MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 51 Preparation before the trip

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A dozen miles away from the front is the huge crack that is dozens of miles wide.

The viscous magma is like the blood of the demon god, constantly spurting out of the cracks. The boiling magma sometimes splatters a few miles away, falling like a waterfall to the bottomless abyss.

The temperature here is extremely high, and after the iron and iron under the armored helmet, the hair is roasted at a high temperature and exudes a pungent smell.

A few miles away, the rolling river rushed past, and also slipped into the abyss below.

A huge amount of magma and a huge amount of water collide together in the abyss, and a large piece of water vapor rewinds and turns back into a dome. Under the impact of high pressure, it spreads along the dome to the mystery.

It is like hell, the air is fluctuating violently, the line of sight is distorted, and everything becomes illusory.

Wu Tie holds the head of the huge, Tianjing demon, standing on the edge of the abyss and overlooking the past.

Below is a glaring fire, faintly a lake of lava. In the vicinity of the lava lake, a large lake is undulating, and at the same time, a large white steam is constantly emerging, and the roar of the whirlpool in the lake can be heard.

The water and fire coexist, so the wonders make the witch scream.

Looking around for a while, the eye-catching fire underneath made Wu Ting a little dizzy. He shook his head and cast his gaze on his head.

"Old iron, Tianjing demon, what is it?" Wu Tie smashed the head in his hand.

With his current strength, I feel that this head is quite a bit weighty. Probably judge that this demon head, which is about the size of the old iron's head, can be up to 156,000 kilograms.

This density can be amazing enough.

"Enemy." The old iron was clean and tidy.

"What kind of enemy?" Wu Tie asked him curiously.

Silence for a while, the old iron sinks: "Destroy everything we once had, terrible enemies... Tianjing demon, their power, you should have seen. The cave where the cow hero died, the clusters It is the cohesion of the remnants of the Tianjing demon."

"Let the earth and stone become colorful spar?" Wu Tie looked at the old iron.

"It's not just earth and stone. Everything is tangible and intangible. If it is invaded by their power, it will become a spar." The old iron said: "If it is the flesh and blood, it will be turned into a demon by their power." Let them drive."

"This skull is dead, but he is still a terrible source of pollution." Laotie sighed: "Leave it. I don't have enough power to destroy him now, I can only use magma to deal with him."

Wu Tiejun approved the piece of magma below, and threw the head down.

The huge head accurately landed in the center of the magma lake, splashing hundreds of meters high. The magma was swept down and the head was swallowed.

The high-temperature magma will slowly burn the skull and turn the spar that he released into nothing.

"How long will it take for this head to be refined?" Wu Tie finally glanced at the boiling magma lake and followed the old iron to leave the terrible abyss.

"This guy, very strong before death... Probably, 100,000 years... 100,000 years, this head can be refining." The old iron walked away and whispered: "Fortunately, just a head, if His complete body is here, ordinary magma can take him no way."

Along the edge of the river, Wu Tie and the old iron walked fast.

A group of metal spiders licked the two arms of the old iron and followed them tightly.

In the distance, the killers of foggy knives are looming, and they are followed by Wu Tie and Lao Tie, posing a closely watched posture.

Wu Tie was quite annoyed at the surveillance of these fog-knife killers. He rushed several times and tried to get two bad luck beats, but when he moved, these fog-knife killers immediately ran.

Their ability to hide their whereabouts is extremely strong, and a few circles are around, and Wu Tie can no longer find them.

After several times of three times, on the way back to the ancient gods, Wu Tie would not bother to take care of them.

However, there is a faint unease in the heart of Wu Tie.

The general command of the fog knife arrived, and the fog knife invaded this secret. The base of the longevity teaching had been smothered by the fog knife a few days ago. The two strongholds have completely fallen into the control of the fog knife.

This piece of secret... is no longer exclusive to Wu Tie.

"Little guy, we should leave." The old iron walked and groaned low.

"Leave?" Wu Tie is a bit reluctant.

For a mysterious world, Wu Tie has an inexplicable feeling for the ancient **** barracks.

When he was the most vulnerable, the most helpless, and almost collapsed, Wu Tie met the old iron here, met the big iron, he embarked on the road of cultivation, and he had a chance to become stronger...

He is full of affection here.

Old iron suddenly said to leave?

"Before you, didn't say, we want to..." Wu Tie remembered the words of warfare that had been said by the old iron when they had just entered.

"Those little guys can become the whetstones that temper you." The old iron walked and groaned: "But now the enemy is too strong... Grandpa and I both add up, not their opponents." ”

"The big head of the fog knife has the ability to easily kill you." The old iron smirked a few times: "Just, he was scared by my grandfather, so he didn't dare to move."

"Every anti-movement-send is a paper tiger... Now, our two are paper tigers." Laotie sighed: "By scaring, it is scary... wait until they come back... Hehe... The end of the blasphemy..."

"What is it?" Wu Tie looked at the old iron very ignorantly.

"No culture, it’s terrible." The old iron stared at Wu Tie. "Although this is not your fault, it is terrible without culture."

Wu Tie said that he was very innocent. He spread his hands and stared at the old iron with a little annoyance.

"Well, I will tell you slowly later... Anyway, I have to leave." Laotie chuckled softly: "The people who used to attack the longevity teaching and the fog knife before, want to let you increase the actual combat experience and gradually grow... ..."

"But the fog knife is so strong that it is too strong. This is beyond the limits of 'real combat training'... It is too dangerous to let you take risks."

"Let's go, let's go, it's a treasure for the fog knife and the longevity to teach them... But for you, this is just a cage." The old iron said: "Even if you are in the field, you listen." Passing the guy’s confession, this is just a land of desolateness."

"We go to the wider world." Laotie laughed a few times: "More resources, wider experience, make you stronger..."

"Always keep you strong..." The old iron looked up and looked at the thick dome.

"Always keep you strong... you can see the stars in the sky..." The old iron smiled silently, although his smile was very embarrassing, but inexplicably made Wu Tie feel warm and secure: "small Guy, believe me, that is the most beautiful scenery."

"Especially, under the stars, if you can have your favorite girl..." The old iron's body trembled inexplicably and violently, and even made a sound of ‘嘎嘎’. It seems that every joint in his body is weirdly twisted, and even a large piece of electric light is sprayed out of his neck.

"Old iron?" Wu iron looked at him worriedly.

The old iron was silent for a long time, and his body's abnormality slowly disappeared. From his body, there was a sweet woman's voice coming.

She is singing, the tunes are beautiful, and the lyrics are more beautiful.

After the song was over, Wu Tie and the old iron were immersed in the beautiful melody, and they did not speak.

After a long time, Wu Tiecai sighed for a long time: "Again, old iron?"

The old iron shook his head and speeded up without saying a word.

Wu Tie stayed and hurried to follow up. He laughed loudly: "Old iron, do you have a girl you like?"

Suddenly, the electric light violently, the current of a thumb thickness was sprayed from the two rows of big teeth of the old iron, and the "Hula La" swept the whole body. Wu Tie ‘嗷嗷’ was horrible, and he slammed and fell to the ground, and countless electric sparks spurted out from him.

"Under the stick, the filial son... bear child, you have to beat it to become a material." The old iron shouted loudly: "I thought that this is true."

Hundreds of meters away, a team of fog-knife killers who are responsible for monitoring Wu Tie and Lao Tie are standing in the mushroom bush.

They stood there quietly, and there was a faint out of water in their eyes.

Even if it has been subjected to the cruel training of the fog knife, even if it is already a killer and an assassin who does not blink.

The sweet woman’s voice sang that wonderful song... Even if they were far apart, they didn’t fully understand the lyrics of the song. The killers of these fog knives were still stiff, and the instinct came out of tears. .

A beautiful mood is in their hearts.

A warm, stiff heart becomes soft, and the power that makes the weak will become strong flows from their hearts.

They have never been exposed to music.

They have never heard such a wonderful tune.

But some strange powers have spread from their blood, gradually growing and gradually breaking into their bodies and souls. They are like a group of obscured beasts, and in their souls submerged by darkness and killing, there is a light that wakes up.

"There are foxes... oh..." A fog knife killer whispered four words.


In the face of the killer, Wu Tie and Lao Tie returned to the ancient **** barracks through the martyrdom.

Ingeniously, Wu Tie took a large group of flying metal spiders to kill giant hippos and other large prey on the river. A piece of flesh and blood was transported back to the ancient **** barracks, and quickly became a bottle of base-based medicine.

Ingeniously, Wu Tie and Lao Tie came to the huge chain of fog knives and watched the huge rounds of vehicles and ships coming and going, bringing in a lot of supplies and slaves.

Wu Tie even climbed the chain of the water tank, in the face of the fog knife killer, and the old iron to discuss the possibility of leaving this secret chain along this chain.

More and more fog knife killers are found around the ancient **** barracks.

Even a few days later, the master of the fog knife personally came to the place less than 100 meters away from the entrance of the ancient gods barracks, and observed the movement of the ancient **** barracks at close range.

The martyrdom of the ancient **** battalion opened, and the big iron face emerged from the martyr with no expression.

Up to a few meters, the large iron of the giant metal skull in the white body of the body was obviously scared of the general command of the fog knife. He carefully retreated immediately and withdrew all the fog knife killers nearby.

Wu Tie continues to hunt a large number of prey every day and hoards the foundation.

In just a few days, Wu Tie hoarded thousands of bottles of foundation-based medicine, and the old iron allowed Wu Tie to swallow the two dragons.

It was a sudden pain that came to life. This time, half of the lower arm was burned and the color of the left arm of Wu Tie became much deeper. The small arm bone became hard and abnormal, reaching the gravel. The level of powder.

When Wu Tie swallowed two dragon horns, the old iron took his original two arms and walked into another new metal hall.

Wu iron was waiting outside, she did not know what the old iron was doing inside.

His current body is the body of the roaring dog.

Can't it be, the old iron can still connect his arm to the body of the roaring dog?

Human head, dog body, plus two humanoid arms... Wu Tie thought about the shape, it felt beautiful.

The virtual day lights up and then goes out.

After a full three days, the old iron finally came out of the metal hall.

The metal spiders that had been plagued by the ancient squadrons disappeared. The old iron's body shape increased a circle. He walked slowly to the front of the witch iron. Suddenly his body flashed, and the two streams of light behind him swirled. The nearby body squirmed and two long metal arms slammed out.


The old iron laughed, and the arms of four normal arms were four times long and lightly waving, and the ten fingers were smarter than a strange gesture. He looked at Wu Tie proudly: "How, genius-like thoughts... With these two arms... Hey."

Witch iron is not clear, so look at the old iron: "What are you going to do with them?"

The old iron indulged for a moment, looked up at the ceiling, and said softly: "This is a kind of feeling, after all, it is your own two arms... And, you don't think, when Grandpa I rushed to bite, people guarded Grandpa, I opened my mouth..."

The two arms suddenly retracted from the body. The next moment, the old iron belly ran a stream of light, an arm spurted out quickly, and the fist punched a fist forward. The fist quietly stopped at the bottom of the Wutie's lower abdomen about three inches. position……

"Hey-yin-fist... how?" The old iron ‘brows smiled’ and smiled: “There are very creative tricks, aren’t they?”

Wu Tie opened his mouth in shock.

Looking at the big fist that stopped three inches in front of his vital part, Wu Tie racked his brain and finally thought of a more exact word as a reply.

"Worry... extremely wretched... old iron, you are really too wretched." Wu Tie's whimsy about the old iron is speechless.

He found that since the integration with the body of the roaring dog, the old iron not only learned to scream "Wang Wang", but even the behavior became a bit strange. I don't know if this is his nature, or is it affected by the body of the roaring dog?

"Ha ha ha!" The old iron just laughed a few times, turned around, his eyes flickered and looked at the big iron.

"Big iron, we have to leave... Xiaotie, this guy needs to grow up, and here, obviously can't give him a peaceful and growing environment."

"We are leaving, and we are ready to seal up the ancient gods."

"Wait for us to come back."

"We will definitely come back."

"Then, let's go back, let's kill it together." The old iron smiled slowly, and the laughter was full of almost crazy killings.