MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 39 Declare war

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Longevity teaches a large number of elite warriors.

In addition to the long-term teaching of the Cangyan domain, all the forces directly under the temple, the bones of the public, Lan Gonggong is to gather the 18 families that are mastered by the Changsheng, and they are transferred to this one-time.

Eighteen families, a small number of three hundred soldiers, and a total of six or seven hundred people, the total force of the transfer is nearly 10,000.

In addition to these elite warriors, the 18 families have transferred a large number of young and strong slaves. Grey dwarves and rock gnomes are certainly the most common slave species. There are several families, and rare fish and frogmen have been transferred. .

Wu Tieyu is in a large fern, far from the river.

Two thousand fishermen and frogmen are swaying in the big river, waving a simple bones and screaming.

The fisherman, as the name suggests, has a head like a big fish, a dark fish head, and a thick black fish scale on the body. These fish scales are extremely strong and not weaker than ordinary iron armor.

Frogs, they are generally frogs that stand on the line. The dark green skin is covered with mucus, the skin is tough and abnormal, and the ordinary swords are chopped up, and they can't hurt them a little.

These two slaves are burly, taller than the ordinary people, and the power is even more amazing, more proficient in water, and extremely strong in the water. It is only obvious that their IQ is not very high, and the appearance of screaming is like a beast.

A large shoal on the bank of the river was stained with blood.

Just a few of the rock gnomes in the stronghold are taking water, and the longevity teaches the army to attack. These fishermen and frogmen are striking in the water very fast, and hundreds of rock gnomes are caught off the riverbank.

The fisherman and the frogman were extremely ferocious, killing the rocky gnomes and swallowing them on the spot. A large piece of blood stained the riverbank and flowed downstream along the river.

Some huge black shadows appeared in the water. The fierce fish and water beasts in the water were alarmed, but they were shocked by the fierce gas emitted by these fishermen and frogmen. They did not dare to approach this riverbank with **** smell.

A lot of workmanship is not very delicate. The shuttle-shaped sneak ship with a few cracks on the surface has surfaced. In the screams of the bones and the public, the soldiers and slaves in the ship paddle the oars and sneak in the river. Beaching across the shore.

Some sneak ships did not move, you can see the surface of these sneaking ships covered with cracks, apparently the soldiers or slaves inside, have been suffocated in the long river of the Yin River, suffocated by the river that seeps into the cabin.

Nearly 10,000 warriors, tens of thousands of slaves quickly landed, they took out various tools, excavated the foundation on the shore, collected earth and stone, busy building the strongholds, shacks, and built a row of more than a dozen high-rises at the riverside. Sentinel tower.

The fog knife responded for the first time. Some fog knife killers cooperated with the three family warriors to pull out the sneak ships and rafts, and wanted to cross the river to attack the enemy.

However, more than two thousand fishermen and frogmen appeared in the river. The sneak boat and the raft were destroyed when they were just launched. The fog knife killer and the family warrior killed and injured dozens of people, and finally they could only retreat to the shore.

Crossing the river can not, the three palms of the fog knife vacated, and the black fog rushed into the air in six black wooden boats.

Six wooden boats were suspended in the river and lined up. The male father, Lan Gonggong and five other men also floated up and greeted the three major palms.

The two sides were just a stagger in the sky above the river, black fog, blood clouds, and streamers. The three palms snorted and slammed back hundreds of meters. Among the people, the public and the Langong The two men's chest suddenly split a long wound.

The sharp, cold voice sounded: "You, all of my indigenous people in the Cangyan domain... I know, offend my fog knife?"

The bones of the public laughed and laughed: "You, Hugh will be scared by their fog knives... So Feng Shui treasure, you will transfer all the tribes here, there is my longevity to be sheltered, everyone join hands, afraid of his fog knife? ”

The three major palms screamed and turned and left.

The bones and the fathers did not mean to fight. They fell back on the boat, and the six canoes flew across the river and landed slowly on the shoal.

Tens of thousands of slaves joined forces, and a large-scale Tucheng on the other side of the river looked at it. The light of the 'virtual day' gradually dimmed. When it was about to enter the night, the base of the longevity teaching began to take shape, and there was even more smoke. rising.

It seems to be deliberately provocative. The tower of the longevity teaching has uploaded the horn of the sorghum. The fishermen and frogmen in the big river are so excited that they are screaming, waving the bones to the direction of the fog knife, and then quickly I went back to the other side of the river.

At night, calm, peaceful, long-lived teaching, foggy knife, did not launch an offensive.

When the 'virtual day' lights up again and the warm light illuminates the vast territory below, a group of foggy warriors walked out of the stronghold.

Those family members, as well as those slaves, are well fed, and the fast-growing mushrooms are enough to satisfy them. But the killer of the fog knife, especially the three high-level executives, can not stand such rough food.

There are abundant prey on the banks of the river. Whether it is otters or giant hippos, or even big fish and water beasts, they are excellent prey and the best food.

The killer of more than two hundred knives of this team marched carefully along the river bank, and looked at the river from time to time. The longevity teaches more than two thousand fishermen and frogmen in their hands, which gives them great advantages. These guys come ashore and it is also a very headache.

The light and heat emitted by the 'virtual day' evaporates the water vapor on the ground. The thick mist is like milk. It rises more than two meters high and is wrapped in a clump of ferns and mushrooms. A number of poisonous snakes, poisonous insects, and various small creatures are uneasy, and subtle sounds are heard from all directions.

The little creatures in these caves are not used to the 'day and night changes' brought by the 'virtual day'. They are trying to familiarize themselves with this light and dark change and change their hunting habits according to this change.

Hundreds of meters away, a river with a gentle water flow, where the water depth is only one meter, but a huge amount of water plants grow.

On the bank of the river, there was a large expanse of ferns. Thousands of giant hippos slid from deep water and entered the river bay. They sipped their waters and sipped large pieces of water into their mouths. .

Two more male hippos took a few small beasts to the river bank, and opened their mouths to tear the fertile ferns.

The team's fog knife killer carefully spread, sent more than 30 people to monitor the movements on the river, others surrounded the giant hippo. These two male hippopotamus are huge in size, with a weight of at least 100,000 jins, plus a few small beasts, enough for their murderous knives for a half-monthly meal.

More than a hundred killers are slowly moving in the fog, they can not look down on these huge prey.

The killer of the fog knife is proficient in killing techniques, but for these behemoths, they are not good at it.

The fog is flowing, the witch iron carries a long gun, holds a flagpole, and stands quietly on the path of the fog knife killer.

The river wind whistling, and the **** flag on the flagpole floated in the 'strong', the wide-meter half and three-meter-long flag, a white tragic tiger's head opened his mouth, and his mouth was so fierce.

This is the 'White Tiger Blood Flag'. Wu Tie does not know what it stands for, nor does it know where the old iron came from.

Anyway, when he completed the preliminary warrior tutorial, Laotie handed the banner to Wu Tie.

"Even if a person is a soldier... the army must have a military flag." Wu Tie remembers very clearly that when the old iron handed the 'White Tiger Blood Flag' to him, the metal cast a dead face, there is actually a kind of ' The brilliance of humanity is flashing.

Wu Tie even suspected that he was a broken brain.

How can there be a radiance of humanity on the face of the old iron metal?

However, Wu Tie felt the heavy and radiant radiance. He felt it even more. When the old iron gave him the **** flag of the white tiger, the heavy force on the old ‘paw’.

The river whistling and the flag waved.

The flagpole with a height of three meters was slightly tilted, and the witch iron jerked up the flagpole made of white metal and was heavily inserted on the ground.

'嗤', the sharp flagpole fell into the ground a foot deep, and the movement immediately alerted the fog knife killer 100 meters away. They stopped at the same time, silently pulled out the straight knife and pointed it at Wu Tie. Here.

Wu Tie stood still and stood still, watching these fog knife killers calmly.

These fog knife killers are very young, and many people seem to be in their early twenties. The other people are the oldest.

Wu Tie and their innocence.

"You and their innocence, but they invaded your territory and are plundering your prey." Wu Tie remembers the old iron: "You and their private innocence, but you and their power, produce The opposite of principle."

"War, it is never because of private enmity." Lao Tie said very straightforwardly: "War, there has never been a right or wrong, only life and death."

"More cruel, more shameless to say... If you win, you must be right; if you lose, you must be wrong."

"Who is there?" A team leader's fog knife killer asked coldly.

Wu Tie did not say anything, just watching them quietly.

After the cultivation and foundation, Wu Tie's body function is much more than ordinary people. These fog knife killers can't see the Wu iron through a hundred meters of fog. Wu Tie can clearly see their every move.

Not to mention, Wu Tie's invisible field coverage has reached more than two hundred meters, and these killers are all under his invisible field.

"Kill!" The team's fog knife killer simply ordered.

Dozens of sterilized flying knives tore out the fog, and accurately pointed to the position of Wu Tie.

These fog knife killers are really terrible, separated by a hundred meters, separated by thick fog, Wu Tie just put the flagpole on the ground to make a few sounds, these killers have already judged his exact position.

Wu Tie did not move, the flying knife hit him, the tight-fitting armor splashed the starting point of the ignition star, dozens of handles and the full-fledged flying knife broke, and they rebounded a few meters away from the ground.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, the fog in the square circle flowed, the fog near the river bank quickly flowed away, and the witch iron was exposed to the fog knife killer.

White miserable tight-fitting armor, surrounded by white flagpoles on the flagpole, blood flag fluttering, the **** white roaring roaring tiger head looks so embarrassing, while revealing an inexplicable fierce, unreasonable taste .

More than a dozen fog knife killers smashed out like a flea, and several ups and downs came to the witch iron.

The straight knife brought a cold light, and the witch iron fell from the direction of the four sides.

Wu Tie raised his left hand and the five fingers were heavy.

The air around the body within ten meters of the body violently squirmed, the air density increased rapidly, a wave of waves squirming, the air became blurred, as thick as a porridge.

More than a dozen knives and knives have become extremely slow. Their blades are swept through the viscous air, and the naked eye can see a clear ripple of air cracked in front of the blade.


Wu Tie snorted and the air suddenly blasted around.

More than a dozen fog knife killers snorted and were slammed out of the wind by seven or eight meters, and the wolverines hurried backwards. More than a few killers stepped on the slippery moss and stood on the ground, falling to the ground, and even rolling the belt to climb a good wolf.

"Here, it is my territory. Every beast here, every insect, every fern, every mushroom, and even the fish in the river, the big fish, is my private wealth." Those foggy knife killers with a complex face, slowly said: "You have invaded my territory, you are infringing on my private property... This is not right..."

"Kill this kid." The fog knife killed the hand and waved a long knife, and drew a circle on the top of the head: "Crushed him!"

Nearly two hundred fog knife killers, while sharp and long screaming, took a road to the shadows quickly rushed over to Wu Tie.

They are too lazy to reason with Wu Tie.

This fertile land of a thousand miles is his territory?

Everything here is his private wealth?

Are you kidding?

Even if it is, the witch iron is broken, everything here is a fog knife!

Reasonable? Doesn't exist... The land snake in the Cangyan domain, the powerful and ferocious fog knife, how can you reason with you?

A smear of lightning-like knives came over to Wu Tie.

Wu Tie held a long gun and swayed a rounded curve. The long gun was intertwined with him into a perfect circle. In the piercing percussion, dozens of long knives were slashed on the rifle, and the long knives were broken.

The seemingly soft arc, Wu Tie's pure physical strength has reached 50,000 to 60,000 jins, and it is like a boulder flying with a single blow. The straight knife used by the fog knife killer is actually made of stainless steel, and it can't stop this. The impact of Juli.

Dozens of long-knife knives were broken, and dozens of knives and knives were smashed and broken. They vomited blood and squirmed and flew back and forth in all directions.

The power of Wu Tie is too strong, and these fog knife killers are as vulnerable as the leaves in the wind.

"Here, it is my site." Wu Tie Shen said: "Whether you are a fog knife or a longevity teacher, you invade here...waiting for you, only war!"

One person, one shot, one blood flag.

Declare war on two powerful organizations.