MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 21 Giant beast

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In the ancient gods barracks.

The red light curtain reflects everything.

"It's amazing." The old iron ‘haha’ laughed a lot, although there was no smile in the laughter.

The big iron turned over, and I watched the old iron for a while, then gently hit the old iron.

"When she came, she was still a young girl..." The old iron screamed with a strange smile: "But now, this woman who is hooking up our little rookie... can you understand? The transition from a girl to a woman ?"

The big iron was suspended in the air, and the blood in his throat was stiff.

"There is no common language with you who are not born with intelligence." Laotie laughed loudly: "So, conspiracy... and, an egg."

"That's really accurate!" The old iron laughed again, and the blood in the blind suddenly became extremely blazing. The **** light almost illumined half of the metal hall: "I mean, this egg is really accurate... ...It’s a bunch of good dogs, it’s a bunch of good dogs... a little rookie, need a little lesson!”

Witch iron wolf rubbed a thick egg liquid on his face.

The egg liquid is stinky and thick, and it is even more amazing. It is hot and his skin is almost red and blisters.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" Wu Tie snorted, and the black shadow that had put the egg on him had already run hundreds of meters away, and the head did not return to escape at full speed in the distance.

The earth violently swayed, and a scream of sorrow and anger screamed. More than a dozen big ferns were crushed and smashed. A huge skull with a sly shape slammed out from the shattered fern fragments.

At first glance, this huge skull and limestone lizard are similar in seven or eight points, but the skull is two or three meters in size, several times larger than the giant hippo's head.

Its head is covered with seventy-eight sharp pointed corners. When it opens its mouth and screams loudly, the fins with reddish umbrellas are suddenly open behind the neck. The semicircular fins are at least five meters in diameter. There are countless purple spots on it, which look awkward and mighty.

The behemoth rushed over, behind the huge head, a giant body with a height of more than ten meters. It is shaped like a limestone lizard, but it is several times larger than the adult limestone lizard. Behind its stout body, A pair of degenerate, only two or three meters of flesh-winged wings are slamming.

The beastly scarlet, fierce flashing little scorpion stared at Wu Tie.

The broken eggshell is at the foot of the witch iron, and the face of the witch iron is covered with thick egg liquid.

A cattle warrior around Shi Lingqing grabbed her and took her to the distant wolf to escape.

Shi Lingqing with a worried color, yelling at the witch iron: "The son, be careful... this beast, crazy!"

In just one sentence, Shi Lingqing has been escaped by hundreds of meters under the genius. Wu and Wu have not recovered from a series of changes. The neck of the beast has swelled up and under the skin of the scales. Suddenly there was a flash of fire.

Wu Tie subconsciously turned over to the ground, the invisible force field wrapped around the body, he almost glided against the ground, and quickly flew more than a dozen meters away.

The reddish fire column of a water tank is as thick as a magma, and almost wipes his scalp and slides over.

Wu Tie's hair 嗤 的 殆 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 殆 , , , 殆 殆 殆 殆 殆 殆 殆 嗤 嗤 嗤 嗤 嗤 嗤 嗤 嗤

The pillar of fire fell heavily behind the Wu Tie body. In the loud noise, the ground was burned out of a large pit with a diameter of several meters. A shallow magma was boiling in the big pit, and bubbles of various sizes continued to emerge.

Witch iron screamed, he took a diamond-shaped bulge on his chest, his hands and head were quickly covered by armor, and he jumped up and ran at full speed toward the rear.

The monster's eyes are red, and a crazy roar is screaming in the sky, and four thick thighs are taken, bringing a gust of wind to chase the witch. The speed at which the monster ran was extremely amazing. It was a little faster than Wu Tie. After almost breathing, he caught up with Wu Tie.

The monster jerked up the upper body and took a huge forefoot.

Wu Tie was too late to dodge and was hit by a monster. When the giant force struck, Wu Tie screamed and flew out, tumbling and flew hundreds of meters away, hitting a raised stalagmite, smashing the thick stalagmites and breaking it, and the large pieces of gravel flew out. Far away.

Even with the protection of the armor, Wu Tie was struck by the smashing of the internal organs, and almost did not spit it out.

He gasped loudly and never dared to fly, but fled at full speed on the ground.

When he glides, there is no such thing as free movement on the ground in the air. The monster's slap is too big, and it is easy to cover him in all directions that may be evaded.

Only on the ground, rock piles, mushroom bushes, fern forests, and all kinds of terrain that can be used, he can take advantage of his smaller size and use the terrain to delay the pursuit of giant beasts.

Wu Tie escaped like a mouse in a patch of mushrooms and ferns. The behemoth screamed wildly, spitting out a pillar of fire from time to time, and chasing him madly.

Wu Tie fled while recalling the knowledge that Lao Tie taught him.

Soon he figured out - he was counted by a group of people in Rollin.

Luo Lin came forward and figured out that he was indeed alone here, alone, without a companion, without a tribe, and without any strong backing. Therefore, Luo Lin sent people to provoke this behemoth to deal with Wu Tie.

That egg is the descendant of the behemoth?

According to the knowledge taught by the old iron, the creatures of reproduction and incubation are crazy. Any behavior that harms their offspring will irritate them. Even the weakest animals will fight against powerful enemies in order to protect their offspring.

These little hamsters are like this, let alone a powerful behemoth?

"Luo Lin!" Wu Tie fled, and roared: "I remember you... you **** bastard, I will not let you go!"

The answer to Wu Tie is the crazy roar of the behemoth. In the loud noise of ‘Boom’, a boulder with a few meters round is slap in the palm of the monster and flies up and hits the back of Wu Tie.

Witch iron screamed, and was smashed by boulder for dozens of meters. The wolverine tumbling on the ground for dozens of times. Before he climbed up and continued to run, the monster slammed on him.

The surface temperature of the white nails is rising rapidly, which is a terrible flame that is enough to melt the rocks instantly.

Wu Tie only felt like being soaked in boiling water. He was hot and yelled, and he jumped up and danced, and even leaped to the rivers dozens of miles away.

Since this monster will spit fire, then use the river to deal with it.

Wu Tie gasped and ran all the way at full speed. He suddenly stayed for a moment and ran back to the position where Shi Lingqing's wooden shed was at full speed.

The behemoth was chasing after him, and Wu Ting ran at full speed. When he ran to Shi Lingqing’s wooden shed, he screamed with all his strength: “Shi Lingqing, be careful, they entangled me with giant beasts. I want to kill you!"

In the ancient **** barracks, the old iron ‘嘎嘎’ laughed.

"This little rookie, Grandpa, I want to praise him for his kindness and sense of justice? Or do you want to say... Is it stupid enough?" Laotie sneered: "It seems stupid... What do you think?"

The scorpion glowed in the big iron scorpion, and the big head was gently rotated.

Wu iron rushed, and he jumped up and jumped over a pile of raised stalagmites, looking at the location of Shi Lingqing's wooden shed.

‘Boom’, the behemoth rushed to the ground, the stalagmites were crushed by it, and countless bowls of gravel bombarded on Wu Tie, constantly making a harsh impact. The horrible white armor was fired and the gravel collapsed, leaving no trace on the armor.

The wooden shed has collapsed and there is a large amount of blood on the ground.

A young man in a black suit with a straight knife scabbard on his back, a straight knife in his right hand, and a small flying knife in his left hand, fell stiffly on the ground, blood all over his body, blood flowing from his body. In a mud pit more than two meters away, it turned into a small blood pool.

Dead one.

It was such a short time that Wu Tie back and forth was a quarter of an hour, and Luo Lin’s companion was already dead.

Wu Tie wants to inquire about the cause of death of this young man. The behemoth has already rushed to the ground, and Wu Ting screamed and slammed back to the head of the behemoth.

The giant beast patted it, and Wu Ting’s handgun stunned and almost flew out. His body was shot and kicked out, and he fell heavily on the ground and bounced two or three times.

The wolverine struggled to climb from the ground, and Wu Ting gasped, enduring the pain of the violent shock of the internal organs, and the wolverine continued to flee in the distance.

The beast madly chased it up. It stepped on the dead youth, flesh and blood, and the youth was suddenly stepped on.

Wu Tie gasped and fled, running at full speed.

He really has no way for this big guy. He can only escape at full speed and choose a direction to escape.

Originally, he wanted to escape to the ancient **** barracks. But he inexplicably thought of the existence of Shi Lingqing and Luo Lin, who subconsciously ran away from the direction of the ancient **** barracks.

Even if he has an inexplicable affection for Shi Lingqing, he is not willing to let the other party know the existence of the ancient **** barracks.

The behemoth screamed wildly, and even the sly hunted with the iron and iron. Its heavy body leaped to the ground every time, the ground around it violently oscillated, and countless gravels continually shot around.

From time to time, it spurts a terrible pillar of fire to the witch iron. Every time the witch iron is sprayed in the pillar of fire, it will be hot and screaming, and the dance will speed up and escape.

I chased and escaped, and I didn’t know how long it was. I suddenly became more and more horrible in the distance.

The head has been chasing for a long time, and the beast that has been a little breathless has jerked up the upper body and made a sharp and screaming scream.

Wu Tie was so scared that he slammed into the direction of the distant snoring, and suddenly the scalp was numb--on there, there was a three-third larger than the behemoth behind him. First, from the beginning to the end, at least 20 meters long behemoths ran wildly.

"Obten!" Wu Tie screamed, and the subconscious speeded up again.

Passing through the mushroom bushes, through the fern forest, from the clump of stalagmites in a clump of stalags, the behemoths rushed behind him. After a while, a behemoth became two ends, and the new giant beast was bigger and ran faster.

Even more terrible, the fire column he spurted was more powerful.

The fire pillar of the first giant beast is only reddish, and the second pillar of fire has already brought a blue-green color to the pillar of fire. There is no doubt that this is a more powerful flame, and the thickness of the two tanks is sufficient. The pillar of fire fell to the ground, and the blazing, viscous flames spread out, and the ground of ten meters was melted into magma.

The high temperature flames are raging everywhere, and large mushrooms and fern forests are dried and then burned.

The place where Wu Tie passed was blazing and bright in all directions.

Gradually, Wu Tie's physical strength is almost exhausted. Even if he has completed the first heavy construction of the foundation, his blood has already produced a powerful force, and his physical strength is still limited.

After rushing for hundreds of miles, Wu Tie has been exhausted and sweaty. The internal organs are like fire. Especially the two lungs are even more painful. It seems that people have stuffed a fine needle into it. The alveoli may burst at any time. .

The strength of the body is consumed, the two legs are as heavy as mercury, and the footsteps become much heavier when running.

The small behemoth speed has become extremely slow. Its size is so huge. It has been rushing for hundreds of miles with the Witch Iron. Its physical exertion is dozens of times that of Witch Iron. It is not easy to catch up here.

However, when the big behemoth was full of physical strength, it screamed loudly, and the madman chased the witch iron. On several occasions, it almost caught up with Wu Tie, and almost swallowed the witch iron.

Fortunately, the terrain here is complicated, surrounded by stalagmites and stone pillars with hundreds of meters high...

Wu Tie suddenly looked around and suddenly twitched in the heart.

Unknowingly, he has left the safety range that Lao Tie said, and came to the half-basin basin near the lava crack, the terrain is more complex, the vegetation is denser, and the bio-community is more abundant.

There were huge stalagmites and stone pillars around, and there was not much space between them. Wu Tie was crawling and crawling in, and the behemoth behind him was not guarded. The head of '咚' ran into a huge stone pillar, hard. The students will be slanted by two or more stone columns with a height of several hundred meters.

The stone pillars made a terrible crack, and then quickly collapsed.

The stone pillars were heavy on the adjacent stone pillars, and the two stone pillars collided together. In the loud noise, a stone pillar fell like a domino.

Wu Tie made a sharp scream, and he leaped violently, and a stone pillar collapsed. Countless boulder descended from the sky and was smashed.

Wu Shi’s foot boulder continues to take off from the sky, and the invisible field envelopes the surrounding area, wrapped in him like a bird to the sky.

There was a whistling whistle from the top of the stone pillar, and a strand of cockroaches turned into a gust of wind blowing from the sky.

Dozens of bitter green shades appeared at the top of the stone pillars, and a sharp whistle continued to come.

The behemoth looked up unwillingly and spurted a fire column toward the sky.

Wu Tie quickly evaded, the top of the stone pillar, a few giant spiders with large body and no heavenly madness, falling like a meteorite, opened a long sharp wrist and grasped the giant beast.