MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 31 Loyal servant...

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Qiao and nails exclaimed, screamed, and jumped up.

The purple-black smoke sticks to their skin and continually erodes them along their pores. Moreover, a large amount of smoke enters the body along their mouth when they **** the red dragonfly's life.

The skin quickly turned into purple-black, large pieces of skin smashed, shedding, blood and water oozing out of the flesh, the blood beads that just emerged were still bright red, and became black pus after landing.

From Shi Lingqing, he learned the secrets of the Yuan, and cultivated the longevity and evil spirits. The screams of the clever and nails screamed, and the powerful life energy of the body rolled and boiled, constantly offsetting the erosion of poison.

Seeing that their skin is smashed, there is a constant growth of fleshy skin under the smashed skin, but the new flesh is rotted again.

Qiao and nails screamed with anger and anger. He had just had a half-thigh of thighs. He sat in the same place, biting his teeth and out of a dozen small flying knives, staring at the stone.

The nail is striding out, waving with both hands, dozens of triangular nails flying out of the air, swaying a secret arc to the stone.

Shidian 'giggle' smiled, his right hand wooden pole squatted on the ground, dozens of tiny silver hair flashed from the head of the stick, accurately hit on the triangle nail.

The power of electro-optical light is extremely strong, and the steel is forged, and the triangular nails which are tempered by the secret method are actually blown directly by the current. In the harsh explosion, a little bit of iron **** splashed, and the nail that rushed out of the big scream suddenly screamed, and a small electric spark flashed around him, twitching and falling to the ground.

When the electric light blasted the triangular nails, the current of a thumb thickness was silent, like a viper, which ran out against the ground and hit the nails of the nails. The electric spark emits a ‘啪啪’ crisp sound, and the nails are desperately trying to jump and jump, but he has no control over his body.

The body was also stunned by the whisper of purple and black smoke.

When I just rushed out, I could have rushed out of him surrounded by poisonous smoke. But the nail did not do this, but just rushed out of the scope of the thick smoke package, did not help to help.

The poisonous poison constantly invades the body, and the element of life that has just been taken from the red dragonfly body is quickly consumed. It is surrounded by a large amount of blood, and more and more new blood is flowing from his body, which looks like a good person.

Stone electric step by step, squatting to the nails that fell to the ground and could not move.

Cleverly screaming at the scorpion: "Ling Qing...Help... Stone, he, he, he is crazy!"

Shi Lingqing, who was madly venting her negative emotions, shuddered and jumped from her violently cracked crater, and lightly fell on a cluster of several meters high.

Seeing that Shidian sneaked on the clever and nail with the poison, Dafa Shenwei hit the two, and he has already reached the nail, and lifted the stick to kill the nail...

Shi Lingqing screamed: "Shi Power... What are you going to do?"

Shidian turned back and smiled at Shi Lingqing, and the wooden stick in his hand fell heavily, and the head of the nail was worn.

"Miss, I have been guarding you for almost ten years." Shidian smiled softly at Shi Lingqing: "In ten years, you have grown from a little girl who is not sensible, and has grown so beautiful..."

When the nail was killed, it made a screaming scream.

Shi Lingqing’s face looked at Shidian, and the fingers were violently twitching.

“Remember, the seed that I sent you on your 12th birthday?” Shidian spoke with a soft, sticky, sticky voice that made people feel extremely uncomfortable, and step by step toward purple black. The toxic smoke shrouded under the cover.

"At that time, you disliked the humble seed." Shi Dian laughed at Shi Lingqing: "I lost it when I left it... You don't know, it is the seed that I spent all my savings and bought from the secret dealer."

"You lost it, and I took it back, carefully, secretly, bred it, seeing it grow up, snoring, blossoming..." Shidian’s smile was extremely gentle: "The secret business told I, the flower is called the sun flower... The flowers are small, but very beautiful, there are many colors I have never seen before."

"Beauty, beautiful, fragile, and pity... It’s like Miss you." Shidian’s smile was a bit distorted: "So, after it blossoms, I pulled it out and washed it, one by one. I ate it."

In the poisonous smoke, the screaming screams, his hands slammed on the ground, borrowed from the bounce, and fled to escape.

Shi Lingqing screamed, and she ignited the **** flames around her body, turning into a residual image and rushing to the stone.

Shi's right hand waved, and the palm of his hand spurted a large piece of purple and black smoke, turning into a smoke wall in front of Shi Lingqing. Shi Lingqing saw the hot smell of this poisonous smoke, hurriedly jumped up and jumped on the 100-meter high altitude to escape the frontal fight of poisonous smoke.

Cleverly rushed out of the poisonous smoke, Shidian violently screamed.

His smashed left chest squirmed violently, and the silk was flashing. His wounds squirted large pieces of blood and broken bones. His completely disappeared left shoulder wound spurted out countless granules, a short breath, a large body fluid splashing, and his left hand 唰 的 生长 grew up.

In the middle of a breath, a left arm that smashes and breaks is completely formed.

Shidian waved his left hand and grabbed the clever neck. Cleverly widened his eyes, just spit out the word 'forgiveness' from his mouth, Shidian palms and electric spurts out, the clever body suddenly lights up, countless tiny electric lights splashed on his body, he After a few violent convulsions, the body quickly turned into a size of coke.

The coke was thrown on the ground, and the stone was smashed by the coke.

He looked up and looked at Shi Lingqing, who had fallen from a high altitude, and his smile grew stronger: "Miss, what I did to that pot of sunflowers is what I want to do to you... I want a little bit, one Just a little bit... taste you!"

"Of course, I am not saying, I want to kill you, I really eat you... That's really disrespectful to you, Miss..." Shidian's body screamed fiercely, and the original gentle smile suddenly became Very incomparable.

"I want you, you are mine... In this life, you are mine... The city of Thousand Fishes was destroyed, the old man and the lords were killed... Only I guarded you and escaped... Really fish God bless you, you are destined to be mine." Shi Dian laughed at the corner of his mouth and almost reached the back of his neck.

"I know that I am not enough. I know that I am just a despicable family guard leader. So, I have been only looking at you sneaking, observing you, thinking about you at night..." Shidian laughed: "But Now, I can get you, I can have you..."

Forcefully trampled on the charcoal, Stone Electric sighed: "Do you know? When you lured them to renege on the fog knife that day, when they betrayed their brothers, I was not far away... I can see how they are You, I can hear your embarrassment!"

Shi electric grinned and smiled: "So, they must die, they can't live... but you, I don't want to give up, even though you have been bitten by two wild dogs, but I don't want to give up, who makes me... I am Love you like this?"

Shidian is like a madman. He speaks very fast. After talking about this long line of madness and dementia, he only used a very short time.

Shi Lingqing swooped down from the sky, his palms were intertwined, and a palm of his blood-colored flame screamed and screamed from the air, like a cloud of fire falling to the stone.

Shidian looked at Shi Qingqing's palm print and suddenly screamed: "Miss... You don't think that I am awakened by the talents at the moment of life and death. How much more useful than these two wastes? They can get you, why? I can not?"

Shi Lingqing's body was obviously stagnant in the air for a moment, and the palm prints of dozens of blood-colored flames suddenly dissipated.

With a beautiful body, Shi Lingqing fell from the sky and fell lightly in front of the stone. She swayed and walked slowly to the front of the stone electrician, reaching out and gently touching the chin of Shidian.

Everything was suffocating, and the evil spirits in the scorpion were like the puppies that the owner caressed. The breath suddenly blew, and the straight body was slightly smashed. He bent down slightly and looked at Shi Lingqing with a smile.

"Miss... It’s so good. The city of Thousand Fishes is ruined. It’s impossible for someone to stop us from being together... I have strength, I am awakened by strength, I can protect you. No one will ever be, like those two **** That's the kind, so shameless to treat you."

Shijiao’s eyes have tears falling.

He looked deeply at the pretty face of Shi Lingqing. He said one word and one word: "I will protect you, no one will be able to hurt your hair."

Shi Lingqing sighed softly, she looked at Shidian, looked at him for a long time, and finally nodded gently: "It turned out that you have been to me, it is such a mind... it is also difficult for you..."

Shallow smile, Shi Lingqing pointed to Wu Wu from the big pit, an understatement smile: "The ancient treasure in the hall is the baby that looks like a broken bone, and the ancient corpse body, I want it all."

In the scorpion of Shidian, there was a ray of electric light. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Wu Tie in disgust.

"Kill him, give me all the treasures I want... After that, you are my most intimate and close-knit confidant." Shi Lingqing smiled like a flower, gently throwing a wink at Shidian.

The face of Shidian is red, and the roots of the neck are raised with a blue rib. The breath becomes a lot heavy. His eyes were like a knife, and he swept over Shi Lingling's wonderful body, and strode over to Wu Tie.

Wu Tie just jumped on the ground.

He just heard the change.

It was a deadly death, and it was crucified. These two were used by Shi Lingqing, and they were deceived by the stalkers of the nine palms and the red dragonfly. They died in the hands of Shidian.

In this process, the shackles of the human heart, the ugliness of human nature, the treacherousness and viciousness of the world, these things that have never been touched are like a thunder, constantly lingering in the heart of Wu Tie.

It’s like a pond, a little bit of ink dripping down, the pond is a little discolored.

Was suppressed by Shi Lingqing for a while, and the internal organs were shocked. Wu Tie stood a little hard and stood up, taking a heavy breath. Looking at the stone power that strode forward to himself, Wu Tie rubbed it a bit and then laughed a few times.

Wu Tie himself feels that his laughter is hard to hear. Although there is no mirror, it is hard to see this smile.

"I didn't expect it. In the end, you two survived." Wu Tie was a little confused in his mind. He looked at Shi Lingqing, whose clothes were burned by the blood of his own blood, and then looked at the stone power that was in the wolf. In the last few words, I only asked three words: "Is it worth it?"

Shi Lingqing and Shidian stayed together, then laughed at the same time.

Shi Lingqing smiled and leaned forward, almost fell to the ground, she pointed at the witch iron and laughed: "I want to live ... to live, than everyone else live high, the scenery is infinite, you ask 'worth What's this? Is this a joke with me?"

Shidian is laughing and approaching the Wu Iron. A very thin electric light is continuously ejected from his body, and gradually turns into the current of the thumb thickness flowing in his body. The dull thunder continued to flow from the stone electric body. He said loudly: "Is it worth it? For the lady, I can sacrifice everything!"

Wu Tie also wants to say something, Shi Lingqing's nephew suddenly turned into a blood color, she quietly fluttered like a ghost like a ghost, and her hands were like a knife, smashing into the heart of Shidian.

Stone's body suddenly became stiff, and the current suddenly dissipated.

He turned his head in disbelief, and his voice creaked in his throat.

Shi Lingqing looked at him gently and quietly, whispering: "You didn't say anything wrong, you are just a despicable family guard. I can let anyone enjoy my body, but you can't do it."

"Do you know the characteristics of the secret weapon?" Shi Lingqing smiled very happy: "In addition to taking the red dragonfly and my roots of the same life, in my realm, I can still take a talent for magic." ”

"The power of thunder and lightning, very good talents. Oh, it is awakened in you, why not give it to me?" Shi Lingqing's laughter gradually loudened, and a glimpse of electric light constantly poured into her body from the stone electric body.

"You are the slave of my stone fish family, then, everything is yours. Stone, do you say this is the truth?" Shi Lingqing sighed: "As a slave, you actually have been to me since childhood." Have a voyeur, you said, are you damn?"

Shi's body violently twitched. He held the wooden staff with his right hand. Several times he lifted the wooden stick and wanted to attack Shi Lingqing.

Shi Lingqing smiled like a flower and looked at Shidian.

Shidian worked hard several times and did not shoot.

At the end, Shidian looked at Shi Lingqing and sighed: "I hope that you will be beautiful, long-lived... The teachings of the longevity... Ha... Miss, can die for you, I am really dead without complaints... must live well."

Shi electric turned around and looked at the silent Wu Wu, whispered: "No more, let these dirty boys taint you..."

The body of Shidian blasted and turned into a **** fog.

Among them, a small group of blood and fog was wrapped in countless tiny electric lights. Shi Lingqing opened his mouth and swallowed the electric light.

Soon, Shi Lingqing's body had a very fine electric light, and the air also sounded a low thunder.

Wu Tie was uncomfortable watching Shi Lingqing, he muttered to himself: "You, why do you have to make things so complicated?"

Shi Lingqing took a deep breath and then smiled and looked at Wu Tie: "All the people who are obstructing me and obstructing me are all dead. Isn't the things in this world simpler?"

In the sound of laughter, Shi Lingqing turned into a group of electric lights entangled in flames, screaming and slamming into Wu Tie.