MTL - Chastity Layman-Chapter 1446 Dongsheng Hong Kong

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  Chapter 1446 Dongsheng Hong Kong

  The blue sea.

  Boundless white sandy beach.

  The sea breeze is blowing, and the coconut trees stand beautifully.

  The thatched houses are like mushrooms growing by the sea, with coconut trees as the frame, thatch as the roof, wooden ladders, fishing nets on the fence outside the house, and fishing baskets hanging on the beams inside the house.

   "Welcome Your Highness."

  A group of shirtless and dark men stood on the beach to welcome Qin Lang and Qin Jun and his party. If they hadn't spoken official words, it would be hard to tell whether they were aborigines or Tang people.

  A middle-aged man pointed to a large thatched cottage and told Qin Jun that this was his Dongsheng Palace.

  Qin Jun looked at the low house, which was just a bigger thatched hut, and was absent-minded for a moment.

   But the man told Qin Lang and them that in order to welcome the king's arrival, they specially recruited a lot of people and spent a lot of time to build this thousand-foot house.

  A large thatched house with a thousand pillars.

This kind of house construction method is actually a common house-building style on many coastal islands in Southeast Asia. It does not need to dig foundations, but directly digs holes and piles on the ground, lays down wooden piles, and then hangs them a certain distance from the ground, and directly lays wooden floors. Then the beams and columns can be used to build the frame, and the roof can be covered with grass.

  The four walls can be woven directly from branches, planks can also be used, or wooden branches can be mixed with mud to form a mud wall.

  The higher the status, or even the wealthier the people, the more piles their houses will have. The so-called thousand-foot house is equivalent to a palace.

  Qin Jun raised his head and looked around.

On this seaside, many of these thatched houses are quite neatly planned. Even if you look closely, you can find that there is a fence surrounded by coconut trees around these thatched houses, and there are even some lookouts. The sentry tower can also serve as a defensive arrow tower.

   "Dalang, this is your kingdom, your royal city."

   "Ah, this is Honolulu City, yes, this is Honolulu City, referred to as Hong Kong."

  Qin Lang has been here several times. It is located in the northwest corner of New Guinea Island, because the island is so big that it is as big as Luzon.

  After Qin Jun entered the dynasty, Qin Lang helped him develop his business, starting from the two peninsulas in the northwest closest to the Spice Islands. The first landing base was the Honolulu city in front of him.

  The reason for this name is because there is a special product on the island of New Guinea, sandalwood, which belongs to the Papuan sandalwood in the sandalwood. The quality is a little worse than other sandalwood, but it is sandalwood after all.

  Sandalwood is known as a cash cow and a money tree, and its economic value is very precious, so when Qin Lang ran the place for his son, he first chose sandalwood as his first property.

  Because it has never been mined, the resources of sandalwood trees here are very good. There are many sandalwood trees that are hundreds of years old or even hundreds of years old.

  The cut sandalwood trees are transported to the harbor of this peninsula through the river. After preliminary processing, they can be sold to spice merchants and shipped back to Luzon for further processing.

  Later, based on the abundant whale resources here, Qin Lang opened up Dongsheng Prefecture's secondary industry, whaling and whale oil processing.

The demand for whale oil is increasing day by day. The whale oil industry is also a sunrise industry with huge profits. Luzon itself has very good industrial technology and scale. It is very convenient to send people here to build a new whaling and whale oil processing base. of.

The two industries of sandalwood logging and whale hunting and processing brought a lot of industrial workers, and the bases became more and more prosperous, and merchant ships began to come to trade, and planting manors and rice plantations began to be established near the port one after another. to ensure food self-sufficiency.

   Since then, the planting of pepper and other spices, sugarcane planting, cotton planting and other agricultural planting industries have been gradually increased, and even tea and coffee beans have been planted.

  Later, gold mines and iron mines were discovered, which increased the mining and primary processing of gold, iron, and coal mines.

  Although most of the industries are based on resource mining, after all, such a remote place can only develop if there are more people.

  Up to now, the population of Honolulu Port has finally exceeded 10,000, which is very remarkable. After all, it is thousands of miles away from Guangzhou and more than six thousand miles away from San Francisco Port.

  If Luzon hadn't developed the Spice Islands, this deep sea far away from the route might take another thousand years to become lively.

"Dongshengzhou has pretty good resources, not only rich and excellent timber resources, but also good mineral resources. Now there are many gold, copper, iron, coal and other mines that have been discovered, and there are many of them It is a mine that is relatively easy to mine, and gold sand was even found in several streams and rivers. After the news was released, many gold diggers were attracted."

   "Even the agricultural planting conditions here are good. Now not only can it supply several strongholds in Dongsheng Prefecture to be self-sufficient, even the food needs of the Spice Islands in the west are basically supplied here."

  The Spice Islands are now strictly controlled by Luzon, and most of the natives of the islands were conquered and became tenants in the spice plantations.

  The Spice Islands are relatively small, and the geographical conditions are average. The Qin family basically used the land and manpower to grow spices, and did not grow food. All food was shipped from outside.

  Doing this is also to strengthen a kind of control over the natives.

   But it also gives the neighboring Dongsheng Prefecture a good opportunity to allow their agricultural and food cultivation to have additional export opportunities in addition to self-sufficiency.

"Currently, Dongsheng Prefecture only has a total of more than a dozen strongholds on the two most northwest peninsulas and the four large islands in the archipelago with more than a thousand islands in the west of the peninsula. The largest stronghold is the city of Honolulu. , the manors and workshops in and outside the city have just exceeded 10,000 people."

   "However, the population of other strongholds is not large, and most of them have a population of less than a thousand."

  The economy of Dongsheng Prefecture is mainly based on resource mining and agricultural planting. It has almost no manual manufacturing and processing industry. It just provides some rough raw materials, even minerals, and provides primary mineral materials.

  Mainly rely on Luzon, which is a very close cooperative supply and demand relationship.

  The handmade goods that Dongsheng needs, even oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, wine, sugar, needlework, clothes, shoes and hats, pots, pans, swords and arrows, etc., all come from Luzon merchant ships.

  Even the currency used by Dongsheng here is also from Luzon, and even the Bank of Luzon has just opened a branch here to operate storage, exchange, and even lending, mortgage and other businesses.

   "Dongsheng's prospect is still good." Qin Lang patted his son's shoulder, "Are you a little disappointed?"

  Qin Jun chuckled.

   "It's better than I expected," Qin Jun said truthfully, "It's really surprising that Honolulu has this scale, and it's also very good."

  Although compared with the prosperous and prosperous New San Francisco Port in Luzon, this Hong Kong does feel like a big village, with more than 10,000 people scattered, but there are tens of thousands of people after all.

Moreover, there are already several good industries, all of which continue to produce good income. With the help of his father, Dongsheng has already established more than a dozen strongholds, with more than 20,000 people, and can still generate good income every year. Income, not only does not lose money, but also produces output, which is so rare, especially the income is not low.

  Dongsheng Prefecture is so big that not even a corner has been developed yet, but it also shows that it has huge potential.

"This is a tropical rainforest climate. There is basically no real dry season throughout the year. Especially after the Dragon Boat Festival, the rainfall is the heaviest. Even in the first month, there is a lot of rainfall here. These are mainly caused by the monsoon. , but the temperature here is stable, there is almost no difference between the hottest time and the coldest time, so in fact, it looks the same all year round, almost four seasons are the rainy season, and every day is summer.

  However, compared to Luzon, it is cooler here, which is about the same as in early summer. Except for too much rain, it is actually quite good here. "

  Qin Jun grinned, "I think I will adapt here soon."

   "After staying in the Western Region River for more than ten years, I finally got used to the deep inland climate there. Now that I'm here in the southern part of the ocean, I guess it will take a while to get used to it." Qin Lang said.

  He pointed to a seaside, "There is a shipyard under construction. The first batch of shipbuilding craftsmen have arrived, and more shipbuilding craftsmen, apprentices, and workers will continue to be recruited."

  This shipyard will mainly manufacture some small sailboats and even paddle boats that sail near the coast and inland rivers, and provide ship repair services to meet Dongshengzhou's own needs.

  Qin Jun knew that islands like Dongsheng couldn’t do without boats. It would be very good if Dongsheng could have its own shipyard, even if it only built some small offshore sailboats and inland river paddle boats.

  Qin Lang pointed to Haixi again.

   "There is the Xiangshan Islands. There are more than a thousand islands in different sizes, and there are four large islands. Currently, there are only bases established on those four islands."

   "Grandpa can actually bring this archipelago under the jurisdiction of the Spice Islands."

   "Dongshengzhou is like a big turtle stretching its head, swaying its tail and paddling its limbs, the two peninsulas in the northwest are like its head with its mouth open, and the four northwest islands are like its wide-eyed eyes.

  The port of Honolulu looks like a big nostril.

  The deep Nanping Bay between the two peninsulas is like its wide mouth. "

The Spice Islands formed by the northern and southern Maluku itself has many islands, so Qin Lang didn’t need to take away the big islands at the gate of Dongsheng Prefecture. Since the big islands are left behind, the surrounding small islands will There is no need to row away.

   "This is your foundation, let's develop it well."

  First develop the head of the dragon turtle in the north next to the Spice Islands. In the future, it can be developed on the great plains along the southeast coast, but this head and the islands are enough for Qin Jun to manage for several generations.

  Qin Lang’s suggestion to his son is to concentrate on operating Honolulu Port first, use the high-quality timber, minerals and even fishery resources at this time, and use this wave of gold rush to attract a group of gold diggers.

  I think that at the beginning of Luzon’s operation, it was the first shot that was launched under the name of Treasure Island in the South China Sea.

As long as someone comes, everything can be improved slowly. There is no need to worry about the lack of categories in various industries. With the development, they can always be filled slowly. Even with the backing of Luzon, there is no need to be greedy for everything. Everything wants to learn from Lu Song to develop by itself, after all, Dongsheng does not have such a strong foundation.

   It is absolutely possible to develop a few industries with advantages first, and create a few leading industries to become the engine of Dongsheng Country in the future.

   On the other hand, Luzon and Dongsheng complement each other. Dongsheng provides high-quality resources and raw materials, while Luzon provides Dongsheng with high-quality and cheap handmade products.

   "Well, this will be the place I will fight for the rest of my life." Qin Jun looked at the simple thousand-foot palace, and invited his father and a group of veterans from Luzon to "enter the palace".

  The current Dongsheng Kingdom, to be honest, is not as rich as the fiefdoms of many high-ranking nobles in Luzon, and the thousand-foot house cannot be compared with their knight castles and manors.

   But what Qin Lang said is good, Dongsheng has huge potential, which is unmatched by the Qin family vassals, knights and nobles in Luzon.

  The hundred-year-old Ah Huang showed his golden teeth, and asked Qin Jun if he thought about how to develop the Dongsheng Kingdom in the future?

"If you don't think about it, I have a suggestion. This Dongsheng Island is like a giant deep-sea turtle in the South Seas. Although it is primitive and backward, there are many aborigines, but they are more primitive and backward than the aborigines in Luzon," Lao Huang hehe He said, "You are also famous in the Western Regions, so you take people to search and sweep up those natives in the rainforest, and capture them for you to cut Honolulu, dig gold and iron ore, and plant spices and sugar cane for you, which can greatly speed up the process of the East China Sea. Winning development speed."

   "Thank you, Mr. Huang." Qin Jun cupped his hands and thanked his father's most trusted old man.

  Old Huang laughed and said, "You will catch a lot then, sell some to me, Old Huang."

   "No problem." Qin Jun replied.

   "If you don't have enough manpower, I can ask some of my useless grandsons to bring slave ships and mercenaries to help. When the time comes, we'll just catch people and divide them together." Old Huang said.

  Qin Lang turned his head, smiled and said to the old Huang, "Ah Huang, you said you are a hundred years old, why are you still so rich."

"I am also helping others, mutual benefit, there are more natives in Dongsheng, and it is not a threat to Dalang, besides, I also intend to come here to mine, catch more natives, and then open a few more mines." A mine is good for Dalang and Dongsheng. When the ore is shipped back to the smelter in San Francisco, it will be a good thing for you, Saburo. Besides, our Huang family will open a mine in Dongsheng, and it will definitely be given to Dalang. Contracting fees and mining lessons, not to mention so many people who need to eat, drink and wear in Dongsheng mines, don’t they all have to purchase and consume in Honolulu Port.”

Over there, Wei Chang, who was a few years older than Lao Huang, also showed his full set of gold teeth that had been stripped long ago, "I think what Lao Huang said makes sense, this is a good thing for you, me, everyone, It needs support. My Wei family is also willing to send a slave-catching ship and a slave-catching team to capture the natives, and then apply to Dalang for contracting one or two mines."

  Cui Yixuan, who is more than one hundred years old, said that he likes the sandalwood here, and he plans to come here to invest in the construction of a sandalwood factory to cut and process sandalwood.

  Other group of old guys also expressed their opinions one after another, saying that they would come to participate in slave hunting or mining or building workshops.

"Qin Jun is here to thank all the elders for their strong support, and also solemnly promises that as long as everyone is willing to invest, Dongsheng will definitely give the highest discount, and will fully protect your investment here, and will never let everyone suffer." Qin Jun Thank you, I know that in fact everyone is looking at Qin Lang's face, and they have to sell his face to invest money here, otherwise it is not an opportunity, why bother to come here.

"Hahaha, this shows that everyone values ​​the potential of this place very much, so I, as a father, can't be left behind. I plan to invest money in you to build a new smelter, and use the gold, copper, iron and other ores mined here Screening and smelting."

   "This is a big project, much stronger than your shipyard, and I, Lao Huang, have to get a share."

   "My old Wei also got a share."

   "I also have a share!"


  (end of this chapter)