MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 72 Bone Devil

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"It is possible that the joint search team of Shijia and Lujia has not been close to this door, and the whole army has been wiped out."

Wu iron step by step to the front of the black bones.

He looked back at the distance, the stone home and the Lu family master lying on the ground.

Can not stand the erosion of the "Boneless Devil", the evil spirits in the scriptures eroded the soul, the whole body began to cultivate this evil spirits, from the living with flesh and blood to the bones of the skeleton.

"I can resist it, there is no problem in the door." Wu Tie's confident hands pressed on the black bone door.

The heart is full of enthusiasm, full of expectations.

With both arms pushing hard, the whole body bones mutated again, and the self-cultivation was the breakthrough to the peak of the Yuanxiao pottery. The simple physical strength is likely to have reached more than 200,000 jin.

The power to shake a small hill is blasting, and the bones are not moving.

Wu Tie stayed in bed, subconsciously took back his hands and looked at the palm of his hand. He looked at the black bone door again and frowned, only to carefully look at the portal embedded in the rock wall.

The integrated black bone gate is entirely embedded in the rock wall, as if it is completely integrated with the surrounding rock wall.

"This door..."

A cold air that passed through the bone marrow continued to spurt out from the bone door. After the smoldering atmosphere of the witch iron touched the door, it turned into a fine grain of ice and bounced back.

The sound of the **** of 淅淅索索 is clearly audible, and the temperature of this bone door is surprisingly low.

"I don't believe it." Wu Tie sighed. He put out the starting form of King Kong Volt Boxing. Hao Ran was infused with the whole body. The body was filled with arms, and his double fists were faint, and there was a touch in Jin Guangzhong. Silky and powerful white air emerged.

‘Ha, Ha, Ha’, three consecutive punches on the black bone door.

There is a singular singer in the mind of Wu Tie. He opened his mouth and spewed a faint golden light in his mouth. It seems that there is a small lotus petal in the golden light. Heavy punches hit the bone door, and the black light lines on the surface of the bone door suddenly surged, and a heavy black light continued to emerge.

The effort between the fingers, a black skull with a face filled with the entire fan door, the radiant scorpion opened his mouth and silently snarled toward the witch iron. A huge anti-seismic force struck, and Wu Ting snorted and slammed back.

A thin layer of black borneol quickly covered his arms along Wu Ting's fist and spread it toward him.

Hao Ran was shocked, and the fists of King Kong Volt Boxing rushed and beaten, and the black borneol collapsed and fell. Witch iron and heavy on the ground, every step in the mine road stepped on a three-inch deep footprint, and involuntarily pulled back hundreds of meters.

It’s easy to stabilize the figure, shaking a little bit of a numb fist, and Wu Tie looked at the black bone door.

After a moment of indulging, Wu Tie shook open and cracked the white tiger. He shouted and leaned forward, running forward at full speed. The white tiger cracked out a three-foot cold mang, and brought a slight but powerful shouting sound of the tiger, straight to the black bone door.

The faster the Wutie is running, the more the tiger's howling of the white tiger cracks.

Wu Tie’s heart was full of courage, and he strode forward in front of the black bone door. The white tiger cracked his hand and stabbed it.

There are countless tiny spots on the surface of the white tiger's crack.

A terrible suffocating moment emerged from the white tiger's crack, and the cold awning flashed. The huge black **** on the bone door slammed openly, and a loud bang smashed the black condensed hoe.

The white tiger split and shattered the black light, and a shot into the black bone portal.

The two-foot-long guns all fell into the bone door, just as the steel knife cut the tofu as easily.

Witch iron holds the white tiger's crack in both hands and squats from top to bottom. As soon as I heard the sharp tearing sound, the black bone door was torn apart by a little bit of white tiger cracking, and gradually opened a crack with a length of two meters.

A lot of cold air spewed out from the black bone door, and a strange whistling sound continued to spread from the crack.

Wu Tie bites his teeth, regardless of the disregard, stretches out his left index finger, injects the first phalanx into the body, and then rushes to the black bone door.

There are countless twisted light lines on the black bone door, and the strange lines like a whirlpool are spinning rapidly. It is like a black hole. With a terrible attraction, it seems that the soul of the human being is taken out of the flesh and completely sealed into this strangeness. In the portal.

Wu Tie’s left index finger violently swayed, and a dark, radiant glow emerged from the sky.

This is the first time that Wu Tie's fingers are integrated into the broken bone. He activates the finger in the first real sense. For the first time, he actively uses this phalan to attack something.

Before this, it was always after Wu Tie was in danger that his finger spontaneously ruptured and spontaneously defeated his opponent.

The index finger was on the black bone door.

A muffled sound, a large black light smash, and a black iron door blasted a recess of the size of the human head.

The broken black bone door was blown up into countless thin bone powders, and only the visible light of the witch iron was continuously ejected, and was sucked in by his phalanx.

The familiar heat rushed out of the phalanx. This time, Wu Tie's ability to withstand is much stronger.

He stood still in the same place, the Yuanxiao infiltrated the whole body bones, the bones oscillated, and the sound of the sound of the sound of the bones, the bones and the essence of the bones absorbed by the bones, and the heat that could not be accommodated, they returned to the flesh and blood of Wu Tie. in.

Hao Ran is too busy to be open.

A small piece of broken bone door fragment of this size is more than a hundred times more than the black skeleton with two meters higher than the two. Hao Ran was constantly driving out these chilly impurities, and Wu Tie’s body quickly covered a thin layer of black borneol.

The chill of the forest spread to the surrounding area, and the Wu Tie’s body was hot and hot, and sweat on his forehead continued to flow.

The black borneol on his body continued for a moment, and eventually evaporated by the high temperature emitted by his body.

Wu Tie's eyes are brilliant, he looks at this huge bone door, and the eagerly **** white tiger cracks against it is a mess, and completely shatters the layer of flashing black light on the portal.

This bone door is also a good good baby. Why did you encounter the weapon that Yang Hao used to carry, the difference in quality between the two sides is too great.

Even if the white tiger crack is held by Wu Xing, a small rookie who builds the ground, the lethality is too great.

Some self-defense bans inside the bone door were completely torn by the white tiger's crack, and it became a clean and clean lamb, which can only be eaten by the witch iron.

The index finger of the left hand is constantly poked on the bone door. The sound of the '嘭嘭' burst is endless, and the black bone door is cracked, and the essence of the bone door is constantly absorbed by the witch iron.

A little bit past the time, Wu Tie is immersed in the constant strength of the body.

When he removed the entire bone door and absorbed it, his body became hot again, and a huge amount of heat oozes out of the bones, and the body is full of power, almost to the point of explosion.

Building foundation, one thousand and eighty-one styles are slowly unfolding.

Wu Tie began the cultivation of one hundred and twenty styles after the foundation.

With the thousand and eighty-one styles of the boxing ring open, the golden light group of the Wu Tie eyebrows violently fluctuated, and the golden light continued to fall, and quickly merged into the body of Wu Tie.

Wu Tie's spiritual strength is integrated into the whole body. He closes his eyes and can faintly 'see' the situation in his body.

‘Inside view’!

The foundation of the first thousand and eighty is the tempering body, which strengthens the blood and the scorpion, so that the body can reach the perfect state.

The next hundred and twenty styles are to let the practitioners thoroughly "know" and "feel" their powerful body, every muscle, every bone, every nerve, every blood vessel...

What they look like and how they work.

How do they relate to the Lantern Festival and how they absorb external metaphors.

Big to the internal organs, the spinal cord of the brain, as small as a hair, a hair...

The golden light of the soul power is turned into light rain slowly into the whole body, and Wu Tie has a thrill of flying and scenting.

Switching to ordinary people, practicing the last hundred and twenty styles, but also relying on blood to feed the brain, slowly nourish a trace of free spiritual power gradually integrated into the body. So this is an extremely long water mill.

But Wu Tie activated the blood talent.

His soul power has condensed out, and the spiritual power of the external power of soul power has been quite strong.

He does not need to temporarily condense the spiritual strength. As long as the mental power gradually merges with the whole body and slowly washes his body over and over again, he can smoothly complete the latter one hundred and twenty styles.

Under the traction of the foundation, the blood, the Lantern Festival and the external elements can be rushed.

The golden light rain washes the whole body, and the whole body energy feeds back the golden light group of the eyebrows.

Because of the knowledge transfer of the old iron, most of the golden light groups began to expand slowly, and a trace of golden streamer gradually grew, and it was cheerfully integrated into the golden light group.

The range that Wu Tie invisible places can cover has also begun to expand to a little bit around.

Where the invisible place passes, the dust on the ground, the stones, the ore falling on the ground, etc. all float silently, suspended at a height of several meters from the ground, and then slowly rotate around the witch iron.

Wu Tie devours the entire black bone door, immersed in the cultivation when I don't know the world. At the top of the crypt mine, a cliff suddenly and silently squirms, cracking a huge hole.

Shi Meng and Shi Fei brothers came out from the inside of the cave.

They looked at the huge, gray-gray-filled genie pit underneath, and their faces were a bit ugly, revealing a look of hope and fear.

Because Wu Tie swallowed the black bone door, the large group of icy chills mixed with fog and spurted out from the bone door, and the fog in the enchant pit was several times thicker than before. Obviously, it was seen that a thick and unusual fog from the bottom of the pit rolled up and drowned the entire pit a little.

"It seems that it is a lot more terrible than before." Shi Meng shuddered.

"Less, this magic can't stop me... You have a giant clan's inheritance secret treasure body, I can't help it." Shi Fei raised his foot hard, originally wanted a rocky butt, and he The big belly really made him difficult to lift his feet, only to smash a stoney calf.

Shi Meng nodded, and he turned and moved out of a cave that he had smashed into a huge red crest.

The three-legged and two-eared round tripod exudes a dazzling light, and the fire is shining. The rushing flames are faintly visible. A dragon with a head and a double-winged wings is flying in a hovering circle. An extremely rare baby!

"So good baby is used to make bait... I hope that those who can't die can be fooled." Shi Meng loved to touch the round tripod, and sighed: "In the beginning, our brothers went to sneak out the graves of Lu's family... This baby It’s not easy to get it.”

Shi Fei is also on one of the squats of Shi Meng: "Less nonsense, I can't help it... I dig the graves of Lu's family. The culprit is you. We don't have the ability to open the rock wall to open the passage. Is your kid taking the lead and running around?"

Slanting a stone and glance, Shi Fei said: "You are also lacking in morality. Isn't Lu Jiamei not like you? You ran to dig people's graves... Hey, hey, how can I have such a hate? Such a strong brother?"

After smashing a stone, Shi Fei also loved to touch the mouth of this round.

"Oh, it’s a good baby. I used it as a bait. I can’t bear it, but... for the stone family.” Shi Fei sighed and shook his head.

"For the stone home." Shi Meng suddenly picked up the round tripod, his arms and muscles tomb, accompanied by the harsh '咔嚓' sound, his arms suddenly became longer, thicker several times, two long The seven or eight-meter arm grabbed the round tripod, and the scorpion lost to the center of the pit.

Yuan Ding draws a line of fire, spewing flames and falling rapidly.

After a long while, the round tripod was made, and a loud noise was heard. A large piece of fire covered a small half of the pit, and then a red light with a thickness of more than ten meters rose from the bottom of the pit to the top of the dome.

The surrounding fog was forced by the fire, and there was no trace of fog to get close to the piece of fire.

"Go, go, fast withdrawal." Shi Fei's skin has been covered with a thin layer of borneol, he smashed his fat body and rushed back to the cave.

The stone stepped forward and walked back to the hole. The rock wall behind it squirmed and quickly merged back, leaving no traces.

Outside the empty door frame, Wu Tie took a deep breath and slowly spit out a long swell. The turbulence of the air was like a long dragon, tearing a long crack on the ground. He ended the foundation-based cultivation and stood up straight.

The vision appears, and a drop of water visible in the naked eye can hang on the skin of Wu Tie, and the ‘dropping’ is like a bead.

Witch iron took a deep breath again, and these meta-water drops were integrated into the skin and disappeared completely.

"Feeling the Xuanjing, getting closer and closer." Wu Tie is full of hopes to see the faintly visible door frame, hands clasped the white tiger crack, striding into the big step.

Behind the door is a black square space.

Surrounded by the air, there seemed to be various reliefs on the walls, but Wu Tie did not go to see what was carved.

His attention was completely attracted by the object in the square space of the length and width.

It was a black lacquered square bone.

When Wu Tie saw that the mouth was two meters high and the side was four meters long, its name naturally appeared in the mind of Wu Tie.

There is an invisible force on Dading to tell Wu Tie that this is a famous name.