, so he subconsciously went to see shopkeeper Hu.

  The old shopkeeper was even more confused.

   forgive me?

   "I'm still entertaining friends, so it's not good to keep them waiting. If there is anything else to do at Wu Dong's house, please tell our shopkeeper."

   "It's okay, Miss Kou just doesn't care about it." The young man left in a daze.

   "Boss, you—" Shopkeeper Hu held up the small box.

   "The shopkeeper put it away first, I still have something to talk to Mr. He." Xin You didn't care to talk to shopkeeper Hu, and immediately walked into the reception room.

  He Qingxiao paused when he touched the pine nuts.

  Xin You walked over quickly and sat down opposite.

   "Master He, I just met the owner of Yaxin Bookstore, and I suddenly thought of someone!"