MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 35 Come back

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In the caves of the hundred miles, countless large and small clusters of crystals are falling.

A cluster of roots breaks and then slams down and collides with numerous clusters of crystals on the ground.

Mars splashed, the loud noise continued, the fragments of the clusters splattered, and the entire cave was shaking slightly.

The architectural remains around the main hall were smashed.

The hall was gone, the ruins around it were gone, all the bricks and columns were fragmented and eventually covered by thick clusters of crystals.

Chu Tianyu was at the entrance to the grotto of the grotto, staring at the scene of this destruction.

The hero of the height of a kilometer seems to be the Optimus Prime who maintains this cave. The body of the bull hero collapsed, and the alien energy filled in the air of the grotto immediately made the grotto into a process of collapse.

There is a faint golden glow in the air, and the hero of the cow has completely ash.

The old iron shovel was next to Wu Tie, and he also looked at the golden light in the air, watching countless crystal clusters and boulders falling from the dome.

"This guy, his temper is still so stubborn..." The old iron groaned: "After so many years of death, I still have to die. I want to see who this baby is in."

"Persever for so many years... Lonely? Desperate? Or like me, in fact, he is desperate?" The old iron muttered: "There is only a long period of despair, so that his body can be broken to this point."

"With his cultivation, his body is almost forever... Only by his own despair, he can instantly and completely destroy his body." The old iron shook his head: "However, well...he Before the destruction, it was a joy, and that’s great.”

Wu Tie touched his forehead.

The **** thumb-sized ‘longevity’ on the forehead is like a burnt flaw in a soldering iron, deeply imprinted in his flesh and blood. The nearby flesh is a bit hot, and the skull feels a little bit of a sting.

For the cow hero, Wu Ting is inexplicable, but he does not have much feeling.

Because he is not familiar with the bull hero.

Because he was unfamiliar, the bull hero suddenly ‘lived’, and this scene of the spurt of the light made him feel great shock, but there was not much feeling.

On the contrary, Shi Lingqing, she actually blew her body and left such two blood words in Wu Tie's eyebrows.

The psychological impact of Wu Tie is much stronger than the complete collapse of the bull hero and the destruction of this grotto.

"This woman, crazy..." Wu Tie looked at the old iron inexplicably: "I don't want to kill her... I have no enmity with her. Although she beat me up... but I told me Over, man, don't bully a woman... I won't kill her again."

"Grandpa, I don't understand women." The old iron was silent for a long time, and then he looked back at Wu Tie.

"Because Grandpa, I don't have this physical need, so Grandpa I have never spent time and energy studying women."

Shaking his head, Laotie sighed: "But, Yang Lan, cow hero, this group of guys, when they usually brag... I have heard countless..."

"Women? You think you didn't offend her. In fact, you have already sinned her." The old iron looked at Wu Tie very disdainfully. "You think, don't kill her, will she appreciate you?"

"Don't it be?" Wu Tie looked at the old iron very ignorantly: "I said..."

"How do you teach your children?" The old iron snorted: "But, yes, you are still small..."

The eyes flashed, and the old iron sighed: "You don't understand... a little woman who looks like a little, looks like a little woman, exhausted the means to hook up a man, the man is not on the set Time... It’s a hundred times more than offending her grave!”

Standing up, raised his front paw and patted the shoulders of Wu Tie, the old iron shook his head.

"In the future, you will know more and see, you will understand."

"The stone Lingqing, she is at the peak of her life, she uses her 'high-minded wrists' and 'intellectual intelligence' to count the masters of two powerful organizations, gaining powerful strength, loyal obedience, and bright future... ..."

"Suddenly, she was hit by a stick from the peak of her life and suddenly returned to a situation where she had nothing..."

"At this time, if you cry and shout, holding her feet, licking the bottom of her feet, crying and shouting to become her slave, let her drive... she will be satisfied and continue to struggle with confidence... ”

"But your kid...oh, uh..."

"You make your family too disappointing... not to mention, the baby finally chose you, not her self-esteem. Although this little girl is a bit savvy, there are some points, and some are formed. Scorpion poison..."

"It's still too young to bear the blow... If you can't get it, you will die with you. Isn't this a natural choice?"

The old iron shook his head and learned the witch iron. Although these words will not be understood for a while, but he honestly remembers these words in his heart.

"Woman, it is... complicated, terrible..." Wu Tie also stood up and held a long shot in both hands and shouted: "I am still a man like my older brother, second brother, and third brother..."

"You don't like a female man... Ha, ha, ha, when you grow up, you will know that you would rather like green tea like Shi Lingqing than a female man..." Laotie laughed and turned Walked into the long ramp.

No look back, no review, not even a single emotion.

In this way, the place where the hero of the cow was buried was left, and the pace of the old iron was extremely calm.

“Green tea?” Wu Tie hurriedly caught up with the old iron: “Explain what? What is green tea?”

"Do you know green tea?" The old iron voice came from a deep rumor: "Don't know? Then... well, don't teach bad kids, you will understand later... well, let's throw away the third Words, let's learn first, what green tea is."

"What is that broken bone?"

"how could I know?"

"Grandpa, although I know a lot... but that bones..."

"Grandpa, I can only guess, that is the legendary thing... Grandpa I have not seen it with my own eyes, I am not sure."

"Drilled into your body? What's the relationship? Anyway, if you live well, isn't that what you become?"

"Which, continue to say green tea... Oh, no green tea..."

"Tea, what about this..."

A boulder with a diameter of more than 300 meters smashed down from the top of the grotto, and the longevity teaching wooden boat that Wu Wu and the old iron could not move away was squatted below. Then the numerous boulders fell and the entire cave collapsed.

In the days that followed, Wu Tie returned to normal work.

Hunting prey, making foundation chemicals, practicing foundations, and practicing guns.

It should be the relationship between the piece and the bones of Wu and Wu. In the next three months, Wu Tie’s foundation-based cultivation progress is amazing.

In just three months, he has cultivated to the seventh-nineth-style type of foundation. As long as he breaks through the seventy-eighth formula, Wu Tie’s body full of rushing power can be condensed into a higher level. Hey.

Yuanli can only work in the body, improving the power and speed of Wutie.

The Lantern Festival can put people on the outside and even be able to control the enemy by short-distance volley.

Moreover, the Yuan dynasty body, whether it is the physical strength or the speed will be greatly improved, more powerful bones and muscles can be exercised, and the body defense can be greatly enhanced.

The third-largest practitioner in the construction of the foundation is at least ten times more combative than the second-class practitioner.

However, the progress of Wu Tie is too fast, so that the old iron has the intention to let Wu Tie suppress the progress of cultivation. Every cultivation is only cultivated to the 711th style, deliberately delaying to break through the 720th formula. .

Constantly hoarding Yuan Li, constantly sculpt the body, the strength of Wu Tie body is more and more full, and gradually every cell expands to the extreme, and can no longer store even a trace of strength.

An angry beast screamed, and a giant hippo ran wildly and slammed into Wu Tie.

The giant hippo with a weight of tens of thousands of pounds rushed into the high-speed, and it had a force of at least several hundred thousand pounds.

Wu Tie has reached the pinnacle of the second most important foundation, and he still does not dare to confront such giant beasts.

He moved a few steps to the side, his speed is too fast, and even brought a touch of shadow.

Holding the gun in the right, a precise shot.

The long gun screamed into the ear hole of the giant hippo and penetrated its brain.

The body of such a behemoth suddenly twitched and fell to the ground.

The huge body slipped forward hundreds of meters and pulled a deep trace on the thick moss.

Wu Tie pulled out his long gun behind his back, a metal spider smashed out, the fat abdomen opened, and the white metal juice condensed into a long knife.

Wu Tie skillfully took a long knife and carefully cut the behemoth.

A few dozen meters away, a litter of more than twenty limestone lizards swayed their tails, and the meek squats looked at the rocks.

With the large prey of giant hippo, Wu Tie is no longer looking for limestone lizards.

Instead, it is a few nests of limestone lizards near the ancient **** barracks, and each time Witch Iron will give them some benefits.

The giant hippo's water and not very good flesh and blood, witch iron will be thrown to these limestone lizards.

In the past few months, Wu Tie has cultivated a good relationship with these limestone lizards.

Every time I deal with these limestone lizards, Wu Tie will think of the big guys who are kept in the Wujia Shibao.

"Really, come and ask for cheaper? I will be obedient and have your meat to eat."

Wu Tie smiled and cut a large piece of **** meat, and lost it in the distance.

A group of limestone lizards made a cheerful scream, and quickly rushed to the top. In the past few months, with the flesh and blood that Wu Tie has thrown from time to time, the quality of life of these limestone lizards has improved a lot.

A subtle impact came, and a metal spider quickly came over.

I don't know what the old iron and the big iron have done. Over the past few months, these elements of the ancient gods and battalions have become more and more active, and they have been able to move freely within a few hundred miles.

Moreover, the number of large and small yuan energy is also increasing. As for the two months that Wu Tie saw, there are at least one hundred new metal spiders.

The palm-sized metal spider flew over, and the sharp wrists and lightly clicked on the branches of a large fern, as if the breeze fell on the shoulders of Wu Tie.

The sound of the old iron came from the metal spider: "Hurry up and clean up, and there are outsiders coming... Hey, it’s really a ghost."

Wu Tie stayed in the air, he speeded up, long knife waving, and quickly turned the giant hippo into dozens.

A group of metal spiders swarmed up and dragged a piece of flesh and blood to run at full speed, transporting the giant hippo back to the ancient **** barracks.

Another group of metal spiders came in, and the professionally transported moss and dirt from a distance, covering the traces left by the witch iron hunting. At the same time, they also mask the traces left by the metal spiders of the prey.

The palm-sized metal spider led the way, and Wu Tie ran all the way, and soon he came to the river.

Kneeling behind a large stone, covering the body with a large fern, Wu Tie looked over the river.

Three whole bodies were dark, and a wooden boat with a length of more than ten meters drifted on the river. The sails of the wooden boat floated on the mast. The **** ‘longevity’ was quite dazzling.

On the bow of the three canoes stood three men, one woman and three old men.

The three of them, like the red dragonfly, gave birth to a childlike face, and the face was ruddy and extremely abnormal, as if there was blood in each pore.

Behind them, there were twenty or thirty young men and women who were gorgeous and handsome. These young men and women were also full and rich, just like the bean sprouts that sucked in water and nourishment. It was too strong and full.

Under the river, a water mark suddenly turned up.

A large otter with a thick water tank slammed out of the river, and opened the blood basin to swallow the young men and women on a wooden boat.

On the bow of the canoe stood wearing a black robes, and the old man with two hoes embroidered with blood-colored silk threads on his sleeves smirked, and his right hand slammed into the water.

The body of the otter, a dozen meters away from him, suddenly slanted and was sucked by the giants to the old man.

The old man's right hand five fingers suddenly became congested, the palms expanded to a foot size, and the five fingers became red and red, like blood jade carving.

The five fingers are like hooks, and they are deeply immersed in the body of the otter. The half-inch thick scales of the leeches become extremely fragile in the hands of the elderly. The old five fingers are deeply trapped in the body of the leeches, just a time of breathing, the leeches The soft collapse falls in the river.

The old man sat up with a full stomach, and he spurted a long breath, and his breath was full of blood.

"It is very nourishing." The old man smiled and said: "This place is good, really good... I can't think of it, the red wife died and returned to the church to find such a good place."

On another wooden boat, the old woman wearing a **** robe gloomy face snorted: "The red sister is dead, do you live very fast? Can't find the real fierce, I see how you confess to it."

Another old man smiled in an understatement: "Well, what do you want to confess? Isn't it very clear? Akasaka, the people who are fog knives blame, destroy the fog knives, the problem is not solved?"

"Turn out the fog knife? You said it is light." The woman in the blood robes said: "The people are the head snakes in the Cangyan field...not so easy to destroy..."

A lame, the wooden boat floated up, and he said: "No matter who the murderer is... I will not let him go."

Akasaka’s eyes were like a knife, and he was swept over by two old people.

The two old men smiled and drove the canoe.

The three canoes flew out in three different directions.