MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 56 Goodbye Changsheng (4)

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The white tiger's cracking power is absolutely great, and the killing of the knife is always caught off guard.

The general rule of the knives is extremely high. In the entire Cangyan area, he can only be ranked first by personal training.

Not only is it a strong, high-level realm, the general rule of the fog knife has inherited many secret treasures and strange things that the fog knife inherits. On the way, the dozens of heavy-duty masters join hands and will be beaten by him. .

Such a master, suffered a big loss under the white tiger.

In addition, just after the old iron used the means of doing the same, it hurts the ‘critical’, and under the anger, the knives are always squirting the smashing blood of the life.

Wu Tie's right chest was pierced with a fist-sized blood hole, and the two layers of armor on the chest and back were pierced. The large flesh and blood and the bones were instantly turned into nothing. The plasma flowing out of the wound gradually changed from red to clear water.

Everything happened between the lightning and the fire. The old iron was concentrating on the two iron **** that fell in the air. He couldn’t hear the iron and iron. He opened his mouth and spit out a bottle of white juice, and turned it to the witch. iron.

Wu Tieqiang endured the pain in his left hand and right chest. He blinked his eyes and took the medicine bottle. He poured half of the white juice inside and half of it poured into the wound.

The wound immediately covered with a layer of translucent pink film, just like the blood of the fountain stopped immediately.

A stream of warm water slowly circulates in the body and gradually gathers over the right chest wound.

The general manager of the fog knife took out a bottle of medicine from one arm, pulled out the cork with his teeth, and swallowed the blushing agent inside. Positive luck closed the large and small blood vessels on the left arm wound, and he was so dark that he could not see the white juice effect swallowed by Wu Tie.

He rushed out from the bottom of his heart, and almost didn't get vomited by the medicinal remedy!

This little doll, how do you have so many good things?

Two iron **** in the air were heavy and heavy at this time. The two sounds of 咚咚 ,, the two iron **** squirmed rapidly, and the rapid expansion of the volume became larger. In just one breath, two people standing taller than three meters tall, the solid black metal slowly stood up.

The two metal people are roughly human, but the proportion of the body is long, especially the two arms are almost pulled to the ground.

They are all black and have a smooth face. Only one **** eye with almost half the length of the face is set in the middle of the door. Between the opening and closing of the blood color, a large piece of blood is shining all around.

Along with the quirky ‘咕隆’ sound, the two metal people’s one-eyed singular round, diamond-shaped, staggered blood-colored light pattern locks the old iron. They jerked up and turned into two black cyclones and rushed over to the old iron.

The old iron is still a dozen meters away, and the two metal people wave their long arms at the same time.

Their prolonged arms are like four soft whip, with a piercing air bursting sound, and countless residual images are laid down to the old iron.

The old iron retireed backwards. A long arm on his back stretched out, and countless scales opened, and a dense nest appeared. In the voice of ‘噗噗’, twelve short arrows rushed out with long blood, shrouded the two metal men.

The two metal men slammed on the ground, and they had one arm handed over, a large stream of blood flowing, and a circular pattern on their back.

In the sound of ‘嗡嗡’, a **** mask emerged from the air, wrapping two metal people.

Twelve small arrows burst open, and a large number of blue and white flames covered a few hundred meters.

Wu Tie hurriedly hid behind the old iron when he fired these arrows. The tight armor flowed and covered him. The blue-and-white flame wrapped him and the old iron. Under the protection of the armor, Wu Tie only felt the temperature rise and the man was sweating.

The temperature in the hyperthyroidism can be tolerated, and there is no dark flame that burns on the left arm bones.

The blue-and-white flame continued for a tea time. When the flames gradually dissipated, the two metal people quickly stood up and they continued to rush to the old iron and Wu Tie. Four arms swayed countless afterimages, shattered the air, and hit the ground with a harsh scream.

The old iron jerked his head up, and the blood of his scorpion flickered, touching the gushing blood in the **** verticals of the two metal men.

Then there was a loud noise from ‘嗡’, and there was a vague scream in the two metal bodies: “No right... Reject... Kill...”

The old iron two rows of big teeth bite together, grinding Mars splashing, making a piercing molar sound: "Two idiots... Who made you? Actually dare to violate my grandfather's order... You know Grandpa I am Who?"

On one side, the two arms behind the old iron stretched out, the arm swung freely on his body, and clenched his fist toward the air.

The speed of the old iron shot is also very impressive. The shadows of the sky and the numerous black whip shadows collide, and the thunderstorms are heard in the air. The earth shivered gently, and there were countless gravel stones at the foot of the old iron. He was slammed back a little, and he smashed a few deepened foot marks on the ground.

The old iron gas was screaming, and he snarled, his eyes were **** and blazing, illuminating a range of hundreds of meters.

"It's just two broken things... It's only for the shackles of the heavy camp guards... you dare to violate my grandfather's orders..." The old iron screamed incoherently.

It was the two broken things that the old iron looked down on. They beat the old iron step by step, and the old iron was splashed on Mars. The Wu iron even saw that there were extremely small spots on the two arms of the old iron. A little trace appeared.

The materials used by these two metal people are similar to those used in the old iron body.

Even if the quality is not as good as it is, at least it is not far behind, otherwise it will not cause damage to the strong body of the old iron.

The old iron noticed the traces on his arm faster than the witch iron, and he was even more angry.

"Defective family, defeated family... a group of shameless things... You have no such thing as 'opening wisdom', there is no possibility of 'chaos change', the next three indiscriminate things, actually use such high-grade materials... are crazy Is it still crazy?"

“‘opening wisdom’? ‘chaos change’?” The general command of the fog knife has already withdrawn from the long distance, and the three remaining high-level fog knives have kept him at the core.

Hearing the roar of the old iron, the fog knife always ordered a thoughtful nod. "It seems that you know a lot of secrets of the ancients... If you can live and catch it, that would be great..."

The old iron was groaning, and his two arms and fingers were suddenly lit up. Ten red lights of several meters were ejected from his fingers.

The red light violently swayed, and the ‘嗡嗡’ roared, and the ten red lights were like the ten-light swords, following the weird trajectory to the two metal people. The two metal men did not dodge, and they were smashed through the body with ten red lights, and they opened a deep crack in them.

A large amount of sap, like a magma, ran out of the two metal bodies, and they made a deep roar, and their arms suddenly rose.

Just like the ten fingers of the old iron, the end of the arm of the two metal men also spewed a glare of blood.

The blood of a few meters long stunned, like a sharp sword, and made a sound of ‘嗡嗡’.

The old iron screamed: "The people who made you... must be crazy...the capacity in your can you support it..."

The voice did not fall, and the lightsaber spurted on the old iron fingers suddenly bleak, and the two arms hang down with powerlessness.

The old iron slaps on his face: "The crow's mouth... It's Grandpa, I can't hold it myself."

Two metal people flew up, and four **** arms fluttered across the four arms, slashing toward the old iron.

Lao Tie looked at the Wu iron standing behind him, and could only use two arms to block it. In the sound of ‘嗤嗤’, the old iron’s arm and body were cut off with a deep crack.

The old iron gas 嗷呜 嗷呜 吼 roar, like a mad dog like a roar.

Wu Tiezhen was squatting, and he was the first to see the real injury of the old iron. These two are also from the ancient times, they have the possibility of serious injury or even killing the old iron!

In their arms, they also loaded powerful weapons from ancient times.

Numerous pieces of blood wrapped around the old iron, and faintly wrapped the witch iron inside. Wu Tieyan's eyes widened and he endured the pain from his left arm. He suddenly rolled over and rolled out from the old iron's belly. The body almost glided out against the ground, and instantly reached the feet of a metal man.

The armor on the left arm flows, revealing the entire arm wrapped in a dark flame.

The arm was burnt and the white juice that was just taken was constantly repairing the broken arm. Wu Tieqiang endured the pain from the wound in the right chest hole and the unbearable itching of the tissue in the wound. The left hand smashed the ankle of a metal man.

His left hand and five fingers violently swayed, the metal man's body surface was bloody, and the **** light of the thin hair was criss-crossed, turning into a magnificent complex pattern wrapped around the metal man's calf.

Wu Tie's fingers were like being caught on diamonds, and the force of the earthquake shook his arm to make a ‘咔咔’ sound.

The metal man slammed his head down, and the ruthless blood of Sen was locked in Wu Tie. He raised his right arm and he had to draw a sword.

Wu Tie screamed: "Give me a break!"

Regardless of his carelessness, the Yuan Zhen, who cultivated these days in the body, was desperately thrown into the left index finger.

The first phalanx of his left index finger suddenly illuminates like a singular light that embraces all the colors. The dark radiance gives a illusion of glare. At the moment when Wu Ting's whole body was swallowed up, the oscillating frequency of this phalanx reached an astonishing hundreds of millions of times.

The **** pattern of the 啪 啪 碎 碎 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The black thighs were blown up with countless pieces of metal slag, and an amazing amount of light flew out of it, like a mighty long river swallowed by the first phalanx of the Witch iron index finger.

Witch iron's entire left arm ignited a dark flame.

The metal man lost a leg, his body suddenly lost balance, and the wolverine fell to one side.

The old iron's scorpion squirted two bloods that were like real blood. The blood was cut through the metal body, and his right arm was cut off his shoulders.

Wu Tie squatted, he resisted the pain of the burning of his left arm, and he jumped up and his left index finger was poked at the waist of another metal man. He groaned and slammed the ‘go’ with all his strength!

It is like the left finger bone of the mad medicinal agent oscillated at a higher frequency.

A loud noise, the entire metal man's entire waist collapsed, and the upper and lower bodies were blown from the waist.

A large amount of high-temperature sap of magma ejected from the body of a metal man. Nearly one-third of his body collapsed and turned into a left-hand index finger of streamer.

The dark flame illuminates the whole body of Wu Tie.

The flesh of the whole body of Wu Tie was burned with smoke, and the ‘嗤嗤’ sound like a piece of meat being thrown on a red iron plate was heard.

Wu Tie’s eyes were black, and he couldn’t stand the pain from the whole body. His legs fell softly on the floor.

The old iron screamed, his lowered arms jerked up, and his last twelve blood-stained arrows screamed out of his arms, like a headless fly to the intensive fog knife killer not far away. Covered the past.

All along, the old iron is avoiding killing too many fog knife killers.

He deliberately did not do a wide range of killings.

However, when the Witch and Iron were seriously injured and the injury was so inexplicable, the old iron seemed to break through some limitations again. He did not hesitate to smash the hand of the fog knife killers present.

On the twelve arrows, a small **** rune illuminates, and the arrow continually emits a ‘嘀嘀’ sound. It seems that some strange changes are happening in the arrow.

The arrows swayed a **** arc to the top of the fog knife killer. In the loud noise of the bang, the arrow exploded.

This time, the arrow that the explosion opened was not a blue-white, terrible but introverted flame, but a red-red, raging raging flame.

Each arrow broke out, and the red-hot high-temperature flame exploded the shock wave visible to the naked eye, sweeping a radius of several hundred meters. A large group of fog knives screamed, and thousands of servant warriors mourned and were swallowed up by fire.

The entire fog knife camp was almost covered by fire.

A large number of low-grade fogknife killers and servant warriors were blown up and broken, and those who were strong enough to kill and warriors were also rushed out of the fire, one by one, and the seven internal organs were violently swayed, and the seven spurts fell on the ground. Smoking mourning.

The explosion was only a moment's effort. The old iron arms picked up and burst into the high temperature of Wu Tie, and turned and rushed into the nearest fork.

The general knife of the fog knife violently twitched his face. He screamed: "Death to see the corpse, live to see people... catch up, kill, kill, kill!"

The three ‘Knocking’ have just been exported, and a long, screaming sound came from another martyr.

"The sky is underground, only I will live forever."

A black wooden boat with a length of 100 meters glides out of the ramp, and the bow is full of gorgeous men, women and children.

Then there was another wooden boat, followed by another...

In just one tea time, more than 30 hundred meters of wooden boats rushed out of the ramp, a strong atmosphere of the sky, the face of the fog knife suddenly became extremely ugly.