MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 96 Flame three

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A surging magma river flows through it.

The rock wall is tightly clamped to the river channel, and the lava river with a hundred miles wide is roasting and the rock wall is red. The rock walls on both sides have been tempered into red red glazed state by the high temperature of many years of magma.

Hard, smooth, and the power of the common can not be hurt.

Beside the long river channel, there is suddenly a gorge with a width of more than 100 feet.

A small and sleek, petite stone mountain with a height of hundreds of feet, the base is a hundred feet, and the right end is right in the middle of the mouth. On the stone mountain, three quaint bells and meditations are faintly visible, which is the word 'Shi Dan Dang'.

Because of the existence of Shi Dangdang, the left and right sides of Shishan, there are only two gaps that are several feet wide.

The high-temperature magma whizzed into the mouth of the gorge, but it became quiet and gentle before the stone dared to be a rocky mountain.

No trace of magma can cross the stone, and an invisible force field envelopes the entire gorge. There is a drop of red and transparent in the magma river. The crystal-like juice oozes out of the magma and turns into a clear. The high-temperature river that flows through the bottom flows into the mouth of the gorge.

These transparent saps, which were extracted from the magma by Shi Ding, were named as 'magma stone milk' by the elders of the Yan family.

High temperature, hot, but pure in nature, without the impurities and toxins mixed in the magma.

The magma stone milk flows with the high temperature along the channel behind the mouth of the gorge. The path is more than ten miles, and it comes to a flat land with a radius of more than ten miles.

In the roughly triangular flat land, the soil is reddish red, and a small crystal of lumps can be seen in the soil.

A lava stone, and a variety of strange weird grasses are planted here intensively. Occasionally hot winds blow from the direction of the magma river. Thousands of lava grass sway with the wind, and a drop of 'dew beads' flashes. Charming light.

At the end of the flat, a rock wall is towering with large chunks of red crystals. These crystals absorb the violent heat flow in the air and constantly release a striking red light.

The red light shines on this small flat land, and the grass grown on the flat ground is also the grass of the fire attribute, and the color is also red.

This piece of flat land is like a flame hell, red, every inch of land exudes anxious heat.

Lulu gasped from the magma stone river, and the high-temperature burned his dark red scales all turned red, and the scales almost became translucent.

The enormous heat infiltrated into the body from outside the body, nourishing his internal organs and suffocating his hunger.

Standing on the river beach, I jumped a few times, shook the lava stone attached to my body, and Lulu stroked the dry belly. His stomach made a '咕噜噜' sound, and the hunger that had just been suppressed went off. Come up.

Then, the unbearable hunger was filled like wildfire, and the eyes were burnt.

He looked back at the magma stone river, his ninety-nine subordinates, ninety-nine fire crocodile people more than two meters tall are lazily soaking in the hot river, one by one gently sent out Is it a happy or painful snoring.

The fire crocodile is a kind of crocodile. It is naturally close to the flame, thick and thick, and has strong resistance and absorption to the flame.

Ordinary fire crocodile people can enter the magma for a short time, from which to collect a variety of rare precious stones and ores.

This kind of temperature is not high in magma, and it contains magma stone milk with more pure flame energy. Lulu and his buddies can soak in it for a long time.

Soaking the magma stone, it can quench the scales, make the scales on the body more rigid; more able to grow strength, now the Lulu and his men, just go out and easily deal with seven or eight families Fire crocodile warrior.

Of course, soaking magma is not just for growth, but more importantly, to quell the unbearable hunger.

"Eat meat!" Lulu sullenly face, put on a piece of nails made of simple iron pieces, striding to the debris storage caves carved out of the rock wall at the end of the flat.

The sense of hunger made Lulu become extraordinarily violent, and he ran much faster than usual.

He strode into the storage cave and flew a dry animal bag. The mouth of the animal skin was loosened, and a piece of meat that had already dried up and had no difference with firewood suddenly fell.

Half a foot long, the piece of meat of the child's wrist is thick.

Lulu pressed his belly with one hand and glanced at the huge storage cave.

No, empty, clean, this is the last dried meat in the entire cave storage cave.

Lulu sweared a thick mouth, opened his mouth and swallowed the meat. The hunger in the belly temporarily subsided, but it was like the soup boiling, the hungry flame immediately became higher... Lulu hands covered his belly and gloomy face out of the cave.

Subconsciously, Lulu’s horrible crocodile head looked to the other side of the flat.

There was a bunch of faint red light swaying underneath, a small tree with a height of three meters, one was born pure, although not very beautiful, but the temperament is very clean, clean as clear as the blue crystal infiltrated with water. The girl is standing under the tree.

"I want to take a sip." Lulu bit his teeth, and the corners of his mouth continued to drop.

The **** sword city... The violent madmen of the group of inflammatory families, they always forget to give supplies to the Yuan point. I have forgotten it again and again, forgetting again and again...

Although the fire crocodile can eat a full meal for a month, but when was the last time to give it back, when?

What happened half a year ago?

The fresh meat that was sent that time has turned into dried meat... There should be a batch of supplies sent three months ago, but the group of **** in the sword city, they forgot...

"Hungry... It seems to get rid of her thighs." The stunned green scorpion swayed around, and the dangerous thoughts in his mind came out.

However, he is a little hesitant.

As the vassal tribe of the Yan family, the fire crocodile is much higher than the slaves, but they are also objects that can be slaughtered at will compared with the direct family of the Yan family.

The group of fighting madmen of the Yan family, who dared to provoke their status and majesty, the consequences are terrible.

This girl seems to have a place in Yan.

At least five months ago, four months ago, when she came to this Yuan point, she was actually escorted by the elders of the two flaming families.

"Hungry... or, discuss with her, lick her arm?" Lulu was so hungry that he was black, and he looked at the grass planted on the flat, and the saliva dripped.

Yuancao can also eat, and eating Yuancao is hungry than eating meat.

But there are countless Yuancao here, and how many roots of each kind of grass are recorded in detail. If you lose one less, you will have to slap one hundred lashes; if you lose ten, you will be violently pumping a thousand lashes; if more than ten yuan grasses don’t know where to go, Lulu will die.

The hands were afraid of the dry belly, and the guys who were soaked in the magma in the distance blew a whistle.

A dozen of the same hungry dizzy fire crocodile warriors crawled out slowly, and they were too lazy to wear the cumbersome armor, one by one to the side of the Lulu.

A dozen fire crocodiles sneaked at the girl standing under the tree, and at the same time sneaky and unclear laughed a few times, then Sharon shook his head: "We are obedient... Hungry, go outside and get a few mice..."

A group of fire crocodile nodded a little, and pulled his hands, swaying his tail, shaking his head and following him to the road crossing not far away.

This meta-hole is very secretive, and the outside is an enchanted array of extremely complicated pits and caves.

There won't be outsiders coming in, only those cute little rodents will come out in one fell swoop. Hungry, there is no way, these fat little mice are also a meal...

"Since being transferred to the station here, we don't seem to have eaten enough." Lulu whispered as he walked. "The next time there is an elder of the Yan family, I must tell them, let others come. Ok... I really don’t want to..."

Wu Tie took the main battle team and walked quietly in the road.

There was a hot wind blowing in front of it, and the scum that had just grown on the wrought iron head was grilled and burnt. The thick hair of the iron dwarves and gray dwarf warriors around him began to roll up, one by one like a poodle. Wolverine.

There is a red glow in front, and the majestic heat rolls in the air.

The heat in the air is too violent, and the invisible field of Wu Tie has been stirred up. He can only sense the movement of his body ten meters a week, and the invisible force field will be released outwards, and it will be chaotic by the heat.

The more inward, the invisible force field is even more oppressed by the heat wave.

The group did not say anything, just clenched the weapon and kept moving forward.

Suddenly, in front of a red heat wave, more than a dozen angry crocodile people suddenly turned out from the corner of the ramp.

Wu Tie and his party were stunned, and Lu and his party were also stunned.

Wu Tie hasn't thought about anything yet. Lulu has already flew over and shouted loudly toward Wu Ting: "Meat? Is there meat coming from? Asshole, you are at least three months late...three months!"

The hungry darkness of Lulu completely ignored the other people behind Wu Tie. He stood in front of the Wu Tie and opened his mouth and slobted his mouth toward the witch iron: "Meat? Meat? Well? Is there meat?"

A stone giant standing behind Wu Tie’s body lifted the sledgehammer without a word, and the huge hammer smashed the air like a giant steam forging hammer. On the head.

A loud bang, Lulu’s eyes almost squirted out of the eyelids, and two blood arrows spewed out of his ears. He stared at Wu Tie and muttered: "Ah, you are not an inflammatory family... ”

The two iron dwarves around Wu Tie also shot at the same time.

The huge battle axe in their hands made two cold light, and the sly slashed on the body of Lulu.

The axe whispered, and Lulu’s body squirted two high-temperature blood arrows. He was kicked backwards by heavy snipers. His chest was broken with two deep blood marks. But looking closely, his chest was just bleeding and the wound was not as deep as he thought.

The red-red scales on his body are more than one inch thick, and the toughness of the scales is beyond the imagination of the two iron dwarves.

The vigorous slashing of the two iron dwarves actually caused a little bit of injury to the Lulu.

Lulu landed heavily, then he shook his head, and pressed his raised eyeballs down to press the eyeball back into the eyelids. He stood up and stood up - no one could tell, his body was shaking, whether it was because of injury or because he was hungry.

The stone giant behind Wu Tie snorted with amazement.

Between the haste, just after he hammered him, he did not use much effort, but the talent of the stone giant was placed there, and the hammer in his hand was also two or three thousand pounds.

This hammer goes down, even if it is a giant limestone lizard, the head must be broken.

Lulu seems to have only a little shock in his mind?

He actually did not suffer too much damage?

"A hard head..." The stone giant looked at Lulu with a blank look: "I killed the crocodile, a hammer... your head, how is it so strong?"

Lulu’s squinting eyes and two blood lines hanging down the corners of his eyes.

He stared at Wu Tie's eyes, and then screamed and screamed: "The enemy...the enemy...the living enemy...the meat!"

The terrible appetite turned into a raging flame from the scorpion's miserable green scorpion. He screamed at the witch iron for a while, then turned around with a dozen guys behind him and strode to the Yuan. .

While running, Lulu yelled: "Come, brothers, there are so many meats coming to the door! Kill them..."

While running, Lulu said: "Hurry, grab two yuan grass to eat in, eat enough, and do them!"

Lulu is not stupid, at least among the fire crocodile people, he can be regarded as an old tycoon, witty and extraordinary.

He took the guys back to the Yuan point and threw himself into the nearest Yuancao planting field. He grabbed a lava grass and stuffed it into his mouth. As soon as the gorge was swollen, the heat was raging in the body, and the dry stomach immediately swelled and the force returned to him.

In the invasion of foreign enemies, no matter how much Yuanlu and his buddies are ruining, they must be counted on the enemy!

As long as they can defeat the enemy, what are the losses of these grasses... they have nothing to do...

It’s not only a matter of skill, but also a good complement for the guys. Is this a cost-effective thing?

Who told you to send meat for three months late?

Lulu was arrogantly licking, while swallowing Yuancao in a big mouth.

Under the small tree, the Yan girl was also alarmed. She turned sharply and her hands trembled. The two odd-shaped scimitars slipped out of her sleeves and were held tightly by her.

"What happened? How can there be enemies here? Lulu? What are you doing?"

The girl slammed back two steps, subconsciously glanced at the little tree behind her, and the red-red fruit of three fists on the small tree.

The fruit is like a flame, and there is a large fire rising around it.

In addition to the peel, there are three twisted golden lines of fire that are looming.

The flames are three robbers, this is the highest-grade meta-energy plant in the Yuan family of the Yan family. The girls are waiting for them for so many days.

“Is it from the flames?” The girl’s face became gloomy: “How do outsiders know the exact location of this element?”

"Someone, colluding with foreign enemies..." The girl bit her lip, the original rosy lips bursting white.