MTL - Chastity Layman-Chapter 1481 end

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  Chapter 1481 Final Chapter: Reconstruction of the Tang Dynasty (End of the whole book)

   "I was there that day,"

In the Western Regions, on the heads of Tiaozhi Dudufu, Xiliuzhou, and Huwen City (Kabul), Xue Huaiyi was leaning on the city certificate, chewing clove mints in his mouth, and holding a crossbow in his arms. The blood on his body was still wet, and even he The 'corpse' of the Turkic soldier of the Kubin State who was sitting under his buttocks was still moaning intermittently.

A group of dental soldiers from the Hezhong feudal town next to them were chewing mint leaves, cloves, or betel nuts. Everyone was repairing the moving corpses, or searching for valuable booty from dead corpses. Another post-war bragging, all just listening with a smile.

After a fierce battle, especially after a victorious battle against the enemy, they are very tired and need to listen to stories about the power of beauties to refresh themselves, and Feng Xiaobao said about court secrets, although they do not believe Yes, but I also feel refreshed.

"That day, I was there when the Wu brothers and the clan entered the palace. I even saw Wu Sansi cut off the emperor's head with a knife. Emperor Xianzong's blood splashed on my face, and the blood of the real dragon was extremely hot. , I still have a mark on my neck that will never fade..."

  The most elite dental soldiers in Hezhong Township went to the camp first, but no one believed it.

  They have listened to it hundreds of times, but every time they listen to it, they still appreciate it.

"Really, you see, this imprint is left after the blood of Emperor Xianzong's real dragon was splashed on it. Not only did it not fade, but it even became clearer and clearer. I feel like a dragon scale... "

  The captain, Wen Jinzhong, came over and interrupted him, "Okay, don't go too far, you can still grow dragon scales on your humble neck? Is it really too long?"

Wen Jinzhong is very clear about the details of Xue Huaiyi, the fire chief under his command. This guy's real name is Feng Xiaobao. He was originally an orphan without father and mother. He grew up in an orphanage, and was later adopted by a childless veteran named Xue Huaiyi. , but the old Xijun was wounded and died not long after.

The young Feng Xiaobao then wandered around the market and the streets, and usually made some money by selling some wild medicines and folk remedies. Later, he was lucky. People from Jinzuoyuan of Luoyang's Hezhong Fanzhen visited the old Xijun and found him dead. The next adopted son, so he was accepted to do odd jobs in Jinzhaoyuan.

   Later, he was appreciated by Xue Chongjian, the son of Xue Shao, a Luzon cabinet scholar in Beijing, for his diligence and agility, and he was arranged to be an entourage by the side of Qin Zhao, the son of Luzon Prince in Luo.

  Feng Xiaobao is also smart and quick-witted. He is very grateful to Xue Chongjian and recognizes Xue Chongjian as his adoptive father. After that, he is also very loyal to the prince's son Qin Zhao, and gradually he is doing well.

  In the fifteenth year of Chang'an, Qin Zhao, the eighteen-year-old prince of Lusong, left Luoyang and returned to Lusong. Feng Xiaobao, who changed his name to Xue Huaiyi, was left by him and arranged to join the Beiya Shence Army.

On the 20th day of the first lunar month in the fifteenth year of Chang'an, brothers Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi, together with Zhang Jianzhi, Cui Xuanwei, Li Duozuo, the general of the Mohe people, and Li Zhan, the youngest son of Li Yifu, launched a mutiny with the intention of supporting the emperor's uncle Linzi. The county king Li Longji proclaimed himself emperor.

  The Luoyang mutiny this time was actually caused by Emperor Xianzong of the Chang'an Dynasty who had been cutting feudal vassals and abolishing feudal titles.

  Since the failure of Li Kun and Xu Jingye's Yangzhou rebellion in the first year of Chang'an, the father and son of Yue King Li Zhen raised troops in Erhai Lake, Yunnan in the third year of Chang'an, and more than a dozen princes were involved that time.

Afterwards, the emperor's treatment was also very severe. He directly killed more than 30 clan princes, abolished the feudal states, and implicated hundreds of deposed princes, county kings, and state princes. Nearly half of the clan and royal family were wiped out at once.

  After this incident, the emperor began to plan to cut down the vassal and abolish the feudal title. He even ignored the warning of the grand master Qin Lang, and did not listen to the advice of the two governors, and insisted on going his own way.

From the beginning of planning in the third year of Chang'an, to the eighth year of Chang'an when the edict to cut down the vassals was officially issued, and then continued for eight years to cut down the vassals. It's going well.

But it will become more and more difficult in the future, especially after the first few clans who accepted the reduction of the feudal clan returned to Luo, they did not end well in the end. Two were forced to commit suicide, and a few also died in depression. This is even more compelling. Other clans were willing to resist.

   After that, there was a five-year war to reduce the vassals. Seven vassal kings took the lead in the rebellion.

   But Datang has been in turmoil in recent years.

   It was precisely because of this battle to reduce the vassal that finally, after the Spring Festival in the fifteenth year of Chang'an, a Luoyang mutiny finally broke out.

  At that time, none of the remaining clan clans dared to fight against the imperial court, so they had to accept the imperial conscript, and all returned to Luoyang, voluntarily giving up the feudal lands entrusted by the ancestors.

  Many clans gathered in Luoyang, the capital, uneasy, and various rumors about the capital arose.

   And just at this time, there were rumors that after the emperor won the battle to abolish the imperial family, he was planning to take advantage of the victory to pursue and abolish the title of meritorious officials.

  So on the 20th day of the first lunar month, a mutiny broke out in Luoyang.

   There are many forces involved in the parties. Many royal families in Beijing, even eunuchs, generals of foreign races, ministers in the court, etc., they easily entered the Xuanwu Gate and all the way to the Temple of Manna.

  Finally, the 40-year-old emperor Li Hao was beheaded by Wu Sansi sword in the Palace of Ganlu, his body was separated, and his death was extremely tragic.

  This incident can be described as shocking the world.

  Afterwards, the brothers Wu Sansi and Prime Minister Zhang Jianzhi welcomed the emperor's uncle Linzi King Li Longji to proclaim himself emperor.

   It's just that the court usurped by the mutiny did not last long.

  After the Mutiny in Luoyang, Qin Lang, the 97-year-old supreme king of Lu Song Dynasty, issued a call to the world in San Francisco to challenge the king of Qin, calling on princes, feudal towns, civil and military officials, and local tycoons to organize volunteers to join the king of Qin.

  Qin Lang personally led the Luzon fleet into the mouth of the Yangtze River and landed in Yangzhou.

  Officials along the way responded one after another.

Qin Lang didn't delay at all, and didn't wait for the gathering of other people from all walks of life. He went straight along the canal without stopping. On the twenty-fifth day of the mutiny, that is, on February 15th, Qin Lang had already reached Luoyang under the city.

  When he left San Francisco, he only brought 8,000 people with him, but when he arrived at the city of Luoyang, he had 80,000 people by his side.

  Even when his blood shield and golden lion banner appeared under the city, most of the Beiya troops in charge of the outskirts of Luoyang greeted him directly, turned around and ran to meet the old grand master, and then took the lead as the vanguard.

  Qin Lang rode his horse to the next stop in Luoyang City. The left and right Jinwu Guards who were in charge of guarding the nine gates of the outer city of Luoyang actually had internal strife and fought each other.

   Without attacking the city, part of the Jinwu Guards and some rangers and righteous men in the city had already captured a city gate for them, and opened the gate to welcome them in.

  Qin Wangjun entered Luoyang and entered the Zihui Palace.

  Li Longji, who had been emperor for twenty-five days, set himself on fire at Xuanwu Gate....

On the same day, the old grand master Qin Lang invited Li He, the ninth son of the former prince Li Jun and the Qin princess concubine, from the prison, and supported the emperor's grandson who survived the disaster because he was only one year old. .

   Li He is the last surviving grandson of Emperor Li Hao, and Prince Li Yan was also killed after the previous mutiny.

  How ruthless Li Hao was when he cut down the feudal clan and cleared out those clans, how fierce their revenge on the emperor's family was after the mutiny.

   None of Li Hao’s princes survived, and among the nine sons of Prince Li Yan, only the youngest of the nine emperors, Li He, survived, but they were also imprisoned together afterwards, and they will surely die when they grow up.

  Qin Lang supported Li He as Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and changed his name to Li Yi.

  After more than 20 days, Luoyang City started a new round of cleansing again.

  During this **** purge, the former Zhongshuling Qin Xiaozhong, who had already retired from office, came out again to worship the Zhongshuling, and Qin Xia, the former Korean military governor, worshiped the Privy Envoy.

  Qin Lang's daughter, Empress Gaozong, Zhongzong's biological mother, and the queen of Xianzong's grandmother, Qin Roujia, was also in her seventies at this time.

  Li Haojia's temple name was Xianzong, and his posthumous title was Emperor Zhangwuxiao, the Holy God.

  The emperor's father, Prince Li Yan, was posthumously presented as honoring the emperor, and reburied with the gift of the son of heaven.

  Although Li Longji died, the throne was still abolished, not even the throne of Linzi was retained, and he was directly abolished as a commoner, even his surname was changed to Mu, and he was directly expelled from the royal genealogy.

  Li changed to wood, which means childless. In fact, after Li Longji committed suicide, his descendants were quickly and completely killed, leaving no one left.

   Three months later.

  The situation in the court has been stabilized again.

  The eighth emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Yi, was just a one-year-old child who didn’t know anything yet. The Queen Qin Roujia, who was in her seventies, was Li Yi’s great-grandmother, his grandfather’s grandmother. More than forty years ago, Emperor Gaozong died of illness only one year after succeeding to the throne. At that time, Qin Roujiafang was in her twenties, and supported the three-year-old Emperor Zhongzong to succeed to the throne, and listened to the government behind the curtain.

In the blink of an eye, more than forty years have passed, and she has held the curtain for her son Zhongzong Li Ye for more than ten years, and his son has been in power for more than ten years, and then his son died in his thirties, and his grandson Li Hao, who was in his twenties, succeeded him and served as emperor for fifteen years. In the end, because of his insistence on cutting down the feudal clan, he ended up dying, leaving only the one-year-old grandson.

   Fortunately, there is still the Qin family to rely on.

  Back then, it was the elder brother Qin Jun and uncle Qin Li who were the leaders and assistants in the two houses, but now it is the nephew Qin Xiaozhong and the younger brother Qin Xia who are in charge of the two houses.

  After staying in Luoyang for a hundred days, Qin Lang refused the painstaking efforts of the daughter of the Queen of Heaven to keep her, but insisted on leaving Luoyang and returning to Luzon.

  Qin Lang took the lead to leave Luo, and also asked Qin Wang generals and officials from all over the place to take the volunteers to return after receiving the reward from the new emperor, without any further incidents.

  Xue Huaiyi didn't lie, he was indeed there when the brothers of the Wu family entered the palace and killed the king three years ago. Also because of the inability to protect the emperor at that time, Xue Huaiyi was demoted to Hezhong Town afterwards, and started again as an ordinary crossbowman.

For three years, he went from being an ordinary guard in the river to being promoted step by step to the Youyi Camp, and then to the Yabing, and then to the elite among the elite to board the camp first. When he entered the city of Hexina in the Hadarazhi Kingdom, he not only killed several captives, but also raped the king's queen.

  So he was demoted from deputy lieutenant to chief soldier, and he was promoted to chief of fire after he made great contributions to Hu Wencheng. If it wasn't because of the relationship with the Qin family, Xue Huaiyi died in the purge three years ago, so he wouldn't have had the opportunity to come to the Western Regions.

   And what he committed last time was enough to be dealt with by military law ten times.

The Hezhong feudal town is the strongest town among the 18 feudal towns in the world, and it is also the strongest town controlled by the Qin family. The current Jiedu envoy, Qin Jingsi, is the son of Qin Lang's brother, Qin Shandao, who once served as the Hezhong feudal governor. degree to make.

After all, Xue Huaiyi is the adoptive son of Xue Shao, the elder of the Lusong Pavilion, and he was the person who stayed with Qin Zhao, the eldest son of Lusong, for more than ten years. He was awarded the title of vassal knight by Qin Zhao himself, and Hezhong Town must protect him. of.

   "I was there at the time, and three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and I still often dream about the scene at that time." Xue Huaiyi sighed.

   "Fortunately, there is a grand master in the Tang Dynasty and the Qin family, otherwise the world would have been in chaos!" Xue Huaiyi sighed.

  The warriors who entered the camp first with the tooth soldiers in the river also felt proud when they looked at the city of King Gubin who had already surrendered at their feet.

  The Qin family is the strongest guardian of the Tang Dynasty, and they, the Hezhong tooth soldiers under the command of the Qin family, are naturally the sharpest swords that protect the Tang Dynasty.

  The emperor of Luoyang, the tooth soldier in the river.

In the past two years, the barbarians of the Tiaozhi Duhu Mansion and Xindu Duhu Mansion dared to be disobedient, and they immediately exterminated them fiercely. , The city lords cut off their heads, sent them back to Luoyang, and dedicated them to His Majesty.

  With the capture of the Huwen City at the foot, from Tocharo to Tiaozhi to Xindu, there is no longer a rebel flag against the Tang Dynasty.

   Several people rode fast horses from the camp of the Chinese army outside the city. They announced a bad news to the warriors who had just captured the capital of Kubin.

  The patriarch of the Seven Dynasties of the Tang Dynasty, Qin Lang, the grand master of the six emperors and the five emperors, passed away after his centenary birthday in San Francisco.

  The Luoyang imperial court issued an edict to hold a national funeral for Grand Master Qin Lang, and to bury Qin Lang with the ceremony of the Son of Heaven...

   Xue Huaiyi was stunned.

  The nearby Hezhong Yajun warriors who first boarded the camp were also stunned. For these sturdy fighters, most of them were in their 30s and 40s, they had grown up listening to the stories of the Grand Master Qin Lang.

  Qin Lang is a legend, an eternal legend.

During the chaos three years ago, Qin Taishi raised his arms and shouted, and all the places in the world responded to King Qin. Qin Taishi went all the way north, and no one stopped him along the way. Wherever he passed, there were only greetings and rewards. forage.

  When Qin Lang appeared under Luoyang City, the soldiers in Luoyang City had internal strife. Many people anyway saved Luoyang from a big battle.

   Afterwards, under the leadership of Qin Lang, the court also quickly ended the turmoil and quickly returned to calm.

  Grand Master Qin has the merits of rebuilding the Great Tang Dynasty, turning the tide again and again, but every time, he retires after success, without nostalgia, let alone any strange ambitions.

   Such a legend.

   The curtain came to an end.

   Everyone is unwilling to believe such news.

   It can be seen that in the distance in front of the Chinese Army Commander’s Camp, the big banner has been taken down and replaced with a white mourning flag to mourn for the Taishi, and everyone is forced to accept this fact.

Xue Huaiyi's eyes suddenly filled with tears, his heart was blocked badly, and his nose was sore. He, Feng Xiaobao, was adopted by the old Xijun to survive, and even after the old Xijun died, he got the appreciation of Xue Chongjian and Qin Zhao to become a man step by step. surrender.

Although he was later demoted to the Western Army, and even committed a crime because he didn't control himself for a while, he was demoted again, but in his heart, he had long regarded himself as a member of the Qin family. For the knight, he has never been to Luzon, but Luzon has a knight fief manor for him, and he has a steady stream of income.

   More importantly, in Hezhong Town, he was also highly valued and used because of his status as the Qin family.

  He had no direct contact with Qin Lang, but like everyone else, he grew up listening to the legendary stories of this grand master.

   Captain Wen Jinzhong also had wet eyes, and came over and patted him on the shoulder, "The Grand Master passed away at a hundred years old, this is a consummation, and he has ascended to become a saint."

  Xue Huaiyi raised his head, his eyes were red, "Lieutenant Wen, I want to ask for leave to go back to Luzon to attend the grand master's funeral and see him off for the last time!"

"Okay, I'll ask you for instructions from above. I guess we Shuai Qin will definitely go to Luzon, and see if we can let you go with us. If we go back to Luzon, remember to kowtow three times to the old master for me. .”

  Other warriors also asked Xue Huaiyi to kowtow for them.

   Xue Huaiyi nodded in silence.

  Jiedu envoy Qin Jingsi's messengers spread the news of the death throughout Huwen City, and the joy of victory that had just defeated the enemy king and beheaded the enemy king was quickly replaced by this sad news.

  The three armies cried bitterly, and everyone mourned!

  White flags were hoisted one after another, and the soldiers of Hezhong Town, who were far away on the battlefield of Tiaozhifu in the Western Regions, bid farewell to the former Grand Master Qin Lang towards the southeast with grief.

   (End of the book!)

  (end of this chapter)