MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 37 war

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Without any warning, the fog knife struck and the battle broke out.

Nearly a thousand knives and murderers attacked the longevity teaching base, and the three canoes of Akasaka, Ou Gonggong and Langonggong drawn three huge arcs and rushed back to the stronghold at full speed.

In the big river, five water columns were rushed out, two fog-knife masters dressed in tight-fitting leather, sullen and cold, and three old men wearing robes, who were obviously long-term and high in the sky, flew up and forth. Going to three canoes.

Akasaka screams: "Seven palms, eight palms, what do you want to do with the fog knife?"

Two fog knives sneered in unison: "Old nine is dead, do you think? I am a fog knife, and I will always report it!"

The five knives of the knives and the eight palms brought two winds, and they stormed the ship of the Gonggong and Langonggong. The father-in-law and Lan Gonggong did not dare to let the two people approach the ship, and they also vacated, and the **** clouds greeted them.

Four figures were made in the air, and the cold and **** fog was entangled together. Sometimes the blood fog entangled the cold light, and sometimes the cold light tore the blood fog. Obviously, the strength of the two sides is not much different, and no one will press anyone at a time.

The other three old robes joined forces to attack Akasaka.

Akasaka sneered, and the same **** clouds rushed out. She was flying long and dancing. She didn’t know where to pull out a black iron spear that was half the length of her. A circle of wind blew down to the three old people.

"Lin family, Jin Jiazhu, He Jiazhu, you three, can't you find death?" Akasaka is not tall, looks like a petite weak, and the head of the eight-headed spear is amazing, like a strange dragon swaying The ten afterimages will cover the three.

She clearly recognized the three old people, and violently shot, while screaming: "You three, want to destroy the door?"

The three old men pulled out the swords respectively, and they did not touch the hard front of the red scorpion. Instead, they were like a whirlwind, and they circulated around the red raft. The sword continued to flow into the sky and the sky was flying. Indiscriminately.

Hearing the anger of Akasaka, the three old men sneered in unison.

An old man who gave birth to a leopard head screamed: "The people you put in my Lin family don't just want to destroy my Lin family door? Are you afraid of your longevity teaching? I can have hundreds of people in the Cangyan domain. Year-round, afraid that you will teach this foreigner for a long time?"

The other two old people are also roaring again and again. They are full of anger, and the voice is extremely loud. With the echo of the dome, they can hear their voices within a few dozen miles.

Wu Tie can understand that the long-lived relationship in the scales, the Jin family and the He family does not know what means to buy the traitor. Moreover, these traitors are important figures with high weight, and they have already eroded the three internals.

Their own lives are directly threatened. Where do the three homeowners still care about the intimidation of Akasaka?

The two knives of the fog knife invited the three homeowners to join forces to attack the longevity teaching, which is exactly what it is. The Quartet teamed up to remove the three internal traitors. This was the time when the fog knife was arranged to see the opportunity to launch an offensive.

One after another, a shuttle-shaped sneak boat emerged from the water. The family soldiers of the brigade team Lin Jia, Jin Jia and He Jia rowed to the shore and quickly launched an attack on the base.

In the stronghold, the servants of the Longevity Religion have recovered from the fierce blows, and they began to organize the gray dwarves and rock gnomes to launch counterattacks. Faced with the elite fog knife killer, these gray dwarves and rock gnomes are obviously not strong enough, but their number is dominant.

However, as the three warriors continued to land, and nearly a thousand family soldiers joined the attack, these slaves of the longevity teaching could not stand.

A shack was destroyed, a large number of slaves were slain, blood was spilled over the ground, and the longevity men’s hands were defeated at the same time, and they were about to be completely expelled from their hard-working bases.

In the air, the three homeowners were blocked by one person, and the red screams that could barely maintain a balanced momentum screamed.

At the same time, the Danggong and Langonggong screamed out, and their three boats suddenly landed on the ground. On the three-seat boat, nearly 100 young men and women returned to the cabin, and soon they wore armor, armed weapons, and armed. Got out.

They did not disembark, but instead driven the boat to shuttle rapidly over the stronghold, holding a strangely shaped bow on the ground was a burst of chaos.

These young men and women are also elite in the longevity of the killers, and they are even stronger than the three family fighters. Their bows are extremely strong, the heads are extremely accurate, and the arrows are still quenched. Very poisonous.

In just half a quarter of an hour, three canoes shuttled two or three times on the base. Two or three hundred fog knife killers and three soldiers were shot by the arrow. At least half of them were injured because of the injury, and they were too late to take antidote. on the spot.

The wild offensive of the three canoes caused the fog knife and the three warriors to suddenly stagnate, and the elite servants of the longevity teaching also stabilized their positions, and launched a counterattack with three wooden boats.

For a time, the battle was not intense. The two sides were constantly dying. The ground was full of wounded people. There were painful snoring and sorrow everywhere.

For the first time, Wu Tie’s life saw a war of this magnitude.

Thousands of people rushed around the strongholds of two kilometers wide, snoring, roaring, and the sound of flesh and blood that the sword broke into the body, and even the screams and pleadings of those who died.

"They are crazy!" Wu Tie body is shaking violently.

Not afraid, but a shock. A kind of deep from the blood, extremely complicated, so that Wu Tie can not understand the shock of interpretation.

The blood is burning in the body. An impulsive idea is like a flame burning the brain. Witch iron holds a long gun. There is a kind of impulse to rush to join the battlefield, regardless of the impulse of the first battle of the three seven twenty-one.

"What is this with?" The metal spider on the shoulder of Wu Tie sneered: "This little scene... the same situation as a fly... What is this?"

Wu Tie silently, the blood of a belly suddenly was dispelled by the irony of the old iron.

Looking at the metal spider with a squint, Wu Tie coldly said: "So, what is the real big scene?"

The old iron was silent for a while, and there was no sound for a long time.

Wu Tie is about to open his mouth and sneer at the old iron. He suddenly said: "You didn't experience the scene that you didn't personally experience. I can't imagine the scene... Grandpa, I am not a scholar, I can't describe it well... But the cow hero is big enough. ?"

Wu Tie hurriedly nodded.

The cow hero is up and down in height, and the head is huge.

"Think about it, you look at it. In the line of sight, no matter the ground or the sky, it is a muscle scorpion like a cow hero. It is almost impenetrable and waving weapons to slash each other..."

"The blood is everywhere like a waterfall."

"There are countless arms, countless legs, countless internal organs, countless great heroes... so it's falling."

"If you are a little shorter, then as long as you have a breathing time, you will be buried under the thick flesh and blood by the heroic head of the sky..."

Wu Tie was trembled with sorrows and countless great chicken skins.

He can't imagine the scenes... countless cow heroes are close together and crazy each other?

Look at the high altitude, the two commandments, three in-laws, three homeowners to kill the battlefield, their biggest reach is only a few hundred meters.

A bull hero is more than a kilometer tall.

"Sure enough, it was a small scene." Wu Tie gave a sigh of relief and shook his head.

The old iron suddenly sighed: "Be careful."

Wu Xie's invisible force field was suddenly touched. He quickly sensed that three people rushed from behind him. The three straight knives almost sneaked into his heart.

The three men came very fast, and the straight knife was almost straight and stabbed. The invisible field just sensed their existence, and the straight knife almost reached behind Wu Tie.

Very hot, incomparable professional assassination.

Even if there is an invisible force field spread over a range of 100 meters, Wu Tie just barely turned around, watching the three straight knives stabbed on his soft ribs.

"Kid, you die again." The cold irony of the old iron came from the belly of the metal spider.

Wu Tie sighed with anger and sighed invisibly. He used a strange posture, and his body did not show any signs of strength. He jumped so strangely.

Three straight knives stabbed him, Mars splattered, and the straight knife broke.

Wu Tie did not retreat, the long gun in his hand took the starting point to the cold, and if lightning quickly penetrated the throat of a fog knife killer.

A little blood flashed, two fog knife killers dropped their weapons, opened their hands and rushed over to Wu Tie. Wu Tie can see clearly that the two metal knife killers are holding the metal projectiles used to bomb the longevity teachings.

This is the same type of weapon used by the slavery slaves of the Wu family, which has a powerful lethality.

Wu Tie did not dare, and even more reluctant to let the two killers approach themselves. He slammed his eyes sharply, his eyebrows suddenly became hot, and Wu Tie’s control of Qiankun’s talents was launched, and the powerful invisible field was like the invisible tide. Gushed out.

Two fogknife killers screamed, and they flew in the air, just like the leaves in the wind, they were shaken by a powerful force.

Wu Tie had a long shot, and two misty knife squirted two **** waters at the throat of the killer.

"Here, there is a sly idea." A screaming, heavy voice came from a few tens of meters away. The two tall and tall, the thick and heavy armor, and the cattle soldiers who were all explosive muscles rushed out.

I don't know which of the three families the two bullfighters belong to. They licked the big iron bars with thick bowls and sullen their heads and rushed over to Wu Tie. Picking up the sticks was a mess.

Wu Tie quickly retreated backwards.

The iron rod almost wiped his nose and stroked it.

Wu Tie is not afraid that these two have not been cultivated, and will only use the bulls who are very ruthless. He heard the footsteps coming from nearby, listening to the strong and powerful pace, apparently there are large groups of blue wolves or gray wolf warriors approaching.

The tight body of the body is indestructible, and Wu Tie is not afraid to be besieged by the wolf warriors.

He just didn't want to fight and kill for no reason.

Longevity teaching, fog knife, especially the three families involved in the new ... Shi Lingqing died, Luo Lin they are also dead, Wu Tie and the three parties are innocent, why he Blending this water?

While retreating at full speed, Wu Tie whispered: "I am not your enemy..."

"Fart!" A tauru warrior screamed with a sigh of relief, and the big irons in his hand slammed the mammoth, almost nothing on the waist of the witch: "There are all the enemies here except us... and, you still The person who killed the fog knife."

The plain enemy's ability to distinguish between the enemy and the cattle, actually let Wu Tie have nothing to say.

He can only retreat quickly. His speed is much faster than that of the two cattle warriors. The wolf warriors around them obviously can't keep up with the speed of the Wu iron. After a few breaths, Wu Tie gets rid of these enemies. Going to the back of a bush of fern.

By the time these bullfighters and wolf warriors caught up, they could not find any traces left by Wu Tie.

Wu Tie changed direction and lurked in another hill, and looked far away from the battlefield.

The fog knife and the three families of the coalition have an advantage. The soldiers of the longevity teaching can still compete with them under the help of three canoes, but outside the stronghold, there are already sporadic fogknifes with three family patrols. The team is surrounded by four sides.

Large and small teams are scattered over a dozen miles, surrounded by the entire longevity teaching base.

Obviously, the fog knife does not want to leave a living mouth to leave.

Of course, the premise is that they can leave three people.

Wu Tie looked up at the sky, the two major orders and the fight between the bones of the father and the public, Lan Kegong continued, and Akasaka has been forced to pant again and again by the three masters.

Any one of the three masters is not an opponent of Akasaka, and even the two of them are difficult to suppress Akasaka.

However, after the three men joined hands, Akasaka was a little difficult to cope with.

The three streamers rushed around Akasaka, and the scorpion in the hands of Akasaka blew the air 'banging', but they couldn’t help the three owners.

After fighting for two or three hours, the battle on the ground was almost over. Suddenly a tragic rumor came. Wu Tie did not see what happened in the emptying. Akasaka suddenly dropped a spear and was bloody. Turn around and leave.

A large piece of blood spurted out from behind Akasaka, and Akasaka ran away while constantly making a sharp scream.

But she didn't run far, three homeowners, and a black shadow that didn't know when it happened, and chased it.

Red 姥姥 姥姥 骂 勉 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Seeing that he is going to be killed, he is arrogant.

A black shadow with seven palms and eight palms was quickly escaped for hundreds of meters. Wu Tie saw it clearly. His left arm collapsed softly. The red blast only hurt his arm. .

The three homeowners did not escape.

They blew directly in the blast of Akasaka, and dozens of broken limbs continued to fall from the sky, falling into the river and attracting a large number of fish to compete.

The bones and the father of Lang Gong got rid of the enemy without saying a word, and fled in the direction of the waterfall at full speed.

"Fog knife? This is war!"

"Wait for the full revenge of my longevity hall... this is a war..."