MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 86 Big fire

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Shijiazu Land, Black Rock City.

This is an irregular cave with more than three hundred miles and a width of more than two hundred miles. The twelve rounds of high-altitude domes provide a huge amount of light and heat.

A huge black boulder rises up and forms a giant stone formation.

At the heart of the stone array, a black castle stands like a monster.

Here is the fundamental place of Shijia. The most important people of Shijia are living in this black stone city. There are countless instructions concerning the fate of Shijia. From here, they are transferred to a mine pit controlled by Shijia, a farm. There are battlefields and many small families attached to the stone family.

In a large hall in the middle of Blackstone City, the circular sunken venue was in the middle, and the rounded stone flying hands gently patted the belly, and stood helplessly on the round table at the bottom of the venue.

Next to him, he still stood Shile, and more than twenty young and powerful stone family members.

On the rising stone steps, there are more than a dozen old people with unclear breath sitting on the top of the stone carving, overlooking Shi Fei and others.

On the highest stone level, on a row of stone chairs, two old-fashioned dragon bells, skinny and skinny, the skin is full of large pieces of old age spots, and the old man whose hair is almost completely shed is sitting there with his waist.

Already like this, the two old men’s scorpions seem to have two groups of wildfires burning in their eyes, staring at Shi Fei and his line.

The flesh of Shifei’s white flowers and flowers rolled gently. He looked at the elders of these families with grievances. He stretched his voice like a crying mourning: "Elders, not Shiji, I don't act... I There is no way to take the sixth child."

Two lines of tears '唰' came out, and Shi Fei cried with a crying voice: "In his hand, he can hold half of the soldiers of our stone family... and all of them are elite, he-mother-all, all It is the strongest elite of our stone family!"

Spreading his hands, Shi Fei screamed: "In Dashicheng, my people, he was washed by blood.... The death and injury are heavy, the death and injury are heavy... I am so easy to train a group of talented people, he was killed. How many dozens..."

"I really didn't think that he could get mad and get rid of the elders of Shi Jie." Shi Fei looked at an elder, tears were '哗啦啦': "I didn't expect that he would Do this..."

"Although the elders of Shijie are not respectful, they are greedy for money, lustful, shameless, and forgotten. They are also a group of confidant lambs who are sheltering themselves. They are arrogant and arrogant in the clan. But the elders of Shi Jie are elders after all..."

Shi Fei cried and said: "I didn't even think that Shi Meng was so mad and mad, and gave the sarcophagus to kill the animal."

"Enough!" Among the two old people sitting at the top of the venue, the old man, whose teeth were almost lost, snorted and snorted.

Shi Fei hurriedly closed his mouth. He raised his sleeves and wiped his tears hard.

His face was round and the surface area was very large, so the amount of tears on his face was also very large. His sleeves were quickly wetted by a large chunk of tears. It looked really good and sad.

"Who gave Shi Meng such a big courage, let him make such a big rebellious thing?" The old man who just screamed out loudly asked.

Shile and others standing on the round table at the bottom of the venue did not say anything.

Shifei smashed his eyes for a while and said dryly: "Of course... you elders, you... you used to be so petty, and he took care of him... Hey, good things are stuffed in his hands...哎He turned his face... Anyway, our brothers can't take him."

There was silence in the venue.

Sitting on the stone steps, the old stone parents face each other and exchange their eyes, occasionally with a low whisper.

Shi Fei put on a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water and looked at the elders with his eyes open.

These are the elders...

How many of them are the same as Shijie?

For the longevity of the promise of the longevity, they are not even concerned with the fundamental interests of the family.

Shijia’s site, they can sell; the wealth of Shijia, they can be sold; the people of Shijia, they can sell...

But these things are all from Shi Fei.

It’s not just that these things are Shi Fei’s in the future, but now, these young and strong, represented by Shi Fei, have mastered the daily power of the Shi family. These sites, wealth and people are already their vested. interest.

If the elders support their days, then Shifei will be happy to act as a dutiful son.

The elders want to sell for the sake of their longevity, and they have already belonged to Shifei’s interests... Then, it’s no wonder that Shifei’s hands are ruthless.

The cultivation and strength of the elders are precious, and they are also part of the family's interests.

Therefore, Shijie is a chicken.

The elders are a group of monkeys.

The stone smashed a chicken to the monkeys, and now the monkeys began to scream...

Shi Fei smashed his eyelids for a while, and suddenly he hysterically mourned: "The elders of Shi Jie died so badly... There are no bones... and his immediate descendants... Hey, my brothers and sisters... ...they are all hanged on the gates by the old six!"

"More than a month, more than a month... I want to find a fairness for Elder Shijie, but... but..." Shifei looked at a group of elders with sorrow and screamed: "Not Shi Er Incompetent, it is really, the elders have too much power for Shi Meng."

With five fingers extended, Shi Fei complained: "The elite warriors under his name account for half of the family... In fact, the people who listen to him are more than half..."

"I said, enough." Another one sitting at the highest point, the oldest stone parents screamed coldly: "Shi Meng is so arrogant, must be severely punished ... Shi Fei, can you do it?"

Shi Feiqi took a look at his head for a while, then he raised his head with a bachelor and shook his head.

"Elders, honestly, I want people to look for Shi Meng, I can't do it." Shi Fei sighed: "Whether it's a command or a fight alone, I'm not the opponent of the sixth team... He I can play with my hands and roll."

Shi Fei spread his hands: "I also ask the elders to pick the soldiers to deal with the sixth.... What I can do is to make sure that everything is heavy... This is the only thing I can do."

On the stone steps, the old faces of a group of stone parents looked a lot better.

If Shi Feishun climbs the pole and wants to take over the command of Shi Meng, they still have to wonder if Shi Fei is planning any conspiracy.

However, Shi Fei did not want to command power, and told them frankly that he was not an opponent of Shi Meng, so Shi Fei was still reliable.

"Well!" The two oldest elders nodded with satisfaction.

"Stone hammer!" One of the elders shouted with a low voice.

At the highest point of the venue, in the shadow corner behind a pillar, an iron dwarf stepped out. This iron dwarf has the unique physical characteristics of the dwarf, and the body is like a piece of iron.

But his height is almost one meter eight!

This height... There is no doubt that this guy has activated some special blood and has unusual blood abilities.

"Stone hammer, you bring people, go to Dashicheng, cooperate with Yanjia... Take Shi Meng." The old elders handed a black iron token to the stone hammer: "Take your people, Shi Fei will cooperate with you... I want to see the living stone fierce, I want to know, where is the great courage he came from... How dare he dare to kill Shijie!"

The stone hammer snorted and sighed, and took the token in one hand.

Shi Fei is screaming: "Inflammation? This is what I have in Shijia, and what is the relationship with Yanjia?"

A group of elders smiled low.

The elder who just took out the token said slowly: "Oh? Have you received the news yet? Also...but the news will soon be sent back... Before we called you, the Yan family had already started. ”

The elders, with a hint of pleasure, smiled briskly: "At this time, Dashicheng may already be a sea of ​​fire? Oh, with a little strength, Shi Meng is only a later generation, he wants to fight us... Hehe. ”

Another elder said slowly: "Shijia, still have to listen to the opinions of the elderly... Mao has not yet grown up, and wants to turn the sky... that will have to wait for us to die."

Shi Fei quickly blinked his eyes, his hands banged his belly with a rhythm.

The two elders looked at each other with a smile, a slow, lazy smile: "We Shijia, we must also give the Yan family an attitude to see ... Shijia and Yanjia, is the brothers of so many years!"

‘嘭’, a weird jet of sound rang through the venue. The volume is very loud, just like a copper bell is as loud and harsh as a human ring.

Shifei raised his rounded big face and shyly smiled at the stunned elders: "Hey, these days, the stomach is not very good... I always like it, put this gas... Hey, elders, understanding, understanding ...... We are juniors, worrying about family affairs every day, eating and drinking are not good, this stomach is very guilty... We are not easy!"


The sorghum is piercing, and the alarm bell that almost straightens through the brain bursts.

The watchtower of Dashicheng has a sharp whistle from the lizard sentinel: "The flames are golden ants, the flames are golden ants... at least three thousand... no, five thousand... no, ten thousand..."

A whistle made of fern branches sounded everywhere in Dashicheng.

Two stone gates opened in front of and after the big stone city. The cattle and wolf warriors of the brigade team waved their whip and screamed and screamed, driving the slaves living in the shack outside the city to flock to the city.

Wu Tie had already arrived at the wall for the first time. He looked at the distant fire and rushed over quickly, and could not help but widen his eyes.

Flames devour gold ants, a terrible creature.

They like high temperatures, generally excavating nests in areas close to magma, and powerful individuals in the flames of gold ants can even bathe directly in the magma without any damage.

These guys feed on a variety of metal ores, so the hard shell of the body is like a hundred steel, which is equivalent to wearing a solid metal armor.

They are infinitely powerful. As long as they are adult flames, they will have thousands of pounds of brute force. The ordinary soldiers are not their opponents at all.

Moreover, they radiate high temperatures throughout the body. When soldiers and they are killed, they are plagued by high temperatures. The general combat power is directly weakened by at least 30%, and as long as they fight for a while, there is a danger of dehydration and fainting.

Some of these variants are more capable of vomiting flames, or jetting thorns of various metals, which are extremely lethal.

The most terrible thing is that these guys are social groups. When they are on the rise, what kind of walls are jokes. In the face of their sharp and powerful mouthparts, even the walls of metal casts will be taken away as snacks.

The lizard sentinel is still screaming out the numbers of the flames that they see.

At first they only saw three or five thousand flames of gold ants, and then they saw that the number of flames of gold ants had exceeded 10,000. But not long after, they were already screaming and unable to speak.

A piece of piece of fire came from the ground, without these lizards, the sentinel noisy, Wu Tie has seen at least three or five thousand of the flames of gold ants rushed over.

Among the large agricultural land outside Dashicheng, many crops are almost ripe.

These high-temperature flames scream through the golden ants, and the crops in the neat fields are baked and dried, and then burned.

A black smoke column rose in the distant field, and the flames rolled up, and the heat wave rushed toward the square.

The fire is getting more and more, the black smoke column is getting more and more, the fire is shining, the heat wave hits people.

Wu Tie suddenly felt that breathing was a little difficult.

After all, it is a cave surrounded by rock formations. It is a hundred miles long and wide, and there are dozens of miles of grottoes in the grotto. The oxygen in the air is rapidly consumed, and the iron and iron skin is red, and the sweat is flowing down.

On the rock wall of the grottoes, there are dozens of large and small ramps in the mouth of the hurricane.

The hot and cold air convected rapidly, and a storm of urgency was set in the grotto. The wind sent fresh oxygen, but it made the fire soar.

Outside the city, some of the slaves of Dashicheng lived in the shack next to the field.

They heard the sound of the alarm bells coming from Dashicheng. They immediately dragged their families and fled to Dashicheng.

But with the fire, the heat wave rises, then the wind whistle, the horrible flames and heat waves spread rapidly, and the thin rock gnomes screamed, but the blink of an eye was flooded by the fire.

"Damn bastard!" Wu Tie slammed on the wall.

There are dozens of miles away from the city walls, and Wu Tie wants to rescue them. He could only watch the fire raging, watching the large group of rocky gnomes swallowed up by the fire.

Outside the city, the cattle and wolf warriors of the brigade screamed hysterically, snarling with horror that could not be concealed.

"Fast, fast into the city... don't want to die, just rush into the city!"

The sky flared all the way and rushed over to Dashicheng. Through the fire, Wu Tie saw the overwhelming ant tide, and there was a team of hundreds of people wearing a full armor.